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March 01, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-01

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FAMOUS NATURALIST TO rnnrurr D New Postmaster
Dr. Rymond I t Dinmars, curator of Anton theh ooks which Dr. Dit- D
mammals and reptiles, New Yor mars has -written are "The Book &4NUW
Zoological Park, and distinguished au- Nturl" and "Reptilcs Of th( World"(
thor, will speak at 8 o'clock tonight ISpeaksTonight
,n H5ladtru stefrtMrhSAEISIUIN WILL (GET T OT1 hD [[


Adventurer Takes Hearers With Him
Over Entire Trip Picturing I
Dangers Encountered
Relating his adventures on a recent
trip to the Arctic and especially Baf-
fin Land, in a most interesting man-
ner, and showing 6,000 feet of re-
markable moving pictures and slides
Donald B. MacMillan, renowned Arc-
tic explorer and distinguished lectur-
er, gave one of the most popular lec-
tures on the Oratorical' program this
year last night in Hill auditorium. ,
"Little Known of .Yorth"
"Little is known of the Northern
regions," said Mr. MacMillan, "ex:
plo'rers go there to obtain informa-
tion. I organized my expedition, fit-
ted out a schooner, and made the jouri
eey in the hope of being able to make
some contribution or, at least, to fill
some blank page in the story of this
country". He pointed out that it was
their purpose to find out something
more about terrestrial magnetism and
to attempt to discover why it is that
the needle of the compass is grad-
ually moving westward. He explain-
ed that when their party was 150
miles from the pole that the compass
refused to act and that they were forc-
ed to make their journey further only
with the aid of the stars and North-
The speaker took his hearers on
his entire trip with the aid of his I
slides and cinema. Leaving Wiskas-
set, Maine, in August, 1921, the
sch1ooner Bowdoin with its load- of
supplies, food, and crew, set out on
its exploration trip that was to last
13 months. They sailed north by Nova
Scotia and later arrived at Labra-
dor. 'lis pictures clearly portrayed
their every perience-
Shp is Frozen In
Chtting through the Polar "pan" ice
with their ittle schooner, the explor-
er made their way to Baffin Land and
here made ready for the approach of
the winter. Their ship was frozen
in for 274 days and during that time
their experiences were numerous.
These were all vividly pictured in the7
Mr. MacMillan pointed out that the,
Eskimos are always happy and smil-
ing and that their religion consists
in the belief that everything has i\
spirit, the stars, the moon, the su)i
and all things. He said that, con-a
trary to the belief that glaciers ar'
sometimes retreating, they are always
Mr. MacMillan mentioned the fad
that many valleys in that country are
Iilled with coal. Scenes of seal hunt-i
ing polar bears, igloo building, dif-
ferent types of Eskimos, icebergs, Es-
kimo dogs, and walruses were shown
on the screen Moving pictures show-
ing the building of snow houses was
especially interesting and presented
glimpses of what has seldom been
seen by Americans.
Carried Radio With Jimn "
An interesting fact concerning Mr.
MacMillan's trip is that he carried a
radio with him all the way and in
this manner was able to keep in touch
with the outside world even whert
frozen in and hundreds of miles from
the civilization of the World. Dolls
were taken by the explorers and giv-
en to the Eskimo children. The speak-
er said that their joy was especially
great on seeing, for the first time
these American toys.
The explorer paid an excellent trib-
ute to the hardy Eskimo dogs when
lie said that they are untiring and'
that they will pull sledges over rough
ice wth no complaint for six days and
more without food when they know
it can not be obtained.

speaker on the Oratorical lecture pro?
gram. Dr. Ditmars has chosen for
the topic of his lecture, "Our Animal i
Friends and Foes".
Has Written Several Books
At the present time Dr. Ditmars is #


_._ _



known as one of the greatest natural-
ists in the country. He has written
several books on animal life and has
done much in adding to the knowledge
of animals, reptiles and fish that has
already been gathered. In studying
animals he has discovered their many
peculiar traits and their reactions un-
der certain circumstances. With the
aid of motion pictures which he has
taken much pains to secure, he is able
to tell of the most peculiar kinds of
beasts in an unusual manner. Five
reels of motion pictures will be used
to illustrate his lecture. One of these
reels is unique in bringing together
the four types of anthropoid apes
which/ Darwin has' alleged are the
nearest to man.
Here are scenes of the only gorilr
that ever lived long enough in cap-
tivity to be fully studied with the mo-
tion picture camera. There are also
intimate scenes of the chipmanzee I
organ-outang and the gibbon. Some
of the animals are introduced to the
wantsof civilization and even dine
at "a table in strangely human fash-;
Include Animals of Many Types
The pictures include animals of
many types, ranging from the largest
elephantsown to the smallest mon-
keys, also species of snakes, lizards
and other reptiles, a wide variety or
insects and fish of all kinds. In re-
gard to his picture, Andrew Carnegie
once said, "They are the most wo lder-
ful motion pictures of which I hav'j
any knowledge".

Specific Taxos Are Plnned toCarry I
en Administragitiof$
Lansing, Feb. 28-(By A.P.)-Fin-
ancing of state institutions from fundsr
through the general property tax I
while the cost of operating the admin-
istration department of the govern-1
ment are paid out of specific taxes,
is contemplated in a plan being work-
ed out by Governor- Groesbeck and; Postmaster General New
members of the appropriations co1n- Indiana legislator recently ap-
mittee in the House and Senate. pointed postmaster general in thej
Tax Levy Fixed at $19,000,000 cabinet. Dr. Hubert Work, former
This was disclosed today by Sena- postmaster general, becomes secre-
tor James Henry, chairman of ttie '.arv of the interior to 'succeed Albert
Senate committee on. taxation, whc Pall.
ainounced that the general tax levy
1 was to be fixed at $16,000,000.
According to the approved budget
request for state institutions exclus- U
ive of land and building the amount HIP ING BI[
of money collected for these pur. f
poses would be $7 353,408 for 1923-24
and $7,33:,517 for 1924-25. ,
$8,000,000 For nuilding Program
With the $16,00. 'O limit for each Administr.uon Plan' For Merchant
of the new years this will leave about ! arine IZ es.Eae.tly One Year
$8,000,000 each year. for all the build. 'After iarty
ing program of state institutions ,in-r
cluding. the, University and agricul-+
tural colleges. How this money is -to PRESIDENT WILL INTRODUCE
he apportioned is now being consider- NO FURTHER. LEGISLATIONj

Baltimore, Md., Feb. 28.-It
has been estimated by Lord Car-I
narvon, discoverer of the tomb of
Tutankhamen, that the total val-
ie of all objects found in the
tomb is about $15,000,000. Some- C
body with a mathematical mind
popped up in Baltimore and
"How much would that have
amounted to if, instead of hav-
ing been buried with the king I
j 3,400 years ago, it had been put
j out in safe 6 per cent bonds and I
j compounded up to the present
I day?"
Here is the answer:j
$ 14, 288, 000,000,000,000,000,000,
0 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0,0 00,000,000,000,600,
0 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0,0 00,000,000,000,000,
This is the figure of Dr. John
Rogers Musselman, assistant,
professor of mathematics at
Johns Hopkins university, but
the' figure of another well known
j mathematician is:
$ 4 , 8 0 6,000,000,000,000,000,000' }
0 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0,0 00,000,000,000,000,
0 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0,0 00,000,000,000,000,1
It should be explained that theI
latter is the larger sum.

MAY 11-19

Dri. Raymond L. Ditnars
t Assisted by motion pictures the fam-
ous naturalist will speak tonight in
Hill auditorium. Dr. Ditmars is cur-
ator of mamuals and reptiles, New
York Zoologival hark.





The Senate voted 63 to 7 to lay aside
the shipping bill and take up the Fil-
led milk measure.
American delegates to the pan-
American conference at Sandiago
were given detailed instructions at a
conference with Secretary Hughes.
The French embassy announced it
had reliable information indicating an<
anti-French movement which threat-
ened an "armed uprising" in the Ruhr.
The Interstate commerce commis-
sion informed the Senate. that the an-
thracite coal situation did not war-
rant priority orders or embargo
against exports to Canada.
The British debt funding bill was
signed by President Harding and
treasury officials went to work on1
final details.
Postmaster General Work recom-
mended to President Harding that se-
lecton of postmasters be vested sole-
ly in the post office department.
President Harding nominated for -
mer representative Towner of Iowa
to succeed E. M. Reily as governor
of Porto Rico, Dwight Davis ,of Mis-
souri, to be assistant Secretary ofI
War and Frank W. Mondell, Repub-'
lican floor leader in the House, to
succeed Mr. Days as a director of the
war finance corporation._

Veteran Virit s ity 'Ti'rainer Signs Tig'I'er ed. --X-----_
(traict and Leaves University The building and land .requests for Washington, Feb. 28-(By A.P.)- , i PR
in September the University alone totals almost the The administration shipping bi
entire amount that will be available today just a year, to the day, afterFsu
shipig il dedFin als Saturda(y
WAS STAR WOLVERINE TAC forebuildings under the plan. The re it was born. ______
MNADOEOTSPITRquest which went to the legislature 1PeietHr
A unapproved, has been introduced On Feb. 28, 1922, President Har- Final results of the Illinois relays
calling for $7,277,000 for 1923-24. The ding, appearing at a joint session of
Archie Hahn, '04, Varsity trainer total building request for all state congress, urged enactment of legis- . will be given out at the Majestic
and freshman track coach for the past institutions totals $16,541,221 for the I lation designed to build up an Ameri- theatre Saturday afternoon for as
three years,.has accepted a three year biennial period. -. can merchant marine and identica many events as have been run off at
contract as assistant track coach at Under this plan the sin'king and in bills were introduced in, the Senate I
Princeton university. The contract has (Continued on Page Tw ) and the" HoUtse. Today the, bill then
not been signed as yet. _____ 9 introduced, after having passed the will be announced from the stage as
Trainer Hahn will assist Keene House, met its death in the Senate. well as being posted in the lobby atI
Fitzpatrick in 4weVeloping the fntar -fThe end of -the legislatloi which 5 o'clock,
Tiger track teams and will also'coach: the President has advocated with all! The, Majestic" is the only place
the candidates of next fall's freshman tIhe power at his command, leaves the where arrangements are being made
football team. administration where it was a year to receive the results. A special
Leaves in Fall ' ago in dealing with the $3,000,000,0001 wire over the Western Union is beingI
His work at Princeton not begin- Investment in war-built ships. The obtained.
ning until September ,Archie will re-- task of ligqtidating this investment al- --ead k - --
main in Ann Arbor until then, teach- .Ambassador Harvey says ettieme.t ready has been made the subject oT
ing several cdurses in the summer of British Obligations study and the plans under: consider FCULTY-UT
coaching school. inConclusive' ahe t be announce soon to(
In his' undergraduate days, Hahn -The'death of the bill was taken -to
was considered one of the foremost BOVD OE PETO :mea'n the end of such legislation for' nORM M NA IH
collgiate sidter n the cour tBORROWCEDMONEY SPEND O . years to come, for President Hardinrj
collegiate sprinters in the country MUNITIONS, CLOTES AND FOOD has let it be known that the admin-
and his mentor for his four years of niIstration plans no attempt to obtain i A vaudeville performance by fac-
citpatick, Pr ic ton aK London, Feb. 28--(By A.P.)-Am- consideration- for. the bill at the next ulty members and students will be
Fitzpatrick, present Princeton track bassador George Harvey. speaking at regular session of congress. ' { Faculty Women's club and the Uni-
coach with whom Hahn will work a dinner of the Pilgrims tonight, giv- given under the joint auspices of the
there en in honor of Stanley Baldwin chan- versity Young Women's Christian as-
Developed Feshmen Track Teai r of the exchequer, declared the sociation at 8 o'clock next Monday
Archie services will undoubtedly be British debt agreement was "the first lLUWIIII IU I41101evening in Hill auditorium.
greatly missed :bythe Athletic depart- ;conclusive settlement of a really vit-u Organizations participating in .this
meat. Besides acting in the capacity al world problem since the armistice". VET Oac zaStidn eartinnt in the
of Varsity trainer, -ahn has been in- "It involved", lie said, "the greate .Ui=Y aUiversity club, which will present the
striumental in developing freshman financial transaction reported n his- famous "Janitor's Chorus" composed
tracksters for Varsity competition. tory.cIt brenwithitn renhnent 'Michigan alumni of New York are ofaul 'J ;Masques and Mum-
After graduating from Michigan tory. It bore with it an enhancement planning their annual banquet which o faculty men;
Hahnof neutral respect and the everlast- will be hed in the Hotel Commodore mers, each of which will present an
Hal-n spnt eghtyear on he Pct-ing' friendship of the two great nations !-ilb edi h oe omdr
fic coast as athletic director of several ti which the tword loos f in New York Friday, Mar. 9. The pur- act; Burton Hyde, '25M, with his
small schools, in turn. He then ac- ti e etio sol dpose of the meeting is to get togeth- ,arimbaphone; .a banjo quintette;
cepted the position of Varity track bility which are essential to the pras- er all the alumni in the vicinity to and the Girls' Glee club of 90 voices.
coach at Brown university, from whichp ity a h ess o i nrdrenew affiliations with the University. A parallel bar performance ,interpre-
coperity and happiness o an It is to be held under the auspices of tive dancing by University women and
college"Task of Great Importance the University of Michigan club of songs by Robert Dieterle, '23M, are
"tue and the . adjust ino New York. Members of this club are other features of the vaudeville.
terms relatively minor, The under- 'makingstrong efforts to have 1,200 Tickets are on sale at Wahr's, Gra-i
t tanding" e aed , Tcoul n e alumni from this locality at the bang ham's and Slater's book stores. Re-
beend'ng", i ate r " l lt than quet. served :seats will be sold at 75 c'ents,
S ONh a r i g d a eritthe President Marion L. Burton and and all others at 50 cents. Saturday'
agreement had not reached the sat-! Prof. Robert M. Wenley of the phil- and Monday afternoons the box office
fagr otenti millions of p twho osophy. department will speak at the in Hill auditorium will be open for
F.1 %T'vritvi~rvm isfaction of tIlon .f p e w banquet. Samuel McRoberts, presi- the sale of ticekts. .

Includes Underclass Games, Cap Night
Cane Day, May Festival and
Two Sport Meets
Grouping of Apring events into nine
days, from May 11 to 19, inclusive, was
favorably acted upon at the Student
council meeting last night. This -is
the first of what is expected to be
annual occasion. While no name for
the week has been decided upon,
Spring week has already been suggest-
ed. Many organizatlons are in fio'r
of the project, including the Uni ,
the Athletic association, and the Stu-
dent council..
To Include Major Spring Events
The dates of the major spring
events will be changed to bring them
within the designated period. A ten-
ta.tive schedule has already been ac-
cepted by the Student council, sub-
IJect to revision in necessary cases.
This schedule makes Friday and SAt-
urday, May 11 and 12, Dad's days and
provides for the Tug of War on Fr!-
day, and the.Spring games, the 111--
nois Track meet and a Mimes' pro-
gram on Saturday.
Cane day will be changed to Sun-
day, May 13, and plans are under ay
for an All-campus convocation on
that date also. Wilfred B. Shaw has
suggested that class reunions may be
held within , these dates instedt of
during Commencement as heref-
fore. -Such;a plan would relieve the
congestion here during the gradua-
tion week and would give the visiting
alumni a chance to be here while the
undergraduates are still preent. 'Com-
bined exhibits will be arxra-ng d . for
Monday. A regatta on the Huron
ngay also be held on this day altjogh
one' of the later, days has been sug-
gested. ,
Exhibits Arranged
The combined exhibits will contluiiu
on Tueday and the Senior pl4y may
be arranged for that date. Wednesday
the May festival begins,. the conbined
exhibits will be continued, the Ohio
State Golf meet, and, probably a car-
nival in Waterman and Barbour gym-
nasia may be held. This carnival
will be produced by campus organIa-
tions and 'its exact nature is ,a yet,
undecided. Thursday will have the
May festival, the combined exhibits,
and the carnival repeated.
~ On Friday C-an Night ceremonies
will be held, the date- being cha~ned
from Saturday to allow the visiting
athletes to attend. The Interscholas-
tic Track meet will be held in the
afternoon. On that day also, the
Architect's party will be held. On
Saturday, May 19, the closing day of
the week the May festival, the Inter-
scholastic Track meet, the Minnesota
baseball gaim.e and a Union dance, are
scheduled. The regatta on the Huron
may be held on this date.
Marathon Canoe Race Suggested
Suggestion that a Marathon Canoe
race, after the manner of those 1ld
here before the war, be included' waV s
introduced by one of the visiting stu-
dents. These are some few Of- the
events which it is planned to include
in the week. Stutlents having ideas
for new features should bring them
before the meetings of the Student
council, or before the Student council

comprise the British empieante
---)ED FOR AFFHAIRs 'TO START Amrcnz'pbi,
Installation of a regulation boxing American republic."
platform in the wrestling room of Wa- AT 7:30 O'CLOCK ' The great majority in congress pre-
terman gymnasium has recently been sented conclusive evidence . of unmis-
completed. This will serve as a box- Carl "Brant of the publi speaking takable gratification in the United
ng or M a's ioral tea deatmen tbeen secued as teStates and the unanimity- manifested
and other men desiring sparring prac- chief speaker at the junior literary in sGreat Britian afforded . "eloquent
tice. Coach Sullivan, is in attendance class smnoker to lie held at 7:30 o'clock !testinmony to the sense of relief, even
every afternoon and gloves are pro- 3 this evening in the tipper reading 'joy."
vided for all those wishing to box. room of the Union. Several special at- "The United Kingdom," said the
tractions will complete the progranm. ambassador, "continues to rest on the
T inn l Atica_'4 124 of viera fame and roek of financial integrity and na-

.,o ,~llil 11111, 4 , pVnrcaaxi u
Evans Delights AudZence With connected with many other campus i
PopularAnd Effective Recital; drmatic produci"s, will appear in
a short sketch, "Now You See It, Now
You Don't". A specialty by N. Dwight{
More of a popular nature than tech- Any muddiness due to the action o Smith, '26D, purporting to be an al-
nical was the organ recital played by the organ was redeemed by the ex- most exact imitation of the perform-
af- cellent pedalling. Falk's arrangemenI ances of the great mragici-an, Thurston,
Harry Russell Evans yesterday a- of Liszt's Liebestraum, No. 3 was ef- ! will also be presented. The musical
ternoon in Hill auditorium. With the fectively done, particularly in the soft program will consist of several vocal
exception of the first movement of parts, and the swift cadenza passage.: selections by James Johnson, '23, as
Mendelssohn's Sonata in A major, the on the flutes. well as entertainment by Ted Rhodes'
program was one that compelled the ( Johnston's Midsummer Caprice con- orchestra.
emotions rather than the intellect. De- veyed a mood of delightful unconcern Tickets will still be sold today be-
lightful in their simple perfection, in its rollicking and blithe perform- tween the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock in
soothing and beautiful were the com- ance. The number, perhaps, best re- the lobby of the Union. All Junior
positions offered and in these Mr. ceived was Baldwin's Reverie, deli- lits expecting to attend, should secure
R~vn o ~xpll. +a, n t P.f 1mt-; trp..s flin8 ' in'lE~t1321P. I ~~ -- -+i,.,,

tional honor".
in ice skates were in demand a.
few days ago. A variety of sizes
in rubber boots are in demand
today. Despite the size or com-
niodity we stand ready to se-
cure a buyer or a seller for
anything you have or anything
you want.

dent of, the Metropolitan Trust cone- -committee working on this matter,
pany and chairman of the finance . The Student council meetings are held
-committee of Armour and company. Radio Pr ogram To (Continued on Page Two)
will act as toastmaster. G
Gve Opera Songs,
Sa za a ddresses W.C.X., Detroit Free Press radic DIRECTORY, SUPPLEM T
C br c e Francais bradcasting station, will present a__
University' of 1,tMichigan program of Following a custom instituted
---. vocal and piano selections Friday som time ago, The Daily will
Prof. Georges Gomez de Sarzana of night. 'Songs have been chosen from
the Detroit Junior college spoke yes- past Union operas. Among those of- publish a directory supplement
teday afternoonbefore the Cercle fered will be "My Girl at Michigan"
I Francais .in Natural Science auditor- from "Awakened Ramneses", "I'll Al ter. The supplement will list
um. He discussed the life and cus- ways Love You" from "The Model all changes in address and will
tonus of the people who inhabit Al- Daughter" and "Vanities" from "In also contain the names of thosei
geria, France's large colonoy in north- and Out". who came to the. University in f
ern .AErica.. -, The lecture . was illus- ' Dorothy Cozad, .S. of M., Marguer;February.
trated with stereoptican views of va- ite Shattuck, S. of M., Elbert Has In order that the lists may be
rious points of interest in the coun- kins, '23, S. of M., Edward Kupka, '24, compiled as soon as possible and
Fittner R. Mundt, '23, and Harry W. tcmieda ona psil n
try. EH printed within a short time,
The next lecture on the Cercle lReninger, '24, will play the music. those who wish to be listed are
Francais' program will be given Wed-!I requested to fill out the coupon
nesday afternoon, March 14, when ; Hi nny To CaptainIbelow and mail to the office of
Mr. Homer Desmarais, of the French The Daily.
departinent, will speak on "Traces IHoosier R un n e r s Address, Directory Editor,
dparmen, inl Apericn ae oH ose tAdesDretrymeitr

Christianity in America Before the
Time of Christopher Columbus". Bloomington, Ind., Feb. 28-(By A

care .of Michigan Daily, Press


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