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March 03, 1923 - Image 1

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Sir i rnn



VOL. XXXIII. No. 110






"JiLi tirua... v. . _.. ,, _ _..

Mimes Theatre has adopted new
policies which will be followed in fu-
T ure presentations. The changes were
M D S MBL made to increase interest in their
One of the changes to be made con-f
sists inpresenting some of the best,
modern, short plays at each perfor-,
RIGID CMR1RCLUM DECLARED mance. Performances will be givenJ
GREAT FAULT; 'ADVISE 31ORE in the middle of the week, instead of
CHEMISTRY on week-ends as has been the policyl
heretofore. New scenery will be pre-E
GUESTS ENTERTAINED pared for each play, and an orches-
BY STUDENT PROGRAM tra will be provided for each perfor-
mance. A new scale of prices, whicl'

I 's Ir ?'1 4 0 "

" s " r " r.. r "r r . . . : r:

has been set at 50 cents, will alsc
Amendments Proposed Yesterday Will prevail.
Come 'Before Business Session The first program to be offered
This Afternoon subject to the above changes, will be
at 8:15 o'clock Wednesday and Thurs-
Declaring that the rigidity of the day nights. At that time two one-
medical curriculum is its greatest act plays and three acts of vaudeville
fault and that this has resulted in a will be. presented. "Release", one of
"fixed schedule in which practically the Vagabond plays by Edward Smith
every hour of the day, to say nothing will be played by a cast composed of
of the night, is occupied by assigned Charles Livingstone, '25, Ed. ParnellI
supervised work throughout the four '25M, Robert Dftvis, '23E, Howard
years," the committee on curriculum, Stimpson, '24, and Crosby Reese, '25.
headed by Dean Hugh Cabot, present-; A play of Stanley Houghton, thril
ed its annual report to the Association author of "Hindel Wakes", one of the
of American ?1edical colleges yes- recent New York successes, is the
terday. second play on the program. This
Would Allow More Electives i play, "Fancy Free", has as its cast
To correct this situation in which Milton Peterson, '25, Donald E. L
the report states "the number of Snyder, '25, William Etheridge, 25.,
hours of teaching has become a fetish and Jack Hasburger, '25M.
worshipped as such," the committee Mimes Theatre is making arrange-
recommended a 'maller amount of as- ments to 'bringthe Ypsilanti Players
signed hours of teaching for medical to Ann Arbor the latter part of this
students. This would allow more month ,at which time they will pre-
time for general outside reading and sent three of their recent successes.
6ther work of an un-medical charac-
ter and provide for the allowance of I
electives up to 25 per cent of the to-
tal work iin the department. It alsqI DE T
advised placing at the disposal of the
stundent optional courses which would;
not, however, be counted in the hourss DEFENDS SOVIETR6IME
required for a degree.
Dean Theodore Hough, of the Uni- "Labor and Politics" was the topc
versity of Virginia, proposed a change of an address before the Liberal club
in the requirements of the association delivered by Dennis Batt, editor of the
whereby eight semester-hours of or- Detroit Labor News.
ganic chemistry were to be demand- Mr. Batt is an exponent of the ad-
ed for adnission by member col- vanced section of the labor party, and
leges. This praposal aroused much advocates strongly the consolidation
opposition, as it was felt that this of a political party for the laborers of
would require an increase of the pre- the nation in order to further their
medical work from two to three years. own interests. He said his six months
In the discussion which followed the residence in Russia last year served
speakers who took the floor were al- to convince him that the Russian pro-
most unanimous in declaring that the gram of government is a gocd and
present requirements of four semes- practical one.
ter-hours were sufficient, and that' if The next meeting of the Liberal clubI
more pre-medical work were to be in- wvill be held on March 15, when taiilo
silted upon, it should take the na- I Bruno, poet, artist and lecturer, will
ttire of cultural subjects. As one of speak on "Greenwich Village in the
the delegates said, the aim should be Air."
to "make the student a man before aj
Against Lengthening Course I
Augustus S. Dowding, assistant
commissioner . education in the s.
state of New York, declared in an ad-R
dress to the convention that the med-
ical curriculum should not be increas-
ed by.an additional year of academ- Lansing, March 2-(By A.P., -Joint
ic' work. He stated that if more work control of the Michigan PsychopathicI
were found necessary this should be hospital, conducted in connection with
aecomplished by increasing the length the University of Michigan hospitalj
of the school year from 34 to 36 or at Ann Arbor, would be vested in the
nore weeks per year, and also by state hospital commission and the re-'
increasing the number of hours of gents -of the University if a bill intro-
'work in the pre-medical courses. duced in the senate here Thursday
Amendments to the rules which afternoon passes both branches of
were proposed yesterday will come the legislature and is approved by thef
before the business session today, an' governor.
if adopted will be made a part of the At present supervision of the hos-
requirements of the various member pital is vested in a board of controlI
colleges. The round table, conference comprising four Uniyerstiy regents
Will be held this morning with a dis- and four board members appointed by
cussion of the problems which have the governor.


AI NFATHEISCARCE iI ICensorship is about to -invade
I C;RA)k DF AlZHENS l I I 111 1our fair city! Gerald Hoag,
IN IMlMANCE DEPARTMENT 1IIQ ULIjmanager of the Majestic theater,
a arshas recently intimated that in
Of the 50. odd teachers of Ro- 1 Students, Faculty, ;Alwmni and Local the future all pictures presented
mance languages in the various j Attorneys All Ask'ed to Legal at his theatre will be placed on
departments of the University,(Get-Together probation for a period of one
ProfA G. Canfield of the day and that all scenes calling
French department, has the un- Cfrhfo h aeatnac
Fuedi stincatoeng ths n- PLAN TO ESTABLISH AFFAIR forth fromthe ale attendanc
que gradistinct Ao nhemn- AS YEARLY SCHOOL TRADITION 11such exclamations as "Ai",
ly grandfather. AnnouncementI . I Oh", or other remarks will be
has recently been made of the censored and cut out before the
birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Students, faculty members, and next performance.
H. H. Upton, of this city. Mrs. graduates of the Law school will This action is taken, he says,
Upton is Professor Canfield's unite in a banquet next Wednesday following complaints from sor-
T d augter, t ynight at the Union at what is plan- ority houses and townspeople.
I The~ name of the youthful pro-1
fessor is Arthur Canfield Upton. I ned to be an annual affair and get -
The parents are living with11 together for that college. His Ex -
Prof. Canfield and Mrs. Canfield 11cellency, Mirza Hussein Kan Alai
at present. Persian minister to the United States
I _ _i__will be the main speaker and guestI
of the occasion. .
The committee in charge of the af- BA Q ETISITORS
fair is urging, every law student on;
the campus out for the bapquet which
it is hoped will become an annual tri- Delegates to Religious Convention1
dition. The plan is to hold this an - Entertained by Individual
quet every year . around March 4 Denomiuations E
Ighich is the date whenthe.Consi-
- tution of the United States went in
Comncil to Hold Open )Jeeting to to effect.,DISOUSSION GROUPS FORMED
Discuss Gaines and Cap Until recent years the Washnigtn YESTERDAY; TO EET AGAIN
Unti recnt yarn he W~lin9to

t i
r }III
I I$
fi i



1ight Program birthday celebration was a :purelyI
----~~ law school affair, but it has now be- Discussion groups with students and
ASSURE "FAIR PLAY" A ND came a holiday for the entire Univer- faculty members and banquets given
EQUALITY TO BOTH CLASSES sity. In order to. keep the tradition for the delegates by the local church-
as far as possible of having a yearly ,,
asonSpringw all-law gathering the committee has es made up the second day of the I
we'edscussethenco png wxeeting planned the banquet .Inational convention of religious see-'
Tickets for the affair are now on retarles which went into session
of the Student council committee yes- sale at $1.25 apiece ,nd may .be
terday afternoon and no conflicts of bought from any of the following men ay night. Student problems in
the many events planned were found in the comniittee: M. R. Norcop, '23L. religion and the specialized forms of
in the proposed program. All stu- chairman, R. L Stuart, '23L, beWis R. religions work is now the main work'
dents were invited to attend this Williams, '23L, Ronald M. Ryan, '24L, of the'convention.
'meeting to give suggestions for this i Francisco Penbefthy, '24L, Arthur En
gala week of events but as ngstudents Pierpont, '25L, and Charles 0. Kreis isuss Church In Modern Day
availed themselves of the opportunity '25L. Local' attorneys and alumni are The student groups formed yester-,
another meeting, also open to all 1 invited. The banquet will begin day afterioon in Lane hall and New-
those having any suggestions, will be promptly at 6 o'clock. bery hall were led by the delegates
held at 4 o'clock next Tuesday in room- -in discsson. these various phases
302 of'the Union. of religious .work. The main subject
At yesterday's meeting a discus- taken u s wa.s "The Church and Its
sion was held on the Spring gamiesWILT 'cask."The solace elf: the .modern l
and it was planned to introduce sev- ;hask" Th acr f teayodern
eral new and unique features in or- cUch i y ir of todyg a s;
der to make this annual affair mori TheA UI mdi CUmsedI by all of the gatherings.
attractive and more interesting to both ii The men met between 3 and 5 o'clock
participants and on-lookers. A ban- Public speaking studeft and oher sLane hall and the women at thil T
ner will be awarded to the winning same.hours in Dewberry hall. The
class, with a suitable inscription, to campus speakers are being urged to groups will again meet at the same~
be kept by the ,class in some arrang- attend the Student Christian associa- time this afternoon..
ed place as a trophy of the victory and tion extension banquet to be held next At 6 o'clock, last night banquets:
an impetus to other classes to put 'Tuesday night at the Methodist were given for the delegates at the
their best into wining the events church. The purpose of the banquetnfte as;itohalT
.is to get all the men wio are qaial- O'er ' 200 Pstudents and churchi
Fair play and equality to both to do speakin work thughot workers of the Presbyterian church!
classes will be assured by efficient the state to learn the details of the attended the banquet at their churchG
plans and the supervision of the coun- work. parlors to listen to a plea for young
ci and upper class men. A meeting Prof. William D. Henderson, direct- people tojoin in the settlement work
soon to make mreidenite lans foror of the University Extension de-j of 'Unitod States. Dr. George J.'
the order and carrying out of the partment, will be' the. main speaker Searles, superintendent of the Erie !
games. A new rope, to replace the j at this affair.. There will a a be!Chapel'institute in Chicago, spoke.
onebroken by e unerclase th' student speakers to outline the work
I kecurd-Lasj.hat the extension committees are Reques eers
spring, will be secured. doigBrief talks were given by Metho-
The committee on the Cal) night doing
Tickets for the banquet may.be pro- dist delegates to the Religious con-,
program is making plans to arrange$ etnathe!
thisraitisnal ecise aso tatral cured for 60 cents at Lane hall, Gra- vention at the banquet held at the
this traditional exercise so that all ham's and Wahr's bookstores, .,the Methodist church last night. A re-I
Spersons gathering in Sleepy Hollow University of Michigan League' booth, 'quest was made for men and women
speakers who are being obtained, in University hall, or from Hall De to enter the fields of foreign and
Weese, '25, chairman of the commit- home:missionary.
tee. Anyone may attend.. 'Members of the Lutheran denomi-
S O E O Ynation held their banquet in the Zion
Lutheran Parish hall. The banquet
was given under the auspices of the
Lutheran Students' club. The Rev.
FE LI lEDLNIu C P. Harry, pdelegate from the United
__ _ OL l1L TLLutheran church, spoke on the sub-

Above, Secretary Wallace, of the d-
p rthment of agriculture, and, be.
low, J. Ogden Armour. packer.
Secretary Wallace, of the United
States department of agriculture, has
served complaints on Armour and
company and Morris and coinpany of-
ficials ' charging them with violation
of the packers and stockyards act by
entering into their merge agreement.
The mergpr would effect a restraint of
trade, the complaint alleges.
(By Associated Press)
The House passed the Senate bill
to increase the scope of the federal
coal commission investigation.
The Senate adopted a resolution
providing for investigation of the vet-
erans bureau by a special commit-
tee after adjournment of congress.,
Representative Upshaw, democrat,
Georgia introduced a resolution to in-
crease the salaries of Senators and
representatives to $10,000.'
The successor to Charles B. War-
ren as ambassador to Japan has been.
chosen by President Harding it was
said at the White House but his iden-
tity was not revealed.
The House passed the bill author-
izing the expenditure of ten million a
year for six years for Mississippi riv-
er flood control.
The Ford motor company was
granted authority by the federal pow-

Absence of Haggerty and lirks Makes
Michigan Victory in Tilt Appear
Michigan's sorely crippled basket-
ball team 'will face the fast Confer-
ence leading, Iowa quintet at 7:30
o'clock tonight in Waterman gymna-
sium in the last game of the season
for the Varsity and the next to the
last for the Hawkeyes.
Michigan in Poor Condition
With Iowa leading the Big Ten race,
having 10 victories and no defeats to
her credit, and Coach Mather's men
badly off color because of illness of
several members of the squad, the
chances of a Wolverine victory do not
appear overly bright. The Farmers
have, with the exception of one igame,
had little difficulty in easily winning
all of their contests this season and
arrived in Ann Arbor last night de-
termined to keep their slate clean for
the remainder of the year.
Much depends for the Farmer team
on the game tonight. A defeat for the
Hawkeyes would put them into a tie
with Wisconsin for the Conference,
leadership. Wisconsin has lost only
one game and a loss for Iowa tonight
would give the Badgers a chance of
tieing for the Big Ten flag. Iowa has
only one against Indiana to play aft-
er tonight's fracas which should of-
fer them little trouble so that by win-
, ning from the Wolverines they can
practically cinch the title undisputed.
Michigan, on the other hand, is an-
xious to take over the. Iowans into
such a tie and while they cannot
change their standing in the Confer-
ence by another victory they want to
"sea the Farmers forced to share the
title with a team .which hoid's two
Michigan victories to its credit.
The Hawkeyes appear to be in good
shape physically. The men have been
playing at a high rate of speed
throughout the season and Coach
Levis will probably start the same
five men tonight that he has been
using to such good advantage the past
few games. At one guard will be
Captain Hicks, who is one of the best
defense men in Big Ten circles and
who has been responsible to a high
degree for the low scores made by
Iowa's opponents this year.
Funk Leads Conference
Funk, his running mate at the other
guard, is the leading scorer of the
Conference and one of the fastest
men ever seen on the basketball court.
At one forward will be Janse and at
the other Laude, the two giving Iowa
a fast offense. Both men rank near
the top in field goals and with Bur-
gitt at the jump-off position the
Iowans have a nicely functioning
(Continued on Page One)

Misen in the teaching of medicine, af- Senator Andrew B. Glaspie intro- Sophomore tryouts for the .rthern jeot, 'Contrbuton o the Lutheran
tet which the annual business meet- duced the measure Thursday by re- League oratorical contest will be held Church to Present Times".
f"g will be held, quest. As chairman of the upper at '4 o'clock Monday afternoon in room Six University Extension lectures . elegate Listed
house committee on state hospitals, 302, Mason hall. At this time ill sop were delivered by faculty members in Ddelegates Listed
~ L 22tY5 t whch te bll ws rferrd, ow-In all tere are 18 delegtes from
to which the bill was referred, how- homores on the campus who have the state yesterday.
Car pus Janitors ever, he declared that he was oppos- writen orations will be given a chance Prof. Louis A. Strauss, of the Eng- ntion cuh boa h for te
O neerovwlebl'oef o t e: c o venntionch rcm a y df % h e o r hav e ! e
' edt t asg..to deliver them.Yo4
W B Exposed e to ns passage. tO er h lish department, gave the sixth of a active in etudent reigious activities
~~ number and will be allowed to enter series of eight lectures on "Browning" for years. They are being entertain-
Thehiside story of the campusT the final contest March 23 in Ann Ar- before the Women's club of Lansing. ed by the various houses on the cam-
janitor business with Prof .. Louis A. UbU 'or. Prof. Marcel Clavel, of the department pus while they are in Ann Arbor. The
Straus, of the English department, as -- From the two juniors and two sen- of Roma'nce languages, in speaking be- convention will close tomorrow night.
head janitor, Prof. Ulrich B. Phillips, Gives Program Before Shriners With Iors who have already been picked and fore L' Alliance Francais at Grand The complete list of delegates is as'
of the history 'department, as Big Burton Hyde, 2 ' this one sophomore one will be chosen Rapids, gave the fourth of a set of five I follows: Baptist representatives, Rev.
Smoke, and Kemp Keena, of the ex- !to attend the Northern League orator- lectures about "Bazin et Barres." Prof. George R. Baker, Miss Frances P.
tension department, as campus po- ; Michigan's Varsity band played last ical contest as a representative of the Bruce M. Donaldson, of the fine arts Greenough; Congregational, Dr.
liceman, will ,be revealed at 8 o'clock night before the Shadukiam Grotto 'University. The contest will be held I department, addressed the Parent- Frank M. Sheldon, Miss Mary D.E
Monday evening in Hill auditorium at F. and A.M., at Orchestra Hall, De- in May at the University of Minnesota, Teachers' association at Mendon in an Uline; Disciple. Dr. Joseph C. Todd;c
the Faculty-Student vaudeville show troit. -Burton Hyde,'25M, aided in the Minneapolis. illustrated lecture on "The AppreCia- j Episeopal, Miss Agnes M. Hall; Lu-t
to, be given ,nder the joint auspices program with some narimbaphone -h- Wmion of Pictures. , theran, Rev. Carl P. Harry, Miss Ma-
If the h a u"mculty Women's club and the selections. he We n h of an Side thilde Peper; Methodist, Rev. Evans
Y. W. C. A.. Michigan's share of the program in- L IlI of George Washington" given by Or- A. Worthley. Mr. James V. Thomp-
This startling revelation, with eluded seven numbers by the ban lando W. Stephenson, of -the' history son; Dr. Warren F. Sheldon. Rev. C.
practical aspects of the business pro- and a few by Hyde. The band play- ----oi Oedearm .Mrv gv .Gn, r yeC
grambyEGBurrows of the rhet sI ' second lecture 'at 'Mt. Pleasabt about Miss Mriel Day; Presbyterian, Dr. M.r
grand ..li department will Victors, Elbel; Overture--On the hers March 7 :j"Public Health as - a Personal Prob-:I Willard Lampe, Rev. William J. Du-
oeadjunls deametwilNeva, Canivey; Russian Rag, Rach-ev fRfre1Lws
onit nur se Uiesity cu' c n hCnvy usinRg ahem." Later in' the dlay the same lee- IBourdieu and Mfss Margaret E.
ontitute the University club scon- maninoff; Passing Fancies; Frat de Players' club will present two plays ture was repeated and given before Lewis.
tributionr to the sho." The Scan-' Cavalerie, Lubistein;' Marche des at 8 o'clock Wednesday, March 7, at the Wonien's club at Shephard.
d Flambeaux; Manana-Chilian Dance, Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
Chorus" from "Larry and Leander" Missud.Eugene Pillot's "Two Crooks anda
and a minstrel number will be offer- Lady," under 'the direction of Con - sn
ed by the faculty musicians. ALPHA N U DEBATES Istance wood. '23, will open the pro- W atch For It!
Among the other contributions to gram. The scene is laid in New YorkS nsh
the nine acts of vaudeville are acts ON CTeAenAi h with the attempted robberyt SeenuLat, Nigh-
bry Masques and. Mummers, CITY anddeal Should you wa-t it, we will en-
dr masoes ac of which of a famous necklace. Mrs. Vane'. able you to trade your 'watch
imake one appearance on the program. Alpha Nu, campus debating society Simms, a paralytic old lady is able to for it,' but if you have lost it, Nearly a hundred students were al-
he Grs Glpeae ub nty vroices, Idebated on the city manager plan o frustrate the plans of Miller and his 'watch for it' in the Lost Section lowed the privilege of the 12-inch tel-
The Girls Glee club of ninety voices,m. accomplice Lucile.
Burton Hyde, '25M, with his marin- municipal government last night i "Wurzel Flummery," an English of our Columns. An ad for TWO escope last night at the observator'!
baphone, a banjo quintette, a para- -University hall. The question, as stat-I '
e barerfomanceuinterprtve-e U was: "Reslve that heoniis- tcomedy by A. A. Milne, will complete TEN DOLLAR bills, lost in N. to see the partial eclipse of the moon.
le bar performance, interpretivethe program. The play was given in S. Aud., just brought hoe the The maximum phase of the shadow
dancing, and songs by Robert Dieter- smon forni of government, cluding artsa
~hmdrr n~private last year by the Comedy club baon-aohrprsnstsied cas by th nert as reached

. t

Northern Glacier

er comission to develop power at Although L. M. Gould, of the geol-
the government high dam between ogy department, made the statement
St. Paul and Minneapolis. before his quiz section yesterday that
Donald B. MacMillan was wrong in
President Harding nominated three his declaration that the northern gla-
Democrats, Senators Glass, Va., Rep- ! ciers are advancing, Mr. Gould re-
resentative Crips, Georgia, and for- fused to make any further statemenV
mer Representative Olney of Massa- yesterday afternoon.
chusetts to be members of the debt{ Professor William H. H'Iobbs, of the
commission. The Senate confirmed geology department, said that he con-
the selections. sidered Mr. MacMillan to be right,
at least for the immediate present.
President Harding signed the army "All glaciers oscillate," said Prof.
appropriation bill carrying $66,580,- 'Hobbs, "moving forWvard for. sonic
000 for river and Narbor project:; ; decades, and then retreating during
and the Porter resolution requesting the next few decades. The problem
negotiations of forcing governments of whether the glacier is really ad-
to curtail production of habit form- vancing or retreating rests on the
ing drugs. amopint of advance as compared with
t1Io iiIIIUUI ofk rntra'e , A' Vi3 lacI'UUI1I

Among the nominations contirmedt
by the Senate were those of Repre-
sentative Mondell, the republicanI
leader. to be a director of the war
finance 'corporation, Representative
Towner, Iowa, to be governor of Por
to Rico and Brig. Gen. Hines to be
veterans' bureau director.
The Senate foreign relations com-
mittee reaffirmed its decision not to
act on the proposal for American
members in the International Court
of Justice.

thze amount or retreat., iMy ciassroomx
example of this is that of a man who
takes one step forward and two steps
back. The man is really retreating,
despite the fact' that he did advance
at one time."
Professor Hobbs said that while
MacMillan is a good explorer, he is
not a scientist, and that he had prob-
ably failed to take this continuous os-
cillation intoconsideration when he
made the statement.

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