IulY WI 4i % IT 9 - Vi I' :k 1.6S rf .. y i i ' f ' V j. A' ' -5 j 5 I, ?1 ! ,, '.i- Practices of Squad at Present Tint Are Encouraging to Coach Ray Fisher SEVERAL MORE MEMBERS TO JOIN TEAM MONDAY Coach Fher's Wolverine diamond men continued their work yesterday afternoon in Waterman gyninasiun along the usual lines of practice hand- ed out by the mentor in the huge cage and are showing considerable im- provement as the season advances.; New candidates report daily and the presence of some good infielding prospects is a source of encourage- ment to the ball hounds. The infield hole occasioned by the loss of Shorty Wimbles will be readily filled by one of a half dozen men who stand out from the rest of 'the infielders. Wheth or or not Captain Uteritz will remain at shortstop or be, transferred to sec- ond base depends on the playing abil- ity of the new infielders. Pitchers May"-Develop Although the moundsmen have real- ly not had a chance to display their v ares to the best advantage, the pitching situation has lost some of tir gloom. Benson, of last year's freshman team, has reported and seems to be hitting his stride with case. What the coach needs now is relief pitchers. He has been work- ing some on Jack Blott, having the husky blond devote half of his time to pitching and the other half to catching, apd says that Blott, if need- ed, will probably be able to step 'in and pitch one or two innings of good ball. This is all the coach expects of him for it is too much to think that a catcher can be made into a hitcher in one month. Most of the OltA -A 3- A Pli DVE . ates. Two 'I o po grits per 'ord p r 4ay I elarged aI #s pew ag~ta isa. C asuid|, th UMa !MM ; iWs&e cntS per ime NOTICE The following Box Replies are at the Ddily Office: LEB, CS, KD, FMM, OW, ECP, RHB, 18, LCS, CAF, CBS.' FOR REiT VERY DESIRABLE SUITE-Second foor. front, nicely furnished. Well located, also want roommate in one suite. 618 PACKARD NEAR STATE. FOR RENT- Steam heated suite or- room two blocks from cam-pus. Cheap. 502 East Liberty. Call 870-. M. 94-21 SUITE, with hot and cold water, for ladies, single beds; less than block from campus. 209 S. Ingalls. Phone 849-R. 108 FOER REND~r -Comfortable room for two. Five minutes from campus. Very reasonable.' 409-J. 523 MACK ROAD. 107-3' FOR RENT-Large house, recently decorated. All moderntconvenienc- es. Situation well out. Call 800- M after 6 P. M. 108-2 FOR RENT-First floor suite. Laun- dry in basement. One block from campus. 1317-R. 203 S. Thayer. 108-2 ity and the way a man handles him-Ij , selfaon a hard floor may be different Every Big League than he would on the natural dia- T a n F r mond. ining or IORK P O R[ESS MWith the departure from Chicagogar CH G A Soday night of Kid Gleason's White pe e hurlers from last year's squad have Sox every on f the big league teams GI already reported. rs squdORDSehas a band of 4iamond artists in train- tw I ing for the pennant battle of 1923. ou The catching, if Biott takes to the Although nearly two months from ye hurling end of the game, will find the start of the race at least 10 of the ni fairly suitable handlers in Slaughter From 1890 to 1900 Michigan played 16 managers are certain of victory in and Swanson. These two bckstops Football with Purdue. fortheir teams. Both of the New York ga with Blott, forr4 a group of catchers -svnfobl games wt ude th Bld fit a Conf cthers winning five. The total scores .in outfits are determined and confident ta that would fit any Conference team. this period are Michigan 153, Pur- that they are going to keep the series se Varsity ha cln p er and due 58. The two schools have not in Gotham and at the same time De- th Varsity squad in previous years and met in football since that date. troit, St. Louis, and Philadelphia in da has had considerable experience be - 'the American league and Pittsburg, to ' hind the bat. Slaughter although r One of the closest games that Mich Cincinnati, and-Chicago in the Nation- l ; sophomore, comes with prep school gahse played basketball was al circuit are being given serious con- the experience looks like good bet. innesota in the 199-120sea-sideration .by McGraw and Huggins. de Several Fair Outfielders w s n eso i 1 2GrawFearsittsburgst - Doug Roby's ineligibility at first o The score was Michigan21McGraw, veteran leader of the th thewa creinoFihe' cmpb t iesota 20. - M~avtrn lae ftet threw a scare into Fisher's camp but Giants, seems to fear the Pirates above ke not for long. Ad Klein is already on ghad one football game all others at present, while Huggins Jo the job and Kipka is expected to re- Michigan has Un syofootbaka..is keeping his eye on Ty Cobb's Tigers m Ii±t the University of South IDakota. port in a few days as the-basketball n T one of the r as the most dangerous contender to se season draws to a close Saturday games of the year fr Wolverin be overcome in the American league D night. Ash is another fielder t w aho only wn by a score ofv-re flag race. Both the Pirates and the pears to have some good points. we Tigers have been leading jinxes is a fairly consistent hitter and a clev- -around for the last few seasons and er fielder. It looks as though the *I}either or both are liable to spill the wi outfield will rank better this year than L Vhopes of the present pennant holders. no last although it is hard to tell- how Pittsburg under the leadership of Bill al the batting will be. The pitchers are flVHD McKechnie who took the reigns in the tio not permitted to throw anything but midst of last season's race and brought be straight balls and it will be at least the team up towards the top in the 10 days before they will start curving a Joxing mentor sent last month of the season, will be coin- Lc -Coach Sullian, boig etrsn posed entirely of veterans, every one if i them. a few of his proteges through a hard yoho nise a hard hittesandaeure - A few of the veterans are still on and fast workout yesterday afternoon defensive player. the absentee list but with the end of in Waterman gymnasiun bfore a Detroit is regarded as one of the 'the basketball season the coach ex- group of interested boxing fans. strongest aggregations in either lea- pects to see the squad completed. Pa-I Rope skipping, muscle building cal- gue at the start of the coing sea- er is doped to hold down. thirdbaseisthenics, and throwing the medicie son. With the addition of Del Pratt again this year, but competition in the ball formeh the preliminary part of and "Rip" Collins to the bunch of old- infield is fairly keen and little can be. the afternoon's program. Housel. timers already gathered together by - 'said. So far no first sackers .have Yott, Wolinitz, and Mckechnie handled Cobb, the Bengals will have nine men appeared whp can rank with Bob- the medicine ball with the ability of who hit over the .300 mark last year Knode who is recovering from Ilness veterans and were able to withstand in addition to having one of the aurest and has not reported yet. Of course I its hard knocks wit* consistent suc- set of infielders that could be brought indoor practice does not give a good cess. After this program Sullivan had together. Cobb, Heilman and Veach, idea of either fielding or hitting abil- the men perform with the gloves. three of the greatest hitters and field- Wolinitz and Mckechnie put on the ers that baseball has known willfeegp leathers for the first go and went the garden. If the Yanks can get by through three fast rounds of sparring. the Tigers almost any other team in TiS Wolinitz packs a dangerous right and Ithe league will be easy for them. I :E, COLUMN ecrosesd it effectively to Mckechnie's Next in consideration to Detroit in r 'ES face; while the latter took the defen- the American, and Pittsburg in thde sive for the most part and did the National league, as title contenders, TI ING AT 3 P.M. main part of his work by. sending Cincinnuti and St. Louis are bound to lows to Wolinitz's 'stomach. The make things interesting for the other fans were pleased with the exhibition. outfits,. Both of these teams are in Mckenchnie is in the prime of con- absolute contrast to the two New J ,gI dition and, having .finished his go York teams, Detroit and Pittsbuhg, word af lay d is adva .. Mn- with his opponent of the coming box- fin that both are in for some miamum t eaft", 20. Three ing contest, took on Miller for two rebuilding before the season opens White space charged fur at rate more fast rounds. Miller hails from and it is not unlikely that quite argod nIy to th having phonds. tDartmouth where he was a leader in a few promising looking recruits will , W4lk eoUtrct, Pa1d in ds Ithe boxing circles of that school. Me- find places with them. Cincinnati is kechnie opened up toward the last an going to have a bunch of young in- fielders who have created sensations showered .the leathers on Miller's in the minors and in their preliminary LOST -,1ulaq iao ail ' 1 1,s aoe pun poq workouts, in addition to a brilliant forced-to take cover -after the first few tching staff. If all goes well dun LOST9-=Either in Medical i iter l. F. Ianera '2,I1picngsa.Iflloswlldig TEe icApft'ette W. 1Iaxselman, ' ' l spring training the Reds should cause1 in hospital or between there and pasdcIa pur lspuooas considerable disturbance. :edical bu-ilding,-pair dark rimmed Wendell F. Hanselman, '23, is ill ( Browns Are Weaker , glasses. Finder please call 2835-M,. in the hospital. with scarlet fever. HRq St. Louis, though considered for-. 924 E. Ann. 108 has been quarantined for 28 days.- I midable enough is not the team that it ' - was last year when it finished one- Team Now \ Coming Season me behind the Yanks in the hottest nnant race of recent years and leason's White Sox with a set of virlers who are expected to make it even better than they did last ar may finish ahead of them. Con e Mack's Athletics after -being down the cellar for a long time may ain by the rejuvenati'on which has ken place since the close of last ason, and get up nearer the top al- ough they are not counted on as rngerous before they have a chance display their wares. Huggins, although seeming to fear e Tigers quite a bit, nevertheless is 'pending upon his veteran pitching aff , and Babe Ruth to pull through e season successfully. Bob Shaw- By, Joe Bush, Carl Mays, and Sam nes are as dependable a set of ound artists as anyone team pos- sses and if any battery can hold the etroit club swingers Huggin's should. Hop Committee to Meet Sunday Members of the J-Hop committeq ill meet at 4 o'clock Sunday after- on in room 302 of the Union. Fin- settlement of all bils and obliga- ns incurred by the committee will arranged for at this time. st Something? Let a "Daily" ',as- ed ad find it for you,-Adv. STEWARDS and' HOUSE MANAGERS 4 injot thirst The great thing is-you get so tmuch for so little when you-- DrinkR Deiius gind Refreshing We Call For And De liver 1~~ The Coca-Col OF FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES Phone b1* f t For the convenience of your members why not start a charge account with the - "WHITE SWAN"- PHONE 165 Try Our Business Men's Lunch 11:30-2:00 - . - 0 JOE PARKER'S SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNED Kennedy's Orebestra 11:30 -4:00 Cornwell Coal Bldg. ' OPTICAL, OODS REPAIRED AND LENSES GROUND One Hour Service Carl F. Bay ARCADE JEWELRY SHOP We do al kinds of Pleating r. MAY- FESTIY 3 .. , Af ,tc HILL AUDITORIUM Ann- Arbor ;;,-. LOST-Grey Steinbloch overcoat orI 4th. floor, Chemistry - Building, be- tween 10 and 11 Wednesday. Re- ward offered. Phone Black, 1363-J. 108-2 LOST-Feb. 13 in Hill auditorium. Nose 'glasses in case, stamped Ed- gert-Reber Optical Co. Finder please call 548-J. 107-3 LOST-Silber Eversharp pencil, en- graved on side S. L. B. Finder please call 147-J. 108-2 LOST--Rider fountain pen, stamped B. E. Laidlaw. Call 1010-M. Re- ward. 108-2 SWEATERS! k ,, New Styles New Weaves %!- V.- ri .3 , ei ;:' Tuxedo Sweaters, ] FOR S1 FOR SALE-52 acre University, good 7 nace, city water, barn. Plenty fruit W. HERRIT, Sout Arbor, Mich. FOR SALE-Patron pon, 7-D-1. Must March 3. Call 11 Fourth Ave. after FOR SALE-Best bu east end Dorset R Many small trees SHURZ, 703-R. BUSINESS OPH ALE farm 1 mile from room -house, fur- new - basement. t. Inquire JOHN h State St., Ann 107-b 's Fbstival Cou- purchase before 89-M, or 324 S. 5 p. m. 108 ilding lot 85x200,r toad. - High land. Bargain. DR. 107-3< PORTUNITY Brushed Wool Styles In V-Neck Pull-Overs and Coat Styles Woven from Alpaca Yarns - . --ii_ -V, 'Ii 4 t ' FOR, RENT-Suite and single room in private home. Gentlemen prefer- red. Tel. 563-J. MRS. TUBBS. . 107-3 FOR RENT-Front room for girls. Lo- cation convenient to Campus and, Ferry Field. Phone 1255-M. 106-3 FOR RENT-Desirable suite on Mon-1 roe St. close to campus. Call 231. 108-2 BOARD HAVE YOU tried the specials at the I Y. W. C. A. Cafeteria.? 108 r WAN~TED YOUNG LADY OR MAN. Nice ap- pearance, to earn good money dur- ing spare hours.. Flower in the Bottle Shop. 115 N.' Thayer. 1081 WANTED-JTheses, motes, etd., iy e- pert typist. Reasonable pates,-n4 prompt service. Cal 97 pg 447-Ri Ypsilanti, Miss Oberlin, 108-3 WANTED-To buy typewriter. State- make, number and lowest price. Box- B. N. J. 108 WANTED-Cameraplate-film com- bination. 3. E. Sass, 1109 White Sti - 108-3 WANTED-2 students to share room.' 407 E. Huron St. 108-2 FURNITURE DO YOU KNOW we have the most completely equipped plant in thq country for the Repairing, Refinish-I Ing. and Upholstering of furniture? DOWNTOWN Lutz Clothing Store AFTER CLASS MOVIE PAlRTY Drop in far a lunch' or Sundae, 5. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, May L WEDNESDAY EVENING, May 16 MISCELLANEOUS PROGRAM )hrniaujlnoG igli, Tenor, soloist. The Chicago Sr npnonny Orchestra The University Choral Union Frederick Stock and Earl V. Moore, Conduptors 2. THURSDAY EVENING, May 17 HOLST EVENING "MAelle Addison Contralto, ant Erna Rubenstein, Violinist; soloists. The Chicago Syniphony -rchestra The University Choral Union Gustav Molst, Frederick Stock, a ld a V. Hom ductors. 3. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, May 18 CHILDREN'S CONORT Suzanne Keener, Soprano, and Arthur raft, Tenor, soloists. Chorus of School Children George Oscar Bowen, Conductor 4. FRIDAY EVENING, May 18 ARTIST PROGRAM Florehe MacBeth, Soprano, and, GThseppe Danise, Baritone. The Chicago Synphony Orchestra Frederlek Stock, Conductor HAVE YOU EVER DONE ANY SELL- ING? Why not give it a try Spring vacation and, if satisfactory, make arrangements for summer work? Last year I had thirty-seven men from Ann Arbor, averaging forty dollars for one week's work. Come up and look over their reports and investigate our proposition. H. J3 Leader. phone 3221-J. 622 E. Liber- ty, across from Spedding's Studio. 106-21 ii MISCELLANEOUS RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. 76-21 FIRST CLASS LAUNDERING-hand- work. Guaranteed service. Silk shirts a-.specialty. Hing Lee's 121 E. Ann. 105-6i $1.25 PER LOAD. Ashes and rubbish hauled. Call 569-J. 104-6! SHOE EACTORY ANN ARBOR CUSTOM SHOE FAC- TORY. -Bring your repairs where shoes are made. Crepe soles at- tached to your shoes. $2.75. Bring them in today. Made-to-measureF orders-one week service. Satis- faction guaranteed or money re- B OYS! They're coming - oar way. Some- thing new again-: GIll etteBlades While they last C All new stock', per Dozen Gillete Razor f e Sets withblades 9lV each won 't forget wse carry-all kinds" of Tobaccos at CUT RATE 19 SYMPHONY PROGRAM Ernest Schelling, Pianist The Chicago Symphony Orchestra The University Choral Union Frederick Stock, Conductor 6. SATURDAY EVENING, May.19 SAMSON AND DELILAH SAINT-SAENS Jeanne Gordon, Contralto Charles %arshall, Tehor Clarence Whitehill, Baritone Henri Scott, Bass-Baritone The Chicago Symphony Orchestra The University Choral- Union Frederick Stock, Conductor TIC K ETS Course tickets may be ordered by mail. The orders will b in the order of receipt and tickets will be mailed out' about Apr odrinary mail at purchasers' risk unless accomnphnied by 1( additional for registration. BLOCK "A". Remaining seats in the three center secti the Main Floor, and in the first-ten rows of the first balcony, $.0 BLOCK "B". Remaining seats in the two side -ections Main Floor, and in the last five rows of the Firt' Balcony, $8.0 BLOCK "C".cRemaining seats' in the Second Balcony (8 rows). $5.50 each. BLOCK "D". Remaining seats in the Second Balcony Rea each. IMPORTANT. If Festival Coupons from Choral Union Ti( returned deduct $3.00 from price given above. z - Address all orders to and make all remittances {t p3: yA