THE WEATHER ('oLDERI'I ItOABLY SNOW TOD)AY itn UIIII NAME ITj YOST FIELD. HOUSE VOL. XXXIII. 'No. 7.03 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 192 3 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE' CENTS GA1EM PHAIZES NEED FOR UITED NEW YORK EVE1NG POST EITO OU:TLENES NATIOAL J?1OLI- CIES AT CONVOCATION 3000 ATTEND SERVICES IN HILL AUDITORIUMV S1} ker Declares Washington Woud Not Support Present Trend Towards lsolatlont Advocating the entrance of th United States ini to the League of Na- tions, shouldering itsi responsibilities therein, a's the ony means of avoid- ing -another international war, Edwin F. Gay, '90, outlined the problem and policies of the nation since their in- ception, with special reference to so- cial psychology, at the Washinton day 'servies yesteday morning in hill aiditorum. More than 3,000 persons were present. War Would Shake Ci'ilzation In tracing the development of the -social grou~p and the 'gradual decline of the indviduialism~ that was so much in evidence during the 'Renaissanee ,in d duintg the period fallowing the American Revolution,'lDr. Gay pointed out that this latter had been, amost swallowedI up in the unionistic tende- cies of the present day. The estb- lishment of so many small nations inmm'iediately following the great war is but an outgrowth of nationalism, he declared. "The War of Nations must not be suffered aagin or our civilization it- "elf will totter; it has already been shaken. The answer mst be the League of Nations with the United Mtates taking its, responsible share1 therein." Mr. Gay further stated that it should not > e the policy of this country to stand aloof from the trou- bldes and difficulties now facing prac- tically all European: countries, for in: so doing We0 are more or less isiati g ourselves and their animosity wil be ultimately roused., Richest Nat oluNot reatest Speaking of Washington, e old of the disunifying -proles he had to face The United States were but re- cently 3born and their interal organ- ization 'was necessarily weak. "While it is still my sincerest belief that Washington would .s"* now as ever, 'America first'," Mr. bay declared, " do not believe e would say, 'Ameri- ca alone'. And were he today our leader 1 believe that, as in a dlay of weakness he upheld unity and na- tionalism, so, In our day of strength he would hold the good will of other nations and, above all, demracy as the highest fnlfllment of American ideals." He concluded, "although this nation is the richest and most resourceful on the globe, still until it meets its moral and social responsibilities to all the other nations and eabishes eneigh- borly relations with them, until that, day, it can never be considered the greatest." 'Prof. Earl V. Moore opened the serv- ices with an organ prelude, the Pon- tifical March, followed by an invoca- tion by Rev. Herbert Achinon Juip, of the Congregational church. Miss D~oris Howe rendered a vocal solo, "People Victorious" from "lora No- ' vissima". Immediately after Dr. Day's address the entire asembly joined in the" singing, of "America" which was followed by the benedic- tion., An organ prtlude "Toccata", brought the program to a close. FACUTY MEN ATTEND, EDUCAIONCONVENTION' Dean Allen S. Whitney, Prof. \Guy, ,\L Whipple, Prof. ,I. 13. Edmon, on. Prof. C. 0. Davis, Prof. G E. Meyers, Prof. Clifford Woody, Prof. G. L. Jackson, and Stuart A. Courtis, ali of the 'School of Education, will at- tend the annual convention of the Na-' tional Association of High School In- specters and Supervisors. The con- vention wvi le held from Saturday. Feb. 24 to Thursday, March 1, in the Hotel Cleveland,, Cleveland, Ohio. Edionson t10 Speak Professor Edtn~nson will lecture on "Should High School Inspectors Op- pose, Encourage, or Ignore the Ten- dle ;;y in Some Commlunities to , m Financial Retrenchment in School Support?"' Stuart A . Courtis an(' w M I, P.ride Of Uncle Sam-'NavyPOIOI[T11TFecCotl Steams Away To Maneuvers OUUIIII it of Cologne Rmail .... ~ .. COSE ARuNDSystem Sought r MAXIMUML SENTENCE 0i' 45YEAR$ WILL BE SOUGHT FOR OFFENDER'S 1,100 PERSONS JNVOLVEDI SIN NTERNATIONAL RING *Ex ivet N ew York Pollee Investigatloit To Establish ,Connectmoun Wto Recent Ganef 3Murders New York, Feb. 22--(lly A.P.)- Witht the international counterfeiting. system wrecked by secret service agents who laid its.'workings _bare yesterday and with almost 1,1091 per- sons connected with the ring in a doz- en countries under arreat, federal au- thorities today prepared for a court fight to send the counterfeiters to jail for the maximum term of 45 years. Secret Servlee Tracks IPotters4 While court evidence wa~s being set in order, the drag.not of the secret .c'x'1 :e wu' vYvended to rmosi. Df the sarCi!1ie4 ct the United l tta'eA - t catch hundreds of pa.-stirs of coutnter- feet money implicated by clties catp- tured in Tuesday's raids here. Julian A.' Palma.,: chief of specials ,' 1 E 4 i I! I ., : : E 0OLD AFRICAN RING DIES; STA WNCIIPROHIBITIONIST London, Feb. 22-(By A.P.)- Ring Khanna, the oldest sover- eign in the world andl one of its pioneer prohibitionists as well, is dlead at Serowe, B~echuana- land. His exact age is un- known, but he is believed to have been nearer 100 than 90. Khanna, as ruler of the Ba- mangwate tribe, became a Christian when a young man and throughout his long life was largely influencedl by English missionaries. When 12 years old hie met David Livingstone, the great missionary-,exp~lorer in Central Africa.. On coming to the throne, King K~hamna decided to suppress alco- holic liquors, having noted tihe demoralizing influences that na- tive beer had on his tribesmen. The king was obliged to contendl almost continually with bootleg- gers. The white settlers es- pecially caused trouble andl King Khania finally, banished them. Khania, always friendly to the English, visited Queen Victoria Gene'ra I Payot General Payot, brain' of the'Frelich transportation system during the war, now is in London to attempt to per- suade' British to give French control of the Cologne rail system. The French claim this 'Is necessary for the success of the Ruhr action. f E I i E 4 'FAMED ARCTIC EXPLORER SPEAKS NEXTWEDNESDAY 's lh trw r ww r secret service squad, which for eight ii'r. months tracked the makers and his- fl tributors of spurious money, gave ev.UIIL U A i idence of th wide spread Internation- al ramifications of the, plot by an= nouncing that 50 persons' hail been Germany, Cuba,. Austria and the Wva. hamas, as a result of infrorrniation f 'i= Buckeyes Ma~ke Three Baskets From nishied b~y the American 8eeret sery. ForEI r' ly s Otstanding ice, r , St. rofTie i 341." - s U. S. S. ' ,aiid, pIotogriplued fr,)wii Broioklyn bridge, vim route to s, Thee battleship Maryland, pride of the United tSates navy and one the most powerful fighting units in the world, on her way to join the fie naneuvers off Baibon, Isthmus of Panama. The Mlaryland was the direr ng unit of the fleet at the Pacific en-trance of the canal, flying the flag Admniral Hilary P. Jones. of eet of 4Double Cios sbug Caused , urders New fork police Who began in. in- dependent investigation-.-.profess Ato find a direct con~iectIlon 'betWeenI th.f counterfeit. plot~ and many, hitherto unsolved gang..niurders' of the past Special to The Daily, colu bus, 0G., F+eb. 22.-The Mlichi- DONA LIDB. :) AC)[ILLAN WILL S T'ELL OF EXPERtiCFS IN I ARCTIC REGIONS Donald B. MacMillian, the famous Arctic explorer, will be the next speaker on the Oratorical association lecture course, appearing at 8 o'- clock, Wednesday, Feb. 28, in Hill auditorium. William Allen White, prominent' Kansas journalist,' was first scheduled as speaker on this occasion but found , it necessary to ,cancel his engagement. Mr. MacMil- lan will tell of some of his experiences while on exploration trips. Born in Provincetowan, Mass., Nov. 10, 1874, Mr. MacMillian 'graduated from Bowdoin college in, 1898, He -thenr became a high school principal in Maine and later bead of the classi- cal department at Swarthmore prepar- atory school. Turning from school- teaching to a life of exploration he as- f BUSBY TO SPEAK YESTERDAY IN AFAF TOMDARRIA1 WASHINGTON r Several 'of the murders were be-; gan basketbaltW team took third place ._._l ieved to have resuled from double in1 the Western .Conference here to- crossing in the ranks of, the counter- nighmt by3 easily defeating Ohio State feiters. A number .of crimes, it was !39 to 1. The 'olverires had nf the saidmhdtbee cafe itted n ohv difficulty eluding .the Buckeyes for j th: rom tet aeoI Iedby. oreasy.,shots under: the basket and at the Di Rosa, arr'ested yesterday a4 on t' sangm time the :defense was workin: } of the ring's largest wholesalers o,. WITH DEFEATBYM FrII1GAN' TEAM PLAYS 000O) I)EFENSIVE ,GAME IN HORT PERIOD OPPOSING SQUAD USES VARIED STYLE OF PLAY C'astner, Individual IStar' of. Contest, Scores Four Ponts for ',(Catliolfes Displaying sensational hockey its the- first period hut failing to- stand uip before the flashy atae of Paul {Castner's Notre Dame aggregation, Michigan's hockey team lost the final game of the season last night at the col iseurn, 5-1. Coach Bars' men sunk the first goal of the evening when 13presford, wing, shoved the puck into the wire from a distance of 20 feet. Michgan's defense was wonderful in the 'frt period. Kahn and MacDuff, veteran' defense men, put up some of the best work seeni on the ice in that period. The highly touted, Catholics took their. tim-e in getting started but soon the South Bendl leader, starting at left de- fense, not ;going. Because of Comb's remarkable goal tending, several sre shots from Castenr's ' stick~ went astray: Score Three in SecondPriod In the second period Nore lame put forth a' varied and terrific as- sault, scoring thrge> goals. {"astnr soon showed his knowledge of the game by switching the men and us- Ing several styles of defense and of- fense. He was responsible for two of the goals in the~ second: period, Flinn, left wing, scoring the third. Mi1chigal's defense dlid not let up but the ,No., tre Damie attack had4 grown too strong. Cormb continued his high class work before the net, nor did the jWolverine waiver In his playing throughout the game.< The third period saw the M4aize and Blue defense in a more effective pose regarding the Notre Dame offense. t was near the middle of the ;period that Castner took the puck and .scr-' ed single handed. Castner once'more scored the final goal of the evening a few minutes later' and from then un-: til the end of the game the Notre, Dame offense was stopped. Cstner Stars' Paul Castner held individual honors of the evening by virtue *ofIi scr- ing four of the five points for thqi Catholics and because of Isis, expl- lent work in 1both attack and dfense, but the Wolverine leader, Captain MacDufif, put uip a wonderful game In spite of the odds. Anderson: and Beresford, Wolverine wings, were a trifle slowv in getting started but sev- eral times they provided thrills by their work with the sticks. Hender- son, at center was effective on most of the face-offs. and fit into Barss' com- binations with examples of nice fot. Summary: MICHIGAN NOTRE DAME Anderson .......R.W....... Gorman Beresford ......L.W.........FPlin Henderson ......C......,..McSorley MacDuff .......L.D....... Castner Kahn ..........RD....... .Wilcox Comb .... ...G.............Lieb Goals: Michigan, Beresford, 1 Notre Dame, Castner 4, Flinn 1. Sab- stitutions : Michigan, Petermann for Anderson, Piggett for Kahn, kabn for Piggett; Piggett for MacDuff; Notre Damie, Feltes for Gorman, Gorman for Feltes, Feltes for Gorman. Penalties: Michigan, MacDuff, .1 minute, Beres- ford, 1 minute. Score by Periods: Michigan.......1 0 0- Notr-e Dame......0 3 2--- BoSton Club Sold To Ne"Vw York Men. New Yolk Feb. 22-(By A. P.)--The deal by which a New York syndicate headed by Christy Mathewson yester- day bought the Boston National Lea- gue club from George "Washington Grant, involved more than $500,000 it was disclosed today by James MAc- 'Donough, New York banker, who, with the former Giant jpitching star and foriner Judge Emil Fuchs, also of New York, acquired all of Grant's in- terest. Mr. McDonough, who is Vice-presi- dent of the Columbia bank, refused to .. ..- - F _ a.. {. . y' counterfeit. p4weetiy. w .. In obsehm,rac o asigonsbit- .lm as n RnsOnly three baskets were garnered u s.CS~~ r~ I In ~ o Wahintons brth-('~miuls i Rnksthethe North Pole in 1908. Since theN dy governmental activities except ; an gedta soe fm-*byth Buckeye, two of these om- [Dealm of Columibia. College of phfarums.-;congress were suspended. 1)ortant criminals .were in the ranks ing ons shots from the center of theiestd ofheSth oudrii cy Secured For University --( fte oneretes 1mgatsU-floor by .Blair. Miner slipped loose anesdof rhan anmaieitSond tiefar Leture I WMithout recommxendation, the sell- familar with American,. moniey were onefr;sotsobto l te North. He is a fellow of both the 'ate banking sub-committee reported; the easiest, vitims, but the gang also I oCCasln - the burly Cappon broke up Roa egahclIn h iei WVILL; DISCUSS SOUTH ; the contested nomination of James C.: hunted out smll stores "kept "by aged' ,I every -ofensive effot of the Ohio Roa Geographical andieteAen AMIERICA ' EXPEDITION 1 MeNary, New Mexico, banker, ' to be women and stores left' at times 'in fie. a egahclsceis --1comptroler..of the currency, charge of children. * - - 73 i . gSore Dr. Henry H. Rusby, dean of thc,__ Secret servce men ate' checking ur Captin ly found the loos' pla" rJ ur ait Give college of phlarnmacy at Columbia Uni- Carrying $153,804,843 of which 78,- oi all possible 9oq'M 9.of *lnforiar the '0hlo Sy ate teamwi to his liking. NVine versity, will give a public lecture at 675000 would be available fo * Uon t1 left open to thxem biy e~terday' times he .'li ped 1the'ball through thle, lrYf C yt' ; 10:45 o'clock tomorrow morning, FebjigItrainlevueaxsle- ouup- ring for field' goals, but he made only ___ X24. in time Natural Science Auditor- ;allyrollecteid, ithle third' deficiency His . frethr'2 osotroffen hos P Delta Epsilon, national honorary im. H~e ii talk on "The Mlfordistt f24 oirWpares himt close u pr orrtin(il ws eportedl to the t, raITPllNSID Rt 'c'e .n, i (hr ie scoring, journalistic fraternity in accordance Exploration of the Valley of tie Ama- (house: lbg-T "' a ' ' lyi ihIsana uso scnutn zon"", which lie conducted. recently in- -ETS O 'i Sens&ati, .f;a Calftain -Elysplyiwtisanulctos'odcig to South America in tie search of rare AN- rya, the work;f his team mates was ( a national editorial contest open to; ('gsadvugiplns Th c-IRepublican leaders in the house ribfh~l~ TOn le>- remark able. By 'clever team1 all male undergraduates of American ture will be illustrated. %ta oe ~al o al" u ilfr IA UUI ll twork, they mlanipulated the ball so; Th{uemhr otissvrlgovernment purchase of the Cape Cod ;that almost every Wolverine counted I colleges." The subject for the 1923 The.Musum hre ontans ev aal. collections which were secured by Dr. ''na' rofhefoo.Kthe iksadPafntroleiaeEdtrilcctstie Rushy while on his last expedition to I W ith three m em bers f o m teflo r K'thBikea d a ,I te co l gi te E it r al co t st i tuh troisle nhlastbeenpeidnt S 't'' ovr i eae nwcommittee of the Board of Regents ;per all got a pair of baskets, and Rice I"Piysipal Development as a Requis- ofthe Aerican Peharmacyn Asi-nfoSermedayhouve aorit eati konb okn uo h vest u tcontributed the other field goal for ite for the College Degree". of te Aericn Parmay Asocl- Ifore ' hose aproriaton ub-itowas expected, late'.last night that Michigan,when Ee substituted for In conducting this editorial contest, tion, member of many national and lco'mmittee that he favored develop- the annual request for University fin-I Dim-s in 'the final minutes of play. i Delta Epsilon has two objects: international committees, honorable ;ment of Muiscles Shoals for' manufac- frt't neetAeia ol curator of the Economics Museum of ; ture of nitrates and was opposed to acswudb ed o rsna ihgnGadn ls stdetsto fintrsaerticn comllg 0ove'nmxt .o) tion at the meeting of the Regents ; Mattisoff, thme slight Buckeye for- stdnsiRfar afcigte l the New York botanical gardens, chief ; IOPrai 101o0 the project. ths morning. F "'ward who counted five field goas as a group; and, second, to arouse a chemist in the United States 'Depart- --yigetritrs njunls ngn of - Two proposed constitutional amend- Regzents Nfurfin, S'awxve and Llandc against the Wolverines at Ann Arbor, getritrs njunls ngn men Agicutur, ad hs xi'itenarrivedl yesterday and spent the day! was 'completely stopped by the close ra and in editorial writing in par- 'much onl medical botany and edtrib- mets, one by Senator Noris, Repub- j and a large part of the' evening in con-i guamfding of Mike Papper and Gappon. ticular. uted several hund red new species andl lican, Nebraska, to advance the date ;utt vrtet~tv ude IHGN010SAEPAs has beeni the custom in tie past genera. oftepeietaliagrtoIn prepared by the University. Kpe .. RF..... ie ' Delta Epsilon will award its gold This, bieing a University lectur'e, no the first regular session of a new con-I A dicsinolte'bidngpo l ik ..........R FI ......... Minerff silver, and bronze medals to the prize charge will be made. grs;teohe yRpeetaiedsusinoWilsdm~po irs....LF.... auon winners. One gold medal, two silver ________________Foster, Republicon, Ohio,- to regulateI gram and the probable turn of evexints ly .'C..... . ilo at latrsng oncenin proosedUni Capon G.. .. obinon medals, and ten bronze medals will FE RSI S'LT child labor were ordered 'reported to-:.a (sn ocrin rpsdUi apn ....RG...I be given. FE RS(lTI T ay. versity appropriations will in all Paper.......L.G.......... Haid probability be discussed in the meet- Gals: Michigan, Kipke 2, Birks 2, The editorials to bie submitted for rOHO DlANCR ETnh "-- ---n ing. Rice 1,' y 9, Paper 2; Ohio State, the contest must be in the hands of the ( FU DING USUKMiner 1,Blair 2. Free throws: Ilich- local committee before tomorrow; te eenteentt nuaelubanquethold HIIII o igan, -Ely, 6'-out of 15, Henderson, 1I, night, Feb. 24. All mail should be0 DEBTitsseveteeth anua banuetat /Selcted Fob ' ut of 2; Ohio State, Miner, 8 out of addressed to PI Delta Epsilon in care 6:30 o'clock tomorrow in the parlors IWflO 0flfCiNGRESS; - of the Press Building. TPhe editorials h rsyeincuc.Tebn e g eC n e ;1 ofm tePebtrachrh Than-R a UIIILU'Sbtiuin:Mcign iefrmay not exceed 500 words. An assumi- 'duet is being held at this timebasautirk oHnesonorMiceia, ier for ed name must be written in the u- sendoff for Senator-elect Woodbridge i asigoFb2--1yAP-- Svnpeer r'choisen to con- Cappon; Ohio State: Blair for ' Ma- per left hand corner of each man-°. N. Ferris, vhio .eaves shortly 4011 The British debt funding arrangement -iu n te Nrhr rtrclsofMcai o liTyo o script sheet. Thnis assumed name will Washington to assume his new duties. tonight was one step near completion, League contest by members of the' Wilson, Davis for Robinson, Peterson then be written upon the face of aim Time toastmaster of the evening willI congressional ap~proval of the act Public Speaking' department 'sestem- for Davis, K{lein for Haid. envelope and within the envelope be W. N. St. Peter of the physics do-j having been completed today. nly, day. They are: Helen Allen, '23, Gil-i Referee, Young; Umpire, Moloney must be: name of contestant, age, part. Among those included as speak- tChe signaturie of ].'rsient llrdina is bet Appehof, '3, Gerit.Dmmink, -___________ home city, class, local college ad i :i ens re enatr Frris '1requiredl to permit the treasury to Masselink and Miss Rachel Newconmb iec netefra eteetare of the Ferris institute, and Prof. R. ;i echa{nge oal setlemntaree- K. Immel of the public speaking de- 1(01c~ when the House accepted Sen-f partmnent.' ate ..hangcs in the British settlement A chicken dinner wil1)e served at I Without modification. $1.35 a plate. ' As a result of the congressional ap- proval and~ with the signature of the BLAM FRANCE FOR ;president assumed to he certain, LAUSANNE FA ILURE' treasury officials began time drafting of' the ind~entures which are to he ex- changed between the 1U. S. and Great '23, Ross A. McFarland, '23, Janet. i Murray, '23td, Ed ward Ramnsdell, '23, and Nathan Schiafer, '211'> These speakers wvill comnpete. Mon- day evening for. the', two places as representatives of the Senior -class. 'Those chosen Wednesday will coin- pete next Tuesday night when ;two more speakers will' be chosen for the final conte;j . These four together with the member of the Sophomor e class to be. chosen today, will be the Alunus Invents New. Germicide A nenv disnfectant -and germicide knownas,.Alphozone has been invent- ed by Dr. A.' Al., Gloves who graduat.- ed from- the University in 1904, re- ceiving 'his 'I5ctor's *degree here in 190'4. Dr: Gfover' is n'ow- a research7 chen~i-zt,'4,or ParkS, Davis and coim- dtress and telephone number. This envelop should be sealed and fasten- ed' to tihe editorial. The three best editorials will 1)e se- lected by a local committee of judges and entered in the national contest and wiil also be published in The IDaily. CORNELL AND PENNSYLVANIA TIE 2-2 IN OVERTIME GAIE.