T UIIIIIAL DULLI INI In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all me~mbers ofJ lt .' eopw roceived until 3: SkO D. In. (11:30 a. m SIaturday.) SUNDAY, FEBR VARYQom, 1923 i'ninber 100Z be no confe ecce of the Deans 'on 'Wednesday, Feb. 28. The 0will tako placo Wednesday, Mar. 1. at 10 aa. mn. 1inthe Presi- M. L. B3URTO. ,S' ( h al fica ultn 64' tlon' of #sers of -the Daly Official Bulletin is again respectfuly ct z e sabraitted. for, publication must, be typwritten. 1*1'6 ottcs ust be igned. ' }izarly notices are published but once. Repetition is at the 3rt fni.1 , dtlcesmttt be handed tothe Editor before 3:30 p. M. (11:30 a. M. O1e, it, not stated in any sense to restrict the use of the Buleth. iita 'rIt is8 hoped that it masy be uisedt more anld ore for ntra t att odl; College of Ll6ritur, Sene, and the Arts: ,ilb a bleting o, the AdMIAitttie load Tutesdafy, Fsebruary a bk, 'en 0l ffnger's or W. R. HUMPHREYS, Assistant en. turner Bailey, Director of the Cleveland School of Art and ir~ of th''Cev eland Museum of 'Art wil speak "on the subect, Realmtr of Art" .Tuesday, February 27th, at 4:16 In West Galery, It ialy Ia. BRUCE BE DONALDSON. yinzlhsr~ivra sft ymphony rhestra is to ;be heard next Sunday at 4:15 LfAi ?t urimIn the Faculty Concert Series. Miss Mra Struble, 11l ba the soloist. The program is as follows: dances from 'Henry VIII" (a)' Morris Dance, (b) Shepherds' T oh Dance, (dward erman); 'Motet, "Ave Verum" (fr oar); 0yinphonia Espagnole, OP. 21, (a), Allegro Ma non troppo, n do .(u) Andante, (d4) tondo, (Cl}; Symphony, G major (the Adag4 atabit le, Vivace 'assal, Andante,' Menuetto, Allegro di d );, CHARLES A. SINK. ioty .afternoon, Feb. 26, at ,2 olock, ,Nr. Wennerlnnd, industrial Ft the Ge#ner-t dMotors Corporation, will .deliver an addrese'in the eice nAuditorium on the sua'jet of "Tho nfluence of the I idus- ieertupon Manurfacturing Plants".'this adoresswll be delie- tbe lasses in Mecht, Eng. 36 and Ec0 onmics 3.All others, inter- vited to attend.. '.C. B. GORDtY. gng igt for the lectures is now {posted near oom Z$-$4 Natural 1 iziit Memers of the class should ascertain'. their seat .num- 'Tsdfyayring 'at 8 o'clock, ase-tle lstillbe reoved at that "'k bld alsa go in advance'd to the lecture room and loc~te'their d~4 ins odconfusion at the betinning of the ext lectuire, .A. FRANXLIN SHULL. Jistsr ' btli sections havesbeen, roniplotely revisd and are zr _ oor, 234, .Ntural Sei~nce building. Ivembr of the z: adin their new seat ntinibors end go to tha lecturre rom to l';1 i '3 o'clock Mocndlay, at, rhiei .timie the .lits will e re- 'fU"thi rquests fr transfer frombn e section to the othr It C.,'' The present' arrangemient,'61jould 'be egarded ;es final. $A. 'FlRANKIIN SfL . er qn ,U.114oe6s and Mfvr. J. M.ipple of the Westighouse Ec- i zn , n', ittsburgh, lPennsylvan r, will'be in Room 274 of 'the ltiitldisguesdlay and 'ledlnesriay, February 27 and 28, for the nt ifvieving electrical andl' echanical en neering students who ot con4 -0 employmuent with the WGestinghouse Company. . BEfN3. F. BAILEY iarl 'eheld .in the 'Natural cienceAuditorium MAonday nt 2 p. I 4 'Mntal Testing:. #tt mtzcl my class on Tuesday, February 27. v GUY M. WHIPPLE. biton of' mari'ns and etchings by Hay ley Lever, water colors un~ and "Ruel Tuttle, landscapes by George H. Baker and etch- rt . Logan opens at 2:00 p. m. Sunday, February 25, in. West n1 iMeoril Hali. BRUCE Mi. DONALiDSON. A regular meeting of Acolytes will be held.Tuesday evening, February ' 27th, at 8:00 o'clock in Room 105 Mason Hall. Professor Sellars will read a paper entitled "The Double Knowledge, Approach to the. Mind-Body Relation.t HOWVARD -D.7'ROELOFS, -Arch-.Acolyte. IUniversity of VcljlI~iin haviber of Commierce: Members desiring to attend the luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce' Inn Tuesday noon %,Ill notify Walter Nichols, 1128- J, before Monday 'night. A musical progra#m will be given under the auspices of the members of the Mu' Phi Epsilon sorority. R. L. SMITH. Lectures, on Biology: The Zoology department announces three lectures by :Professor C. R. Stockard of Cornell University Maedical College on "Growth and Structural Reactions." j Feb. 28, 4:15 P. M.--Modifications of development rate and the ' struc- tural respoinse. I Feb. 2 8, 8:00 P. M.--Tile origin of human types and the influence of internal secretions. Mar.' 1, 4:15 P. M.--The "oestrus cycle. as a means of analyzing struc- tural changes. The afternoon lectures will be held in Room 214 X. S. Bldg., and are of a technical nature. The evening lecture, to which the public is invited, will be held in the N. S. Auditorium. A. FRANKLIN SHULL. Innunu nruI ~ ~ Veal experience in an apiproved libra.- lifhih bU~ L~ runry. Admission. to the course must be passed on by Librarian Bishop. SUMMER ARE A N NOUN C1, ;In addition tothese courses, Intro- ductory courses, courses in cata.logii- ^- °i ing and claifyinig, high school lib- CURRIC JLITM TO INCLUDE TWO F rary, and reference will be offered. NEVER PRESENTEDF Frederick ,B. Gillette, superintendent BZPOREl of circulation and stacks of the lba lir-ry, and Edith Thomas, chief of the lib- Two courses in library methods never rary, extension service will teach lib- ibefore presented at the University will rary, courses. Jean Hawkins, former- be offered at the coming Summer SeeaI ly instructor in the New York State sion. ' One course will be taught by 'library school at Albany will also Miss Helen Martin, children's libra- ; teach: courses in library methods in rian pa. the East !Cleveland. public; the coming Sumamer Session. library aid other will be given jointly' by W. W. Bishop, librarian of the Uni- versity, and .Prof. A. S. Root of Oberlin MUSEUM CROWDED ollege. AT PR F S NT PTTW- FBo30 Gig~antic Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 25---(13v A. P.)- If tlae plans of Gutzon Borgium, well known sculptor, do not. go awry, giant sized figures of Geni. Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and Gen. Stonewall Jackson, heroes of the Southern Con- federacy, soon will be outlined on the blank face of Stone Mountain, near Atlanta, as an everlasting memorial of the Lost Cause. 'Work of installing a huge projecting lamp, something new in the world of ;science, at the foot of the mountain, now is being completed and when the Georgia Railway & Power_ company extends its power lines from the end, of the street car line to the mountain, Mr. lBorgluzn intends to come to At- lanta and attempt to fasten the like- nesses of the Confederate leaders on' the side of the great mass of granite. The figure of Lee alone is intended to be about 83 feet high, while the head of the horse he will be shown riding will be 30 feet in length. These dimensions of the central figure of the. proposed picture give an idea of the immensity of the sculpture which will "Yt~end, when completed, across 700 feet of the face of the mountain. 31 RIUS E. FOSSE EKE PEILI j WITH DETROIT SYMPRONY (Cotninued fronm Page Nine) Arts department, will speak on, "Washington in Painting and Sculp- ture", at {6:30 o'clock. Services of the Church of Christ are being held in Lane Hall today and on future Sundays until further notice. Bihle school will be held at 9:30 o'clock, and the Student Class will meet at 12 o'clock in the Reading i-ooms at Lane Hall. At the same hour, Dr. Stouffer will lead the Men's Service Club. "Channels of Spiritual, Power" will be the subject of the ,rorning sermon, delivered by Rev. Arthur, Pastor. Christian Endeavor will meet at 6:30. TO INDUSTRIES 01F NICHICAI (Cotninued from Page Nine). months or longer. 'This includes tho running of routine chemical and phy- sical tests. The problems wIch may be studied through the department with the preys- ent facilities may be grouped undec the following specific types of service: aeronautics, automotive equipment. ceramics, design of special machiner electric 'transmission and 'distribution,' fuels, heating, ventilating and imi- ination, hydraulics, machine shoe) parctice, power plants and their equip- Staue UpRI UVI IN o'clock by the Rev. Robert W. Wood- ~ IIU roofe of St. John's church, Detroit. The evening prayer and address will FU' ] jV iii! be held at 7:30 o'clock this' evening. M. U: Fossenkemper, '23, and a former student in the University School of Music, has obtained a posi- tioin in the Detroit Symphony orches- tra as second clarinetist. Fossenkem- p~r, while attending the University, was first clarinetist in the University symphony orchestra, and for a time leader of the Arcade theater orch- estra. MEXICO MAY PROHIBIT BOOZE NEAR UNITED STATES BORDER Washington. Feb. 24-(By A. P.)- The Mexican government, according to advices received here, is contemnp- h ating adopting a prohibition law to effect all alcoholic beverages within a zone fifty miles wide along the ,Am- erican border. Rev. A. T. Jump of the First Con-F .gregational, church will deliver a ser- mon this morning from Hutchinson's book, "This Freedom". The 'topic is, "The Problem of the home". The F'ireide 'Chat at 6:30 o'clock this ovening wvill include discussion. on, "Devotional life In a busy University. SWhy it is needed? H"ow can we so-. cure it?" F .-mon of exceptional interest to college students will be delivered 1at 10:30' o'clock this morning at the: First Baptist church. Rev. Edward Sayles will speak on, "The Acid Test' of Character". At 12:30 o'clock, Rev. Howard R. Chapman, Minister for stu- Idents, will'be the leader at the student class at the Guild House. The regular Bible school will be held in the church rooms. The Friendship hour with the Students will begin at 6 o'clock to beF followed by the Guild Discussion Meet- la t6:30 o'clock. "The Greatesti LockOut"will 'be the subject of the} evening sermon, to be delivered at' I7:30 by Mr. Sayles'. Holy Communion will be held at, 8': 00 o'clock this mrorning at St.An drew's church. There will be morn- EAT AT WILLTS The, food is different. Quality, (Quantity and a rea- of building and engineering materials. sonable price been our aim. has always Smartest service in the City. Specials. Sunday Dinner $1.00 The course In 'book selection 'for- chxildren's libraries, and story telling'; An alarming scarcity of space has. in children's libraries, taught -by Miss been reported by officials, of the Zool- Xartin has been offered in response to ogny Museum. The museum has been repeated requesos for some such work. fcrced to acquire two frame housesj Many state people as well as. a large ;which it .uses as storage space. These' I number of University students have :are well .flled at present, and the in- inquired as to the possibility of a:flux of two or three 'tons of specimens course of this nature: being given, expected from research expeditions Select Problemns of Library: Ad- ,now in California and Panama will, mlini stration, 'the. course offered by; necessarily have to bie storedlandl not: the two librarianis, will deal with un-. exhibited. Some exhibit inateilal has usual "non-routine, problems which been. in storage for the. past,:20, years, confront every, librarian.' Particular due to lie lack of floor space. emphssis will, bb laid upon 'the dise- F In the appropriation bill now .before IpositkIon of ch04rts, atlases, maps, the State, Legislature 'there is a plea archives, and questionable material, for a new building. I1f' this ',building the treatment of rare bpo is, coins and, Is granted It 'will bie built off the pres-i postage stamps, autographs, manu- ; ent'campus and be large enough 'to ac- scip and early painting will be dis- icominodate all 'exsting specimens with cussed. Methods will also be treated I adequate spaCe for :expansion. In the course.F___________ orAmacStdnsProfessor DAy to Speak This coarpe, according to Mr. Bishop, P :1rof. iB. E. Day, the new head of the will ] Ve open, only 'to students hlavingI Economics. departm ent, .will, be the 7 5 or more hour of college credlit and speaker at a smioker to be given for a. y arsa study 'in a library school of Iall students of economics, March 11, acpproved standing or 3 year's prac- ( at the, Union.. " Diamond Mountings at a Savingv SHILANDERER & SEY'FRIED REMOVAL SALEr Why not enhance the -beauty of your stone with- fine Platinumr or 'White Gold Setting ? PRIVATE BA'NQUET IIALL4 OPTICAL GOODS REPAIRED AND LENSES GROUND One Hour Service Carlt1F. Bay WILLIT'S Be sure that every day in every, way you use the "Daily Classifiedj. Column" It will mnake you better and better.--Adv. DOROTHY B. LOWRYF CHIROPRACTOR I 606 Ist Nat'l Bank Bldg. Z SHours, 1.6 pan. Phone 401-1 Try Our Business Men's Luneh I1:10--2:60 - 6uc JOE PARKER''S SPECIAL SUND)AY D)INNER Kenned3's Orchestra 11:30-4:00) Cornwell (Coal Bldg. Phonle 173 1 S. Stu-te St. lo AEwEERYSO 71 Thirtieth Annual May Festival HILL AUDITORIUM-ANN ARBOR I -, I . v r The Power OILF H P, Little Germ i l FOUR DAYS- May 16, 1T, 18, 19-SIX CONCERTS SOL OISTIS GIUSEPPE DANISE, Baritone METROPOLITAN 'OPERA COMPANY EENI.AMINO GIGLI, Tenor METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY JEANNE GORDON, Contralto METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY, SUZANNE KEENER, Soprano METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY FLORENCE MACBETH, Soprano CHICAGO OPERA ASSOCIATION CHARLES MARSHALL,, Tenor CHICAGO OPE'RA ASSOCIATION ERNA RUBINSTEIN, Violinist A DISTINGUISHED ARTIST ERNEST SCHELLING, Pianist A RENOWNED VIRTUOSO HENRI SCOTT, Bass-Baritone LATE OF THE METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY CLARENCE WHITEHILL, Baritone METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY ORGANIZATION S THE. UNIVERSITY' CHORAL UNION (350 OICES THE CHILDREN'S CHORU.S (500 VOICES) j THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (70 PLAYERS) Pricet $8.50 Up IS SCHLANDERER & SEYFRIED s 113,E. LIJIERTY . «... L III 'J 1 _ i ARE.YOUl'l.'' I TIRED OF WINTER?: Our Label* implies' JSuperiority in Tailored- to-measure Clothes .......... MIGHTY As Many Can Testify Do not flirt with it. It's dangerous business. Take a good laxative, go to bed and call your physician. Let him do the prescrib- lug. We can fill the pre- scription.' I CONDUCTORS ii I EARL VINCENT MOOR E GEORGE OSCAR; BOWEN FREDERICK STOCK AT F ,Wi give you that cheering spring feeling, WHY NOT NOW? # 11 AND r 3 i i s I s GUSTAV HOLST 111' B LUMAI ART MARQUARDT 6Ff5 last T ihertuI 11 II hII I 1 I 11