bR L IVLU "lI, in the meantime, any are vitally EMJIE~~ interested and want additional infor- mautien in mediately ,they may secureIS1 IE it fmMr. J. 3. Kelly, local manag-erSA cf the MihgnSate Telephone comrr- ixi,"he concluded. EXPERTS PLAN, TO HIS TOR IC FOR TRES S MU E Off ernRecital Adv°ancedI students of the School of Music wore heardl in a recikal last might in thle school auditorium. Voice(, pim no, and violin solos made up the li P Session in Afternoon 11111,C0UNC1L APPROVES ~PRING WEE PlA l - -(Conatinuaed from Page One) Cl~t N d 1,1-1 IN g4 CUILCiVV each week, the meetings of the crm- REL WIENS IXLEI) t tniittee will be announced from tiir:a to time. Meetings of the Association (if American~ medical colleges will begin at 9:3 o.'clock tomorrow morning in the upper reading room of the Uin It is expectedi that more than Q.0dle- gates front the medical schools of tho country and a large portion of tb,) local medical school will be 1)resent. Several speeches will be given in the morning, chiefly preparatory to the. afternoon business r etia g Amendments to the present rules re- quiring only two years of pre-medical work will be considered in the after- noon. 'These meetings will lbe impor- tant because the policy as to the re- quirements for admission to the med- ical' schools of the member colleg es, will be determined. The report of the committee on Educational J'ada- gogics, "The Medical Curriculum," wil~l be submitted. Discussion of the :status of the clin-s ical professor, (if the distinction be- tween laboratory andl clinic, of tine "Special Medical Student", and of thel "Dean's Pr'oblems" w~ll be mc'S tudarmrnng on Sturdy moning WIT H OPE[N POSITINS' Coach Fial4ing H. Yost andl Harry Tillotson, assistant to the athletic di- rector, explained the ticket distribu- tion at football games to the council. Coach Yost-ad that the method now used w2,'i opens to acru,1rate c(:110.0k all times, and was the liest -one that could be devised. Tickets are give-ii out in order of classes and the stand-, acre evenly divided between students and alumni. No one person hai re-' (ceived more than four tickets top any game and no organizations have been favored with blocks of seats, unlessI. they were applied for on time in the pres=ribed, way. lie said the present system of ticket distribution v, worked over with a Student council committee last year. Tbe applies- tions are each numbered and filled i order and, as they go throughl many hands before beinry filled, there is li,- tle possibility of unfairness. ('olnil tee R eports The committee which hras. been working with the managing editor cf the Michiganensian, at his request, reportedl that only 0 men -would ap- pear in the activity section this year instead of 128, last year. The men are all graduating seniors 'and hav-1 'been active in campus work (Inrin the past year. The managing editor o: tufe year book desired the sectio-. F I f i r 1 i i s . l i I 4 Mai:rgaret Strauss pl7ayed a Beet- ,hlo en Sonata, Doris Schid~t, render-, el n a rnr ll a h o , Cl e esTristesse and Etude by , A rensky. with Miss Amelia Goodrich the other pianist on the, programn. Mhiss Kaiser, violinist, playedl the Adagio from 'third Suite, by hlies. Ruth Scheidler szing "Songs My Moth- er Taught Me", the well known DvorI ak melody. Mrs. Anna G. Johnso gave a group of number. iIr. Had- iey 'was the other vocalist on thli p rog;ram. Gr_-;ce to Nave '+ew Political Pairty Athens, Feb. 23-- (By A.P. )-Lam-;, ,,rose A. Coromilas, former Greek minister to the United States, has an- nounced his intention of forrming a new political party.i -"O the strident or f~ u cl T 'Urigv:as al1 for p ,effec t p ivork. 17 tiacp degree: 3 coping. Amric,-n Lead k eucil CO. 3 f ~ c ay RIDER'S PERK SHOP The fountain o, p,,r sari - faction. Section of W ttlenieni ,, of Fortress 3ionroc. In. lickground are U. S. niaval vessels at; anchor in HamptonRod (By Central Press) lie constructed of stone taken from1 The work will l Norfolk, Va., Feb.' 2.-The United Fort Wool which standd almost in the plans prepared b; States government has .been roussed miiddle of Hampton Roads. The stone ;oldest expert on to action b y the reijort that in les is almost as historic as the old fort, world(. Ware is< than 20 years unless some 'check is for it was taken to Fort Wool during the oldest employe devised Fortress Monroe will be wa sh- the Civil war 'for 44the purpose of government. ed away. This fortification, which is strengthening the fortifications there. ;___ regarded as the most formidable in Most of it was not used and has been America and one of the strongest in piled uip there for half a century. the world, houses some of the world's It will take several months to comn- largest guns. Besides its battery of plete the. jetty, but when finished it W ev mortars, there are guns which hurl aI will afford complete protection to V shell 20 miles to sea. Fortress Monroe and will be strong Two hundred and fifty feet of the' enough to throw back the heavy waves R{eal beach above which stands the fort has' that beat against the shore whenever' gone, adrift in the last 20, years. To there is a northwest 1)10w. The gov-. save the' -historic old fortress from erment will spend something like further danger in this direction the $50,000 in the construction of the jetty. _:------ be carried out along' by James Ware, the fortifications in 'the 82 years old , znd is ' of the United States Gof 'Em T astxv In N W~ii Choose your life-work among big men rut down, accordhing. to the commit- LN(f1E.'IS ,A ,RSys1iT~k:ES~ Reprsenati cs rom11,v& roni I ~er(2t ha.sicss oncrnscalle. c on jy att i'e officeof,i1,seph IA.] ii LN order to enhance its value and government is erecting . a jetty 240I .)rcvcnt dissatisfation. !yards long and six feet hig94 on 1 ho The onurittee on campus events, in ;beach around l the fort. T1e jett wil I rbir report, said that the Sprin,,g - ° - metgames this year would be carried onATI( SW V dl re-; in such a way as to elimnate any un- x, Y=_ PLY SF; ~ TlY~ Bars- fairness. It was scggested that a, -- - 1., . . ... «. . _. _.._.LL L_ _1 1 __v _i _ _. _. .. .. ley, Dean of Sti of ac(intl ing 1, the fact that t of an interestiin nature (durir t 'permanently, af J. T. Shieafor, ident of the Mic comipany, and*I maniager of, the pany, were the7 represenjtat ives, all of the large sities of the cc samre propositici They are a r students in en~ administration, specializing inc Many of the pt be placed in &Hf will be situjated ° ctics. "On iMarch I< turn to A nn Are (lays and would men who might propositions,"; adents, I' the purpose i anner might be offered as a trophy }ayu' ~r~~i ~g ~ t Mich ,igan stud(rts with to the winning side in the contests. Jtuna ltrr rccyar, to be col- Uluy moy secure work! The comncil committee on the J-I-opj ductetl in a (ljffer nt nianntr this year ng anhd remunerative ;Wil submit a full report, at *the next ith lan ine r yE ars. 'A , o open ITIC - the summer ne~ontbis or 1 mecting. ingwilb ndtte iii henr fter graduation. -- - -to weeks similar to tile one ' 1 ,l!i a~siistant to the pros- IQ~lIt '4FC~( Tr ) ISTRIBUT : this 4v ek ,twhich ajll l)rOil)(s 'ii;' c2higan State Telephone i ALL STATE APPPR0PRIJrf4 i enibers are inlvited1 itobel~a resenit The.IH. Frick, Det roft; The visitors are asked to take ixrt Western Electric ccn- (Conatinued from Page One) in the discussions at these .:ee t~ig. men andlthey or other tprest funds for the soldiers' bonhus at This plan is for the 'pur pose oif ac- planto isi nerlywell as the addlitionail money request-I quainting new members wJt~i the pod_ - I~la to isit neale to pay clraims will be taken froms icy of the society bafore they efe° r colleges and -univer-mRuart outrnet al taxation on the iheory that egulrtyouts will be conduced fol- otrprsnngtethe soldiers' bonus wa!proe lowing these special meetings wa ppoedbs ,metns miulr., iteeedin:he pelople at the polls and it was gas-+ rt~cua~lyintr ; edinsumed to come out of taxation. i loo you (d0 business with "Jimmie ineeingandbusut ss Acc ording toi the figures that hiave ' The Ad Taker"? Ile can help you out as we-ll as students ;lieen corn pied the cost of opserating; chemnistry and physicYs, state departmnents will amount to ap- tudoents employed wifl proximately $ 6,000,000. This amount, ! rice work, while others fit is expected will be yieldled by tile d in research labora- corporation tax. 2 these men will re- ( s,. . Oil to Come F'rom l1Alaska I rlor for three or four Washingto n, Feb. 28---ithdrau -t Ilike to interview any; of 20,000,000 acres of land in Alaska be interested in their Ito form a new naval oil reserve was f~ said Dean Bursley.j announced Tuesday. :. - - - kV y Sq nc t : iM. s r - s F nwm A and s G. D. Morrill i ,yyy 17 Nicker Arcade '7Ellr - HAMBURGER S Ever Try 'em? 13ETT.C'R DO, T licy're riade to order at the 1219So 1 (( 219 nd ixiah eS. fof A rch" Every college graduate has ideals concerning his future business career. There is one wise choice open to you. This choice will~ not only be a business of standing in itself but it will put you in touch with-every business and prove a gateway to countless opportunities. Scores of the highest ranking graduates of every college are yearly entering the Insurance business. They find; Marine and Casualty - ideal surroundings, ideal conditions and ideal business contacts. The Insurance Company of North Americas is a national, historical institution-founded in 1792- with over a century and a quarter of well earned prestige. Conservative policies and dependable service have been respornsible for the growth and for the constructive activities of the Company in the development of the entire insurance profession. Insurance Company of North America PHILADELPHIA and the Indemnity Insurance Company of Northi America erite practically every form of insurance ecept life. / ak. 1 c. oir p ,;,rte. ,. °'° __ _ .y.o....w I W--m T 'ODAY THRUi ..SATURDAY I t k fn .6 R.-o-okrs I L " , INDIVIDUALITY. or After the' show step in THE GREY SHOP 600o, L.iberty for a Sandwich &"Buffalo" Nunanally's .1. 'I,' 1<:_,7. a S i i Iruii iq ii rN rr r i rp kI ! r WITH JACK WAND AHAWLE AND JULIA F AYE HOL In na Sparkling Mint of Laughs Southern Candies 6o'e UNIEDCIAR STREuni. 2 1 ac Tins choice Smoking Tobacco, 2 doz. Pipe Clean- ers, with every Royal, Italia Briar Pipe, value at $1.50, all for.........................98C $5.00 Gillette Razors, one price..... ...... ......98C $1..00 Gillette Blades (1 doz.).................. 79c $10.00 Dunihill Pipes, choice ...............$8.50 "FRESH BOX CANDY" $1.50 Gondolier Chocolate Cherries, lb. box........5+9e $1.00 Funds, lb. box Candy................. 39c Guaranteed Fresh The Right Stlore with the Right Price ~ ETTER& eFRES 118 EAST HURwON ST, PHONE 64-11 $. 11 .30-what Jack looked like ( ( when hie blew into .town. 20,000.00-which everybody _shunned as if it were a case of smallpox! 1,000,000,00-how Jack felt when She said "Yes." - -one of the season's best light comedies. The man who thinks for himself, naturally se- le~cts clothes that express his own personality, and that are not seen on every street corner. WVhen you select material at Wild & Com- pany you are not only sure of its quality and the perfect -tailoring that rn"kes the finished suit dis- tinctive, but you may be assured, of the fact that you are getting an absolutely exclusive pattern. TAILORS TO MICHIGAN MEN Total Mlatinee 022 War Tax c Total 25c E-vellings War TAx 4c 3tc Khdl es Aniytimie .I Total A~MEu SCREEN P R OG ~RAMNI LITH 1100 SETS 25 Coming Next Sunday- nversrek t~ EAT AFAM"Te Electric House"CIFAl BN HEARTSAFLAMFn " x , .?' [;1 ' 1 At'rA INE a', L, ji E , L i 5 mmoommmom wftw maw 4 v . Mae woom Now_ is"' "'K- ( F2' 6' - Q. -i. 4 7. 5, 5: YjYk..' N.,' } ..i1 ! :. .."af.NT y ,y .,;. r...3 (: :tS r ,- . a 1; 4'' # : r z D7 ances Fr'l~ an 53tu rday _ _ - _ I # HE I I .r -- - - M. 1- - usn -An-.M, -n 1':