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March 02, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-02

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6OL. XXXIII. No. 109





A 16 A 1 AU


HestOf D.Gridde rs 4
RIEP'HES NTED IN Detroit, March 1--(By A. P.)--After ;
the closing hour of recorders court
Judge William N. Heston is to be seen
li MIRthis spring and next fall on a foot-
ball field, coaching University Of De- 1 0 D' 09
troit gridders. The jurist today ten-
dered his services to Coach A. G. -
CONEREN CE Judge Heston announced his de- TRACK :nEET I' 11AN NE )

" i t



A martial eclipse of the moon will
be visible tonight between 9':2G 8-10
and 11:33 8-14 o'clock. As the moon
traverses the earth's shadow, a por-
tion of its surface from 54 degrees
east of north to N0 degrees west of
north will be obscured. During the
eclipse, the part of the moon's sur-

ScoHas Tod ay'
Cruel Treatment by Invaders Briings -

Country's Largest MedletalSchools
Represented ByDlgtso

face obseuried wil
color because of
rays in the earth's

Il be a dim ruddy
the refracted sun
shadow. Four-fifths


Sside to ail Schulz at a testimonial din-
ner tendered the coach by Univer-
are Michigan's onily selection onWl
ter C"amp's mythic~al All-time All-
American squad.
Another development of the Schulz

,5tudenl" Coluncll Committee 'Noll De- i
ciding upmin rogram For

of the moon's face will be affected at
The eclisexv~ be visible in Eu-
rope, Asia, Africa, South America and
all of North America,except the west
coast. !

Faculty and Stadents Jain 1*I
nIscusSIon of iversity


Inhubftants '.ear to Point of

1'roblenms !inrmyoe h a orsm-Srn;We eitne hre
tioneof mfootball e ir nyelations teen ~ ~-
Representatives of seven national Michigan and the University of 1)e- President Maron L. Burton willl0 I Washington, March 1-(By A.P.)~
chturch boards Game togethier last troit. The suggestion came from speak at the banquet when will beI The German embassy in a formal m
might aLan a nte pngCoach Yost, who IIIil tribute to Coach MR tLn alF h ieig held the eveningof Dad's dayMysaeetise aetdydcae
session of the national religious con- tws :nedutharntdo- 12, at tle Union. Dad's lay is to be |that should the population in the Ruhr'
Terence for student problems to be tion by the University of Detroit of held in honor of the fathers Of Uni- "already severely tried", let itself be! -Photo by Rentschler 3
held for four days under the auspices the freshman' rule removes the last 'versty students, under the dicrction. Dr. William Matthew of ew York City led to acts of desperation the German Dean Iugh Cabot ci
of the Student Christian association.! sal ogmsbten ihgno h no.NetSae ooia government, owing to the parayzation Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medical M
The meeting Was open .to the public, an eri. Te w aiuin While Saturday, May 12, 1,s the clay 'eue sof German official apparatus in the , school, chairman of the committee on1 to
utudents especially being invited. The gunvnot14etoice187.hn i h onr tthe faters will be held PALE"ONTOLOGIST WILL GIVE, Ruhr, will not be in a position to euation and pedgogic fite A-io
}flan of this arrangement was to throw anu!r evns av ee land IEE ILLUSTRIATE'D TALK.S 'guarantee the maintenance of peace ilsoiatinoAeicranredictalthCol-
the delegates into' contact with the for the preceding dlay. Fathers are !and order in the occupied territory. nual convention of that organization fo
ferent body at the outset of the con- 9 T invited to atend classes on Friday, Dr. William Diller Matthew, cura- Anadatmosphenre o itenriont tas here today-
Terence,111 and to attend the tug-of-war betweenj tor of vertebrate animals in the Amer- cuidzn itwssadwhh S
- or eeats t3ocokthe freshmen and sophomores during ican Museum of Natural Hi story at cuieszone, ipssttatdt hischt-
y terday alternoo in the preliminary the afternoon of that day. Special cs ew Y lonoct adone fthe ' ount "cmusesheeposyibiltthnart this la-
discussion. At thJt time the",visiting tTOtainmentewthe teihdldptaktreonntng Z ry, to nBOpson"0
iaecretarrs we l into conference with a h itstetrStra on tet~ e adlvr The text of the statement follows: D
the oca stden Securede n crrgrigt ofw iersi gte prin gameslustrated talks net wek.oe will "Owing 't latest events in the RuhrT
Of affairs and the church, workers. Former Niorthwestern Head erdtmyofwtssnthsrigamseo a>uaiatrtw cte territory, especially owing to the over a
Delegates Speak l For S .Sr-h nIlno e eeF general u bic is invited, and two more numerous and brutal expulsions,i
At 7;50 W'c110i,-last' night the 'first; teesr technanIcal olecta isseetnatndeed E pilae and ii treatment in the streets ~- or
general meeting was held in the aid- marily for special students arid mem- and through the oppressions of entire E. P, ein 2, Writer of "Inr and si
lteriumn of Lane" all. Faculty mem-- ~l hSSOEt anetadanme fler f the fcutis,,owes,. such as Gelsenkirchen and Out", fo To Assist Worket ol to
}finis, representative students from the EN1>T, SUBJECTONF A DDRFSS talks by the fathers, in addition to the' opplauetr nild"h ohn namshr fhg e-1 pr
v rious church angd localĀ° Christian or- --- tonmewil taklace. . J D esbach E1volution andi Dispersion ;of the Diu. lion has gadually been created in---
gnizationls and others' met with the Lynn Harold Hiough, former ei , wl aechreo h neti.osaurs" will :be; given at &8"o'clock the e tre occupied territory, which 'IT. GIVEN TO MEN W{'1[
delegates at this time It was anl dent of Northwestern university, and nent of the affair while John P. Monday evening, March 5, in NaturalI causes the possibility to be reared WILL TRY F!'(Il (031 1TTEE rg9
open discussion group' where the gen- at present pastor of Central Methodist Lawton, "4 shamaoftec . Science auditorium". The two tech-' that this yatmosphere may in the near -._-- in
; lplc fters ftecofr hrh eriwl Peak at the Uri- nittee in charge of peaain for nical discussions will be devoted toj future lead to explosion' Edwin R. Mieiss, '23, author of the
6nce was foresed. Students and oth-' versity Services which are to be held th clerato, peaain the general topic,"The Evolution and " The German government still train- ,,1 Q
ers were asked to give their opinions udrth uPics-o heSue Dad's day ill be neofthe pe- Dispersion o Tertiary Animas, and ta s ndoiy fmr psiereit Oiit w asyarsoindnchairan f D
as to the hest means of organizing re.. Christian association at 7:30 o'clock gevn o prg e ac g will be given at 415 o'lockMonday ance as hitherto apped and this po-adOtwa poitdcara fs
'tloswora w g teuetoysuna nH uitru.H ito the tentative schedle accepted by an WedeCdytataidersMdrcas cyhe b ced ypehakupontoOpttitminsmy andtd Dirsillkusmio-n-
ofihweecnidrda thebsssekon"tmsmadDslsi- the Student council The committee1 and 7, in room 214 o te Natural; officals and the entire population,1 tee at a meeting of the committee try- iU
'o*tedlgt' uu epo rm e t. ' , , .of the Student council workin on ;Science, building., These lectures' will iShould thepopulation YEet11tsc ,Charlesslheld yestWerdaypaotrrn.ontaffthhaY
Rev. C sT.Wbsaf hi-Dr. Hough was born at Cadix, O., h rag nsiftewe i etknfo esac o adin ed to .Acts of desperation, ethe German Uiou .heldsewasafteronin t hbyec
man of the. Student ChrtnistianaSeech- In 1877. He was graduated from Drew; meet at 4 o'clock Tuesday in rom 302? vestigation which Dr. Mlatthew '.A4 fgoVernme t, owing to the paralyzation tion of the Mimes committee on com-T
1101,;rsid t hs etng pec-Thteologica seminary in 1905 with thej of the U nin to consider 0ny 11-1 been .conducting in tis . parti cular by the Fenck, of the German official! mittees. M1
Isfro the .deegans r rn .dgee of B. D. and directly after his fits hchmyaxs ny crse field of plntogy apparatus in the Ruhr, :wiL not be ini: The oject of Meiss' appointment is
Shlon ogeainlrpeetrgraduation took post-graduate work in shdl.Aysueto raia Dr. Matthew besides hlding memal. positon to guarantee the maintain- ;primarily to assist those men who wantm
tite, .Rev.;: fans:A. Worthiey, Metho- New York university. After complet-I tion having' any objection to Lie ar-- bership in the Field Association has ance of peace and Order". to write all or part of the book for s
Chat representative, and Miss Mary D. nhsunestyrpatiheed rangement of events as already a* conducted several impat surveys;tya' pr b loigte
Ul n , B ~ ts e r s n ai e e ea series of pastorates. Hlen was made r n e h ud m k u h oj ci n including the= Canadian g o o i a to consult with a m an who has writ - b e
. president of Northwestern university! survey the New York state geological ten an accepted opera. a e
w fst given rind then the gatherng: in 1919. Since resigning this position before the committee at that time. survey and a complete geological YESTERDA Y INj At the meeting of the committee T
as tutnur intoa generl genera siod ns1920 sr.nHugh hasbenDr.y Hewguggestonseeny besbrurhtftyAuysnhld yesergastftersooay be brofugout.surtheyCetratheetUoditedhutates.ro He atshatryieuassheservydasttresuyea ternoStte,.at
gu-thCetaMehds hrDtrt.pattatieas.. sreasreurrndresident 4of WASH 1NG A eiss said "There will be an unusualT
~First Natonal Conference Th presnent wtectare scheoudlne wst the Paleontological society and is a opprtunity next year for any men who' ta
The plan of the conference as out- ~any ciatgresthdchinrtheunramac.s-s. . . 'ir
lined 1,s.to tke tip the poblems of sryc eX the comm itteeelltbe definite- Ame rica eN w.Yok Zo afeT bhe S oit fillad milk bil1was p stst ;aredr poat g
them into practical channels through t etn etTusdngt h alo the Lond 1a Zoologicas0ciet'' dusmntofdlfrncs Yor, next year for the first time,
dlrect contact with rile stud en o c e u e w l published again .ua el ow of th N w roAf mdandfferenrmdchaetsr.w ybe
WhS purpose- fraternity and sorority RCNIT withn theshdunext lfew dcays. s f siellw of eer A ademyB' g.Q .wikl.Flnd okprsn a h eromnc berh
house ~ar askhg th delgate to ionaland nteratioal ro s oficeas vteran burau drectr, andritnseramatioannmlscalwhs:
lead after-inner discussions in their SECR1ETARYI OF LABOR DECRIES LAW PROFESSOR p- suceeding Charles R. Forbes, resign f riicar aatica n d lmusicalne th
houses. "., any sororities have already NON-C(ITIZENSI11 OF SEVEN AD R SS SCL Bed, materia. It there are any men on as
sent in invitations 'to Lane hal, bt l IILION ADDRESSwhEaS CmLtUB il b-
41,ofthe m t 91 fraternities l have not yet ,--- - ---sto ZTe Sena 'te rejected tro nomination coe Broadway dramatists, here s an ,tc
been heard from Jitbrh Mrc -B ..- Pro. Edwin D. Dickinson, of the of . L. Cohen, negro republican lead-1 opportunity which should not be ov- til
an b mnnth id frlgPans fur he amrcanizyAtioP.)7- Law school, spoke before the Cosmo- e fLus i, ob utm o-roke"D
Icn' are present in the conference- 40Pla,000 ffor tegnercnwizatiso politan cuo Itrainlulw, 19tolra New Orleans. C. J. Dresach, '24, president of' e
Some of these mgt have been active try were outlined by James J. Davis, 'lastisonight sat Wse al rfso ie n ebro atya' p o
iU. iversity and college religious secretary of labor, in an address be-Dcksn'seehdatwt the tin-I SECRETARY DEN'BY ANl) EE\R-' naepproval was gvna$0 r at re h e oke nU
work foryears and are externs on thefrehet.Dv'ssctyaWes natural condition in iternational af- AL P'E$SHING V.AY ATTEND appropriation for continuing activi-' min] the fact that the opera audiences c
Suebject f1, ohtethoeia n organization of Pittsburgh tonight. unrregnizegvernmens the wombrld SPING ELVENT, ties of the federal coal commission. ar fahge ls nelculythn
riractical ;standproint. This is the first We are confronted with a serious jn cnzdgvrmnsintewrd- -teaeag."h oto hn o
national 'conf rence .of its kind everj problem in our alien population" said toa.H mhszdtefc tat Icue mn h otoal hairmarn aFollette of the Senate 'attopIn your books, then," said jc
held at a state university and comes Air. Davis, after reviewing the part as long as established nations con-1 prominent guests of honor invited to '0i investigation committee otaied Dresach, "is what fs known as 'High te
iat a time when ft school of religion the Welsh had played in American ,"u oinr eio oitRs tetidana iiaybl ob permission to complete its report af-|comedy' -an comedy of character- i
in heUnverstysemsa roabliy.hitoy nddelain tatnerlusa and other unrecognized states; held in the combined Waterman andI ter adjournment of congress. azation and situation rather than pie- n
thed scuss Ball s es a1 topics ito70pry nd d telng hatmerlyansthere can be no extensive or safe, arbour gmnasiumts the night, of l ttrowng and slap-stick".. he
S tcom mercet witshc thoses statrets.y April.ed.c 27rce w it arseetat s.win DenbryEw n D n 'y9' 14, eS - The H ous iased 30ttryouts A foyru s trhee c m mmtmitrtex-
stnthri hestdntsociation dse u - "Wa e oae n ,aturalizregd.r i Following Professor Dickinsons retary of the Navy, and Gen. John J. cmoierua1rdt blad cn atr ohn n ltsnpe ex o
gates through one. means or another. iAmerica, 7,000,000 of whom are living nstalk tecl eD iusionegoncrneds - ertihing, chief of staff of the Unitedj ferees immediately began adjustment', before March 7, in order that the se- co
Faost of the conferences which will be among us without assuming the ril-thecbss "Spting. Cassival,'coedSaesam.i of differences between the Senate and ,et. m! myb md a h sr o
hedti ekaeoe n noeties of American citizenship. We pro- th lbsSrn Cria ob Other important military figures in-; hs datslest possible date biy the judges. A4nys
may i attend e ar op n nd ny e pose to enroll these 7,000, tidi. held in Hill Auditorium on March vted to the affair are Major-general ' , . e d aft - men who are unable to finish their ' ho
Unvht evc udy"We propose to Aeria.iz th 15. The club includes among its mem- ;Jahn A. Le Jeutne, commanider of'the Tlt yta aeo r ndu ti
From 3tty Sevce k hSunaytr to e bfr h leniAmerica.e ehers people from every esection and 'Marine cors; Major-genttral George 'ASenate investigation committee any Point should consult Meiss, who'i
her racb t o sm la eo s p o oe to m k i ctzn i e 1 and i n a po s iti n to stage O q r , i n a r gne of the a my air repcrted that charges ofthe ] te Sea- il ei hee P ry e b id ng from 2 jC
metigso Sudns it heser- roe wrty Te eteeig o h ompo- commander of the First Division whi'th mrc sIdeswr xeue n'
taies, one'fn the auditorium of Lane tncu wi eThsdy evening, , headquarters at Camp Dix, New er-1Fac ihu ra eeufudd
hal fr mn; an te ohe inNe- GOLMOA CUB EA.SMarch 8 at Wesley hall., sey; Brigadier-general George V. H. Br nd S ea s
b1,'y hall for Women. There will -be' TWO TECHNICAL LECTURES - Mosely, commander of the cantone-- 'Hal Ifolden, president of the Chi~' '~i~ isc
( cssoson te ujct h Sigma Alpha Delta Initiates Font meat at Fort Sheridan, :Illinois; and i ago, lBrlington and Quincy railroad ; ed
01a rch aid Its Task",; led by the sec-" Members of the Geological and Sigma Alpha Delta, business ; Colonel F. M. Caldwell, chief of staff laid before the interstate commercej 20
rdtries At 6 Q'ciock banquets will' Geographical Journal club met lasti journalistic fraternity, initiated four , of the Sixth Division with headquart !commission aplan for consolidation of "Students I Have Met," was the sub;C
beheld at all of the local churches night in the Natural Science tul- men last night at the Union. Clay- 'ers in Chicago. all roads we t of Chicago ino Pour, jest of an addremq~ made" by Carl of
for the v'sasling: delegates. ing: Two talks on technical subjectsI ton G. Hale, '24, Donald B. Frederick, the chaperones for the ball wyill he 'systems.;.- Brandt of the public speaking depart- t
-On Saturday, two more meetngs: comprised the program. R. C. Hus- !'24, Briggs Buermtann, '25, and Perry -i Pro. Luis P. Hall, of the Degta ---, ment at the J-Lit smicker at the Union at,
will be held: a conference of the to- sey, of the geology department, spoke H Iayden, '25, became. members. 14. T. achool, and Mrs. 11all; Major Robert r Dr. Axel Lonard etrom, minister ' last ingsh. Mr. Brandt classified all! ti
cal committee, with the visitors at on, "The Geological Museum Collect- Ewaid, president of the Campbell- (Continued on Page Tm) ' Fnland, arranged to begin pelim- students into three distinct divisions:
noon, and another dual ,meeting for! ing Trip in Northwestern Nebraska in Ewald company of Detroit, was initi- uIay con versation with secretary Me- the know nothing, do something type; fo
students from::3 to 5 o'clock in the the Summer of 1922", and Mr. C. L. ated as an associate memnbe - tn o refuniding the Finnish debt o the know someth rag, do nothing type; 'be
same places as this afternoon. Any' Fenton gave an illustrated talk on, HUSE Y" UR~$3,21,2 and accrued interest o $,-, and the know something, do some-;w
questions as suggested then or at any TeUpr ;inofIw" in' agie tran 150,000. thing type The latter kind of stu- s

Deans and_ other delegates from
ore than 40 of the largest medical
chools in the country will meet at
he Union today and tomorrow for the
3th annual convention of the Ass-
ation of American Medical 'colleges.
fore than 100 delegates are expected
aattend the sessions from all parts
f the country,
Several prominent men will be here
r the convention, among the' ay '
,yman Wilbur, president of Leland
tanford university and president-
est of the American Medical assoc-
tion; Dean William Pepper. qf the
university of Pennsylvania, and Dea.i
>avid Edlsall, of Harvard niversity.,
'he ;convention will deal with4n frt-
nt problems in the teaching lo, me-
ine, among them the question of in-
reasing'the requirements for admi'-
ion to the member schools frmintw
three years of previous college
Educational Questions on P'rogra
The program for the ineetng~be-,
nning at 9:30 oclock tis noring
Sas: follows:
Presidents address: "The : oral
ualifications of the Meical studenT,
,an C. P. Emerson, Indiana nuiver-
ty; "Problems of the Two 'Year Md-
;al School,' Dean Harley E. renh,
niversity of North Dakota; "iour.
ears in 'Medicine,,'Dea Thomna
rdway, Albany Medical clege;-'he
eaching Hospital,".Dean hrl i "IN.
reader, University of Colorado.
Augustus S. Downing, assist at ' 41-
issioner of educatiti ew.. Yrk
.ath l discuss the'ruestn, hll
Fit or D ID ten ear b e qure fdr
e Mc. . egree?. W ll am . -l
, acig dean of the University ;o
exas, will talk on "The Pace nf An
Homy in the, Medical Currig)ulm"
heae discussions will begin with ths
elks of the men announced on tle
ogram, after which there will be a
neral informal discussion of the r
Sessions Last Two 11ay .
The afternoon meetings, considring'
ie question of incresing th re-
Ledicai regtiremens-for admissin to
ie schools which are memb rs .f te
sociation, wil start t 2 :o'cloc .
he report of the committee 'n ed-
ation and pedagogis, with recom-
endations, will bed resented' by
can Huh Cabot, chairman. A smolt-
and get-together for all delegates
sthe meetings will be 'held at the
nion this evening. The arsty Glee
ub; Will sing.
The Round Table cOn irnce will
nsider the problems which have re-
tly arisen with reference to tle
'aching of medicine tomorrow morn-
9. Following this the - annual bu{-
ss session of the association will be
Following the local convention .a
ajority of the delegates will go to
icago to attend the sessions of the
uincil of the American Medical as-
>ciation on medical education and
spitals to be held there Moiday and esaofnxwek
Entries for the Chimes short story
ntest must be in the hands of the
itors by March 10 instead of Mlar h
as previously announced. ' Thle
ange in the date was masde beca se
'the necessity of an early dat' n
t 'publication of the AprIV Chnes
e to the starting of spring vaca-;
Prizes of $10 and $5 will be given
i the two winning Stories which wil
epublished in the ssie. Judges
il be the managing editor, the :as-
stant managing editor, and the lit-'


time previoums will be discussed in
general of by smnall groups, led by,
Sunday's program includes meetings
w ith the local churches at the reg-
iitar Sunday services and at the Uni-
versity service at 7:30 o'clock in Hill
auditorium, chere Dr. Lynn Harold
Hough, farmer president of North-
western university and now pastor of :.
the Central Mietho-fist church of De-

Air Crash Hurts Jackson ran
Salt Lake City, March I --(1:y A.
P:)-Paul M. Connors, of Salt Lake
City, wh~o yesterday joined the U. S.
mail air .service here, was fatally in-
jnred at the .local air nail field today
when the machine he was piloting ?
fell 240 feet. Donald Templeton of'
Jackson, Mich., a passenger, was se-
rlously hurt in the crash.

Variety featured the program offer-
ed last night at the Pattengill audi-
torium by the Phoebe Beal Circle of I
King's Daughters of the M1ethodist j
Episcopal church. A chorus of 100
voices, plays, monologues, songs, and
short sketches composed the frill. The
?WNesleyan guild orche'stra furnished
the music.
Track Slars CAW edto Account


Mlaybe you hiavjen't' the pleasure
of "kicking. cur. dog around"?
No house" should be wfthout a
mascot. A classified, ad and its
service will bring .yoga one. Any-,
thing from a. dinosaur to :a can-
ary 'bird stands.:ready' for,.you.

The Senate adopted the resolution
requesting 'the President to negotiate'
agreements with foreign nations look-
ing toward restricting the production y
of, 'habit-forming drugs.
The enactment of legislation per-
mitting restricted emigration of oth-
erwise' inadmissible immigration alt-x
ens, into Hawaii to, relieve the labor

dents. he said, includes all true Mich- i erary. editor of Chimes. ?No restric-
igan men,j tions are placed on the lengths of the
'Ted Rhodes' orcheatra, James John- stories, but they must he typewrit-
son, '23, novelty singer, and N.; D. ten. They should be mailed to the
, Smith, '251), magician, completed the ,short story contest editor at the
pro, ram. The entertainment offer- hm'es office in the Union.


ed was gr eatly appreciated by men of
the junior lit class who were present.
Following the program refreshments
were served. Hugh Duffield, presi-
dent of the class, dieted as toastmas-,

m -~AID -


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