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A61F Aw
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VOL. XXXIII.. No. 104
L. Atll.,.lU P .. %, c. 1. IJiN 1 0
Resolution Reco gnizes Ford's Service
In Awiokenig Naltion Against
Money Rule
Detroit, Feb. 23-(By A. 1.3)-A res-
oluition "recognizing" the efforts of
llen ry Yord "in i ening the con-
science of the American pecople to the
Story Of
"Double Cross"
UNlION ('OST IN G$350,00
University of Oklahomna men
students are to have a Union
which is to be largely, afterned
ait~gr our Uion. A campaign for
$350.600) istnow ibeing carried on
in ordler to beginl the first part of
tile)buil(ing this spr'ng.
A conimittee of 25 meni have
been selected1 to initiate p~lans for
Jthe erection of the building. Of
this committee A. S. Faulkner,
the chairman, accompanied by
B. S. Grahaam, who is represent-
ineg the faculty of thle University,
is now in Ann Arbor to secure
ideas from the U'nion, here. Af-
ter lecvin; 'here, the representa-
jtines from' Oklahoma xwill visit
W-eathu of 4ftsure Thought Certain to
C'onte May Bie Delayed Until
Washington Feb. 23--(By A. P.)-
The adninistir-ation's ship subsidy bill
tonight hadl passed into the state of
comza that precedesi death.
Warned by the filibuster and attach
i 3 i
( London, Feb. 23-(By A.P.)-
?Thomas IV. Shaw, who claims to
be the last survivor of the fam-
ous light brigade is riding for
Ithe second time "into the Jaws
Iof death".
But the venerable cavalry man,
j.91 years old, has not between
Ihis knees the charger which,
sdashed upon the Russian battery
in 1864. Under himu is a white
sheeted hospital cot. from which
Ithe doctors say hie will never
( After his charge with the glor-
sous 600, Shaw felt upon his brow
Ithe soothing hand of Florence
fNlihtiitg~e a me~morthtatwa
l '
Puts "sting" In
College Paper
th1e untionls ot 4 other un1iversi-! of its enemies in the se ate the lei- ( his most cherished possession.
ties, ; .h ation for which Prsideni Harding I
___________________________1 called congress in a spec ial sessioni
~WNTS APPROVE and ll hthe cat vehad urged N JCONILPA
came to life bLr a single thread, the N W C U C LP 1
motion sending in the senate to take
II11itupfr consideration..
Most of the measure's friends give
FAGVII U it i bESit.t ufo during the day. giving evidence t
t f
menace to Democracy of money con- -z
trolled elections" but carrying no en- Albpr Baumi, alisas i3laoitow
dorsenient of the mnanufacturer as a Albert Baili, known also as Bala-
possible Democratic candidate for the , now, created a sensation recently
presidency in 1924 was adopted here when he stated that private detective
today' Dy the Democratic state con-,agencies "framed". Red "plots" and
vention[raids to create business. Bailin's 'test-
Reaton. tnn,(o rons1 lirnony will be used in defense of al-
of their despair of winning in the
Acept Resigivatioius of Prof. Iil night session into which they had
Sugrests Fewer Memubers on Council
and Defnite C-opraio
Passing of the resolution, it was
conceded, was a conpromise between
one faction which desired to endorse
Ford fort the presidency of the United
States, and another which bkelieved the
time inopportune for such action. The
resolution as originally introduced
conitained anipresidential endorsement.
The resolution as adopted read1
"We recognize the trermendous .influ-
ence of Henry Ford, a citizen or our
leged radicals
Joseph, Mich.
facing trial at St.
prof. Pails. and 1Mr. 1Illihy,
(arauit Abrenees
Chief amiong the matters taken up
b~y the Board of Regents in their
meeting here yesterday, was the ac-
ceptance, with a resolution of regret,
of the resignation of Prof. Moritz :Levi
of the Romance languages depart-
forced the Senate for four suceessive. I Withi University
nights. - ,
The end may come tomorrow, or it RFOIT TO'i'0l SUBI3ITTED
may be delayed until neXt weelt, pos- TO : ENATE C'OUNtCL) SOON~
siPyAy onday, , and will be. brought1
about either by a motion to send the. Discussion of the mrater ial contained
measre ack o cmmitee r todisin the tentative report to be submit-
place it- by anoth or. measure. Soe e t;h ent ouclsonjcu
suggestions were heard that it might pited the beo the Seeetcun i on o the
be left pending, with its death ;t o - committee on the investigation of
cur coincident with the ad jourunent student government, yesterday. With
ofcoges.the completion of this report, the!
workd of the comm'ittee will be practi-
David Sinclair
David Sinclair, son of the novelist~
Upton Sinclair, is the center of a;
"tree speech." stormn at the University
of Wisconsin. Young Sinclair and a
fellow student, J. "H. Brooks, put a
"sting" in an unauthorized publ ica-
tion, aimed at the faculty. They are
threatened with suspension.
Detroit, Feb. 23--(B~y A.P.)-An ap-
peal for Amlerica to . necome the mor-
al and spiritual leadher of mankind,
"just as this country today is the
financial andl commercial leader of the
world," was sounded here last nig-ht
IDoe iuniiMun icipa I Council Dissolved
By Force and~ Members Taken
l'riscr ers
Berlin, Feb. 23-(By A.P.)-h
French occup~ying force today dis-
solved the meeting of the municipal
council of Dochun and arrested the
Burgomaster and 22 members of the
council oil the grounds that they had~
refusedi to carry out French orders
regarding deliveries.
Tanks were' stationed outside the
town hall while the arrests were being
IDochlun, Feb. 2:1---Most of the di-
rect action carried out by the forces
of occupation in the Ruhr for the last
24 hours appears to have centered in
this city taking the form of a 'whole-
sale requisition of supllies; from the
stores and1 shops.
One Germian workman was kile&
and one seriously wounded in con-
nection with the peace movements in
tis action.
Essen, Feb. 23"-(B3y A.P.)-Nino
Germans have been shot, including
one child, and °13 seriously wounded
by the military forces of occupation
since they entered the Ruhr according
to figures compiled by the German au-
thorities here. Two hundred and
seventy-three persons whose names
are known, have been arrested. Nine-
ty-five were arrested and then deport-
ed; 395 deported immediately without
othier formality and 16 officials re-
state, for good V~on the industrial e:"-! IN SCHOOL ALSO TO Professor Levi was the oldest mem-
onomic and political affairs of the na- BiE'UTILIZEDI) er of the faculty in his department.
tinado l aknorcandidate ---havng become an instructor in French
tonadofralin ki18h eae~ni ~inndwththourmstr he ithe University in 190. He has
for enaor n 118 h beamean m- jB~gnnig wth tis emeterthebeen on a leave of absence in France
portant factor In giving to Michigan status of the "D" in the mafking ' s . since the opening of the present Col-
adthe nation not only one but twoiOtern of the engineering college will! lege yea' It is expected that he will
progressive United -States senatrs b hne ecfradthr iljrmi hr frtermidro h
and in awakening, the conscience of b hne.Iecfradteewl eli hr o h eane ft
the merian popleto te meacebe no conditions given. The mark of ; erI
tohemcracynopeopey ot lmeace oc gvn il o b hagdFaculty Members Resign eto'. oa"( r":,btwl aete Po.Ivn .Soto h elg
Causemisi egzTroupjeCwhichIdepartment was given leave of ab-
Mr inre ressig tiigcn fcne vi attaches to it, at sence .for the remainder of the senes-;
vention following his' readting of the *' h ieayclee ter, on account of illness.
resluton xprss i'te oinoi tat The move came as a result of an The resignation of Clifford D. Ilo- T
Mr. F4ord largely was responsible for investigation by afcly commite lyofacet ytheeie eg ncuty. a
instigation of the case against former of the Engineering college. Assistant alsoact.D.I.byvso the geology.
Senator Truman H.. Newberry the Dean G. W. Patterson, of the Engin- ;department, wil resign it the end of
'atter's, subsequent forcing from the Bering college, says that the need be- 'this semester, to become profesor inr
senate and tihe defeat of Senator came apparent on account of the num- the geology department of the Unver-
Charles E. Townaend at the palls last be fegnesete neigsity of Minnesota.c
November. 'Senator Townsend was a fomReoluton on loans Passed
champion in the senate of former Sel- other colleges or taking work in th ro.:vn ,lrokofte ta
rotor Newberry." literary college where the "D" rep-; school was given a leave of absence
Says Ford ]Elected Ferris resents a definite standing instead of' beginning June 10, for the remaining
"Henry Ford and his 100,000 em- a~ condition. Great confusion result- few dlays of the semester, in order tot
ployes in Waynme county elected Wood- assume his summer session (duties onc
bridge N. Ferris tothUnedtae ed inl attempiltinig to (determine what the law faculty of Stanford university.
senate last November," Mr. Tinnerle credit should be given for "D" work A new University loan fund reso-
said, in urging adoption of his res- in these other schools. utin, adopted by the Board of Reg-
olution. "I anm not asking the conven- As a result. of the investigation, a; ents, fixes the interest rate on 'all stu-
tio toendrseMr.For fo Ite pes-new system of determining the eligi. (ent lans at five 'per cent. This in-
lio toendrseMr.Fod fr 'he res lility of a student provides that totret'so epiafrthgad-
,idency. I nt erely Ivok that we give an trs st epi fe h rda
expression showing our gratitude for mainain s Cholte"gine ution of the student. Applications for l"
mainain "C"average. The aver- lonutb aetruhteDa
,his. services." agisdtrnebyapitsse lonmutbmaetoghheDn
The convention was thrown into an ag i dtrmneAy~ pit yse of Students and the Dean of Women.,r
uproar previous to the reading- of the I whichi awards for "each hour of "" AcnniteWt lpitdb h
resolution, the faction opposing the i ons i" 1 point; and "E"wok provisions of the regulation, which dreeto nedreett ilcnie h plctos h
of an ndorsment o points xtdetswrkms vrwl osdrth plctos h
endosemnt o pint. Astuents wrk ustav-committee consist of Dean J. A. Burs t
the presidenicy evidently fearing the erage 2 points, the "C" grade. One iy enJenHdlon oetA
(Cotined n Pge ~o) andl one half points or lower for an 'Campbell, treasurer ot the Universityp
av~xerage will place the person on the. and a representative of each schoolb
To 3fpve Whole Villag'e( home list.
Quebec, Feb. 23-(By A. P.)---The( "Such a system", says Dean Patter- and college, to be appointed by the,
entire village of St Cy'riac with its 190n, "will weed out tie undesirable ;respective deans. Dean B~rsley will tI
church, shopbi and pr ivate students whospn from G to 4 eai~ act as chairman of the committee.
scholapbli sen To Ask Convention Heres
buildings, stores and dwellings is to obtaining sufficient credit for gradua- A contribution to the museum publ-e
be moved to make room for a great ion. There are many students in cation fond by E. B. Williams, honor- 1
reserv'oir resulting'-frome c onstruc- ,college now who are imposing o the aycrtro h uem a c
tione of a (lam onl Sable river at lie- state and their parents. The new rule; etd
mogamt.ileiiat hscas fsuet; The gift of a Warren electric clock
by the Detroit-Edison company to te'
R uth Jj~electrical engineering department was
Ruth~raper Startles Audience also accepted.
___________________The departments of Latin and Greek
? . were given athority to extend an in-
Appearing under the auspices of the lunch-counter girl were all tremend- vitation to the Classical Association
Ann. Arbor branch of the American ou sly impressive._ of the Mid-west and South to bold it,
Association of University Women last The reasons which immediately' 1924 convention in Ann Arbor.
night at the Whitney theater, Ruth suggest themselves in explanation of Award Diplomasr
Draper added another distinct sue-, Miss Draper's astounding success aie Degrees for February seniors in thep
'cess to her' already. long list, two. First, she has an unbelievabl', literary college were approved by theh
Staring wit animpersonation o quick eye for detail. She includes i or fRgns
a French dressmaker, Miss Draper , lee performance all the minute d- Of the 57 who are slated for. mid-
delig'hted. her audience with dialect! tails whichm are omitted in the aver- 'Year graduation, 52 wil receive A B '," I
'after dialect, appearing sucsive5l'Iy gg play-both in action and in word. one will receive Bachelor of Sciencea
as a Boston lady at an art exhibit a Such things as telling her assistant in medicine, two Bachelor of Scence
New York Jewess as the drectoi ss (n the luch-counter girl inperson- in forestry, and two Bachelor of Std-
of a class In Greek poise, as an old I lion) that the_ bandage is in hem' ' once. a
woman of County Berry, as a NewxIworkbasket up there on the second' Two of the graduates will receivelC
Yorkdebtant, a a hilaelpi ~S helf- "es it is-a little round one"- their degrees "With High Distinction'
ciety mother, and as a' lunch-counter ald life and breath to the rest. and three "With Distinction".
twirl of the far west. In all of these Wie w ie
roles Miss Draper displayed almost Teohrpitwih ae is U TRETSDraper' an immeasurable advantag; i
incedile bilty s avocl mmic fver, all other actresses is the fac,6
smitates All Speech R tIat, inasmtucht as she herself wrte Tl ;Y
The stream of rapid-fire French ll iher' lines, there can be no pashi- 111 NXTCDIIRO ESOflA
which, as the :Paris dressmaker, she ble danger of misinterpretation . -
fcreamted at her underlings and war-;cr lne every word, has a facial ex-
resiou a oneofvoie, erhps am New .York, Feb 23-(By A P.)-Ev-
bledto er rospctie cstomr; he ction, assignted to it, or it is not us-E idence against 24 leaders of te inter-
delicate variations in the Ameica'Cl ed. She sees in her mind's eye the ' national counterfeiting plot uncover-
language, as spoken by three (differient ,person or the type she is imperson-' ed this week will be presented to the
flAh"IYnn FF nir 'n ~mt h;a. Irake r .v..r P'Xnnc ~
Senator Underwoobd ofAlabamp,
concluded his -set' i e as Dlenmocratic
floor leader, leaving for a ERuropean
cally finished.
L4ocate Four )U-in Faults
The report, in. its present forms,
states that 'during the investigation
the_ following main facts became evi-
dent:' The present number of 27;
mejmbers of the :Student council should
be redueed; 'the n--en chosen for the;
'co'uicll should'be more carefully se-
lected: only., men should be allowed
to vote for members of the council; by United States Senator Rob~ert L moved from office according to this
The house by a vote of 300 to .1: and definite co-operation should be Owen of Oklahoma speaking, at'a jol_ statement.
passed, the adlniniatratiou btildirect- eablished between the Student coun- liflca~on banquet of Michigan Demo- More than 100 other's whose, names
ing'the return of certain estates of tor- ci dcmiteso h'fcly ox-cats assembled to celebrate the, elec- are unknown, have been arrested.
mer enemy aliens held' by the. alien: isting for the put-pose of governing tiona last fall of Wioodlbridge N. Ferris '___-
property' custodlap. ' te tdetboy as United States senator, front Mich Li- .
Ask Stnudentts' Advice= gan. The banquet was a preliimiary
tth DeortcsaecnetoQThbueuof 'immigration an- 'The comiittee has endleavpr oponethtat oi rsEglhiredetodtoathetDemocraticbstatetconvention, MEETINGhOfdGtMmMIIoE.
actor, against whom deportation pro- i attention, and these recommendlations "America no afo longer n h should be re-,"
codnsaepnig ol eani adda pr rm tewrd, "I
cee in s re pen in , ou d r tr in in com prise the body of the report which 'P A S. C s h s c u t yAi on h or n e B ANsUoIJETgov r e at r O en S i . e n l n e
tbi onr smnh onedndr Thisewco kinger el ihtme-should permit our'selves to be mxis-
bod h lmmttehshl ih eet adiw by the stupidI talk of entangling; Members of the Student Christian
ing. A al ofthee~ eetngsstu 'alliances. America should cooperat) association extension committee and.
The house agriculture committee t,4 dents were present whose advice was actively with the other great free na- of the various church extension corl-
bled a resoluition for a federal trade' i asked bh all matters brought up. for tions .in making effective thxe prin- miittees will meet 'at 10 'o'clock this
commission' enquiry'. into tile, r p8_- diseus84ionn. In the early meetings, the c iples of the League of Nations. 'We morning ;in* Lane hall to make final
e o s l at o of t e A m u :a dicln it e ne wih t e p ei e t of s o l ex r s ou ap r vl o it, P ' f r t e e t si n s ri e bnsMorris p ocking firm. the . various 'senior classes of the ! principles, W e should, with such i-es- quilt to he held M arch 6. Student pas-
University,,with the presidents of the{ ervations as congress may impose, ad-! tors are also. asked to attend this
Th'le end of the, senra efilhibuter" different. honor societies, and with here to this league. America should meeting.
azginst the 2dlinistiratioins'hipping Dean Jeaen Hamilton, and a committee become the moral and spiritual lead- ,Thxe plans for the banquet are now
field 'appeared'in an agreement,'fora of women fron. the League. er of mankind, almost complete. Prof. William D.
temxporary armistice and the possi- Council Commlitte Helps "Thxe" democracy of Anmericai now Henderson, head of the University ex-
bilhity. of-ill. early vote on a motion' to Du~rinxg its latter meetings,, a cora- has a great opportunity to make still tension department, wvill give the main
reconmmit or t6 displace. mI nitteappointed by the president of m~ore glorious the great Democratic talk of the evening outlining the work
the tudnt ounilconistng f pincple ofjusice and librtythat speakers are doing for the 'Uhzi-
SecetaiesHooer and 'Walac ~a.I.Undrwod, 23,M. .ihl, throughout the world. Tjhe Goderof versity throughout the state and coun-
gave enldorsement° to the Lenroot-An- ; ° I , anagin'Ag editor of The Daily, democracy is' a spirit, and they who t. Otesparswlbeoth
dsnfrmrdtbilecnlpr-Perkins; Bull, '23L, chairman of the worship Hjim, must worship in spirit program amid music will be provided.
psdbScetryMlo. ' Student;-Advisory commy.ittee, Thomas and in truth." The banquet will be open to every-
3 .. Lynch, '261,. vice-president of. the The speaker confined the greater oebtepcal ulc sekn
I'tdn oniadHwr ie- pr fhsadest eiwo h students and others interested in, ex-
Railroad repi'esentatitves gave notice tninwr aeivtd. Tcets
to the Interstate Commerce commis- i ~ '4 a rsn.aheeet fteDmcai a for the affair will be on sale next
sion of their Possible intention to - yu otepeetdy nlgv i week at 60 cents.
dart ourtproceding to bock THIBTrFN PFRI~ jj~views as to legislation.______
silae cor pok sy tusnt. boc re - ILIIShn iberas Hea
the inte tcqk ngetble.HWJSE FIREIduter ialist ENTERTAINMENT PLANNED
~LIE PHOEHTY SILLroomngsa City, M~o., Feb. 23--(By A. ;I an address last night in the Nat-'H OM PLTN CO
tirl cieceauditorium before a small
.OS10.PR O S pesn;iapdi gathering of Liberal club membersa, Pre paratLions for the entertainment
hosewrebund oueth house. ,were. burned toL death... ~IUV, ~L~~.y ) L ~ IVUU~L~I 'Ui1~jU~1~LL'1~
.Washington, 2Feb. 23 - The adminis-'
tration 1bill directing the return of. ast
Mulch as $10,00Q. of each estate of' for-
mer eemy 'aliewi held by the .:alien:
proper~ty. custodian vwas "passed today
by the house. It nowr goes too the 'sen- {
The' vote was W;d to 11 and: came:
after thc house had rejected :an
a nendn--4ut proposin, ; the restoration;
of all, of the property, 'return' of ;all
of the property of .Au"tralial t:nation-f
als, and the declaration of policy iby,
congress that all ot fe. property,
would be restored ultimately.
"00t MIT UNS!1"
Sonie one had a pair for. sale,
and .thin a catchy little bit of
description in a Dally Classified,
sold them. 'Now, we have mit-
tens, :too, but we took them off
the other day to buy a' certain
magazine for two bits. On this
.. A -- a.: .. W 'I fldis7
e6arly* today in a fire which destiroyed 'the League for, Industrial Democracy, Trhur~sday, ioarchz 15, in Hill Auditor-
a .two tory 'frame 'building in the, spoke on "Social Forces Since the imaiewl ne xa.Rhasl
Armourdale district here. All of the War". Dr. Laidler is also member o en fteat vr tre w
boie er ecvre btthyweeof the Executive Council of the Na- wveeks ago.'
tional Bureau of Research. The 'Chinese Students club is to give
so disfig-ured" that six had not been He said that the socialistic move-aPsinShwoCiaungc-
idlentified tonight. ment is growing throughout Europet tunvcs dating from a thousand years
An official investigation will be and that labor is realizing that it must ago, up to the present time. A Chin-
sta1'ted ;tomoirrow to 'determine the. take government in its own hands if eseA sword dance will feature this
cause .of, the fire. chaos is averted. "The workers," he' act. Gordon Wier, who appeared in
'The :blaze started in a garage be- said in concluding, "hope to have in- last year's Union Opera, will give an
iieath the roominig house and had al- dustry run for public, not private oriental dance.'
most enveloped the' building before the good." The Hawaiian club will present a
roomers were awakened. The next regular meeting of the 'hula dance. The girl's mandolin club
lThe rooming house held 34 persons, club will be held Friday night at the' of the Cosmopolitan, club are also to
21 of whom mnaged to escape either Union. Dennis Batt, editor of the De-} play at the performance.
by jumping from windows or 'by rgrop- 'troit Labor News, is to be the leader Part of the money derived fromt
tag.. their way dlown a snmoke filled, of the discussion. On March 15, Gin- the entemrtainment will go into tht
stairway.: The position of the bodies! do B'runo, literary critic, will ad-j fund for Russian relief. Tickets for
found in,'the' ruins indicated that most" dress the club, the show will be placed on sale with-
~ . in a week.
ofth mevictims .nad been trapped in
the hallways.:
4ateer 4Gets Union Appointiment
Edward C. Maedet, '24 has been ap-
pointed assistant recording secretary
of the Union by John Burge, '23, r -
i nrd iint cep~v. '"'Milton iPntwrgnn.'
Brother of Irish Chief Captured
Dublin, Feb. 23-(By A P.)-Mili-
tary headquarters at Charlesvill e,
Cork, announces. that John Lynch,
brother of Lian Lynch, chief of staff
of the regular army, has been arrest-
ed during a roundup here and put in-
Now Registering Nanmes of; Farms
A Wisconsin newspaper. has started
a farm name registry and reports that
a number cif farms in the vicinity
have already registered their farms;
Farm advertising experts and prom-