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February 27, 1923 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-27

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l r f;ll!lIIrw

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_ s , ti

UllL; V, P
i T,

ACU NOl, PillrES tANK tr
FOR~~~~~l HrL AET~Y


In tramurafl I-ems u g pxP'DIRkOO. tPP
t :L I tl

acuo 1-13gaZme_ of 1916; the Michi-
. C 1 71 uin- ;o.thwestern game of 1919, score
1^34; the Michiga.n-Cornell, 20-23'
.:m of 1916; the iMicigan-Harvard
S 07 gMe of 1914; the ?Michigan-Min-
n:ot 6-0 game of 1910; and the
____________ chian-ehrskagame played here'
ill 1805 w hen the score was 0-0 at
(eachYost as as ecsterday, by thle endl of the first half and Michigan
a mana~rP og a )k onithe Couin- won 31-0.
trys geaesttetl~llgames, what!
;xicligangaies ie iiogltwer th Look at the "Daily Classified col--
iui"and you wvill see some real bar-
)ce-t nOC(,his collectioni. In r eply theI an. dv
Coah gve him a listofr;7I' gaincon-dv

N y~psi 6 P.eo l Ii kNi. :tl tisc W4)fltKi.at i P<uiPaI{~r ~uaVS.
''> ' v $ E '1'i S t c i i5 5o1Am 1 1 the 7.h; 'trl E"ZtIv
s iQr , A T . t ' V i , (C . N O M £ i i OI X 0 4 , _ . I( . -,l 7 1 7 i'.y . i,.V - i -
Ii:;wn an;e; : n S k Ijna';c1u1 ed
£rta, Ill lost y d I r, rnn CtmSP' y:i
r~~~~ thtia ua akme o dhp saaI 1jIi toe~t:(0 ihet1 giIC 2 lh
arth t wthM A C tohe.'1(I 1; '_Cr~i] t~~1 , 1K p, Kaa jCliXI'h,''I::111
id£ y aftrni o n t1( l 'in the ypsian o;, 20 tih_.-be'n1e-
ii cllee pol, oac XY Strry ~~~' pdI (1riPI I11e1' peelimthew scores

.. 1 ?h { //e 1c i


ci: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~U ora d a:Ittoiia nthis
pi ict 1.O 11 (TdC' inat tey ighta r

aTbt ;,n. Nee~ 3os V er y ,..gym sash-
a muh brd o -'workout.
;. i5 a _ r ! th uacic lt:'1L
unc l;t,: eEter ) wr it )aits:
11 :he ref7iar O ttdor._ Iit fIOI 1.
100o have not yet to ted cut QfxrSar-

( :oItFisher has Im ited(1th16
rli . :> lit bgtl ,j; tus far t I ninig Ithe fok!owing wili e con-.
an ,il o pn i i toLo-phm 'Idre ~egretest lnatties t ht MicI-;
.vr l nx wekutore lI hat igan teams ahave ever engge,d in:
' .. 111.1) i Itdooscason rI12e Mshiga n-Leland ' tant7Eor(1gL.:
ih.i \ ; of 11901 topp~ed tie list, score 49-0. Ther
It is hci.r l at the fieothor t"next was the AWiscons2i game played
zI i13'h - oheup i time or t}>{at, Lhieagoin 1902, iVlici gaX 6 Wis-
sqadtjge uttorsaweek or ' ollSifl E), ext in im-portance came3(
-daysleiian-hc .. , lo c. sting of the spring; ll~hga-liaogamne in 1905
trip thiuh; isouth tIf ishr: played at Chicago when AMichisgan xw.
an het .eicli-;in ei utide b y efea!(ted 2-0I.
ace m~n o~eseason :it w-igv
te ,.. { Minc ;a seis hIi I3 n t he other games Coach Yost Alut in
n~~ hibm e h ten ~ tefollowving order: the Michigani-!
ni ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .eiF zcihia ta hyAoudh.Ls 'ji a t~gamIe of 1903, SC ore 6-6
,.)a 1{ .mi% tihetIt soom?'i hadonly -' wen iiuCsota Iwas the only teami
,t;. "{ifre t cj ' i the Wolverines the whole-
jheI iyt g~E3 1) ~thtiIs , vZr si L )eao the Mich2ig'.an-lPennsylvania
1 s tf C) h-a t et Iir, ;-,( id iLciigI26pin 110;teMc an':Syr-

{)ou cull a.7 c !-Wrw i21ii
he }'
the dssil the sink and. go 14)

x1 'f ,rt.. c-car5w:m r~5.... .r; '?t .,. T.,..-. .2 .-:,, , i t.;.

} U C U CA k isz I .i x v iI o bdo r? i

i ,

' tha Cac Bow atthirhed.1mCr:f islist of eandinoates to
)rteeeunof pa~aiwl ae . 'I~~Ii1 1 celi2 *5 ' , r:n a e:c aella po iitly7.
lace this atencoo. T besrte clic Vai. 8,a VIrsn g - 0 liei~tCY, it > '
wy chsn calotain's tenre rocf a-.;/'_I11 F - "'f'C-il d hiesuna 25. 1. i' te W _,.'fier al' uy21 jtoer ..(
Ce will be shclor',tlst:ing OlyV nu;t' ' ?t':i pr1 c Ii-etd c -fnyi i tl2: ~ iI- ga-cthr iiOi~t
fteri the' Conf er7lence ankI 1-eet onl03tan ho as)o1(.t ail.y i1) In .sii4Sa s oa :ofg -tirv.n I n6& i orn e
arch 15and16at Chicgo,1ut)s+ v {.CCcii S~L 11 ;W-.- ta ii; ;t 2whLOiiilOndoufe
1nQI, accorldinlg to Coacel ow. Saran i)te ricile d.. lm~ ::aetelria ntrp
ol h ccre tema ho h paedi cniioig h ml uta h-i--tt'alles)' e netose ea 3 1 t i4l i Ii5C3;K
orkers, bu-'r.t he ans etfitdbyai lii (aithlislis usOi h o lseieue t2o'lccton- ncur qaladunbetorpr
is own personality and quality totrakandw-k on thexriln. s\'eern g nsim beba ntnatlektaodreor
cad a Micigan Varsity teamn.Wihyaechbxrms isa rigid uprrsoteag'gtlf i-otrmebro he12sqdI
1e elcinoeatanr.l oe h oftezaento eor ewl ~ Sc;yKgea see wf c tirlay-notytsatUwrot.Wt
ck-ig ofthe eam ictre, en ~0 1) Pelhited t entr te rig. arite pla. Fllowngoi theSob.b aditin001thee9me Fisor awll1
e e tkon p at n meets1thism e ar l s te neto o oc uhi l: AtE 'lch or , 0upn aslre a sqa si i ose
tkarl, t1o-lyd Ie, H, iHbbad ie M-,tC~ean gofgl7 i viibehor010 teFollown-is temsbeng- s tcb11 "t ft lli y i,'
aEtu pe,n Mi rl'e r, earnts, yae- adet hlrgrm Te tCe'r C ullli( o ly: (aut8,Eiia(';er f foriiaon lwhen ihe
Itays ndoYongoat12anOounds thresencendi2 cblskeball;eams3''illhis________

-t'. ili
--333 -
o :. -
DI "(

t f<-K7t
Atc ' J.
Sl l. 1- A\\3- j l 1
2m41Mchgnnen sume4x- i
sent~ I;ce~tI, ilAte anid re- "
J 1~
G -e .p .-i~ ~

'i. r


SC ti the en xvho will start c aanst:
e Agg ;I(., ht itisprobable tat
ie sn-ic, teamn that comipeted against'
iana wilhe used. Milchigan, al--l
ady vTicto-i'ious over thle Farmners
lculil have no diflhulty in coppling;
)rs ii the, added strength of(
ubba)%rd, 1:".Jvq-a'1 uot among th.ose(,
re.eit in tl'e in ,,St meet with the
oe n4(-aa ve iMpz ove upon th(
to: 20 ;scare-b Which the victory
as onunlss dA. C. has uncover-x
c same; ~ i new i trength in the past few J
Thlde Agg i e,: 30 a ,.istin t en rit
raly eqnoal in point of advantage for
tth- teams,,. ais it is to be held in aI
X01 withhich both are totally un-' ]
mr'ilar.,M. A. C.'s only first place,
on in thefancy (iving b'y Kiefaber,
ay fail to thec lot of the Wolverines,
,r Papenguth a ;nd Mildher have been
ins- rea«t in p)ractice and should'
ire a splendid account of themselvesI
;alnst the Aggie star.
It is probable that. Smith and Searle .1
ill be paired ofcin the 40 and 100
rd free stles, MiH(ziner and Hfan:-
'n inz the br east strok~e, Hyde ane-:d
ubbard in thke CO yard back stroke,
liobard fand Pa3penguthi in the 2f!1
rdl free style, Kan and Elliott in1.-1
ao plusge, Papengu th and Milner
1,1 the dPce ,, ;and JHyde, Searle, Vau-,
-e, and Smaithi in the relay. 'Michigan'

best in tile bantam dlivision, are robiedl- payIrookii~at 7 o't lf i; tonigh3.h-i
ulidfor three ounl ht i-cisto 1\Vatafiic:mngyMEintln: -Adams' teamiI
be a fcdl (exhib)'itioof;bo:ing, Mc- s. Stchow::"'tJ teai3; Coie teca
Kecknie and Wo!-J lonizwoft.hdyy.Ryod a-u n linmsn
1)oxers, are rn:iatehodad hi poun. 0 1 "i-a li:-tembengU 10
Conlv ad fllwhasha tl 23 u c 1-3 ei-E ' -t uts ta1, 2, andt. x
pIounld ~hnors o0th s1.dnre.(',Sc ndr)nnn ?csinthe freshl-
on3 the card. Ti; tim;-I iii li.<(<15S m- odio, .ai leanv.-illt1rbe p~Vayc at
smaoll and Mu:le1 r eedl; h' 14 -coa,\ensdy eeig
thre rund. ~hsenu~ll-?ple n 5g- 1Tb: ~rcb~iue a-n ~iA.: (Court 1,;
in g over 209 poundo r h ev-Iitisn.Nis 2((in , Y (ilkeC'
weC ihr ts ntecaird.Thy r h -112 So.ibeaatr , ot hw0s -
fasthard-fighting noi. "1(i)s.isa>- A9:0olo,
~UyLost's o 0. i V. !2;o c n'I-nealn xii10gv(n over to
{ ee lyor the 1,11 C A '.l'j-I ;3t'- - 1:adludpadt fool3-s;hoot-
('agO. holder of man-3T Wo-rhsI(.1 i 'iC- I'g cOni('st 5.
night in the Ohio Stte 2'tulo in- Startthe new ivsemiester iht
door track relay cai': n(eloifRaiiagtorn Port ~able willIihelp. Just
tilile111, 90 yard eidian t l, lcall 1128-J.---A(v.
PgnOhio S ate. flay'"s tin-e was ---; __
4:30 t- P-atror~o a ily Adiverti ors,-Adv.

College men liclow soa orscswl
look best if suppored ~F:. qgF

Spring Oxfords
Imported leathers in smooth and
grained finish. All. sizes carried in
stock, Ten' to thirteen dollars.
,,or men G s,&ice 1&49.

equally on both rides, C"--x'
with the E3. 7.2-Grip Gartcr. _ ziest On
an ff-oright or left to think of.

: I i--


Darned TJSock
as a Corn!
-our Nv;'o esn Y't like to darn
s)ck s ,any mre than you likce
to wecar soclw with hales inl
Hee' achance frarbth of
You to be Pleased. $aive your
insured aist darnI1ing.Save
you _r feet-enjay the com-fort of
'who le 1hose.


thesul ray
This maxim from. the mind of one of Ameni
thinkers is just as tree now as when he utt(
a young man should use discretion in saving
-~ ~ appearance become shiabb'y for the sake of
to be imp raiicaL. And to become "rest
respected" one must keep his clothes in got
It is a wise man who looks to his appearanc(
wE ~ issilized Garments Stay Cie
Phone --

;35 Z. f 2-G ahrip, an te - dc the E. Z. Sport Gart;;r. .! $$i $$ ._6$ t
Featured by Leading Student ~
111111111111Ill 1211112 111111 $93.m i ll I _
3 " I
712 11-
3 -.
Y , t'' L11" 1''4iat .",S~i { t .'fl 3 X'443¢{ 33-3 -
____ ____ ___ ____ _ ~3~3~~ - --- - -,/-Y
i~' K~f'
_____________9 77
in, and becomte EA TH
-e spected. 11- s NWr RN CRCRS w
r--Z o T'ro 01'T he C otton Pickers
w1i rnln " ~ R~~ N-J~-Fx T 'ol The tCotton ickers
If I1GAVEYOU UP '178T ii-Eioim YOU ThUlEWME _00111N Marion Harris
-' ROSE O~F THlE R.10 GR Di )Iarion Harris
.eas gre atest -rF ro-NO £ UWBULT-1 of Bonie dKIsruger's Orchestra -
ered it. But rot. _ 0. .n3i.,
t Sn0- pEfNwt i, :1- M ll~ i-Fo iro BnneKruger's Ocesr
f oli:hew c ts is EWHOA, 'TILLIA, TAKE Y{)UH TI.'ME / Marare~ift Youn1g
pectat'le and -a a a.1 DO-EV ' TIM( YOi?'LL REBi s _ A) Margaret Young
od condition. g -
e.. '23 -JThe Cotton Pickers .
GIN, _AT WHITE WAY $LLTES-IF.ox Trot The Cotton Pickers .
fPLAY THlE L'UN'iY BLUES-Fox Trot Ishanm Jones' Orciiestirla
Sv3-J->= a T 1III.OF 3ff-Fox Trot lshiainJones' Orchestra '
.anLonger --_ smnJns rhsr
. f GI' d' %-CRE V'Wi'1lWil C'1-lFox Trot sa Jn'Orhta _
u.. ($iV Y-1ox 1Trot IshbuiiJones' Orches tra.
Y (W ('A N H AV 11 e i-tiMI )O N 'TS'I W A T H 6fll, I ) M t gIy H IM IA)VE g1 N 1 HO Wi -..
. A d> 114,3 3 'BLI-S-- Fo'c Trot.irn Ppl
2 0 9 , I - F'ox lrtFrain k Papiila ^
South 'I; -l1I p =BUNSt , _1"K RECORDS PLAY C' - ANY Pi-ONOGAPHPan
Fourth H A U,
A ve.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-
' ew-


Pairs ha.5
Joc haz.e just received a good
Lpply-, but they'll go quickly.
', come in while your colors
Fid SiZO «x1re here.'
good(1assormn,11 a grea~f~t
aluc, baC!cdd by an!1hotI;ser-
ic. tht i equalto a bond.


S 4 Ytc1 e \. ryEine"

., -,

.6 . . Hill

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