_______________ iF -7MICHIGAN DAIL) WEDNE~lA Pul, the' VrON AI Y caton in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mnembers of University. Copy received until 3: lO p. ra. (11;30 A, m. Saturday.) info -3 WEDNELSDAY, FEBIRUARY 28, 1'94' 3 N IIaher 107 their families. The members Of the lUniversity Cluib will b~e the guests of the Club. ('tARA B.13. BTES. Oratoicat Ascz r turn Le ;ii re Tonight; Holders of Course Tickets will use tho Williamt Allen White Coupon for admission to the Lecture, by Donald 13. Mailla n, tonight. EDWARD T. R'AM1SDEIAL, Pr es i d ct. interview electrical and me- I ings1Daughiters to fvPlays dcat iBrown'Is hook store, chanical engineering students inl- Members of the Phoebe Beal Cicle }terested in employmnent w'ith the of King's Daughters, of the Methodisti Sohtlinde feturlns front Ohio Stale Westinghouse company. Episcopal church, will give three one- Prof. Antonio Ge. Solalinde, of tho tell United States 11ar Veterans' Bur-; act plays at 8 o'clock tomorrow eve- Spanish departmnet, has returned front can men "should report to Mis.s Beck- ning. Music for the chorus of 100 a six(lay trip to Ohio State university er in Lane hail this week. voices wvill he furnished by the Wes- where hie delivered a series of three - - ieyan guild orchestra.. The proceeds lectures on the history of SpanishIN jTry a Classified Ad-it pays.-Adv. will go to charity. Tickets are onI erature. Tc thie feas : There will be no conference of the Deans on Wednesday, Feb. 28. The nest conference will 01.o place Wednesday, Mar. 7, at 10 a. mn. in the Presi- dents office. M. La. BURTON, I~et re in lBiolog The lectures of Professor Stockard, which were scheduled for Wednles- dlay and Thursday of this week under the auspices of the Zoology Depart.- Dien t, have been postponed on account of the illne:4s of P rofessor Stockard. A. FRANKLI 4 SHILLk. Dean's Adyisorz' Commrittee, College of Tlterture, Science, and the Arts: 'there wilfl be a meeting of the D~ean's Advisory Committee Friday, M0arch 2, at 4 1). m. in my office. JOHN R. EFFING1ER. Seniors, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The Dea~n of the Graduate School of the University of Iowa has writ- teni an "Open Ljetter to College Seniors" in which he discusses graduate work and answers many of the questions which the college graduate is called upon to answer. This letter has been printed by the Research Council and a number of coies have been sent. to my office for distribution. All wo -are interested are asked to come to the office for copies. JOHN R~ . E !{INGERt. Engilih18,_18: Makeup examinations in the first semester courses in Browning and The ?novel will be given Saturday, March 3, at 9 a. in. in Room. 208 Tappan Hall. LOUTS A. STRAUSS. 4IaItheinufles 1--Colleae of Literati re, Science, and the Arts: There will be a make-up examination for students who were reported X or I in Mathematics I in the recent reports, -on Wednesday, Feb. 28, from 1 to 4 % mi. in ]Loom 20)2, ~Mason 119ll. Please get necessrary blanks !from Registrar's office. JOSEPHIL . MARKLEY. Economics 1 and 2:; Make-up examination in Economics 1 and Economics 2, March 2, Fri- dlay p. mn. 3:15-6, Room 202 Ec, All student; who intend to take this examination will please notify Mr. C. It. May In Room BOG, Econonic~s Building before Thursday. F. W. TAYLOR Ala squies Ary member of Masques who has any of the costumes used in the re- cent production o1' the Knight of the Burning Pestle is requested to call Lucilla Walker, 2338, or Mr. Nelson immediately as they are needed. J. RALEIGHl NELSON. I ....__.._... 1 4 i'IISI)AY WHIAT'S GOING ON !WTICE---Copy' for this eolumn should #be submirtted by 5:30 o'clock of the day before publicatiou. WEl)NESDAY 12 :1 3--11faa Iiiematies clulb luncheon' in m~ain d(ining room of tlye Union. I-,:00--M:latinee )I1isle4ile in the nassema- ly hail of the Union. 3:3011-- niividual icetures of track nien will be taken in \Vttern an gymnas- l1- t5--elacatr411 ofsecond act of'' ~ arras Iormigas" in rooml 205, Uni- versity hall. 4:Ml--Cerele Fraincais leetnre in Nia- Itural Science amditoriu lby Georges ?Gounez (de Sarzaina. of lDetroit .1 on-! i01' colege. "t11 ;gerit'' i5 lthe sub- 1 3:~13i--i aterf rat eii ityhockley mate lies ilWeinberg, coliseuma.j 7:W4---1'resinian tGleec ~1lub eets; in assembhly hail of the Union. 7:13!1- Ilalaniliiacan hi let}iinrooani 2.02 of the U~nioni. 7 :31--.ower dent: Iaokin j~rooi '11S of the Union. 7 :30--Shtideu coccal il meets in the Union. 7 :10--Order of iDe IMoaly ne*'t * iii H, i ;hall.' ? :30--Boxing clut) mci's in thle 1union. 8 :04--Lectmare by IDon ald 1)?. .thuc il- inn, Aretio exploirer, in Hill11 audit c'- W ill. 1111----juni al.elnginee"4.meet iroam 343, ]tngineei'ing building. m 4:1 1enat al f acualty luncha in pm'ivaal.e di~ning r iooaiof the [Union. 'I 3:10I1 l'yers' dclbmnects i ei o 3W; f:0 111141lyers' club meets in room 205~, Mas~on hall. -1.00-- The tapper1 staiff of the 'Ensian mies in Press building. I Of) .wciool of Edluc'ation senior class iucts in r'oomn 202, Tappan hail. t'i :-13c)0 111111lijtee Umeets4inl room11 304 of the Union. 6:00-l cnilfaculty dinner in room <319 of, the Union. 6:00i---Al pli a.DelaSigmia (sinne1r aitthme 7:041 --(gee cdb meet,,;ini uppierred (ing roin of the Union. 7:.10---4a wor lit smaoker in the Union assembly hall. 7 :30--- Pi'o. Ed1win IDickinson, of the Law' school, speaks to Cosm~opolitani claab ini pa riors of Wesley hail. 7 :,' - Fomeei studIent members of the Engineering society meet in the society rooms. 7 ::30--ha Socledad lfi'spauianimeets in roomU 205. University hall. :(lt-lr. Raymiond I,. 1)itinars, natuir- alist, lectures in H-ill auditorium. 14 t)--VhistanScientce society maeets aat; Lane ball. IT'S COME! WHICH YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO GETS CAN BE HAD NOW AT U NiVERSITY AWL R4 amBOOKSTORE r t BLON DES 1 r H'arsh mallolv Wrapped In Caramel" Seventy-five cents a pound Friday and Saturday Thne MacDiarmid Candy Co. 715 N. University Next to Arcade "Theatre Anp Arbor ... - ---- ------- STEWARDS and Education I.10 Tlere will be no meeting of the class this week. I.. A BUTALR. j aniisci'ips for flie March issue of IWhimsf.ies should be in the hands of the editors not later' than ;March 8. litpresen taive s of the timighiouis company wvill be in room 274 of the Engineering building today to HOUSE MANAGERS OF FRATERN ITI ES Twilight (Organ Rectal: Mr. larry Russell EGvans,;. of the Factey of the University School 0of Music, will give the following program at the Twilight Organ Recital Wed- neaday afternoon at 4 :15 in lll, Auditorium. The public is cordially in- vited. Sonaa in A Major, Opus 65, No. "3 (Mendelssohn) ; liebestraum., No. 2, (Liszt); Midsummer Caprice (Reqiuested) (Johnston); Reverie (Baldwin); Adagio in B Minor (Widor). CHARLES A. S INK, Secretary. rngineer!"g, Society: There will he an important meeting of all the foreign student members of the Engineering Society, Thursdty evening, March 1, at 7 :80 p. in. in. the society rooms. WILLIAM A. COTTON, JR ., President. VarsityTBaud:: Wednesday, Feb. 28, Regular Rehearsal, University IHall Auditorium, 7 p. In. WILFRED WILSON, Director. Siummer Session, Surveyig 8: All students intending to elect Surveying 3 next summer will meet in the West Lecture Room of the Physics Building at, 4 p. in., Friday, March 2, to hear the plans for the season's work. 11 B. MERtRICK. Philosophy 5p: To my great regret, I mast refuse further enrollments in Course 5p. All seats are now occupied. R. M. WENEY. Cerele Francals:z Mr. Gomnez of Detroit Junior ,College will deliver an illustrated lecture today on Algeria, at 4:15 Natural Science Auditorium. This lectere will he open to the p~ublic. A. J. JOBIN. Faculty Womnen's Club: The Faculty Women's Club wil present three plays at Sarah casw ciil Angell H-all Fridaty evening;. March 2, at 8 p. in. Open to members and . e AND}r SORORITIES j For the convenience of your members why not start a charge account with the "WHITE SWU4AN"t PHONE 165 I HE POLLY LITTLE TEA SIJOPPE NOW OFFERS A NOON LUNCH FOR 50c PREVIOUS ARRANGEMENTS SHOULD ICE MAID 'PRY OUR DELICIOUS F bGE CAKE 'TEA DAILY' OPEN 11, A. M. TO 11. P. M. 1P-1O.N1E951-W4V ON THLAYER JUST BACK OF FAhLL AUDITORIUM C I I 11 ---- -------------- 1 ,! I ii K We Are Showing the NEW TYSON Soft Shirts with the latest collar, "THE NEW HARVARD)) This is the shirt you have been looking for THE LSRT TRADE MARK RED D Materials oxford, silky finished poplinls brcadclothes, and silk finished oxfords. Priced $2.50 to $5 4 Our Portraits of Men Are Real 0- =W I Eating May Be a Habit Make'your Lunches a pleasure by eating at Tuttles, Lunch Room, 338 Maynard St. South of Majestic PHOTOGRAPHER I t nker&, Company SO). STATE STREET AT WILLIAM STREET THlE O101 1 OF IkTE L IOTHES AND1FIT. NlSH1GS A1r FAIRt PRtCE STATE STREET Call 303-W I for appointmentI v w 4 N f, tltfi11 11III11L1111IIN {11111.'uI1111I1111I1 ill li1611lll{~ 111i11111111i1111111I111I1Di19111l1I11H111f11I1I11111111111111111I 11111111111III1IIlI~ lll11111111Illlli1111111' ,.. 1111i1,t1111111Iti11111ii11#Ilittliiill This Remarkable Series oflectures ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION LECTURES' il[1IIIIIIIIIIIIl O-NIGT ItlIICIIIEIllill $1.00 DONALD B. )aML AN RIUM -- EIGHT O'CLOCK WMOUS ARCTIC EXPLORER TICKET ON SALE _at Wahr's &Graham's and a Hill Auditorium HILL AUDIT( TOMRO -- THURSA DR. RAYMOND L. DITMARS, Naturalist