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March 02, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-02

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otet Reachles
i Fine Fettle



icaps of offensive of the Varsity which
has -been one of the strong points in
the Mather' game this season.
Captain Ely will be in his regular
position at center but will have a
worthy opponent in Burgitt. The bat-
t1e from the iumn-cafe tomorrow night

Coach Yost says "the greatest team iAll First Year MIen Eligible to Ilun
I ever had was the 1901 squad". This In This Afternoon's
was' the "Old Man's" first year atj Events
Michigan. It was this outfit that bears
the name of the famous "point a min FAIR TIMES EXPECTED FROM
ute machine". Former teams have! MANY OF HAAN'S1P'ROTEGES
rolled up greater totals of scores -


L I -1 1 V 1 1 1 fl* S t J l l I W 9 f l l Y ,W 1 1. . I
Coach Edwin J. Mather 'putj his slould be one of the keenest seen here
uad of Varsity basketball .men this year.
uh another easy practice session At the guards will be Paper and
throughht in Waterman gymnasium Cappon unless Mather makes a change
lad plans tW do the same again tonight in his defense before tomorrow. Both
ind oder that there will be no chance men are in fair condition and with
inorderht t h witlbenor cethe aid of Ely may be able to hold the
of the men going stale before !theIoastalwscetmrowngt
last and most important game remain- Iowans to a low score tomorrow night,
the schedule for the Wolverines but the Wolverine chances of a vic-
fa ea'tory do not appear overly bright.
Michigan will face Iowa in Water-
man gymnasium tomorrow night and
the Maize and Blue chances for a vic-
tory appear rather slender. Mather H i i TI LE
has several members of the team off
the squad because of illness while the L
Hawkeyes have been going like the I Nri T I ST
proverbial house-a-fire throughout the
season. Iowa already holds one vic-
tory over Michigan defeating the Maize Willie Ritola Sets New World Mark
and Blue by one,;point in a tilt at Iowa In Dowicing Famed I. A. C.
City in January
Hawk Slate Unmarred=
The Hawkeyes are leading the Con- JOIE LEFT FIVE YARDS TO
ference teams now with a string of 10 'AiN THREE MILE:RACE
victories in as many games and will
arrive here tonight determined to add New York, March 1.-Willie Ritola
another to their list when they face surprised the athletic world by set-,
the Wolverines tomorrow eviening. ting a new world's 3-mile indoor rec-
The Iowa quintet has had little trouble ord and made faster time than the
with any of the Big Ten teams with
the exception of Michigan and unless outdoor mark for the same distance,
it loses to the Wolverines should in beating Joie Ray, Chicago star, in
have no difficulty in ending the seas- a handicap run featuring the K. of C.
on with a .perfect percentage. games here last night.
Funk is the high point man of the Ritola ran the'distance in 14:15 4-5.
Conference at present, just nosing odt The best previous indoor time was
Ely and with two more games on the 14:18 1-5, made by Hannes Kohlmain-
Old Gold schedule should easily lead en and the outdoor mark was 14:17
the entire field in the number of points 3-5.
scored during the season. Funk is ono Ritola and Ray were the scratch
of the fastest men in the Conference men and were given some hot compe-
and Cappon and Paper will have their tition by-the runners who were ac-
hands full keeping him away from the corded yardage on them. Ray led.
basket consistently. most pf the way until the final
Burgitt a Star eighth. The Finn always was close
Bu.rgitt is another man who will on his heels and at the eighth mask
give considerable trouble to the Wol- Willie started his sprint and soon
verines. He is tall, fast and rangy headed Ray, who tried in vain to out-
and has been a source of worry to all sprint him to the tape only to lose
opposition this year. Hicks, who holds by five yards in one of the most thrill-
down one of the defense jobs, was one ing races ever staged in New York.
of the main reasons for the defeat of New York March 1.-Willie Ritola,
the Varsity at Iowa City earlier in the work, Mahl e Utol y
season. Stockily bulleheas a knack who startled the' athletic world by
ofeenthekbybuilt, hhaswadsfr establishing a new world's record o'
of keeping the best of forwards from 14:15 4-5 for three miles in beatinf
getting open shots and rates with the Joie Flay by two feet last 'night, is
best of them at breaking up the pass- to be called up before the local A.
ig othopponents. tobcaldubereheoalA
n the.thernnds..-isstillA:. U. registration committee today to
On the other hand theher is still answer charges of an unkown char-
crippled by the loss of his regulars acter. Another athlete summoned fo
from the first string lineup. It is ex- a hearing at the same time is Bob
tremely improbable that Haggerty or McAllister, national champion at 100
Birks will get into the game against yards and known as "The Flying
Iowa. Haggerty is still too weak Cop".
from his recent illness to give any Local of icials would make no state-
aid to the Wolverine offensive and ment concerning the cases. It is re-
lMather is loath to send him in to the ported, however, that Ritola and Mc-
fray in his condition for fear of anoth- Allister are to be asked to explain
er setback physically.' Birks also is their failure to a'rpea on time 'for
under the weather from a touch of the events they entere I in the New York
flu and while it is possible that he may A. C. games some night ago.
get into the game late in the second
period it is doubtful if Mather will use Tapestries and Silks Exhibited
him at all. Silks and tapestries of many periods
Varsity Unfit in the world's history are on display
With these two men out of the game in the hall cases of the architectural:
the Varsity mentor will be. forced to corridor in the Engineering building.
use Rice at one forward in place. of They have been loaned to the architec-
Birks and Kipke at the other as Hag- tural college by Cheney Brothers, silk
gerty's substitute. This greatly hand- manufacturers of New York City.


than it did biut thiey have never equalj. itanocebedrhofxp-
.led their record of not being scored ienceh material, Coach Hahn has his
uponeral duranghteaentiraseason
upon during the entire season. yearling tracksters on edge for- the
freshman track trials which will be
Michgan's first Varsity baseball hield at 3 o'clock today at Waterman
team took to the field in 1866. Three gyma s ocmthnt e sr ean
gymnasium, this being the first real
games were played that year, two test for the Hahn proteges.j
with Ann Arbor high school and one All first year men on the campus
with Jackson high school. Michigan are eligible for these trials, and Coach
won all three with a total of 107 as lIahn encourages all men who pos-
oposed to tr7points. Unbelievable sess any inclination towards track to
scores, yet true. I compete today. -- -
In 1874 Michigan played the Kala- According to Coach Hahn this year's
i freshman squad does not quite con-
mazoo Unas in baseball. The score pare with his last season's team,
was 5-2, Michigan. I which boasted of such -stars as Hub-
bard, Whitman, Reinke and. Proesser,
lM o Takes First but Archie expects some of then green
.r Trr g + hones to perform creditably in the
In Foul Shooting trials.
There will be no meets held with
other college freshman teams during
R. H. Moore, '23, captured the all- the indoor season, but Archie is aon-
campus foul shoting championship templating arranging two or three tel-
Wednesday evening by shooting a to-.I egraphic events for the latter part of
tal of 76 baskets in 100 tries The April -and early in' May with Illinois,
Wisconsin and Ohio State.' '
winner established a seven point lea Scheduled to start .the afternoon's,
over his nearest rivals, Maeder and events, the fifty yard dash promises
Warney, in the second round when he to be the hottest contested-race on the
caged 24 baskets out of 25 tries. From program. A sextettie of -sprinters,
then on he held his own. At the close composed of White, Rockwell, Fein-
of the total scores Warner and Maed- singer, Merryman, Frank and Boxer
er were each tied for second place are entered in this event, with White
at 69. These men played off, each having a slight' edge over the others.
having 25 more tries and Maeder won The 440 run will bring together
out. The final scores and ,standings three men of no mean ability. Frey-
of the five high men are as follows: berg, Rockwell and Feinsinger ought
Moore, 76; Maeder, 69; Warney, 66; to battle- all the way to' the tape, al-
Freedman, 65; Gessner, 64 though Freyberg, who is reputed to
________ _have done the 440 in 54 seconds, i.
AteaAsks for Tryouts faoe!own
Athena AWith ingerle, Hahn's best bet in
Athena Literary society has issued the half mile, unable to compete, due
a call for tryouts and invites all new to injuries, the 880 will be run by
prospects to attend -their next two l several unknowns, and it will not be
meetings, which will take place on surprising 'if a find is uncoVered in
March 6 and 13, in the Alpha Nu rooms this race.
in University hall. Murray, Mason and Hull are the

luminaries who will run the mile.' come through with flying colors in S
All three are promising men and a Conference circles. off
close race is expected. M. C. Reinke,(cat
brother to Charles Reinke, Varsity QEFER ELECTION Tay
half-miler, and All-freshman cross-
country champion, will be unable to OF CHEERLEADERS
start in this: race as he is recover- --
ing from a slight illness. Due to the existing dissatisfaction -s
Competing against a fiell of inex- with the present system of electing the da
perienced men, Richard,, recunt trans- Varity cheerleader and his assist- son
fer from Detroit Junior college, ought<ants the date for appointments has RI
to find little difficulty in breasting been indefinitely deferred. The mat- pri
the tape first by a safe margin inthe ter will be taken up by the Student
two mie run.council to establish some more effec-
Snider, former Detroit Northwest- tive way for appointing. .1
ern 'star, looms up as a double win-
ner in both hurdle events. He has d_
never experienced any difficulty in
defeating the other Freshmen hurd-1
The pole vault boasts of a real star 'LJIIUUII
[in Viant, who has done 11 feet 6'
inches. Coach Hahn expects him to
clear over twelve feet when the out-
door season rolls around. Cp
There has been no outstanding man I.
in the shot put as yet. Several green
men, possessing plenty of iavoirdu- Ti C
pois, will be given a chance to show irnporte ua s
their wares today. ,1
Coach Hahn is enthusiastic, over the in all Latest
prospects for many of his stars mak- I
ing good in Varsity competition next' T w eeds
year. White, Rockwell and Feinsing-
er are the sprinters whom Archie be-
lieves will aid Steve Farrell in 1924. 111- i11

at least no Michigan man0
ever played Billiards here U
They are all repeaters.
The more often and regu- *
larly you play, the greater'
your enjoyment.
a A
-~L l
mI __ can rim U
£ 'i~e
II U li eJ F, tO N m BUS Sum p

students who-'have' suggestions to
er in this matter should communi-
e them to Edward Haug, '23E, 826
ppan avenue.
Aterican Women Freed In Russia
Washington, March 1-(By A. P.)
State department advices here to-
y indicate Mrs. Marguerite'. Harri-
n, American newspaper woman, left
ga for Berlin; she was freed from
son by the Soviet Feb. 17.


Freyberg and Feinsinger are almost'
sure of showing Varsity form when
another year makes its appearance.!
Great prospects are especially held for
the former, who, it is claimed, could
defeat some of this years' Varsity 440'
Viant, in the pole vault, Snider in
the hurdles, and -Murray, Mason, and
Hull in the mile are also expected to

TW1 Dwo oars






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