I I°-I E MIHIGAN DAILY ,.. . _ _ -a- . _ ,_.... CKETS G0 ON SAE i,,L FORl JUNJIOR GIRLS' Pt~LAY L..--___ :Male Students .incur Wrath Of 'Madison Women, All women who took rifle shooting I .Announcement, of the name of the ifl,truction last sjimtester andl who Junior Girls' play, wichi is to be giv- wish to continue with the work are i en March 21, 22, 23, and:( 24, and of the asked to meet, at 7X:15 o'clock to-' entire cast and choruses will be Pa1, m~z at the range for a short time. Sunday, Mlarch 11., according to those 'Those who wvere not. in the class last4 in charge of the production. This is semecster but who wish to receive i- in keeping with a traditionI, Iwhich., struction this semnester will meet Tho-. together 'with the one of p~resenting twveen 1 anid 4 0"'clok Friday at the the play the first evening; in honor of same place. the senior women, his existed as longA as has the custom. of giving such a The class in playground work willa production. I meet at" 2 o'clock this after- Ticket., may now he obtained . nooni in Barbour gymnasium. through application b~y-mail from f _____ Freida Diekhoff. Th e prices are as The beginning class in aestheticr folows: boxes, $2.50; first floor, $2; dancing will meet.-at 8 o'clock Mora- front section of the balcony, $1.50; retj day and Wednesday evenings in ar- mainder of balcony, .$1, The gallery bour gymnasium. will not be open, The cover for the programs and Thrce costumes which were used in scores' has been comipleted and was the Morris dance given in the "Knight drawn by Rosemary Lawrence, '24. of the Burning Pestle" fare missing. Rehearsals for the remainder of the Any one who has 'information con-; week will be as' follows: today- corning their whereabouts is asked to broadway chorus, 4 o'clock; skeletons: notify Lucilia Walker at 2338 or Prof. 4:30 o'clock; dolls, 5 'clock; college 'T Raleig h Nelson'at 2996, immediate- wen and women, 7 o$glock; profes- ly. sors, 7:30 o'clock and internes- and ri ILamnbda Theta socecty will meet nurses at 8 o'clock this evening; at 8 o'clock this evening at DeltaDel- Thursd~r-broadway .chorus, 4 0'- ta Delta house. clock; college men only, 4:30