mOFFICIAL BLLTNI a inl the Bulletin is constructive nottes to L in embors of sity: Copy received until 3: SO v. m,. (11:90 a. a Saturd4ay.) ', HURI)AY, MIARCHI 1, 1923 Ntambor 10S we Association of Arnericat Meical Colleges:. wiation '-will meet at the Michigan, Union on Friday, aind Satur- ahd 3. At the meetings on F~riday morning at 10 a. mn., Friday 2 ,p. m. and Siaturdlay morning at 0:30 a. m'.. papers. will be pre- ~ious problems of niedical education: The,:.session on Friday 11 be devoted to a discussion of the curriculum. Mebern of F'aculty are urged to attend these meetings if possible and thy? ~~~th ~~~ ~ UG e ecoe ether faulties ill be CABOT.e "r:3@ -Rcitanl by - ldis of the SchoolP nn Legisato of Music in the auditorium of the school. SlatedFo ,fb * P-OTICS IIn War Office; t a + sripts for the MNrc h is iieof4) W~hinmsies shube ein the c fnil', f . Ethe editors not later thwn March S All Tanted Staites W~tr Yetprnii!s' Bur eau men should report to Mies Beck- 1er ini Lane hall this. week. N-aional churelt eoxiierp'nee begs i n La1ne hall tomorrow, to last three3 1'day1. av-. HARDING NMAKES,~ , G'NBIN - N -Y . tG E f J.. St anfo rd Head To re Butzon,'s Guest (onI1,atTE'To PLAN MIILITARY Start the new sci IALIJiN .)I1ETiNC 'E 0 G1,11 Iemington Portable _ rcaill 12S-J.--Adlv. StanioroOl ri t ii 1)hothe guest ofPrsi -tM uL.!uro hi helt roe(-! jug, o; the Ann- rica3n Associat ion 'vvIi ioh vwllihe fheld here. beginning tior11 row'. President \\1V ulr i s also president- elect of th e~s ca~ n is prom- inent_ throughout the country in the field of meiiidcaISl fcC. cele was es- pecially active d uring the recent, war' as chief oft'Ihe conservation division of the food administration bureau. All mi11litalry ha1l coiniittoe 1110111- hecrs till meet at 7 o'clock tonight at the 1,0l tnon tor [i'Ulat 0plalis for Ithe anual affiri to Ibe given _Arnil -27 in 1 he W1atcrmnianmd IBarbourgyna- iums. ]3idls 'iHl be gone over for h-c- orations, invitations, refre~i,,euts andl other features of the danec and tho names of the guests of honor an(I pa- trons will be presented for approval. Eu'romgae 3rd Class $ 85" (abll ..11") ~u~II~IJ~1st Che~ss. 195 W~~~(1 iiL'' TR ARD, CANADIAN- l ACIF IC, FIZENCII, HOLLAND- AME1,INCAN, U. S. SHIPPING BOARD, l-P. TC. TICKETS FOR ALI, 'CA IN ERS. CRUIISES. COOK, 'P O PSN.CLARK, ETC., TOURS. Liceuised Steamship Agent 6'. 1?. KEL"MER, Phone 138-1 p e Bp gf g lt f _, ... p i, Swa F =:S. ba s si3 dlv $3fa p e . fi A9rs N31Y iil #fisi . # ,:M I=i 3, slips for signing. out at night during February ae gdue tIn to the Dean' S office immnediately, JEAN HAMILTON, Dean' of Women. ions will be held Saturday, Arc h 3, from 9 to 12, in RH. *. OLM S. today at 1l in ROOM 348. PEtm tFLD. Ii. A $BUTLER. i Tr-1s20: will be no Mneetin~g of the, Ou'l this Week. "Washington, Feb. 28.--(By A. P.)--_? nIun President Harding today effected. the gain greatest change his cabinet has un- dergone since 'his admi-nistration lbe-' gan nearly two years ago by designa- tion of Dr. Hubert Work' of roord' new post master general to be Secre- tary, of the Interior succeeding Albert ? ~-- B. Fall of New Mexico and Senator$h 1Harry S. New of Indiana to head the post onfce department in succession G to Dr. Work. } The nominations of Dr. Work and 1,Rtep. ' hornss S. (rago Senator New were sent to the Senate andl promptly confirmedl. The two' Secretary of ?far 'Weeks has re- will take up their new duties next commended Rep. Thomas S. Crago t o;1 Monday when the resignation of Sec- {succeed J. M. WXainwright w~ho retiresf ?. retary Fall becomes effective. Sena- as assistant secretary on March 4. tor New retirest from the Senate with the adjournment of congress Mon-,- day. Winkler Called By Sisterls, Illnessj Prof. Max Winzkler, of the German Arrest *1 Irregulars department, has been suddenly call- Dublin, Feb. 28.--(By A.P.) -Ofi-; ed out of town to the bedside of his1 ciais record made public today re ;sister, Mrs. A. WX. Suummerfield, of cords the arrest of 24 irregulars Mona ° New York, who is seriously ill. day night at various places. Severa ? !,were arrested while attempting to .cut When you have a want, always let ae bridge. a "'Daily Classified Ad" satisfy it.- - ook at the "Daily Classified col- a" and yoju will see some real bar- IRIDES S ELMSHOP Tile fountrain of pcn satis- faction. II I,,! 'I", WI IJIM ' iU W a, andi 215 E. HURON ON ~gAC.ANDkJtS STEAM FITTING IN, SRNl I M MIN Y"4 wu MuI Mu CA MM VIA Engineering College z h Department in the Engineering college will meet arch 1, at 12 o'cloCk t he club rooms of the - . J.: RALlIIIGI'lNELSON. PHONE 214-F l WIeiCH YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO GET, CAN BE HAD NOW AT W", A RUNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE 'will be a, meeting of the Club In,, Room G 43, Natural Science t 7:15 p. m. on Thursday, Mlarch 1. "The .pper flevonian .'of Lstrated !by Mr. Fenton; '"The Geological Museum Collecting Trip atern Nebrask~a in the Su mmer of. 19i2", by Mr. Hussey. terested are cordially invited to attencL LM. COULD, Secretary. uas~cus Speaking Contost: inearies will be held this afternoon sat 3 o'clock'in Room 302 Ma- 'FAc) contestant is to speak= for four minutes ou nyr ase of the 'Fr"a Ice's lrvsiou off.thie Ruhr". orkshop on Fast Univ ersity: Avenue Will be open ?every afternoon 6 for the next two Weeks. 1IIIIl~it1111111111111 lii11111 IIII~IIhIil lii II~i II ilI IIIii1111II h lii11111II Il ii II Il ii 1111!lii f HOW uAeifAlI A.2'i. MOL.RR kS. a I t ipl. al pragtam will be given tliHll Audtoriunr'Sunday A Aer- , tet., Op~. 18 No 5. A major (Beethoven) Mr., acid Mrs. S. :11, IMi ?a Miriau Struble, viola, Mr. }Herbert Qrant, vo ods (Schuirann),. At the Bedside.i a Sick. Child. og(cumn(Sr ndAr.Wiiam the e ; n.- mnajdir (Schumann), Mr. Albert ILockwcod and the Quar-, #,ninents by NMrb.(George U. Rhead. 4 - CHARLES A. SIN K, Secretary. I ,.. " ., S GOING ONx )T for this column should bd by 4 AO ,.'V,160 *f Eor pablicatioa. MU1RSDAY eugtneeri i met In room ering buildiug.- facunlty lunch in prilate aof-the Union. 'club meets la room 804 acid banquet' in" room 321 of the Un-' ,7 :OMj---Glee club meets In, upper read.I ing room of the Ulnion.- 7 :00- lUtltry . ball ,cOmIttie meets its room 302 cis th©.Union. f :83O-Pi Velt t Epsilon mees In roam 306 of the U~nion,. 7:30 --JunIor :lit smoker in thme Unio assembly hal. 1 7 :a 0--Prof. idin Dickison, of tihe Iw school, speaks to Cosmopolitan . ubins parlors of WUdes'ey hall. the ngieerng ocity:mee inthe ,M---Dr: RaYmoend L. .Ditgas, natur- alist, lectures in Bill auditorium. B 0GU- Chlsiaaga ciencesodety mwets at Lan:e hall., ann FRID)AY -- f rs' A. iet-s in Lane baillj irs' club neets 93 room 205, upper staff of the 'Ensim Press building. fa' Uu t£uuo enio I~r Vcuss- ".-AsOtc LionI ofAMerfean Mdl mn 202, Tappan hall. ca oleges meets in upper readting umnltee meets 'in room ' room ,of the'Union. nion. 191:U---Law faculty lunch hi the pi. acu ity dinner In iroom vate dining roomn of the Union.' Mlon. 1:00-P1ayers' club meets In iroom 20; Upha .Delta Initi&tion Mason hall. Packard DancingAcadem-y A NNO UNCAES,. The openig of a Beginner's Dancing Class -for men only. Monday, Mjarch 5,' 1923. 8 to 10 p. m. TERMS 10 a Lesson Course of 12 Lissohs', $104*00 RY, LECTURE SERIES Poets and Nkelists .. )orothy ,Canfielda" MARCH SIXTH Hlamlin'' arland AC Twenty-Seven! APIL Alf red Kreymbourg Twoi ALL THREE LEC TURFS $1.00 and $1.25j SANG.LEADMISSOON. Sc nod 75c Eder Auspices of AMERICAN ASSCIATIONS of U NIVERSITY WOMEN and. "WHIMSIES" d~W/d'JI! e'2/ /~. III I i..#IIJJ'ffi~Y/ ~' ' KJ5.I Z Y.-'M ~ - I.