TE WEATHER' , AIR MND .WARR !VOL. XXXIII. No. 9 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1922 EIGHT PAGES MANY ASSES 0 From Newsboy To GLEE CLUBS WILL TEAMS PLANS INDEFINITE R L dS S TUCollege Head Is REHEARSE SONGS YOGK ON LAWYERS' CLUBCTIONITE NAM ANHis Achieuement All members of last year's Varsity A veil of mystery hangs over the HA OS OF STATE FINANC or Freshman Glee clubs are asked to plans for the beginning of the build- room 308 of the Union for the pur- }lyers' club on South University ave--1T pose of rehearsing a number of school 11111 nue. All efforts to obtain information AON S F Asongs which they will sing at Tradi- as to the exact time when the build- tions Night. The Glee club men will ings covering that site will be vacat- SENIOR, JUNIOR AND SOPhOMORE gt *'z informaliy organize for the present ADVANCED TICKET SALES INDI- ed, have proved unavailing. FOUND S tm.As far as it is ascertainable, only Jugo-SlaIs Send QUD LITS TO SEEK NOMINEEStime CATE RECORD CROWD AT A THIS AFTERNOON Vocal tryouts for the Glee club will ANNUAL CLASSIC one of the houses occupying South New Ambassador be held at 7 o'clock this evening, in street and Tappan street will be va- room 308 of the Union, according to cated by November 1, of this year. FRIDAY IS DAY CHOSEN Jamcs C. Stevens, '25, business man- NATIONAL INTEREST None of the other occupants of the GOV FOR HOLDING ELECTION ager, and Frank R. Thomas, direct- FOCUSED ON N. Y. TEAMS buildings within the two blocks that[OF B U or, while tryouts for the in trumental will bound Michigan's new club have President of Student Council Urges section of the club will be held from Yanks and Giants Clash In Initial either been asked to, or intend .to, $1,463,00 Attendance of All Students I to 5 o'clock today and tomorrow af- Contest of 1922 Pennanit vacate the premises in the very im- Sinic a h etgsternoon, according to Stev'ens and struggle mediate future. s . e Continued on Page TPwo) A call at the Psi Upsilon fraternity, All classes of the University with '-~ New York, Oct. 3.-Baseball, Ameri- (Continued on Page Two) the exception of the freshman lits -Iica's National Sport, will arise to the - Lansi and engineers, will meet today or to- adignity of an international episode hrsM*. wardgr morrow for the nomination of class tomorrow when the local National and Ewigand g officers, according to Thomas J. - American league teams open battle for T ~11gn peS Lynch, '25L, of the Student council DATE the 1922 world series championship. rfncoistru and chairman of the elections com- een as is the interest which will Lrs mittee. The entire class electionsKe focus on the historic polo grounds FRUJO EFfUrteine will be held on Friday. The freshman from all parts of North America when a thane classes of the college jf Literature, Sci- Date for Yearly Feature Will Be An- the Giants and Yankees cross bats, sn'ep nce, and the Arts and the Engineering nounced at Tonights hardly less surprising are the ar- President to Welcome Yearlings at left in t college will meet at a later date for Meeting rangements made to flash the results Annual Gathering mittee o their nominations. The time and ° of each game to distant lands where Tonight g * No ho places of the nomination meetings are CONFLICTING EVENTS GIVEN baseball is still a name rather than enced 1 as follows: AS REASON FOR LATER TIME a sport. UNDERWOOD AN) DUFY ALSO Senior its will meet at 5 o'clock Cloud Heck MarvinASAESo TO ADDRESS FIRST YEAR MEN r.Istrative - Although lacking international com- TOADESFRTYA E er the this afternoon in the auditorium, At thirty-three Cloud Heck Marvin Traditions Day 1922, which was to petitive character, the outcome of the mittee v Newberry hall; Juniors of the literary has left his post as deanand assist- ha b play holds international interest. The Union will hold its annual fall mitee college at 4 o'clock this afternoon in ant director of the universiy to be- ave een tomorrow, has been post- Judging from the preliminary plans reception for freshmen at 8 o'clock Groesbe University Hall; and the sophomore come president of the University of poned until a later date to be decid- announced, the scores and high lights this evening in the ball room of the sultation lits will meet at 5 o'clock this after-' Arizona. He was a newsboy on the ed at the Student Council meeting to- of every contest will be cabled to Union, under the auspices of the Fall schedule noon in University Hall. Pacific coast twenty years ago. night it was announced last night by South American, European, and Asiat- Reception committee of which Ls. at 1.30 Members of the senior engineering Thomas Lynch '25L, chairman of the ic countries, while ships on the seven Perkins Bull, '25L, is the chairman. Anthony T. Pavichich udden class will meet at 9. o'clock tomorrow ,xctv/omhe.seas will learn the outcome from President Burton willdeliver an ad- Anthony T. Pavihich, new minister morning in room 348, Engineering umt. Anhn .Pvcc nwmnsesnawiredess waves. With such a world dress in which he is expected to we- to the United States fromJgo-Slavia,cind the building. Junior engineers will meet This action was taken, it was ex- wide interestthe series come the yearlins to the Ut has just taken up his new duties in city Vf a11ocokothsaedyiromA jUi u ii 'wieitrstproceeding teares'oeth erigs oth niversiy asinto.postpone at 11 o'clock on the same day in room plained, due to a confliction of events the scene of conquest is ablaze with Thomas I. Underwood, '23L, presi- Washington.obes ofn 348 also. Sophomore engineersawill which make it advisable to hold the baseball enthusiasm. dent of the Union, will speak to the Oner hold their initial assembly at 9 ceremony off until new/ plans are New York and its people tonight ap- men probably concerning their rela- the assu gineering building. ade. Another important feature of parently dropped for the time being, tionship to the insitution of which he swering Law erassebuildCng.eII the postponement is to give the cam- all cares of the work-a-day world. is the. head. James E. Duffy, '24, U Wwould b Law Classes to Convene cm ovrainhne n wahr himno h.pecasAvs All three law classes will hold Clai ms Proposal of American .Legion pus time to learn more about this Conversation hinges on weather, chairmen of the Uppercass Advisory NFurt their nomination meetings today, the Would Help Do Away with traditional event which will see its Babe Ruth. would wreck the Giant committee, say speak t the men competi seniors at-4:15 o'clock in room G of Franutic War P'repurtions' fifth' annual appearance in the Uni- machine with his home run bat or aAr- from the standpoint of their relation I I IT , pital, G sher La 'clock in rnoo G 4r versify in its reinactment of this year. thur Nehf, the National pitching ace, to the upperclassmen advisors whom be refer the Law building; the juniors at 4 UThe lans forTraditions Day,ear. would turn back the hard hitting his committee has assigned to them. Fred Gr o'clock in room C of the Law build- OURWALS C E BY POi'LA The pan s for ain and Yankees the initial course of the Refreshments will be provided for Loving Cup Offered as Prize in the departm rOOm Bof the rLaw building, is said to be the one big Michigan series More attention was paid to the men, as well as music, which will Elimination Contests of a reort romBonh Lw ulig sito the oebgMcia weather forecast of the weather man be furnished by Paul WiVlson's oches Company by the Members of the dental classes will "An essential piece of legislature,- night of the year in which faculty, thatthe'gnerecastordtersfrthean e__ne als have their meetings today, the sen-ylnd sk than to the general orders from the tra. A general get-to-gether meeting new Un fors at 1 o'clock in the dental amphi- something we have needed in every "again consecrate themselves to what income tax collectors. willbe held before the speeches of theater ;the juniors'at 5 o'clock in war we have ever had,"is the way Michigan should be and always wil Every reserve seat and stands and the evening. AIM OF DRAM1ATIC ASPIRANTS erary b the same room; the sophomores at Major Robert Arthur, commiandant of +," will be the foremost business of boxes have been sold and, given fair During the evening the frshmen T$2,50,00 weaterthe22,00 nm~sered eat wil al hae a opvtnit toshao bingcyucte ythe va Meies Rerne hordng G:30 o'clock in the amphitheater; and the local R. 0. T. C. unit, character- the Student Council in its meeting to- seather, the 22,00 uneserved seats nsill all have an op Pr nt to shak oics in t etdiiontfortey Gorg Lhe freshmen at 5 o'clock in West ized the new draft plan to be proposed night according to Vernon F. Mill- srd be occupied long before the hands, with President Burtonbeinge ondncted by th icMimeo Repar- new hoe Lecture room of the. Physics building. by the American Legion at its annual ery '23, president. first Yankee batter takes his place at quartet, which will be furnished by toir company in o ompetition for the. Gover Senior medics will meet at 3:30 to- convention in New Orleans next It is expected that the carrying out the plate. the University Glee clb, will nsiy ilver loving cup offered by this com- the Ui hay in the medical amphitheater in the month Under this proposed universal of Traditions Day will follow closely New records in either attendance or a number of well known pany are not appearing as fast as was funds fo University hospital. The juniors will service act, all the nation's resourc- the precendent set in former years gate receipts are unlikely however, songs. Plans are under way to have Tel. ta $t,4frpd Univerity hopital.The juiors tol theprsevenntgamein f'aerVars' ty eet at 8:30 tomorrow morning in es-man-power, capital, and indus- The freshmen, according to the ori for with the return to the seven game a Varsity cheer leader lead in a large as a rize after the elimination con- by the umerof chol ylls an ingenraltests by which the best group of play- stated,'v :he amphitheater in the hospital, try-would be conscripted automati- inal purpose of the day are in real tabrish, dulatson or 5h outrofs ts- aue th spito the ass. hllrlet prz e ltdh a eein on-finance Sophomore medics will assemble at caly upon declaration of war. ity the guests of the remainder of the tablished last season for 5 out of 9 to arouse the spirit of the class ers shall be selected has beeordyed :30 tomorrow morning in west am- Nationally, we have a pacific atti- University that they may be initiated games appear impossible. by Homer Heath manager of the decisio phitheater of the Medical building and tude toward the world, which express- into the spirit of Michigan. M oore Ti Union and an enthusiastic support bulding ~h rsmn wl ovn t~ es itself in government slogans such Alcasditniofrheim i fte tourney. It stands a little over s'clock today in room 307, Medical as Watchful Waiting," Major Arthur being, is thrown aside and Michigan EIUOrgan R c twthhn.ns fsnd i sil ee oday or thr nmao said. "As individuals we are a war- en from all classes gather to ple e University School of Music ays An Ae h w udgen. enver.. It isepce~httecpwl E o slasses will the con. as serga rultvof a d opa ng Ar aiv n i- kri nxintborthint sn Schoolro hrmci likhe nain.' Evey w am r w e r hadthemselvs anew to the mideals of the TO " rH 1 uinIN The iv er Sos sfusT10 daysandit will be placed on dis- senorsat 5 olock in room 203 Tap- deand fr wainytheng fae n- th e rsity Ts dI the It If AnIArIr, will continue this season the series pay thn lobby of the Union as soon an halliand the juniors at 4 o'clock mental oposition, and indicated by Days .kt'dm rsm Teconifloigtedsu-of weekly organ recitals in ill iaudi- as it does so. UI in the same room. the more popular slogans:."Remember' Tecucl olwn h ics A public hearing on a city ordi- Seirpamc ilme t2the Maine" and "Remember the Lusi- Sion tonight and the completion ofnacto"gutepbidnesn torium Which were so successful last The tourney will be conducted on an the plansWasndecidednwillpannounce the city o n ro, ilb edyear. The recitals will be gvna lmination basi; with the various Thirty 'clock tomnorrow in room 300, Chem- tanlaef"nWhen anything happenss thed teams presenting their acts in the Summer Istry building; the Juniors at 1 administration says, "Peace at any tedfnt ragmti a ad at 7:30 o'clock Friday, Oct. 13, in the 4:15 o'clock every Wednesday during week end programs that will be giventhiw a'clock tomorrow in room 300; the price," but the people cry, "Fight!" city hall before members of the or- the college year. These will be given at the Mimes theater.The'tryouts e sophomores at 1 o'clock today in the Government Poley Couservatlve Ask Signers For inance. committee of the common by Mr. Ear'l oore andHarryRus w be eliminateat he wnn registra ame room and the freshmen at 11 Tegvrm tapoiy bigco-B ckouil sell Evans of the organ faculty o h em ilsadacac fbigcue 'clock today at the same place. servative,' he continued, "we are al- . S. U. Blck " The ordinance applies to all dances School of Music and by guest soloists placed on the Mimes Repertoire con- Architects to Meet Later ' ways caught unprepared when the except "private dances given by fam- s d s.ss ac othM e R ri TTm- mained _d nm ed f mt,,, . i.lmtnn t n~mty il , hT mie CLASS MEETINI PRICE FIVE CI E COMMuTE EMS PROBAI AITION WORK TO INN N EXPEN I)ITURE OF $100,000 RNOR ASKS REP4 ILDING E XP E N 0 Ex peded by Un 1921, Estimates Goveri Groesbeek (Spe.cial to The Daily) ig, Oct. 3.-DefinIte acti anting the University of rmission to proceed 'wit tion of the foundation sctural slab of the first t Literary buiolling, inv nditure of $100,000, was he hands of the finance f the administrative bo stility to the motion wa by the members of the a board. The decision proposal to the finance was. rendered by Go" ek, aftes a short period o a with other members 4 The finance committee d to act upon the expen o'clock today but due. 1 illness of one of the me prolonged absence fro another, it was decid< e the meeting until all the committee can be pr nember of thse ,loard'° o rance, that the delay I the request of the Un e of short duration. er' expenditures towar on of the new Universit vernor Groesbeck state red to the next legisl iswold, of the state accoi ent, was requested to E of exnenditures already state in the constructi iversity building units. stimated cost of the ne uilding is $800,000 ahd 0 is the amount necessai to estimates, to comple spital. nor Groesbeck estimatec versity has had since >r building to the amou 0. ' The report of Un ures which will be sub: accounting departmen will be used as a guide committee, in rendern in regard to the li INC SUMMR SON -nine students in the Session,-received all A ork according to an ac compiled by the offce r.This list, of cours both those students w over from the academi The time and place of meeting for crisis comes, and the result is hys- ilies in their home.s, or by any le- 'u i oIUtime to)time. The Jpang aiuiU111ly in the unionISion an( tericaDok a m complimentary to the opera. the architectural stuc enits will be preparation with a lavish ex- Do yoi want a block "M" at the gally organized fraternal society or genera p cmVaudevilletskitsa.f ' schools( nnounced later on the bulletin board penditure of money. This condition Ohio State game? If so sign up on other organizations, organized for general public. Vaudeville skits of any kind are structor nnounh e lteronthbul would be eliminated by a general ap- anyone of the posters which have been other objects and purposes than danc- Patrons are requested to be in their what is desired in the tourney. One k "The importanec of attending these propriation of industry by the govern- placed on several windows of the ing, and where the public is not ad- ning, as the doors will be closed dur- or novelty stunts of any kind are ue Tht f pgadtesdidguphes inent. There would be no profiteer- stores on State street and in the Ar- mitted." their wo eins ol e sd ing scandals such as have followed cde. As drawn, the ordinance ing the performance of numbers. sired. Any men who have such ma- son, Ma he minds of all students," said Lynch igsadl uha aefloe ae sdan h riac provides Small children will not be admitted terial are requete to ;gt in touch sonyveMai In commenting on the coming meet- every war we have had, but real The plan of this block "M' is differ- that it "shall be unlawful to hold any to these recitals exepttose who are rhue edatel. He wiOlyve D ng. "It is really the duty of every econo c b prcticed. ent from that of last year, as caps will public dance or to give instruction in enrolled for Instruction in the School be found in his office in the Mimes Eizabet] nember of ech class t menrolled forbeinstructioncein thegs.chaolngbe round inanyisaofficdemy, theD.iEet nember of each class to 'make a spe- As an answer to those who protest be used in place of flags. dancing for hire in any hall, academy, of Music and such others as may first theater any afternoon this week be- D ao ial effort to attend," he said"sincehat conscription I oppo t Ame- Richard Sweet and Alfred Selhigman or place within the city limits of the obtain admssion ars fr t een the houro n 5. Members Fisher,C he selection of candidates for offices ihat prnciples, dajed rmthr Said who are managing the buying and city of Ann Arbor until the hall In school. These will be admitted at of the committee will also be present itally affects eachierson.r oThefiest citio n dar fomnther- selling of the hats will go ahead 'and which the same may be held shall have entrance 5. and will be glad to discuss any phases '23, R. T neetings, according to Lynch, hav est history of our county. Virginia order them if enough of the students first been duly licensed. Upon ap- The first concert will be given of the matte.r with anyone desiring P. C. Jo een arranged so that each man ande n e n r signify their desire to support their proval by the mayor of an application Wednesdayinformation. - ele M woman would free to attendplution. Two per cent of our team in this way. The caps will cost made to the city clerk for a license, Prof Earl V.'oor Ot p a Martin, nca wholdes fr to atend, Civil War soldiers were drafted. Ex- ten cents apiece and if some of the the applicant is required to pay an fol.lows V. Moore. The progranE nd the lateness of omes b(Continued on Page Two) occupants of the proposed "M" section annual fee of $5. Prelude and Fugue in C mjorBacO IPattee, " - - are unwilling to pay this, a general Can Revoke License Sister Monica.-.... .Copern o uL Rose Ph SIGMA DELTA CHI Chimes To Issue donation will be called for. "The license of any public dance Prelude.............CrbutRandall hall may be suspended by the mayor Adagio '(Symphony VI)y.......Widr'Tear Down' Demonstration In U. Hall Dpoth TO NAME OFFICERS Freshm an Vunber, g This is an excellent method ofdsup- or revoked by the common council forEs, stomph Caprice Hrow- F S Offrin Td portng he eamandFtFillEoRdubtdisorderly or immoral conduct there- qie...........one prove as effective as it always has in in or for violation of any of the pro- quie .o kn...........m.....Bonnet Sigma Delta Chi, national profes- Featured as a special Freshman the past, visions of this or any other ordinance S Nordyke and Marmon company will Band ional journalistic fraternity, will hold number, the first edition of Chimes,ySTUDENTS DIRECTORY CHANGES give its far-famed "Tear Down" dem- ts first meeting of the college year at the campus opinion magazine, will ap- PROF. DAVS WRITES BOOK of the BECOMPLETED THURSDAY stration in University hall aud V ':15 o'clock tonight in room 304 of pear on the campus on October 10. ON THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL that it shall e unlawful for an e- torium tonight at 7:30 o'clock under week for he Union. Copy has already gone to press, and - son or persons to hold bc y All names and changes of address the auspices of the U. of Ni. branch the stud Atvtefothyerwlbepa- naodbedlyPoC0DaiofteShoof.puic dances marches Activities for the year will be plan- unavoidable delay due to the installa- Prof. C. O. Davis, of the School of in any place in Ann Arbor, without for the 1b22 Directory must be in the of the American Society oflMehan afotsl ed at the meeting and the election tion of the new press of The Daily is Education, has written a book entitled having first obtained a permit from hands of the staff before Thursday ical Engineers. Two expert mechan-an it if oflicers will take place. During the all1 that has witheld the magazine "Principles of Junior High School Ed- the city clerk for a stated time. night, according to a statement made les from this company will cmplete- an will >ast year the organization functioned from earlier publication. ucation," which should be out in Jan- All public dance halls in which Yesterday by L J. Carter, 2, manag- ly tear down and reassemble Tstoce aggregatl n several activities, sponsoring the A characteristic cover design dis- uary, it was learned yesterday, public dances are held shall be closed ing editor. It is planned to place the Marmon engine in record time. These p 4ichigan News bureau, which gave playing a meek member of the class The volume, which is being publish- on or before the hour of 1 o'clock in copy of the Directory in the hands of men have the reputation of being the any newspapers stories from the of '26 doffing his grey headgear before ed by the World Book company, deals the morning, according to one pro- the printer at this time. According to fastest pair in the country in per- Iniversity, advocating a publicity di- the glaring gaze of a group of blood- with the basic principles of the junior vision, "except when special permis- present plans the book will be placed forming the feat. ector for the University, and pro- thirsty seniors parked on the senior high school system, which started in sion for extension of the time may be on sale about Nov. 1. As this is the first of the series of a noting a- high school editors confer- benches and drawn by T. H. Davidson, California more than ten years ago, granted by the mayor on Saturdays The cover will be light blue in color free exhibitions and entertainments not k mce here. '25, offers the introduction to the is- and has since spread through parts of the said dance shall close at 12 mid- this year. Eight new fraternities and which the society is planning, a good Class It is planned this year to further sue. The idea is carried out further the middle west and New England. night." ten new house clubs are included in attendance is hoped for. Student Class xtend the work of the organization in the interior of the issue with a The junior high school comprises the "It shall be unlawful for any per- issue.branches of this society have been nd to this end several propositions number of articles. seventh, eighth, and ninth grades of son, or persons, conducting or having organized in the various engineering you'v vhich have been under advisement Problems arising from student the pld grammar and high school sys- than 16 years of age, unless attended Prof. Hobbs Speaks Tonight and technical schools throughout the youd vill be placed before the meeting to- government will also feature the first tei- by parent or guardian or by a respon- Prof. C. W. Hobbs, of the geolog country as a stepping stone for the if yo ight. issue. Discussions of these problems - sible escort, approved by the parent department, will address the Geolog- student to the national society, the that d those students from andi universities and tho s, school teachers and c ourses In the summer s ollowing received all A rk: Irene Bowser, Ida ry Chilton, F. B. Cleve )arrow, C. A. DeWitt, h Drake, '25, Helen Dwy n, '23, B. B. Fair, '24, C. H. Folz, '23, J. B. Gla a Hadley, '23, F. R. H . Hatt, 23, H. K. Hold' nes, D. G. Knapp, H. L. JcCann, Mary McCully, Bertha Miller, W. S. M lurphy, -M. L. Niehuss, 24 S. of M., Matilda Pfis elps, '22, R. A. Ragatz, E Irina Rice, Nellie Rich Skees, Ella Skyfield, Eloise Street, and PE Practices for Case Ga arsity band is practicin. its initial appearance.1 ent body this year wr onto the field at the game next Saturday. I be represented by a. 75 ion this year when the a "Yea band!" are he Y a Classified. There good many people who now what a Michigan Da ified will do. Are you c em? Try a Classified. e got something good wh do not want any more, u've got something gc some one else wants, j