TE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, F ian nut to send the measure back to the com- D UDBED~ IJED Hbo ken Waterfront Conflaration TreatenedAs Liner Burns At Dmock INTER CARNIVAL1~~~ -..... . . . . .......... 1 [ Ng r mittee, developed today in the confer - g~ppINSence held by the 'leaders while the il- TflflIibuster of the bill's opponents was [IGHTM91 CME T00911 continuing full blast. 1Those conducting the filibuster de- _clared the Republican leaders; had Washington, Feb. 22-(By A. P.-- about been convinced that passage of A prospect that the bitter senate fight temasr a mosbe over the shipping bill may end tomor- Threwa possibl, i a ad row with the adoption of a motiontatfnlaioonheminmgt have to go over until Saturday al- though many were said to be anxious '+TUDENT AGENTS for a decision to p~ermit consideration )take Big Money Selling of other legislation during the last uA TfI 1tk II A z T Jt'Ti lTit week of the session. 2J AN V : u.'A' I IA1 3i0N., (IVE ? ANCY i h 1A'NEX11I B'Tl1ONS ('"iin#a iatclimax to thiS Sea- . 5.ttrl'5 round( of tall kinds of winter1 sports the ice carnival1 held hi, en begsColiseum "I't 1ug~t wta bil- liant sucecss. This wa, AP.)----Ialy ~ jmmd Brus bu aucratic acline, the f4 ??unnermn Iof which has beenI i he pii~~ic r.a l aim of ni'o'a i ltln g)verrlme'nts sinethe rmis Uce, is finally, under the virile and strenuzous