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February 28, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-28

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1 pyp 17.11 H1 1 U iL# J Y5 f' L:V L' 0 li I I PL'DILUl1i\1 u0,



Duke To Don Grid


Duke To DonGrid
To s Once Aga n

Continued Victory For Wisconsin air
S lichigann Win Over Hawks
Means ie
' Coach Mather's Varsity basketbal
quintette meets the Iowa five Satur-
day night at Waterman gymnasium in
the final game of the season for the
Wolverines and the next to the last
for'the Hawkeyes, who have thus fa'
gone through 10 games on their sched-
Ole with no defeats registered against
Michigan, by virtue of her win over
Illinois Monday night, is safely en-
trenched in third place in the Dig Ten
standing. Wisconsin . comes second
with but one defeat; by Purdue, which
was looked, upon as a decided upset,
while Iowa has the only clean slate
A Maize and Blue victory over Iowa
Saturday night would have direct
bearing on. the Hawkeye champion-
ship chances, forcing a tie with the
Jinx Still on Job
Skipper Mather was permitted to
grow quite familiar with the famous
eligibility jinx this season. In fact
the bugaboo practically ruined Mich-
igan's chanpionship hopes,-but he has
not ended with it yet for Rice, play-
ng left forward for the Wolverines
Monday night, came out of the game
wvith an injured elbow. It is not defin-
itely known whether he will be in con-
:ition to play against Iowa. If ihe
dloeC not go in it will probably neces-
sitate the playing of Haggerty, wh.
has been reeovering from illness. Hag-
gerty played 10 minutes. in the Indian
ilt and in that time caged two goals
rom near the center of the floor,
Birks Back In
3irks, once niore in Maize and Blue
uniform, will be seen at the other
forward berth with Captain Ely at
center as usual, and the great guard-
ug combination, Paper and Cappo
'eady for the hardest game of the
season. At present, Captain Ely is
eading in Big Ten scoring with 118
points to his credit. The lanky cen-
er has scored 41 of these with field
oals while the remaining 36 were
foul shots. His nearest competitor
k Barnes, of Chicago, with 116 point.
-Coach Barry has placed .one of th
most evenly balanced teams on th'e
loor this season that has ever been
een in the Western Conference. With
Japtain Hicks, playing guard, Funk.,
he free throw artist of the outfit, at
he other guard position. Janse. and
Laude "at the forward berths, and
3urgitt holding down the center job,
lie coach is blessed with a smoothly
unctioning outfit. Funk is one of
:he leading scorers in the Conference
While Janse and Burgitt rank near th)
op of the list. Captain Hicks is plac-
d with the leading defense men, he
nd Burgitt being largely responsible
or the defeat handed Michigan Jan.
6 at Iova City.
Last For Four
Four Wolverine tossers will see
ervice for the last time in collegiate
,onpetition Saturday night. Captain
Ely, Paper and Cappon, guards, and
5ice, substitute forward, all have pu)'
n their allowed period of play. Coach
dlher looks for the hardest game of
he year but he has confidence in the
Lhlity of his men.
Iowa is practically the only court
eam in Big Ten competition that does
ot number among its ranks some
thlete who has previously achieved
ame on the gridiron. The first string
oster of the Hawks holds a list of
lames totally unfamiliar to followers
>f footall. This is considered par-
Oldest Woman Student Dies
Mrs. Amy Davis Winship, 92, the
)bdest wsinan student in this country,
lied Feb. 19 at Racine, Wis. At the
ge of 78, Mrs. Winship matriculated
.t Ohio State university. Later on
he studied at the universities of Tex-
s, Kansas, Wisconsin, California and
'lorida. Metaphysics and sociology
mere the principal subjects.

SWherever yqu go you -will i
be better Ar mentally and Ni
" p h sl al y a fter am e o.*
® okto aomBlirs
"S, _ cm

ticularly surprising because of the
great number of fast men who made
up the title claiming eleven of the Old
Gold institution last fall.
Star Free Style Man Chosen Lehder
of Wolverines For BalI nce
of Season

iI' , aea- - -
Francis L. Smith, '23E, is captain
of Michigan's first ,Varsity swimming
team Captain Smith, veteran of two
seasons of informal competition, and
star sprint man .of the Wolverine tank
artists, was chosen yesterday after-
noon to lead the aquatic aggregationI
for the balance of the season.I
Now in.. his third year of competi-
tion, Smith has always been one of the
most dependable of the men who havr1
represented the Maize and Blue in theC
water. While not always a first place
winner the newly elected Wolverine
leader has fought " continually for
points at the finish line and may be
expected to round out his aquatic ca-
reer in the- M..A. C. and Big Ten meetj
with no little degree of merit. f
Stanley Brown has - been working
his men hard during the past two
days in an effort- to.round out a com-
bination that will down the Aggies
by a more decisive score than the 48
to 20 count of the first meet betweenj
the two institutions. In this attempt
his' offensive will be bolstered' to a
considerable extent by the addition
of Hubbard to the squad. The crack
Wolverine, distance and back stroke
moan was ineligible during the first
semester, but his appearance in -the
tank against the Aggies should result
in a few more points for Michigan.
Papenguth"" and : Mildner, Wolverine.
divers, who were handicapped at Lan-i
sing by unfamiliarity with the spring
board, will be on even terms with Kie-
faber, Aggie star, and a tough battle
between the trio for first honors is
The Aggies, too, have been strength-
ened with the advent of the second
semester and it is probable that stiff-
er competition may be expected from
Coach Brown believes that he ha,1
uncovered a potential star in the fan-3
cy diving .in Vaupre. The latter gets
more height on his dives than either
Papenguth . or Mildner, but is handi-
capped by his approach. Coach Brown
oeieves, however, that with the ac-
quisition of a certain amount of con-
fidence -Vaupre may -develop into .on
of the best of the Wolverine divers.
It is thought that by the time of the
Big .Ten meet .on March 15 and 16
Vaupre may be able to play- dark
horse. to the Conference favorites.
Al Mielziner has been hitting off
the breatt stroke in fine style since
the Northwestern meet. Witnesses
of that.-meet were given one of the
few thrills of the evening by the race
between the little -Wolverine and th(

Phi Mu Alpha Displays Great Pas sing
Game anld Sutprives
Although outclassed in passing and
teamwork, Sigma Nu had consistent
success in ringing the hoop and de-
feated Phi Mu Alpha"14 to 11 for the
championship of the fraternity bas-
ketball leagues Monday night at Wa-I
terman nymnasium.
The first half started off with a rush
and Sinfonia by superior floor work
secured four points before Sigma Nu
struck its pace With the institution
! of Merner and Knode into the win-
ner's lineup, they took a fresh hold
on the game and secured two fielders.
But Sinfonia's passing was perfect
and they speedily added four more to
their total, two of the points being
from the foul line. Neisch added two
more for the champions ,while Krauss
threw a point from the foul line just
as the half finished. Sinfonia's pass-
ing and teamwork was a revelation to
I the dopesters who had picked . them
to be easy losers, for they uncovered
a system that worked the ball down
to the basket before their opponents
were able- t. get set tor. the attack.
Sigma Nu shot many times but was
unable to connect with the hoop con-
sistently. Score: Phi Mu =Alpha <8,
Sigma Nu 7.
In spite of the fact that. they had
been outclassed in everything but
finding the basket in the former per,
iod, Sigma Nu came back at the open-
ing of the second half and put ,a kink
into their opponents attack. Sinfon-
la was unable to. reach the basket but
a few times durhing-the-remainder a
the game; Both sides scored from rtho
field and foul line-toward the middle
of this period aiid tied -the score at-11-
Merner, substituted- for Stone,. on .a

short pass from Knode shot the win- 8:'0 o'clock, Phi Delta Theta vs. who is going to be out for spring prac-
ning' basket. His sucess was dupli- Lambda Chi Alpha. Schedule for sec- tice to get into this class. It meets at
cated in part by Krauss, who scored and round will be announced tomor- 4:15 o'clock every Monday, Wednes-
another point from the foul line, sew- row. . !dIay, and\Friday.
ing up the game. Final score: Sigma - _---
Nu,14, Phi Mlu AlI)ha 11..b Sixty Report For W *e l.hlwoph Plar
_. i Unprecedented popularity of Prof.
In ra mura Items New Grid Studies i. M. Wen1ey's philosophy courses
____ was .evinced in the recent overflow in
Coat. lxai he has over;ity;7 men out philosophy 5-p. Such a large n umber
Finals in the All-campus foul- . .h)Lial cas ir looty m is u stulents desiring thy. course ap-
g nt wl be held at fors isspemila o icothall This peared at the lectures in room B, Law
9:30 o'lock tonight in WatermnClass is primiyForf i the new building, that it became necessary to
: teuth ichigan sy t(m of football refuse admittance to many.
gymnasium. Approximately 10 men _____s_____a___ns____
will compete for the coveted trophy. ig the men Ihat are going out for If you don't know where you los
spring praich 1 iin conditio., the article, never mind, a "Daily Clas-
All teams scheduled to play in the The< class niets three times each sified Ads" will find it for you.-Adv.
first. round of the All-campus hand- week Part of each practice is spent
ball doubles tournament should re- ,i calisthenies. This is followed by Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv,
member that all .nitial round match- Ite taking up of some special defense _ _ __
es must be compled and the scores or offens i that Michiagn expects tcWANT
turned, in by 5 o'clpck, Wednesday, ;e n, xt year. One day of each wee R TRACK TRYOUTS YA)TED
March 7. All teams not having played s gi ven to basketball, wrestling, or
by that time will be dropped from boxing so that the men will not tirl A call was issued yesterday1
further competition. of football. -1I for tryouts -for the positions of
VanderVoort, who has been inac- assistant track managers. Any
Final sets in the first round of the tive since lie broke his arm in the Ohio i.sophomores or upperclassmen
inter'fraternity wrestling tournament State game last fall, is using this I eligible for campus actiivties are
will bring the following teams togethI class to get in. condition for spring requested to report to any as- -
er ' tonight in Waterman gymnasium practice. Neisch, end of last year's 4 sistant manager after 3 o'clock
wrestling room: At 7:30 o'clock, Deli squad, is also out. any - day in Waterman gymnas-
ta Chi vs. Delta Tan Delta; at 8 o'clock, Coach Little wants every man that ( ium,
Phi Kappa Alpha vs. Hermitage; at is not out for some other sport and ,


R. Jerome Dunne
In the football limelight once again!.
R. Jerome Dunne, '22, captain.of Mich-
igan's 1921 gridiron eleven and now a
student -in the Law school of North-I
western university, has been named
assistant coach at the Purple insti-
tution to succeed George Trafton, ac-
cording to an announcement made
yesterday by athletic authorities at
the Evanston institution. "Duke" will
take up his new. duties when the call
comes for spring practice. 1-e should
.be invaluable to Coach Glenn Thistle-
waite because of his experience in line
pla yingand his tutelage under Coach
Fielding 1-1. Yost.
Purple clad victor and with a little
improvenient Mielziner can be expect-
ed to call for some fast stepping in
Big Ten circles before he can be down-f


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