Ii i ak r£ ~iiN w r.w. s Destiny ' I,, , f : ,r. ;i f ;:1 i 3 i 7 nnIa~ m coaching school is'already on thebervatory. The founding took place C09CH S. SH OL OPN pres andwille out in a short time.i 82 C~~or~n l is~ SHOL o I~ expeo d. tdnt1s52 ofthe colete of Litera- tueSECOND r~rwrrr.. . _ U SESSION JUNE hr.ScieetC, , the Art 2~Ieouthe Artns student i the Oratorical Association toent I j otra*6, oratory and debate and top Regular credit for a degree in the J 0 'tokje part lIn thle annual contests'e ~School of E~ducation will be given for D o. You A. the Northern Oratorical league, theI1 courses taken in the summirer school Cenitral Debating league, the Mid-'t for athletic coaching and administra- West debating league, and in any oth-, tioln which will be given for six weeks Who compose the present Basket- er. contests that the Association way, beginning June 25. This is the sec-; ball squad? 4arrange.. ond, year that the summer coachingI How many courses -are. offered in school has been in session, !the Summer session of the School ot f ift's worth advertising at all, It's The courses given in this school Education? wortk advertlsing In th~e Daily.-- Adv. take up the problem of directing and what are the aimis of the Wotn'8 I____________________________________rr..r. coaching all forms of athletics. They ; League?. are designed for the purpose of fit- -, ting men to take charge of athletics The aggregate nuambeot of booki con-1 and gymnastics in schools and cal-j tamned .In' the Univerlty libraries on aE R leges throughout the country. June 30, 1921, was: 457,847 Volumes Last summer was the first time that The General l.ibrairy " contains 326,391 T uu. thie school was in session. In all volumes, the.,Natural, Science 16,648 T A I O R there were 14 courses offered for in-1 volumes, Chemical 1.0,788, the l n-I struction .under :Michigan coaches andf gineering, 16,96 ,the Medical 37,121,i athletic directors. Coach Fielding H. Law 43,935, Dentl 3,644..-2,448 pert- AS W ELL AS Yost, director of the school, was high- odicals are regularly received. ly pleasdd with the operation andi suc-I C ew rs n cess of the program and looks for E The University,,Observatory Was C l an rs an big future in this training of coaches. founded through'the liberality of sev'- Dyers The regular bulletin' and announce- eral Detroiters. ,For this reasonz the mient of courses for next summer's Observatory was nanmed the D)etrot NewSpig Samples Jest In J'There's a Great Difference- ADIES AND M ets. tIN AIOE womews Iitle T'eam Practices j bmuilding. Practice is scheduled fog1 Practice for the rifle tournamnlit 'Wednesday eveings anld Friday after- betweenl Michigan's womeni's team and nioons at the range wT:ith al possibility the teaims of Michigan Agricultural of Prcieon Tus aafternoon:; i a sufficienltnmber of shooters wvar- College, RippnmCollege, NWis('Olsin. rl':Ii l. Nine i-,w rifles have been: t3 Northwestcern university, andtlKanlsas cin'ed tar compet(ition work. TPhey will Agricultural college which viI1 h(, h(' fi"ed tat Nationa l Rifle association held oan M~arch 17, has' been begu :n at targe, ts, thind to1 1 be usedl for the the' range in room a3it Enginecering tournaliment. Lf'to right, Chancellor SelpeM, It R a1il ajn eitlent of the bank of Arts- intrija, and )3. trumbei ger, mnnister of. foreinaffairs Ithe hands of these 'three men. virtually rests the political and finan- ei,4 future of Austria. Ignaz °Seipel, as chancellor, has been fairly success- fuil in uniting the political parties. M. Reichl and M. Crumbherger, minister of foreign affairs, are his chief aides. sue Great American Sweetmeat Teeth were diven to man to use. Like our muscles, they need. exercise and plenty of it., IA I v1 7 FLv ^A.~I1 ~I I IJV InLzeIl SUITS I Three One A ct Work Oan Literary FPlays Presented' Building Advances By ~niRdpClu have been stretched from { i ~tower t tower in the construction o Assisted by Ruth -Vermilyea, '26, itle new Literary' building, and fromj whlo gave three exilbition solo dances. these other ropos have been. dropped Cdniedy club presented thrtee oineaci intermittently, to furnish support for plays last night in the high school 'thle two eentep troughs which are ariditoriumn for the beniefit of the East-, now being erected. exnSar oe's. Yaii ranzt' esterday onme cement trough as erniStar Womn's a~o~ic oganIz set up, from the center tower to lie than. "The Impertinence of the Creature",fonai on atytmeansofth curc by Gordon Cosiuo-Lenox, was the fudto.I3 en ftce.. curainraier.Her Hotene IIoaihanging every few feet this trough; 24,rtayvaer.hereHres o cani be inclined from the center toward '24 plyedthepart of 'Lady Millicent! the end at varying degrees to' aid in W-hle the unktnown7a gentleman was the flow of concrete as- soon as it is Rbl;bert Bro~n, '24. poured, :Elwood Fayfield, '21, and Carribel Asmlrtog ilb u po SImmidt, '23, .as little children, held 1Asmlrtog ilb u po t~eleadin roesin Nevrthles",the north side of the central tower, inclining toward the opposite end. bj Sart Walk te wr.dPuzzedver the' This is bein~g done so that all the con- m~anng f te Wrd "evetheessCrete can be mixed at one place and; t~yareheled ut of hei dificl-from there distributed wherever it, is ti by a burglar, Robert Dean, '2G. Ineeded in the construction of the ~Concluding. the program was Edna building. The pouring will begin with- St: Vincent Alillay's "Two Slatterns; in a few days. grid a hang",. In this, through Chance Detailed blueprints of the building theKuig marries Slut, an unclean have :been received recently in the slattern, believing that he is betroth- building supervisor's office. These call ecV to Tidy, a womian exemplary in her for a building five stories high, con- cle an lin ess. R uth C h risten sen , '24, is ta inin g in ad d ition to m any lectu re CIin e; H l C n e , ' 3 h i g o o n , c a s r o s n f i e ~ a r e Rhea Schlaaak, .25,Slut'; and ,.Vise tor'c library, miathieP atics and'econo- Barley, Tidy. 'In this play a. project- mics library, litera ry society' club ed setting was used, the scene beiing'roomis, and an astronomical observa- painted onm a lantern slide and pro- tory'. jected through a steroptican onto V, white sheet on thle stage.' f. Patronize Daily 'Advertisers.-Aidy. $30 to $52' SEE US AND SAVE MONEY POULTRY' FISH SEA FOODS ROASTS CHIPS, STEAKS All Hand Work In Cleaning, Pressing and Tailoring "1 WRIGLEY'S rovides pleasant raction for your teeth--alsto, the soft gum penetrates the. crevices and cleanses them. Aids digestion by increasing the flow aof saliva which your stomach needs. Use WRIGLEY'S after e'very meal'- see how. much better you will feel. The perfect gum is made under conditions, of absolute cleanli- - tess from pure materials, and comes to you in sanitary wax- wrapped packets. r The Flavr Lst if With you, alwvays want the Best courteous and efficient service. Phone 3117 -Two Phones- wt Collectand Deliver 31O11-CALL-31OO i A . R.e 223 N. MaiL1n. Street SNOW WHlITE CLEANERS 213 S. INGAL.LS '3 D'4 f' boom 91 UVRONSTREEMT TAXI DAY OR NIGHT 207 N. Main YOU can't exist on convenient loctoqikservice end low prices, but it's ;pleasant when they're coupled with such ex- cellent foods as served here 11eyt6ngS..the1MAnIN o"MST. JUST OUT MarchVictor Records A splendid list chuck full of surprises for the music lover. Red Seal Numbers galore : fourteen toe-teasing dance "hits!", Come to Grinnell's and hear them arnytime! Some of the especially pleasing -'numbers we list below : 25c 25c1 Students Supply Store' , 1111 South University Ave. Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Fountain P~enis, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies A rcade Cafeteria DANCE RECORDS 1! 000 Rees Jpees-Fox rotm. {'l he ."V~i.g in 'e.ggy iDeam'-Fox rox rot 't h" G.reat 14hlf 11"ay Orcm. 19001 Who DIld You Fool After- All --. T-.-Tle Vir'hmmhuis Rose o)f thme 114 Grnxnd---Fo-; Trot Thme Virginians Up s toirs. Nickels' A rc ad e Candies, Laundry Agency, 'tobaccos 19002 0 'pole Milo-Watz Lin Palonia-Fox Trot Jul erna'Ifmil Novelty fOreb. In tenimal lomal' Novelty (Orebm *~.best Paidhard Work int de World" * TS the way a ,JOHN HANCOCK salesman describedU hi work, He is a college graduate and in five ® jears has put himself at the very top of his U business. ®He never yet has called upon a prospect without U U a previous appointment. The best life insurance salesmen today work on that plan, making it a busi- Uness of dignity, such, as any worthy and ambitious college .graduate can find satisfying to his mental needs, and highly remunerative as well. U The, man above quoted is the john Hancock'sU Uyoungest general agent, This shows what college graduates of the right type can do in this business, how they can build up earning power and at the game time provide for an accumulated competenceU for the years to come. U Graduation is a vital period in your life and you U are liable to hold to the business you start in. It U would be well before making a definite decision to inquire into life insurance as a career. Address,U U Agency Department." U 4 Ivy- (Cling 14) Ne)-F. 11'. W i n m i ad Hhis Orchestra 19003 1 G ave Yogt 1U1)Jest Beffore You Trew .,~vMe Do)wn- Fox ' rot ,' 1O litetaua ad11-11s Orchest ra 19007 Parade of time NWooden. Solders--F.''T. Vviiteaan & (Irch. }dir. G%1aiagher amnd r. Slean--1-'T.. Whitemuan &Oreli. Whmen All Yourm' Castles Comae :u Tiimling own ). '1. 191008 Zez ConIlrey iird His Olrel. The JLonely Nest--Fox Trot; Whltenmu i, awdOrehb. 19009° J)u~mbel-Vox Trot Ze kComurey and fl!,; Orcli. Baby Blve ,Eyes-Fox Trt-J-lie Great v4 ,dte Wa %rch. POPULAR SONGS 1899 ! n1a a.Corner off the World All 0Our 0 v-la. a rowmmi, Bu~arr Sun mset Valley -("erless Quartet, DO E. GRiNNAN CUSTOM TAILOR 19006 Carolina in thme orning Toot, Toot, '4)ootsi ,GoO~bye 1"605 I'm jilst. aLittle Blue D~own by the Old .Apple, Tree PiiiQuartet Billy .1111ray, f!?d. sulatle hfelen 'ak e i k me #il .V :=1 nrrvy, El.Sit-mile Tuxedos Evening Clothes Golf Suits SATISFACT[ON :19010. 'When You and I iWerv Yomig Magie 0 ilues .3iss Ptricola and Mu41rray iitli Colies onl Rollie 2iI f'Parilcla il'ti f iri m 61'.31 CHOICE (OF THE AOEI.OD9OL " <-N s fi 1 °4 1 T:^lrAftlt% to 4"^^ z% II - I UI 1NICKf'iS iArCaae i