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February 27, 1923 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-27

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Chamber of Commerce Headquartersl
Taken Over; Search Made
For Documents

Buenos Aires, Feb. 26-(By A.
[ P.)--Discovery of a fossilizedI
Shumian skull of the tertiary per-
iod was announced today by Dr.
J. G. Wolf, who just returned af-
ter two years of expforation in
Patagonia on behalf of the La'
( Plata museum.
Dr. Wolf declared that fossil-
ization, was that of tertiary sand-
f stone and that there was noI
dWlbt that it was formerly the
skull of a human being. The low-
er jaw is missing but otherwise
( the skull, is almost perfect.
The 'scientist also announced
the discovery of the ruins of an
ancient fortification in the here-
tofore unexplored region north
of Lake Cardiel, in territory of
Santa Cruz, which he believes to
be the rempants of a civilization
probably earlier than that of the
Peruvian Incas.


Intewie Interest in Administration
Proposal Shown by Flood of t

Essen, Feb. 26-(By A. P.) - The
storm center of the Ruhr has shifted
to Bochum. Because of the general
hostile attitude of the population
there; a state of siege has been de-
TheFrench moved 10 tanks and nu-
merous machine guns to the center of
the town and civitianc are prohibit-
ed from being on the'streets after 9
o'clock at night.
Saturlay might 500 persons were
arrested for disregarding the orders
of the Frenich, but most were releas-
ed Sunday.:
Bochum from the beginning has
stubbornly refused to comply quiet-
ly with m:any orders of the French
command, and there has been more
or less trouble. Becauce the Ober.
burgomaster has disregarded certain
requisitions by the French he and 22
mienbers of 4he city council were ar,
rested Friday during the sitting of the
council. .
The French have taken over the
head'quarters of the chamber of com-
merce and searched the building for
secret documonts. It was this organ-
ization which was presumed to havej
inaugurated the boycott which began,
at Bochum against the French and
Belgians and spread to other towns
in the Ruhr. The chamber is sup-
posed to have been aiding the Ger-
mans generally. The newspapers
claim the chamiber building and its
f'urniture and paintings were unneces-
sarily damaged by the troops. The
papers head their articlm dealing
with the situation with "New Wild
West Scenes in Bochum" and similar .
captions. .
Establish Train Schedules
Dusseldorf, Feb. 26-(By A. P.)-
Rapid progress is being made by the
French and Belgians in operating the
Rhineland and Ruhr railroad systems.
Passenger trains are to be run from
Essen and Dusseldorf direct to Paris,J
beginning today.
In connection with the improved
transportation situation it was stated'
plans for taking over these railroad
lines within a weed. had been com-
pleted. by the occupation authorities.J
The lines will be operated by French
and Belgian civilian workers, some
12,000 to 15,000 of whom already are1
here awaiting to take up their tasks.
Opportunity will be given striking1
German railroad mren to join the
transportation forces. It was said that
400 Germnan railroad workers had
agred to resume work.
Under the elan all German railroad
men will be given ample opportunity
to return to their jobs. Those who re-
fuse to do so will be expelled from oc-
cupied territory, on the ground. they
corgi.titute a menace to the communi-
ty. It is estimated there are 60,000
German railroaders in the Ruhr dis-
trict alone, of whom 40,000 are strik-


( _______
Dorothy Califield, Hamlin Garilnnd
Alfred Kreymbourg Engaged by
Campus Magazine
A series of lectures by novelits
and poets, promised in an announce-
ment last autumn by the editors of


W shin, on, Feb. 26-(Ply A. P.)-,
Pcssbility of senate action before
congress adjourns next Sunday on the
adrnanistration request for authorityi
to participate in The Hague interna-
tional court oftjustice under the
Le .,4M6c~f Nations was removed
through conferences today betweent
senate leaders.
Preliminary to tomorrow's meeting
of the foreign relations committee for
initial consideration of the plan, lead-'
eri of all senate factions exchanged
views, and it was said all were of the
opinion that the matter would have to
go over until the next congress.
Acln Improbable
Judgment was general that the few
days remaining were totally inade-;
qu,:te to bring a:bout any decisive step
on ,uch an importarit matter.
(Continued on Page Two)

Chicago, Feb. 26.-(By A.P.)--
Bringing the first eye witness
story of the opening of the out-
er portion of King Tutankham.
en's tomb at Luxor, .Egypt,
Charles Breasted, son of Dr.
James H. Breasted; Egypt'logist
of the University of Chicago who
is now at Luxor with the expedi-
tion which unearthed the resting
place of the monarch returned to
Chicago today.
Mr. Breasted declared that
much ill feeling is being engen-
dered among nations and individ-
uals over the finding of the trea-
"The whole thing has been
woefully mismanaged. Under an
old treaty England was given.the
rght by the French to search
for the tomb. Now the French-
are jealous of the find made by
the British.
"The minister in charge of
Egypt some time ago had an or-
der issued that the English could
have half of all the treasure
they found. The minister is now
attempting to get a law through
so that. the excavators will have
nothing. This will probably re-
sult in the work being stopped
and the Metropolitan expedition
is expetedlto be recalled.
"The Englishmenwho found
the tomb will probably get little
or nothing except a gift from the
French government. The weight
of public opinion will very likely
result in all of the treasures be-
ing placed in a museum at Lux-

Swimming pools are generally
f I used as places foi- aquatic re-
j ( ~creation but rarely ever has one'
seen service as a golf course.
Homer Heath, manager of the
Union, however, has fitted out
Ithe uncompleted Union tank as a
IlCAPTAIN ELY LEADS MICHIGAN I practice place for perfecting his
I TO 27-20 WIN BY CAGING driving.
V5 POINTS Mr. Heath has taken the old
floor covering of the assembly
S AProom of the Union and fastened
1 HAGGER TY, PAPER AIDit at one end of the pool. An or-
IN TERRIFIC ASSAULT II dinary floor mat serves as a tee
I I and he can develop his stance
I First Half EndS ith 16-IfScore lI and correct his stroke without
Maze and Blue fear of the elements in his im-
Favor;I provised indoor golf course.
Special to The Daily
Champaign, Ill., Feb. 26-The swift
playing of Captain Ely, who caged
six ringers and three free throws, aid-
eed by the fleet Haggerty and Paper
Idefeated Illinois 2, to 20 here " to-SU M T
night In the fastest basket ball tilt
( hld on the Illini floor this season. UB IS I O T
Illinois Spurts
During the first half, which ended
16 to 14 in favor of the Wolverines. Iritchett Declares Public Expects Too
the score see-sawed and the play was I Much of Present Educational
fast and furious. . Potter started the . System
scoring with a free throw, Rice fol-
lowing with a long one from mid-floor. $9,939,676 I)ISTRIBU TED



Whimsies, campus literary magazine
in conjunction with the American As-
sociation of University Women, will be
given in March, and April, according
to Lawrence H3. Conrad, '23, of the
Whimsies staff. The first lecture &3
the' series will hP delivered March 6

"It will probably require an-
other yeay to remove all the ar-
ticles from the tomb . They do I
( not know how many chambers
I there are to open. I left before
the chamber was opened where 1
the body was supposed to be

lDotter added two when Cappon foul-
ed, but Ely looped one from mid-
ftoor, putting the Maize and Blue in
the lead again. Cappon added anoth-
er and Ely made one more. Then II-
linois started a spurt, Stillwell net-
ting one and Captain Hellstrom fol-
(Continued on Page Two)
Price Will Be $5.54 if Paid in Full;
Tryouts Will Compete

Opposes Sterling-Towner Bill for
Federal Control of State



yiiUta~tC i~i 'e vaxctc ivtt~tu vCollgesForSals" School Cost Prohibitive
by Dorothy Canfield. Hamlin Gar- _T-o " Sho Cos oite
Brder w on Daughter o thePlitzer EALAUNC DRIVE FOLLOWING tinue to increase at the present rate
prize for autobiography in 1922, will PRINCETON, SIGN PETTITON; PROTST \ BY NEW STU'l)ENTS the inability of society to pay the cost
speak on March 27. It is expected that -------!must brin about- radical cur talt
these writers will talk informally on Washington, Feb. 26---(By A. P)-- A sales drive that will give the stu--j ments. The public school will be en,
their craft and their contemporaries. President Marion 1. Burvt npo t'- t vlo -entered tqo late- to avail dangered unless its cost is brought
Poet onIProgram [IJzniyersity of Michiganand resident : t, that trhe pubri - beat,
The poets will be represented by Rimnent of Hope college express o. - aC3laI, Noted, rc c e a;1a chance to subscribe o the and unless it rulfills the primary ob-
Alfred Kreymbourg, who will read position to the Sterling-Towner bill i 'gegd it iiee o Willau t Micbiganensian all campus year hbook jects for which it exists.
some of his poems and will talk on to establish a department of education Allen Wote fthe University, has been announced "The increase in cost is due partly
the modern trend in poetry, after the in letters read to the house by Con- by that publication. The drive will to increase in numbers, the better-
manner of the poets on last -year's gressnian Caleb R. Layton of Dela- TEbegin Tuesday, March 6, and last ment of facilities, the improvement of
series, of which the forthcoming ser- ware Their names are included in a Athrough Thursday, March 8. Sales- teachers'' salaries. But a large part
ies is a sequel. All of the lectures long list of college presidents, the CUR ATOI; TO SPEAK THURSDAY j nien will canvass the campus and ev- of the increase is due to the fact that
will be giver in Hill auditorium, head of Harvard, Princeton.-Wi-cry student will be given an oppor- the school is no longer conceived of
As is well known, Hamlin Garland's 9dams, University of Chicago and other Two lectures are to be given this: tunity to subscribe to the book. as primarily '-an intellectual agency,
contemporaries, extend back to the famou institutions all of whom op- week under the auspices of the. Ora- 'Restore Old Plan but as a means for learning some-
time of William Dean Howells, and an pose the bill because it "nationalizes tu, tThe campaign has been launchied thing of every form of knowledge; and
interesting discourse of the character torical Lecture association, at, 8 following a number of protests to te for acquiring a- preparation for a
lescribed is to be expected; while education". o'clock Wednesday and Thursday eve- staff from students who entered at the s
Dorothy Canfield's philosophy and President Burton says: "It would Inings in Hill auditorium. beginning of this semester and wh to do all this the public schools give
brilliant ability as an artist assure her educational matte of the separate Donald B. MacMillan, noted Arctic haetherefoehanoporuia smattering of many things, weaken
a large audience. states and communities out of the explorer and distinguished ,lecturer, subse t t ya bo sugh intellectual discipline, and increase
Frost Cooperates ..the fall campaign was so successful expense enormously"
Alfred Kreymbourg is known as the hands of those states and conimuni- will speak Wednesday night on the as to cause the announcement that the ee orosly."
eounder and editor of Broo, monthly ties. It would be undesirable that the subject, "In Unknown Baffin Land". custom of the spring drive would be Report Fainance
magazine of modern poetry and prose, I central control should have the an- Mr. MacMillan was secured in. the discontinued, it is felt that the drive T pr t, , tks up fi i -
published in Rome and circulatedI thority to dictate to any state or com- must be held to accommodate stu-fai--, said $9,939,676 has been distrib-
throughout the cities of Europe and miunity the subjects or the methods to place of William Allen White who was dents. uted during 17 years to 1,020 persons
America. Whimsies is largely indebt- be followed in the education of the ; forced to cancel his engagement on The campaign this spring will ee in retiring allowances and-pensions.
ed to Robert Frost for persuading citizens of that community." account of popr health. conducted on a competitive basis Of this $787,000 was made to fomer
these artists to visit Ann Arbor. President Dimnent declares that na- . Dr. Raymond L. Ditmars, curator of among the freshmen tryouts of the teachers of Harvard; $677,000 to
Tickets will go on sale Wednesday tionalization of education as proposed Michiganensian business staff. Any Yale; $592,000 to Colubia; $4.60,00
at Wahr's and Graham's book stores. 'in the bill would mean standardiza- mmals and reptiles, New -York Zo- second semester freshman desiring to to Cornell. The rest went to 85 insti
Dates have been selected for the lec- tion and paternalism. ological Park, and author, will deliver try out for the business staff of the ttions.
tures which will not conflict with an Z-the lecture on Thursday night. year book are urged to call at the Present resources of the carnegie
other important campus event. Was With Peary Michiganensian offices in the Press-, Foundation, the report declared, are
-[OMr. MaclIillan is one- of the small building any afternoon this week. $26.376,000, of which $15,192,000 belong
FAThER SUES TO COLLECT U I number who are college graduatesi Art Work Emphasized to the permanent general endowment,
$0,000 FOR SON'S DEATHi rEETf men who risk their lives inexpora-- 'The annual as it is planned by te $8.914,000 to 4 ronerve fund to be
--iULLL tion, and posseI3sors of the power of editors will be essentially the same -spent in the retirement of teachers
ill ~graphic and eloquent s-pee'ch Mir. Mac- as it has been in years previous, cx- -during 60 years, $1.277.000 to the en-
a suit for$50,000 damages ham been --c de a Millan has spent many years in the cent that more space will be devoted dowment of the Division of Education-
filed by Oe aC. Atkinson against gsa'1i9 ENI) ANNUrA1 SESSION. Arctic, first with Peary and later at to the feature sections of the maga- al Inquiry, and $628,000 to a special
ames M. B owers, '25M, the driver ofFOU MICHIGAN ME the head of his own expedition. ~inc. The color plates- will be hand reserve fund.
the automobile in the accident which ON PROGRAM Shows Wild Animal Pictures paihted by Bethany Lovell, '25 ,oe c
iesulted in the death of C. Mauric Cleveland, Feb. 26(B A.P he Dr. Ditmars, the thestaff artists.
Atkinson, '22, here at Commnencement' will talk on te subject, Our Anial Tep'c ftebo ilb 55
convention ftedprmn sn - Fred n-os. ei nw s' if ash is paid or $6.00 with $3.00 pad
Bowers is alleged, to have been re- erintendence of the National Educa- one of the world's greatest' authoritiesat time of taking the subscription
last yeiat. ofoth epan te ntP o$p- -FriendshandoFoes".eHedis nown asTatIthe
sponsible for the accident by his fast loOioiainada cr fa l nanimallife and i; the uthoer oand$.0we h oki eeie. AGESS O [ O 1
nrra4iai~nn.jopened in Piblio hai , - - - - . .. - -"-" ____


A. P.)---1

Berlin, Feb. 26 - (By

French police in civilian clothes have
taken 65,0)00,000 marks from German
railway oficials in a resturant at
loselweis, near Coblenz, according to
special dispatches from Frankfort-on-
Main. At the time of the seizure, the
railway officials were paying off rail-
way wo,,rker.
Word has been Areceived here that
Dr. Charles Rupert Stockard, profes-
sor of anatomy at the Cornell medical
college, whowas to have given a ser-
ies of three lectures under the aus-
pices of the zoology department, Wed-
nesday and Thursday in the Natural
Science auditorium, has been taken ill
with influenza and will be unable to
fill his engagement.
This is the second time a speaker
on the zoology lecture series has had
to postpone his engagement because
of sickness. Neither Dr. Stockard noi'
Prof. H. S. Jennings ,who was sched-
uled as the first speaker of the ser-
ies, have cancelled their engagement
however and in all probability will
will deliver their talks at a later date


driving. ---
driving.__ this morning with approximately 10,-
000 of the foremost educators in the
rans to Address Chemists ;United States, representing every
Dean Edward H, Kraus of the Sum- state in the union and including in f
mer Session will speak before the Uni- their ranks state and city school sup- -
versity section of the American Cliein- erintendents, college presidents, col-
ical Society at its regular meeting at lege 'profeksors and school principals,
4:15 o'clock tomorrow afterfoon in in attendance.'
room 224 of the Natural Science f Fourteen separate meetings will bet
building. The topic of his talk will held in walls and hotels during the
be "Some Recent Tendences in Miner- day. Morning, afternoon and eveningj
alogy". sessions will be held.-
-- ----This morning's session was devoted -
Council Chooses Cheer Squad Soon to the general topic, "administering
The Student council committee for- education in the interests of the chil-
the selection of varsity cheerleaders dren and the states".
will meet Thursday of this week to Work in the School of Education is
set a date for choosing next season's virtually suspended this week, due
cheerleading squad. At this meeting to the fact that the dean and six pro-
the committee of which E. C. Haug, fessors are in Cleveland attending the
'23E, is chairman will also discuss conventions of two educational soci-
j the method to be adopted in making ecties. The faculty, members left lase-
the seec to b te m 1 Saturday, and will return the latte }
the__select____. lart of the week . Work in the School
of Education will be carried on as us-'
Tiime of Football iames Changed ual next week.
Football games next fall at Ferry Dean A. S. Whitney, Professors C.

"The Book of Nature". His lecture
will also be illustrated with motion
and still pictures;. -His' lms show
wild creatures at work and play' He
will describe animal traits and the life
of the wild. To obtain these pictures
of animal life, Dr. Ditmars erected at
Scarsdale, N. Y., what is said to be

"Prof. William D. Henderson,'of the
Extension department, gave two of the
six Extension lectures he is to give
this week at Buchanan yesterday. He
aressed bath the Parent-Teachers'

the mast complete
studio of its kind,
highly complicated ap

Motion picture u'b'u UIALV.--- - -- ---.. -.-
equipe ithe association and the Kiwanis club.
equipped with Wednesday Professor Henderson


y'u will eventually, as a bu3
or seller, have an opportun
to derive the profit or benefit
the advantage, offered you
our classified service, but-w
not now?

will address the Bon Ami ,club at , terviewing students in the electrical
Coldwate'r on "The Re-Discovery Of engineering department concerning
America". Thursday he will talk be- future employment, will be the prin-
fore the Decatur Parent-Teachers' cipal speakers of the evening.
association about the "-Americaniza- H. M. Whipple, manager of the mo-
tion Problem". :At New Troy the tor section of the Westinghouse coin-
yer subject to -be discussed before' the pany, will take as his subject "Motor
ity public schools Friday will be "Dollars - Design and Development During Re-
by and Sense in education". The same cent Years". The other speaker of the
lecture will be given Saturday at - evening, E. B. Roberts, head of the ed-
in Highland -before the West Highland ucation department of this corpora.
y arm Bureau.- . tion, will address the meeting on "En-
'gineering Education". Tickets for the
Oratory Contestants Chosen smoker may be obtained for 50 cents
Gerrit,"Deinimink, '23. and Edward from any member of the A. 1. E. E.
T. Ramsdell, '23, were chosen to repre- Both Mr. Roberts and Mr. Whipple

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