tTHE ',- 'HIQANj)AIL REPORT SHIPPING 1iL AGRIEEMENT: Senators Find I 1ifflcil-iiIn 1est~ructigj of Administration EXPEC~tT DISPLAC'EMENT Y FAVOR OF NEW LEG~ISLATION Washington, Feb. 27-(P,,, A. P) Agreemient was reported todlay in the senate, to vote tonnorrow oni final dis- position of the administraition shi ppmng' ~bill whiich has beenf regarded as lost even by its supporters since last Fri-I day. Before the agree ment to vote was reached just beforte-adjournment it had begun to appear that the task of finally killing it had become almost as difficult as that of passing it. Much of its debate today had as its theme' the filibuster of last week against the measure and the means of disposing 'of it. The agreement entered into which provided f a vote at 1 o'clock to- morrow wav, proposed by, Senator Jones. The proposal was accepited by Senator Robinson,- with the remark' that it was time "to get this cadcaver out of the senate." It is expected that 'the move to recommit the bill will be defeated and that the end of the legi - lation~ will be brought about to dis- placement in favor -of some other measure,. Students To Give Re cital Tonigt AdIvanced, students of the School of Music A ilI give the following program at ": AO o'clock tonight in the School auditor~ium. AMmission is free. :Warrior's Sony..........Holler Polishi Dance......Scharwenka; Amnelia Goodlrichl Sontgs My oterTaught Me...'Dvorak A Song of Sunshine.......'~n: fluth Scheidler Son.Ata, 01). 7, Ne. 2. ..e thoven ,,larg;aret Strauss Solve!j±'; Lend(1........ .....rieg __)n so pm co±"30So, fiin ' Noz e i Figar:)" ".MBozart PrldC sapllin or, Ra'chinaninuff Celia West « u e. . .. . .............Chopn . T r.,stsce...... .....Gliere I{ tt~rlE . . . l . Aljisk A49 ( 't'i!A ,11'Ot _it ; N III}1~ 1ow;~rdreaizi'I(1 dbnueof ,. nij~vi na1 x nrhunisatother in- 't~tin let lann have hYad a dis~ a~zros i fu~eceoil -the enrollmnent. WILL LECTURE TONIGHT C omedy Club Will 1FAULYMESEA Fren.cI Lecturer .ewl cu nMr 4we I D~ smn~ aisof the French depart- Repeat(VProgram FaUl To T ' P twllSel i 1'l"SofC1lS 1.__ Speak willt1' a oakt!on( "-'r-cc)r aof1dOnra versity Etnin etr i tliI!is lilty n M eria elro ethe Time' Comedy club will r eeat its per- stteyes~'a . rolloh ,. P~if~l 'u' "re ce o~aznof L ____________________________JJ of the jolurnalism eprtet _-l~ fomneo a.1 o h eei ibefore the lHolland WV.o ,,,_; lu ;h ~t.it41!) olgewl eie tart the newi semester righlt.. A the Eastern Star, women's masonic about: "Educa t on adhit' . aUl nFrnha :3 'ltkth Rm tnPotbewllhl.Js organization,, at 8 o'clock this evening The Kalamazoo Court of the (;1thr- 1 "":;1(:in N t ralSigenc: ll2, r& ot 2ltn heticaI sto e and the ,itdent rS. Cr':)ige 13 tl'to look a:t things in the szamt light as Admission will be 50 cents for sic by Mrs.Gere .Rhdorte --- amnatilyeggdInuses. adlts and 25 cents for children. School of Music faculty v, lM . e i e a( , ed Msh1.:+. ; c to $ B 3abSOn In stitute, an educational in- feature of the Matinee Musicale t; li :t. - ~c i 2. tiuin now ortepur _e Thmii~i~ l l~et lases omorow gra )C~.Ien 33 0o'cockKik "' n ~s ~hubrt resnt itting men for executive resPonsi- llln01'e iassrr row gasto begienat 33 co' iiis nie o osn o h Prof. T. E. Rankin, of the rhetoric afternoon in the Union Assembly hi hi.' a'i t iam it u Mnlti eQbolee'rshi. rtefoday.ies department, who has been ill for 'the T___-Leadrship."RAiteEAoday past few days, will be unable to meet I+T he way to rent a room is with a L ieCmd fijn anr b o n tt t heis clas'ses umntil toinoitiob afternoon. "Daily Classified".-Adv. TE~WS". Wellesley Hills, 030"" ,so) Donald B. MacMillian, noted eX111rer of the Arctic regions and dis- tinguished lecturer, who wi1 speak tonight in ;Hill auditorium on the sub- ject "In Unkilnown Baffin Land". He has spent many months in that country and is intimate with conditions that exist there. His lecture will be illustrated with pictures of the frozen North, scenes of both summer and winter life in these regions;- and slides showing the inhabitants of the country With whom he associated. "--- AR TING.TOPAY STARTING TODAY "For this reason," hle says, it is ohi- 'iiouu; that the movement if adopted' t Michigan will necessitate c ne a t;- tion on the part of other engineering, colleges. "The approval of the plan worked out by the faculty committee will. simpily mean the referring ofth schreme to a. national meeting of teLh- nical schools of the country lin order Iseinie uniform rdaum Ay be work- ed out. Any movement along this line nmust he rationlal, the *University can only take the first sten." "Day oy cday, in every way, I am at your service", .1fM MIiE, the ad task-- er. Call 966.-Adv. ARolcig uomed of ]ook Agents nol , Bootleggers ---- Ii a! LITERA Y LECTURE SERIES Po ets a'd N o P~e I is t' :. " s orothy Cnfel MARCOI SIXTH Ham ifn Garland ArCHtyse Alfred Kreyrnbourg AP~RIL(Vase to be announ- ced later) ALL THREE LECTURES $1.00 kind $1.25 SINGLE ADkMISSION Cec acd 71,c Un der Auspices of AMERl~ICAlN ASSCJA TIONS of UNIVE SIT WO}MEN14ard "HMIS ~~O~ 0xn f10; trs S.Schok& T n S" S It a S *1 1~! A '.-- - -- .cctua :es a,-0 1. -1V .1111 A'ud to~rium Thiclcs oSle cGrtms and W ah's, I Thfe Daintiness Of" 0- Gy1 Switde Pimps is an irresisdible argument ,r *f- l' Spring, because of the twvo distinct silhouettes devciopcd in garmc a st.lcs, ),ourc going to appre- ciate more than ever ho v essential it is to select the correct type of fotear for vairious costu, es and occasions. A . Paramount Picture M1iSS Threa oncY, brilliant young AmerC'Iicanitscholar, is the terth Amterican s tudelnt to win honors at theLa famous, Frenlch university, and the fourth womYan to do so. If it's worth adve-rtisng at all, it's worth advertising in the Daily.-Adv.' I'rom flue tstae by Liemnit roit. Adlpted Be al I -A ii r lilt Ba. by l1 -s S OMETHING new for Jack Holt-a,),efli htftl light com- edly. All about a hlands ome iman cif' Myst wh breezed into town arand ups et the- graf'ters anid'the ladies' hieartis end won the rigning beau ty for his own. A suc- ceson the stagie; a hilarious hit as a picture. .,u11ia Flye htIn I - upportin cva. °I II I H -iow closcly footwear and -garment styles are 'aled will he still more fully revealecl as you view these dainty grey suede pumps. They ar-e attractively trimmed with a buckle efeect of grey leather and are fashioned in the tongue style widh mediurn"L ouis heels. The, graceful lines of this new pump mi its rmcdish color serve to make it immensely popular, for all semi-dress wear. 'While the lines arc such that is looks vvdti with the daintiest of silken frocks, the medium Louis heel allows It 'to be worn comfortably for Al1 wc i- dress o-casions. NO ADVANCE INPRCE Lvemgsti34c War .Tax .4e 47 t *TAX i{ .1X idd lkc Tiotall ,Fotal 3 r')c ..- -: C.OMENCE your invest- mnent . education. We would be glad to mail to you our descrip-. tive bond circu- lars as published. I SAMN SCREEN PROGRAM7 WIT'Y-'1100 SEATS V , COMIN{4 'iEX'U SUiNIJAY ANNIVEEr'lq'LSARY WEEK,