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October 04, 1922 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-04

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Published every morning except Monday
ring the University year by the Board in
ntrol of Student Publications.
Mfember of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
led to the use for republication of all
ws dispatches credited to it or not other-
se credited in this paper and the local
ws published therein.
Entered .at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
.chigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50.
DOfices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
rd Street.
Phones:. Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi.
5, p60.
Communications not to exceed 300 words
signed, the signature not necessarily to
pear in print, but as ai evidence of faith,
d nlotices of events will be published in
e Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if
t at or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
ned coinunications will receive no con-
leration. No manuscript will be returned
less the writer encloses postage. The Daily
es not necessarily endorse the sentiments
pressed in the communications.
Telephones, 2414 and 176-M

Whimsies, and The Michigan Daily.
Chimes, starting out three pyears
ago as a monthly magazine of campus
opinon, has gradually assumed a
more literary trend. It encourages
through special columns communica-
tions from the student body, and also
fosters pro and con discussions on
the leading problems affecting the
campus. Special articles from men
prominent in the world outside, and
literary chatter of various degrees of
importance appear in every issue.
The official University year book,
known as the Michiganensian, offers
considerable opportunity for those
interested in this special type of
journalistic endeavor, and especially
for campus artists who desire to ob-
tain the b'est advantages for their
talent. The Gargoyle, a monthly mag-
azine devoted to humor, provides
training in commercial art in addib
tion to practice in managing, editing,
and the writing of humor.
The Student's Directory is the last
publication which falls under the jur-
isdiction of the Board in Control of
Student Publications, an advisory
body functioning as a check as well
as an aid to student initiative. Two
other publications, however, Whim-
sits, a purely literary periodical, and
The Technique, a magazine which
concerns itself with engineering af-
fairs, are campus publications inde-
pendent of this board.
Of all the publications, the largest
staff is necessarily employed by The
Michigan Daily. Tryouts for this pub-
lication gain actual newspaer experi-
ence both in the reporting line and
in the mechanical field of setting up
and printing.
Work on any of these publications
furnishes a desirable preliminary to a
journalistic career, but regardless of
the course chosen by a student, the
worth while experience and broaden-
ing influence reaped from work on
campus publications are the secret of
the wide student interest which has
given them success.

(With apologies to Rudyard Kipling's
Where the old Diag meanders
And U Hall stands hard by
There's a co-ed girl a-awaitin'
And I know she thinks of I.
When the sun is perched o'er West
Then the chimes ring this refrain:
Come ye back, ye snuggle puppy-
Come ye back to Sarah Jane.
Oh her silken hose had clocks in,
And she never missed a date,
And she rolled her own, by golly,
And she smoked her cube cut
And I saw her first a-readin'
With a "Whiz Bang" on her knee
Plucky lot she cared for "Whiz
When I introduced "La Vie"!
Ship me some place east of Main
Let me find my Sarah Jane-
Let me hold her in the moonlight
And talk French to her again;
For the Campus chimes are calling
And it's there that I would be-
By my beautious red-haired co-ed-
With the "Whiz Bang" and "La Vie".
Concerning Football .
- Daily Illini.
We may have prohibition, but
Michigan is getting a Case from
Cleveland next Saturday.
And our Reserve supply is running
low, too,







City Editor ..........James B. Young
Assistapt City Editor ........Marion Kerr
Editorial Board Chairman......E. R. Meiss
Night Editors-
Ralph Byers Ilarry Hoey.
J. P. Dawson, Jr. J. 1. Mack
L. J. Hershdorfer R. . Moriarty
H. A. Donahue
Sports Editor ..............B. H. McPiie
Sunday Magazine Editor.......Delbert Clark
Women's Editor..............Marion Koch
Humor Editor...............D .onald Concy
Conference Editor ............H. B. Grundy
Pictorial Editor ...............Robert Tarr
Music Editor .................E. H. Ailes

(Daily Northwestern)
What do students get out of col-
lege? This is a question which is
sooner or later asked of every col-
lege man or woman. The answer va-
ries in many cases but it always in-
cludes one thing-friends. G
Four years of intimate association
and co-operation in common causes
are bound to brink people together.
Some of the greatest friendships in
the world have been formed on a
college campus; yet students of to- DETROIT UNITED LINES
day fail to make the most of the op- i
portunity which the college campus is Ann Arbor and Jackson
offeBring them. TIME TABLE
Northwestern's . campus is no ex-
ception. It offers the same chances (Eastern Standard Time)
to meet people and the same chances Detroit Limited and Express Cars - 6:oo
t-eaother '., 7:00 a.m., 8:oo a.m., 9:05 a.. and
to co-operate with thenm that .h hourly to 9:o5 p.m.
campuses offer and have offered. But Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of
have you ever stood between classes :7p.or-9:47am., and every two hours
on a campus path and watched the Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo a.m. and ev-
CrowS g0by? f yo hav youwillerytwo. hours -to 9 :oo ,p.m., i T :oo p.m. Toi
crowds go by? If you have you will Ypsilanti only-i z:4o p.m., :15 a.m.
have noticed how comparatively fem To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
people give any visible sign of know, Local Cars West Bound-7:5o a.m., 2:10
p. "m.
Ing each other. Perhaps they are ac- To Jackson and Kalamazoo -Limited cars
quainted, perhaps they are good 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 p.m.
friends, but in their hustle and bustle To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at 8:47
they pass by without seeing or speak-
A simple word of greeting or a 11922 OCTOBER 1922
wave of the hand might go a long S N T W T F S
way in cementing friendships already 1 2 3 4 5 6
8- 9 10 11 12 13 14
f rmed. New friendships are formed 16 17 1 19 20 21
only as someone takes the initiative. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Why throw away one of the advan- 29 30 31
tages of a college education? Start Right With a Good hat!
Get acquainted. Say hello.
#_We do all kinds of HIGH CLASS
Gleaning and Reblocking of hats at
low prices for GOOD WORK., When
(Daily Illini) you want a hat done RIGHT bring
The common complaint of students it to us, our work is regular FACTO-
who wish to be active on the campus RY WORK. Hats turned inside out
and yet never make an attempt to de- with all new trimmings are like new.
vote their energies to the particu-
lar work that they desire is that they We also make and sell POPULAR
do not have the time. With a nor- PRICE and HIGH GRADE hats, FIT
mal number of credit hours a semester THEM TO YOUR HEAD and save you
the average curriculum does not take a dollar or more on a hat. We give
all the time of a student but the trou- values and quote prices which cannot
ble arises when students fail to put be excelled in Detroit or anywhere
their work on the budget system. else. Try us for your next hat.
Every student should routinize his u FACTORY HAT STORE
work as far as possible so that his
time outside of class is as much a 617 Packard Street Phone 1792
schedule as his class work. Many an (Where D.U.R. Stops at State Street)
assignment that could have easily
been prepared in two hours takes four
hours by some student just because DR.W.S.MILLS
that student has four hours on hand DS
in which to study and consequently OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN
wastes half of the time. 616 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg.
wis s oOffice Hours Phone
Time is one of the essentials that 9-12; 1:30.5 321-F1
the world pays for in high salaries. In
any business the man who arranges
his tasks so as to accomplish the
most received more money. 'the soon-
er a student learns to work on sched- The Official
ule and to include in his sche.dule ac- FRESH TOQUES
tivities outside of his books without
decreasing the time spent on his work WAGfRCOMPrNY
he has learned a beginning principle!for Ten c2>Ao nce i4&
I in the business world.

1. II. Pryer
)orothy elmnnetts
Maurice Betman
P. A. Jillington
W. B. Butler
3. C. Clark
e. ti. t..unable
velyn T. Coughlin
ug eCarmichael
ernadette Cote
1'. E. Fiske
Iaxwell Fead

Jolm nGarUnkhouse
Isabel Fishei
Winona A. Hibbard
Samuel Moore
T'. C. McShane
. B. Rafferty
W; R. Stoneman
Virginia " Tryon
P. M. Wagner
A. P. Webbink'
Franklin Dickman
Joseph Epstein
J. W. Ruwitch

Telephone 960
Advertising...........John J. Hamnel, Jr.
Advertising ..............Edward F. Conlin
Advertising..............Walter K. Scherer
Accounts...............Laurenice 1. Favrot
Circulation...............David J. M. Park
Publicationf............L. Beaumont Parks
Townsend H. Wolfe Alfred M. 'White

onetl Seick
orge Rockwood
ry M. Hayden
gene L. lunne
n. Graulich, Jr.
n C. Ilaskin
.vey 1. Reed
L. Putnam
P. Armantrout
W. Cooper
llace PFlower -
v. B. Riedle
rnld L. Iale

Win.D R oesser
Allan S. Morton
James A. Dryer
Wtu. II,.:Good
Clyde L,. Hagerman
A. Hartwell, Jr?
J. Blumenthal
Howard Hayden
W. K. Kidder
Henry Freud
Herbert P. Bostwick'
1,. Pierce

Have you ever stopped to think
just what we all expect of our sur-
roundings? If a Ford car passes
along the road rattling as noisily as
usual, it goes by unnoticed. . But
should a Packard or Pierce Arrow
make the same amount of clamor,
everyone would immediately wonder
what is the matter. We have become
accustomed to expect greater si-
lence in the performance of the more
expensive car.
And customarily, the better auto-
mobile is more carefully treated than
its less dignified brother. The user
feels naturally a little more interest
in the condition and beauty of his
car. Unconsciously, perhaps, he is in-
fluenced by its presence. He tries
to live up to his car.
The same applies to the buildings in
whose environment we pursue our
college careers.; The other day a
passerby near Martha Cook dormitory
was struck with a suden feeling of
discordatthe sounds of Gin, Gin,
Giny Shore" floating through its
church-like windows. There was no
reason based in fact why jazz music
should not be played in a dormitory.
And yet, unconsciously the passerby
had established in his mind a connec-
tion between that architecturally
beautiful building and something
equally as fine and spiritualsin music.
In our ordinary humdrum sur-
roundings we expect jazz music, and
a hundred and one other mediocrities
commonto everyday life. But inspir-
ing surroundings, especially at the
formative and inspirational period of
University life, inbreed a love and
respect for better things in the man
or woman who lives amid their spell.
No efforts, no matter how great, can
be better spent than in obtaining this
beauty for the future Michigan which
with few exceptions she has not been
given in the past.
VI. Publications
More men and women are engaged
in working on publications than in

A certain professor in the literary
college has what seems to be a new
plan for combatting the rising price
of text books. Not resorting to the
usual practices of either forcing the
student to pay an exorbitant amount
for the text ,or of selecting one less
desirable, though cheaper, he has
adopted, through the consent of the
class, a co-operative scheme by which
the student may have the use of the
book upon the payment of merely a
nominal sum.
Described more fully, the plan is to
pureiase fifty texts directly from the
publisher at a discount, and place
them in one of the smaller rooms of
the library where they. will be avail-
able to each student who pays the re-
quired sum of a .dollar. As the class
is comprised of between 150 and 200
students, figuring roughly there will
be one text for every three students,
allowing for the fact that a few will
undoubtedly choose to purchase the
book from the dealers at the full
price, which is optional.
Some inconvenience might be ex-
perienced on the part of the student
in being forced to go to the library
whenever he wishes' to study, but the
benefit to be derived from the propo-
sition in the form of the use of the
best available book on the subject for
such a small sum ought to tend to
overbalance this discomfiture. And,
while space In the library is not
available for a university adoption of
this plan on the campus, it is. very
applicable to courses in which the
price of the text is too high for stu-
dents to conveniently purchase it, or
when a book is assigned merely for
part time use.,
The yearly class elections are being
held at the end of the present week,
the nominations on Wednesday and
Thursday, and the election proper on
Friday. That these elections may
promote the good of the campus as a
whole, it is of prime importance that
the student body do two things: con-
sider carefully the qualifications of all!
candidates, and make it a point of
duty to be on hand to vote.
Each of these is essential. To vote
carelessly is worse than not to vote at
all, and not to vote is shirking a re-
sponsibility to one's classmates and
to one's self. A man who votes with-
out consideration, or one who does
not do so at all has no right to crit-
icize if things on the campus are not
run to suit him. He will have a right
to blame none but himself, least of all
the men in office.
Someone has remarked that the
footsteps painted on our campus
walks remind him of the fable of the
fox who feared to follow the other
animals into the lion's den. He no-
ticed that the tracks only went one
way-In. The same seems to apply
to the footsteps.

Come, fill the cup, and in the hands
of sharp-eyed Schmuck
Your garments cast for mayhap half
a buck;
Another month is now upon its way
But cards may haply bring us in some
CANADA HARRY; speaking:
"It's quite worth wile," said the
vampire, as she spied the old and
foolish millionaire approaching.
"Yes, Helen, he is
just as absent-minded
7 - as that! You won't be-
lieve me when I tell
you! She sent me in
there, and I went up
and asked him, and do
you know what he did?
He put his hand up to
his ear and said 'Hel-
lo, hello,' just like that!"
'"My dear! Did he really? You
know, I used to know something fun-
ny like that once, but I've forgotten
what it was." .....
. "George, how's it I don't see
you out with the girl any more?"-.
"Too much of a good thing .-.
kind of a girl she is, out with. one
fellow one night and another the
next . ."
"What's the matter? Does she throw
'em over?"
"None of 'em, boy, none of 'em!"
I gave her a little ring
But I did not see her smile;
With much delay she answered thus:
"Line is busy, .wait awhile."
Doc Sundwald gets $8,000 a year and
still we have a cold!
"Forever wilt thou love and she be
fair." - . -Keats.
A friend of ours told us that to get
acquainted withra girl (any girl, he
meant) in class, we should look at
her until she looked at us-and then
not cast our eyes down in shy confu-
sion-but to continue to look at her
with calm and undisturbed enjoy-
ment. We thought we understood.
"And then we wink at her, eh?"
We guessed wrong. A smile, we
were told, is thei absolute geinteel
We tried it the next day, 'but al-
though we stared at her steadfastly
throughthenwhole hour she never
looked around.
What shall we do, Caligula?
Don't get the idea that we are the
.nephew of Beatrice Fairfax, but just
this once we suggest that the poor
girl had a stiff neck. . . or maybe
she is deaf. . . . Ah, throw a brick at
her the next time!


(Indiana Daily Student)
It has never been a contention that
students of a great, free, coeducation-
al university should be compelled to
wear a uniform costume. Our ideas
of liberty have developed considera-
bly beyond this stage. It is usually
assumed that a person may wear any-
thing or whatever he chooses, provid-
ed he accepts the ignomy and what-
ever ridicule discriminating persons
who perceive the departure from the
accepted taste, heap upon him.
At this time .of the year it is not
unusual for the accomplished colle-
gian to observe upon the campus
large number of young persons who
fondly imagine themselves honorably
conspicuous if they wear a sweater
bearing the initials, or one dyed in
the colors of some beloved alma mater
high school. Such sweaters are not
always in good taste. The colors are
usually in such combinations as to
show eloquently the choice and fancy
of youth. Particularly obnoxious are
they when 'worn by several hundred
freshmen, who flock upon our cam-
pus, and create a florid mixture of
color as varied as David's coat.
It may be an inspiring sight to a
cosmopolitan to witness the mingling
of national costumes, but he who
takes pleasure from the clash of
provincialhigh school colors, has an
imagination of petty magnitude.
If the wearing of such colors and
insignia is necessary to the pursuit
of happiness to the embryo collegian,
he should not be interfered with. But
he who wishes to be taken for a col-
lege man or woman will tear off the
letters and tone down the clashing
colors with dye or wear such gar-
ment in the privacy of his study.
Seaplane Leaves for Detroit
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 3.-The navy sea-
plane NC9, sister ship of the NC4,
which made the first transatlantic
flight left Hampton roads to-
day en route to Detroit by way
of the inland waterways. She will
carry to the Michigan city naval per-

"Rags are royal raiment," says
the old song,"when worn for
virtue's sake."
The trouble is, the casual
observer doesn't know about
the virtue and concludes that
you don't know any better--
or haven't the price.
You might wear mediocre
clothes because you believe
in democracy, but you can't
tell everybody about it. It's
more sensible to wear good
clothes because you believe
in good business.

., I

I q
Society Brand Clothes
look like success-
that's why successful
men wear them,

"A guy carrying a pair of iceL
skates." IMP.
A girl 1earnina' to warlk on hi~'hl,

Wadham's &8zCo.*


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