- , iil Ism a 1-rn .r-' ---- 1 t1IIIIIIIIIIII ',A .r -J *SALE, OF, T Erns. And that wa the case. To these men could have one hiher bi R1TR B E odBrmnhmfl the undeirxale Wk erl'c'ni h ere satisfied. with taking frt aR PAV DW® FOR MAT Y'aETR Isk of relacing' Larry witih a yunweysjWsoni.So secnd places and not trying for d-VW Y S E R irman. And the act spelled' hisl tegh'1 R cn eod _- j dom. 1 *In the pole vault Hamant and To. lit a Mi. I ;,.I . I I . ,: W'1f%: :' {. t t; r 4 :) . ;; r. w4 L'71Mw " , t . C .:: :k" jThere have been other similar cases. IAnd as long as this sentiment re- imains in the' big body of fans the i Smagnates can't go too far and remain# jIn biz, Intamra Iems Schedules for the Church, Society, and Independent basketball leagued are as follows: Teams in the Cliurch basketball league tonight' in Water- main gymnasium: at 6 o'clock, court' , Presbyterians vs. Method lsts; court, 2, Episcopalians vs. Catholics. In the Society, basketball league the sched- "ule' is as" follows: at 6 o'clock, court 3, Detroit JunIOr' College v tr. e Archi- t t rl oit; cu t 4 vs. Scalp & Blade.: At 7 o'clock in the independent i league court ag gregations are sched-1 uled to perform as follows: court 1, Adams team vs. Livings ton team; court 2, Harkey team vs. Galebtin team ; court 3, Raymon team vs. Stochowiat team. Two of Michigan's stronest rivals in, the coming meet at the Illinois l carnival will be Wisconsin and Iowa.I The results of these teams after 'their dual meet at Iowa City recently show- ed that the relative -strength of these schools is quite high and that the men. that the Wolverines will have to face are of 'a high calibre. Breakng the armory record' in the mile, 440 yard dash 'and the mile re- lay and upsetting the dope in' a num- ber of other events the Hawkeye team defeated the Badgers by a scoreo 52 to 35. Brookins of Iowa broke the record in the 440'yard event, and won individual honor. with eight, points; his " was One of 'the seve n Tirsts' won by, Iowa to, the three that, Wisconsin gathered. Noll, broke, the record in the mile that was formerly held by i weitzer, of Minnesota, turning. in a time of 4:34 9-10. o wa WVins Two Places in Dash .I owa wvon first and second in the 50 yard dash Coulter taking first place. and Brookins second. The time fo~r this distance was .05 1-2. These men are fast and should cause Witt- man considerable trouble- at Urbana. Crawtord, Iowa's stay~rhurdler, took first place in thme 60 yardi high hurt\ ies with Shope of Iowa and Tuhtar of Wisconsin coming in 'second- and third respectivelY. Hubbard will have to sine 'Crawford up carefully for this man is one of the best hurdlers in3 the Conference and will give Hub-1 b~ardl a hot race. In- the half mile Morrow of IowaI took first turning a fair time& of 2:03!' 5-10. He was followed by Vallely of . Wisconsin and Read of Iowa. Phelps of Iowa took first honors in the two mile' event and it is interesting to note that this is Phelps' first year at competition in the Conference. Iowa has a fine relay team in Coul- ter, Noll, Brookins and Wilson who set a new record for the armory at Iowa City with a time of 3:34. This team will be one, of the strongest that the Wolverines will have to meet at IUrbana. Badgers Strong ht, Field Wisconsin proved to be the strong, est in the field events where she has two* good high ju~mpers and several' linson of Wisconsin tied for first an4l ! scond place at 11 feet. in the shio- guft Ellis of Wisconsin put the sho', 40 feet 2 1-4 inches; Later Ellis tried for a record but failed by seven inches after three trials. Among the others that will enter this meet are Kansas, Missouri, Penn- Sylvania, Ames, Nebraska, Washing- ton university, Drake university, and N'otre Dame. From all of these school,) there will be at least one or two that will-' be of first class calibre and for this reason it is impossible to say just where th~e Wolverine atliloes will place when the final returns come in. Be sure that every day in every way you use the "Daily Classified Column". It will make you better and better.-Adv. / , :y ' i r rr ' t xr ry+, .; J<'1 : _ ; Schedule for the fraternity wrestl-i- ing tournament tonight ir, as follows,; at 7 o'clock, AMacia 'vs. P~.i Chi; atf 7:30 o'clock, Betas vs. Phi Sigma I Kappa"; at 8 o'clock, Kappa Nu vs, c Nu Sigma Nu; at 8:30 o'clock, conso-I lation match, Dlelta Sigma Phi vs. PhI Beta Delta. The finals in -the fraternity bowlingj tournament will ptartt at 7 o'clocl to- night on the Union alleyfi. The fofl- lowing teams Are scheduled to roll:[ Kappa Beta Psi, Kappa Sigmna, Sigma Chi, and Sigma Phi. Any team failixiX to roll on the night stipulated will b19 automatically dropped from the tour- nament and will not be, given another chance to compete at a- later date. Dent Classes Hol Sioker Freshman and. sophomore dental fstudents held' a smoker at 7: 30 last evening at the Union. An address was given by Dr. W S. Woodruff, of . the Medical school. Did you leave your glasses at the Arcade Barber Shop;? Someone did. f -Adv. PHIONE 3117 CLEANING AND* PRESSING 'COATS - CUNO AXD PR.400 $1025 ALIT HAND WORK We Cull For and" Deliver SNOW !W HITE CLEANERS 213 SOUJTH INGALIJS A, The 'three stars which eost Grant his By Norman E. Brown 'That the fans hd the.'big stick in1 baseball and realize it. is shown oncez more,'by the most 'recent baseball sen= cation. The r'ecent sale of the BostonI Braves by George- Washington Grant, to Christy Mathewson- et al, is, referred to.c In these days of high finance, big'r enterprises and modern publicity-get- ting methods of conducting business< it has seemed at times! as though theE big league mogul-s and captains, of other enterprises, could get away, with murder. But the Braves'. sale proves that isn't the case. Is First Faux Pas- Grant might still ;be holding the Bos- ton club -and be' prepared' to :-realize- considerable on it but. for three Mis- steps. These" were the selling .of Art Neht, Hugh: McQuillan and Rabbitt M~aranville. -These deals cost himt the- club, those on the inside agree., Grant brought the; Braves' Jans. 30, 1919. Things went alonag'fine until midseason, that- year. -On-Aug., 2 Art.s Nehf pitched a two-hit game; against the Pirates and, the fans were, still talking about it- when, nine" days later, Grant sold Nehf to' New York for the. stated price of $515,000. The faes. might have forgotten this in time but along in the, 1921 seasonI Grant' parted with Rabbit 'Maranville, than whom no sweeter. shortstop. ever played in Boston town.. Allowed him to go to Pittsburg for Billy South- worth, Nicholson, Walter Barbare and1 some dough. Grant's goose would, have been cooked then: but for the fact that the team was going good. When the lean, days of 1922 came, however, 'tho fans ' recalled these deals. Then, in raid-. club. Left to right, 'A rl- Nei , Rab bitt MaranvIlIje, and Hugh McQu illan season last year, McGraw. needed t Lajole's Typical Oise pitchers badly. Phil Douglas had j We recall clarly the case of Napol- written , a letter. Grant permitted Mc eon Lajoie. When the great second Quillan to go to the Giants. That was sacker began to slow' up the Cleveland more than enough for the fans. j club faced the task of finding a man The fans stayed away religiously.,r ;. to replace him. And it was apparent This case and some similar ones1 that the da-y was approaching when call attention to the fact that of the ; Larry would be benched. multitude of ball players that come. "But the man who benches Larryf and go year after year there are a w.yill go too," remarked the knowing certain few who play their way deep enough into the hearts of fans to win . a close allegiance.M faIfto 6mli IILondonI Caps Imported Caps in all Latest Tweeds. Two Dollars AND UP Donadson FRESHMEN When in''Ann Arbor do as your upper classmen when I you can. w Michigan men, including Freshmen, do and can play N Billiards at Spring Oxfords' Imported leathers .in smooth and gained finish. All sizes carried in stock. Teni to thirteen dollars. jo Men cS;fnce 1&4K goad pole- vaulters. Platten and Do8n- IPtrontize' Daily' Advertisers.- Adv. ahue tied for first place in the ~igh' '.0. JUMP at six feet. It is possible that Try a d Clasified Ad-it pays.--Adv. New Victors Records For March 1922 POPULAR SONGS ., In a ('¢rner of the World All Our Own Edna 1troWn- tnry Burr ,~ Sunset Valliy Peerless Quartet 189 rce 0. -Carolina i n the Morning Aitcrca-' Quartet Toot, Toot, '.TootsIe, - Qoo'byc -Bil~lly MurrayxI-Ed. Salle I, =19006 Price, 75e SI'm Just -a Little Blue Ilelen Clarm-Lewais Jamaes Down by the Old Apple T.ree Billy MTurray-E d. Smale 11)005 Price, Te e SWhen Your, anal-l Were Young Maggio Blues3 Hiss Patric la and Bill~y Murray wtith The VrginiAnS - Come on Rlome Miss Patricola 'Wit, The Vr giians - 19010 Price, 75cE i Bees Knees-Fox Trot DAC.ECRS. The Virginians i^ Peggy Pear-Fox Trot Thie.ret white Way rch. 1Q0¢0- .Prue, 75c " who 1iDd You Foo} After All ?-Fox- rat The lignians = SRose of tlhe Rio Grandie-lox Trot Trite Vrglnians -19001 Price7, he =La Palona-Fox Trot International Novety Orci.E =0 Sole Mbo International Novelty Orch. 190b02 Price, 75c Ivy (Cling to ate)-Fos Trot Paul WhIteinan and Orci. W I(Gave You Up Just Before You Threw 3Me Down-Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and Oreb. E 19003 Price, 7(c Parade of thme Wooden Soldiers-Fox Trot -Whuiteman and Oreil. (x. allagher and MIr.Shman-Fox 'Trot Whiteman and Orh. E 19u007 -Price, 74)e= SWhen All Your Castles Coine Tumbling Don-Fox"Trot - - Zez Confrey: and Hils Orchestra The Lonmely Nest-Fox Trot Maulni itemuan and Orch. 19308 Price, 70C EI~umbel-Fox Trot Zes, Confirey :and is Orchestra Baby Rlue Eyes-Fox 'Trot The Great White Way Orchestra ..19009 Prtic, 75c VOCAL AMD INSTRUMENTAL- RECO}RD)S It's a- Fine Thing to Sing Sir Harry Lander Saturday Night Sk# arry Laridr 55186 Price, $1.50 SNot a4 Sparrow Falleth MBerle Alcock w :fy 'Tiask ",Merle Acok - 45343 Price, $100 Moonlight Sonata Olive Kline and Male Quartet Hymn to tihe Madonna Lucy Marsh and -Miae QuartetS 55194 Price, $1.50- 0 Sacred Head Surrounded Trinty Quartet ' Jesus Lives :- 'Trinity Quti t 19004 Price, The SGems from "Blossom Time" Victor- Lightr Oper& Company Gems from "The Yankee Princess" Victor Light Opera Company La 35722 Price, $1.25' L a Forza Del Destinlo--Overture, Part I-Victor Symphony Orchestra La Forsa Del Destino-Overture, Part II-Victor Symphony Orchestra 3521 - Tipe, $125 Reminiscences of Ireland-Phrt I- Arthur Pyor's Band Reminiscences of Ireland-Part 11 Arthur Pryor's Band Te18997 Price, 75e TeBlackbird-Reel (Vioin and Accordion)" E Meleyof rishRees N~ 8 Michael Rednmond and Marty Perry Medeyof rih Rel No'8(Accordion with Pisanm) John J. Kimmel -18998..Price, 75c Son oftim Voga RED SEAL RECORDS' Son ofth VogaBoatuien FODOR'CI{ALIAPIN"Bfass, in Russian 88603- Price, $1.75 '2Blue Bells of Scotland EMILIO DE GOGORZA, Baritone IS66126- Price, $1.25= Waltz fin A Major Hummel =MISCHA ELMIAN, Violinist (Piano Accompanimnent by Josef Bonimec)2 6 4829 Price, $1.25 Luca-M ad Scene-Part II' (Spargi, d'amaro pant - niti = Cast on My Grave a F'lower) Doiet -AMELITA GALI -CURCI, Soprano-It Italian ", 66125 Prce, $1 SAndrea Cheuier-IUn di all' azzurro spatzi (Once Oer the --ran Azure Fields) Godn BENIAMINO GGI. TnOr- Iii 'talian u - ~ 74793 Price, $1.75- Bide On! Ride on fit Majesty! MlnnEih O ILEHARROLD, Tenor W '74795 Pr~e, $1.7s Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Charles Wesley- LOUISE HOMER, Contralto - 87354 Price, $1925-, Tanunhausr-Diich, tenre Hlle (O15; Hall of Son) Wge, -- MARIA JERTITZA, Spranoe-lIn Geran Wane - 66124 P c,$1.2 =Killarney-HANS KINDLER, Violoncellist t Michael Th alfe 0ae0820 rice, $1.25 Mae loon-FRITZ KREISLER, Violin ist . Loa-F. Kresler =066127 Price, $1.20 =Jesus, MtyLord, My God, Myj'.All=JOHN -McCOR-MACK, Tenor,- 66122 Price, $1. Valse In .A Flat (Op."42)-IGNAGE PADREWSKI Pianist-Chopi I ~ 7:196 Price," $1.75 Serenade (Op. 3,- No. ) JRachiznnOf 2 E SERGEI RTACi-IMANINOF, Pianist 66129 Prie,3 $1.25. ' Dance of tihe Flutes (Danse des irltons) (romn "Casse. I2 Nosette"-Nutcracker BAllet Tschaikowsky'- 66128 price, $1.25, . ~SCHAEBERLE,& 'SON I-UUS'2 i i i I 224 SOUTH STATE i t t 'i ....a.®..®. Now, I. Fashion Park and Hick ey-Freeman , Suits and Top-Coats''-" COMPARPtE . , Any merchandise that fears comparison is merchandise- to be afraid of. We urge you to compare the style, the fit, the tailor work and the .value of our Clothing with any selling for as little or a lot more, $254$304$35-$40-$45* EXTRA TROUSERS TO MATCH 'EVERY SUIT -'V3w AWV t. w d111 w TT . r.r n :: r_ rr_: _,_ U' I ' 1., 11 \ -a- -gr & -ir *r o--4 u" - -