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February 24, 1923 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-24

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Epslon, Delta Upsilon, appa Nu,
Phi Mu Alpha, Phi Sigma Kappa, Phi
BetaDelta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Nu Si -
ma Nu.
Frate~rnIty Bas1et Title 1epenids or I
nhitcome of Bggest of Infra-
1101%1 R[Al T1s
Officials in the Intramural depart- Coach Mather's basketball squad
ment are planning on holding a gala will leave for Urbana again tomorrow
night for fraternity and class teams. on the second trip within a week,
next Monday when the fraternity and where on Monday night they clash
with the fast Illinois quintet for the
class basketball championships will be second time this season.
decided. The qualifying round in the The Wolverines came through the
inter-fraternity foul-shooting contest game with Ohio State last Thursday
will also have a part in the festivi- night in good shape and are waiting
ties. for another chance at the Indians.
Sigma Nu and Phi Mu Alpha willi Michigan already has one victory over
battle for the fraternity basketball cup Illinois and the Varsity is. anxious to
in the biggest event of the evening, duplicate the feat Monday.
Little is known as to the probable Last Practice This Morning
outcome of the game but it would not The Maize and Blue squad will hold
be surprising if Sigma Nu wins be-. it last practice before the game this
cause of their heavier and more' ex- morning as no workout was given the
perienced team. In their recent game men last night. Mather has not been
with Lambda Chi Alpha they won be- working his .men hard for the past
cause of better team play and their week owing to the fact that they have
work has stood out over all oppon- been playing in competition quite oft-
antsu thy haetencountered in the en and the coach does not want to take
l~gue competition. jany chance of having his men go stalei
Phi Mu Alpha has a team composed so late in the season. Most of the
of several former stars, and they can members of the squad are at top form
Scounted.upon to give a good ac- now, with the exception of Haggerty,
unt of themselves. Their teamwork and with several games scheduled in
tserves some shaking up before they the near future most of the intervals
OPC mbetween games will be spent resting
caurse dope riay be upset in this up for the following contest.
l4ttle as wel. as it has been in many ILaggerty Still Ill
hers. The opening, whistle will bg Hager erw y till on .
sguned romplyiat :30 'clck. Haggerty, who is still on the sick
s~uned romtlyat 930 'clck. list, may niot join the squad for an-
cTl he egnalsinte ass. elimina- other week. The fast sophomore has
t1ons the nior engineers will meet had an attack of the flu and it will be
the snier ehitneers 'at d 7o'clockiy several days before he has gained the
ldth of these outfits are rated highly necessary strength needed for start-
ad are ne nm theiterdfraternity ing in a Big Ten qourt game.
Prls inaries i t he m nter-fraternit- The Michigan lineup for the Illinois
fence-at tournan will con game will in all probability be the
niene~a 9:3 o'lockandwillconsame as the one whieh started against
tinue until all of the teamns have turn-smesthon hhstrdagnt
e nti alof the tn have trnr- the Buckeyes. With Haggerty out Birks
ed in a score. one man will repre-, will play one forward with Kin~e at
sent 'each fraternity, and in order to the other offense osit Cpta
qualify he must score at least 15 goals Ely will be in his regular Captain at
out of a ossible 25 attempts. -Ai the Jump-off and Cappon and Paper
contestants must be on the floor
promptly at the time designated. Will take care of the guards.
The following teaiis haveenrd Ely Leads
The'folowngteas hveentered "1 Ely, wcho scored nine baskets and
Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Kappa Sigma,
Delta Clhi, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Phi si free throws in the game against O.
Delta__h,___BetaThetaPi,_SigmaPh__S. U. added enough points to his total
for the season in the Big Ten to make
If you don't know where you losb him the high point man in the Confer-
the article, never mind, a "Daily Clas- ence thus far with a total of 113
sified Ad" will find it for you.-Adv. I points.
(2SmhuG Rates. Two Cents per word a day, aid sa advance. Mm-
Itusl a ebar for rfist ay, 260. Minimum thereaftw, 2ft Three
mti1 per Wrd per day Kt charged. White space &harged for at rate
oB eV W- apto 6, Cas1d, charged ol y to tho having phones.
Leer RMs: Tweet eants p r n, withot contract, paid in advance.
fIERa s U 1

Michiga n's first basketball tean
played in 1909. From then until 1917
the gamze was in'active at the Univer-
sity. In that year it was made a Var-
sity sport and the first Varsity bas-
ketball team of Michigan took to the
floor opposite other Conference teams.
In 1901 what we know as the
"greatest Michigan football team"
swung into action. It was Coach
Yost's first team at Michigan and as
he himself says, his best. Before the
season was over it had rolled up a
total of 550 points against its oppon-
ents without once being scored on by
any team in the country, a feat not
paralleled before or since. It was also1
tle team that beat Leland Stanford
49-0 in the only game that Michigan
has played on the Pacific coast. Eight
cf the Stanford team were Yost coach-
ed men.
Michigan won her first intercolleg-
iate track meet in 1893. The scores!
were Michigan 52; Wisconsin 4.5;
Northwestern 15.
Badger Geolo ists to Take Long Tripr
Thirty-two students of the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin will take a 25=day
geology field trip to the Rock moyn-"
tain region this summer under the di-
rection of Prof. A. K. Lobeck, of the
geology department. University credit
will be given for the trip. All the
large national parks of the West will
be visited.y
Medical Examinations Show Increase
Records of the University Health'
service show that 422. medical exam-
inations were given to students during
the month of January this year, as
compared with 360 for January in 1922
and 69 for January in 1921.

I i
Chicago, Feb. 23-(By_.P.)-A fac-
ulty committee' at the University of
Chicaigo has begun work on a limita-
tion plan by which the student body
will be restricted to a number with
which the institution will properly
care fur, it became known today. This
will. not necessarily raise entrance re-
quirements, Dean D. A. Robertson ex-
The university, which in 12 months
in all departments now: gives instruc-
tion to albout 12,000 persons, has found
its faculties overtaxed, the dean
said. What the solu$ion will be or
how soon some plan, if any, i evolv-
ed, could not be stated by' the dean
sad the major purposes of the insti-
tution, research and graduate work,
must not be hampered.
In a brief statement Dr. Earnest
DeWitt Burton, the new acting presi-
dent, told of plans for future progress
as follows:
"Four things stand out in our minds
as #lemanding immediate action and
giving hope for early development.
These are: To carry out the plans for
the medical schools which were form-
ed in 1916 but which because of costs
will call for more money than was
then provided; increase interest in
the ,graduate schools; the revision and
execution of plans made long ago for
the development of the library and a
marked improvement in the conditions
and character of undergraduate life.
Our aim here will not be gfeatly to
enlarge. the collegqs but to discover
and provide a type of college educa-
tion better adapted to American life,
than any that has yet been evolved,"
he said.
When you have a want, always let
a "Daily Classified Ad" satisfy it.-

0., D. Morrill
17 Nickels Arcade.

Two gripa hold the
sock more' evenly and
neatly, 'ind add to your &-GRP
comfort and freedom of *E24GRIP"
action. The garter is the' vogue among young
men who want the best. 35c to $1, every-
where, in single-grip and the E. Z. 2 Grip,
and the E. Z. Sport Garter.
Made solely by The Thos. P. Taylor
Co., Bridgeport. Conn.
Featured by Leading Student
Supplies Stores

- Send for our catalog
- k on Bodies and Speed
Power Equipment.

The following1
Daily office:
C.S,, C.B.S.,
H1.B,, L.E.B.,

box Replies are at the
D.&T., A,J.G., X-102, L.
K.D., F.M.M., G.W., R.
V.D.B., C.A.F.

ment, excellent for the scalp. Ab-
solutely cures dandruff. Makes the
hair grow and renews its luster. Call
1471-W, Mrs. J. W. Phelan, 812
Monroe. 102-4


Beech St., DELPHI, INlD.

FOR RENT- Steam heated suite or,
room two blocks from campus.
Cheap. 502 East Liberty. Call 870-1
M. 94-21
DOUBLE -ROOM with separate sleep-
ing room; single room on first
floor, two blocks from Campus; re-
asonable. 1.09 N., Thayer. 103-2
RRENT-Three blocks from cam-
pus, boys' rooms, single and double.
Modern, wartn, price reasonable.
'22 Packard, phone 274-J. 104-2



KLL-FURNISHED front suite,
housekeeping, if desired, also parlor.
Reasonable rent. Phone 3252-J.

R6OM FOR RENT-Warm, light and
bright. Running water in room.
Call 1309 Washtenaw, 12-2 or even-
$ngs. 104-2
FOR RUNT-Five-room furnished
apartment.' Reasonable rates. 215
N. State. Phone 1453-W. 104-3
DOUBLE AND SINGLE rooms in pri-
vate home, thre blocks from cam-
-pus. 508 Elm, 710-R. 104-3
FOR RENT-.Front suite for girls,
lone block from campus. Inquire
433 Maynard. 103-3
FOR RENT-Double room. Near cam-
pus. Warm, clean, well-lighted. $3.;
per man. 1243 Washtenaw. 103-3
FOR RENT-Front room; location
convenient to Campus and Ferry
Field. Phone 1255-M. 103-3
FOR RENT-Warm, pleasant single
room. Very light. 516 Walnut.
2638-W. 104
FOR RENT-Fine single room. 114
S. Ingalls. 104-3
SIX ROOM furnished house," near.
Campus. Phone 802-R. 103-2
PLEASANT, warm, quiet, single room.

SPECIAL Sunday dinner at the Y. W.
C. A. CAFETERIA. See our menu in
Sunday's Daily. 104
RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned.
Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works.j
$1.25 PER LOAD. Ashes and rubbish
hauled. Call 569-J. 104-6:
LOST-A blue fountain pen with a Pi
Beta Phi seal, on Feb. 23, between
Natural Science building and 86"
Tappan Road. Finder please call
398. Reward. 104
LOST-One green-beaded, gold ear-
ring, at Union Dance Wednesday
night. Finder please call 2726-R.
LOST-Large leather notebook with
name, Hagerman, on cover. Rea-
ward. Phone 2344-R 104-2
LOST-A mink choker between gym.
and "Blighty", Wednesday after-)
noon. Call 3062. 103-3
LOST-Feb. 10, tan carricule coat. Tax}
silk lining. Return to Dean of
Students' Office. Reward. 103-3,
FOR SALE-Remington Portable
Typewriters. Student dealer.
BLACK, 432 THOMPSON, 1128-J.
k 98-10
FOR SALE-A corner lot in South
East section. Reasonable terms.
Call 286-W. 104=3
FOR LE-Complete set of trap
drums in good condition. New side
drum. Anderson, 396. 102-3
BUFFET and kitchen cabinet. .605 W.
I Liberty. Phone 2852-W. 103-3
FOR SALE-Used Remington portable
I ,ini'fPr-,. .nR l_ y1124-5 _ 1 -

. ......


One and One-Half Blocks East of the Engineering Arch


.' '


Plain Toe

What tweeds are in' clothes
this plain, toe blucher is in
shoes. The toe is wide-quite
full. There's, no leather better
-browns or black.

p _
sppips ~aQJO


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