THE MICHIGAN DAILY S ATURDAYFBUR 4 lull I I E RUY NLIIBE Joie .Ray Collector Of Medals, FO;IHGNNN otn Out After Still More Records FUH ICHI9N, INIE BosonFeb. 23-(B3y A.P.)--To run1 racing away with the Hunter mile toti I the fastest mile credited to man ainnane rcodfttevnt Ml Thre Yers' omptitin Pts Dug!4 minutes, 19 seconds. He holds thQ TheeYer' omeitonPtsDogthe ambition of Joie V. Ray, the lit- lnor. inn Fiio is herMsig o iedonoor . tite~oha - record for the mile of 4 min- Fisliniher.ahlt lohs e~ utes, 14 -5 seconds, made four years 2 _______fairly burning up the boards with hisI ago, b.ut says lhe is running bettor now enti TA VFEDRSP CEspeed on indoor tracks this winter, than ever before. day U TROTILDRSPAELntil he has had a serious; fling at the P WILL BE HARD ONE TO FILM Ray attributes much of his success attempt under proper conditions lie frhiability to judge his pace. A rof will give no thought of retiring, liera Announcement was made yesterday! says.; year ago, he (declared, before lie went thei by the Athletic Board that Douglas Ray sets 4 minutes and 10 seconds tote trison i h Hne Roby, '23, would be ineligible to fui-; as within his striding powers for the ,tile, that he would run it in 4 min- C ture competition at the University be-; mile distance. The fastest mile run ute , 20 seconds. He set a new roc- io caus hehashadthre yers f cl 'ord in 4 minutes, 20 2-5 seconds. Th-ir casIehshdthe er fcl by man, of which there is any record ; # wil' loge competition. Roby competed his1 stands to the credit of N ormnan S. T areA nadac ht ewu yea freshman year at Phillips University bet, then a student of Brown Uir er- rnioif ints10scnd.H and entered Michigan as a Sophomore sity, 4 minutes 12,3-5 seconds. Raoniy4miues19scods Eafu-pro where he played football his Sopho-I confident that lie can b~ette r ay loe Ing ahiead of the field. Opponents more and Junior years. According toI Coaches of college andl cubtha te do inot worry him, the confident little T EConference rules a man can only be teams, familiar with the little- taxi-raesybcueliistsaleo . eligible for three years of college drvrsrnigaiiy ge ihset Iris own standards, and his legs . competition. u jionstaJine eae asunne whemhewa ~~~~~hmRoby's loss will be serious to Coach th pTbrovdehdhe has the coniionsutithtaksigetem Fiser' bseblltea a th sar abr hd.tii ng bt o*le arunxe r, and lstill pas-s -ihrs aeal ema tesa The Brown student broke all' rec- irstgangrng renssom oUi~fi r ~W ill nC~a-U ._ a lf n5z i ui _Ii Iors rn in.n.. raiatte ir paxternity AMat Meg. Meet iMondady. W'ith more than 20 fraternitie, en- ,d, the interfraternity' wrestling krnament is scheduled to begin on )day night at -Waterman. gyn nas- n. it is expected that approximately more fraternities will sendl in themr rance sheets within the next few ys. Phi Chii, medical fraternity,.winners last year's tournament, have al-7 dv sent in their entrance sheet' ,reby assuring the other entries of me stiff opposition. Cooper, campus middleweight chain- )n last year; is again entered. :i 11 meet with more opposition this. ar due to the increased popularity the grappling game, but will, in alt obability retain his championship. Try a Classified Ad-it pays.-Adv., Wflats tehind the Keyhole? I -it's AMAZING! the makeup in this department of the yard' Stadium in 1916 against picked game. Fisher will, .hoiver, miss opponents who acted as hiis pacemak- Roby nmore in, the batting end than in erm. Such an arrangenient is regard- j his fielding position 'for he 'was one ed; as necessar y to bring; a better per- of ';the best hitters on last ,year's squad and this year's team needs ev- ery batter it can get. Roby is in excel-I lent condition having completely re- covered from injuries that he received in the Ohio State game.j Roby will be at Alabama Polytech- nic school next fall where he has aoct cepted a position as backfield- coach. formance from Ray, anid Ray indi- cates that he would welcome anl in- vitation to make such an attempt sometime during the comning sung n mier. The Harvard Stadium, however, probably will not be available for the, iet n less somre set of games not now scheduled is arranged.I Ray has set himself, as ;secondaryI objects, the breaking of the Americanj indioor track records for the two mile run, 0 minutes 11 2-5 seconds, and fol I the 3000 meter run, 8 minutes, 31 2-5 seconds, (both of which hp holds hi- self) and that of 8 minutes 10 3-5 see-! onds for the 1 3-4 miles, held by the 01(1 timer George V. Bonhag. Inhs campaigning this season he has shown himself at top speed, break-{ ing the record for the mile andne third at New York recently, and thiree days later jumping over to Boston and i , (lay. i:lW pIi ~i Cstrikes UnIversity Office" Miss Frances M~. lhuntin, transcripf, clerk in the office of the Registrar,, has been ill for the past few day. with an attack of La Grippe. She expects to be back at )ter work with- in a few dlays. M~iss I-oratia Corbin, secretary tq Dean John R. Effinger, literary col-I liege, hias also been absent from her! duties for the past three (lays due to ! jillness. , I ... 4 ; z I f itrii7 to page** for turther dope .."n rnn." 1n 7' t 1 C. I{ I :,~, .w;, o - h 'ak. "J n' / .5 I 11 Spring ,Oxfords Imported leathers- in smooth and grained finish. All sizes carried in stock. Ten to thirteen dollars. WO11LRC "OMhPAHY ,or Men 9A Snfle Jg4. 0 1' ckminser. --a Nettleton Shoe In style, in fit and ill length- of life Nettletons are truly "Shzoes- of We would take pleasure in showing you howv Nettletons differ from less carefully made shoes. r;- 4 . , , Wahr 's Dohvm Toivn Sh3oe Stor e 4 .rob South Hain Agentd for Netleton Men's Shoes--the Wrld, Finest _ I~li~ ?Iiil~i'~f!IIi~lllillllilii;1 i1E11!1~ lllltillll~ l~lf13(3HlIflI ifiilitlIUNfA~iI~IIQ VI1~ 0 l ac We are showing a wonderful assortment of SPRING WOOLENS in Imported and Domestic fabrics. Any style youA may desire from the three and four button sacks to the New :Two-ButtonShort-1 English Box Back Jackets -- A ---- - n -- 1-- - 7_ .. .. _.1 .. .. . ,.. .,, _.-_ s