__________ TIHE, MICHIGAN DATL\ IW IIbYI WII WIY YII OFFICIAL BULLETIN, the BLulletin is constructive notice to all members of Copy received until 3.36 D. ,m. (11:30 a. m. SazurciaP-)! I i . ,. ry .: a.w.rrr:..+ +Moro;,..iruwr ,}s+jrrr rr . 4++;ir.rrwcr.i..rMr.r .. igisfDrthday C Cocllo0n . . q 5R,ash1Dngton's Birthday. Convocation wxill tsk4 place in 11111-Audi- :.t 10: 30 a. m. Thursday, Fecb." 22..Edwin F.Gaty, Ph.DM, LL.D., an so t 4a Class of 1890 and. President of the New York Evening. Pbst, liner an.address upon the subject "Our National "Policiefs". s dwr'fl of the Auditorium will be open at 10 . gr n. Mebers of the ,ei4in.4of the student body -will occupy sea#ri on the main floor a4nd tiler jes, and are earnestly urged to be preeat.. 9x vill be a cotnfeieuce of the De'lans Wednesday, F-beb. 21, at '- M.L TON. oi mbke-up exanution .in History I will be hfeld Satday morng ,* 0151 qI to 12 in room ;204 Tatppan IUall. 27a will be held Saturday, march 3, fro. s to 12, in C. H. 'COO0L Y. tL I.. HOAMS. n Jors and Sophomores: Blied to receive the requiredl medical e amilnation accorrd- 4)()54d, sire urged to report at the,.euIlth 'Service for such few' days. WAXI~EN Z. FORSiiTUl,bDirector. l ,+?~v1GO otll4+ 'wll be oenwith a'' hysician in attendane 'g to 8 P.mi.,and Saturday to4 p. i .. i' reiquested that ~only for conditions wvhich ca nuict svaait tie regular hour: WAR FN E. FORSYkTgE, Director. ja wbo miscued the final examination.for. the first 'semester at lil office, "Room 302 N. S. be dre Sati-dy nmoon of thin lemuentary examination-wilt be held on.Sa4t4rday af'ternoion, 9 untWi o'cock In Room 20'7 to the °Natural Science RUIdng. W. W. TUPPMR (lnersigy for,"Dental Si-dents): ,Ouentary exirinatipn for the reuo-val of cond tions in the gill be given at 9'a. mn. Saturday, Feb. 24, in lAoom M-441, Building. ALBERT 1j. P1C . 'MMS RSNT TH rQ.M. Association WHAT'SEENS HEAsks Resignation CL.OISTER" IN OEjOI' w AGs OING ON . Of General Hart No~t"E" CopyforthwM 4do~len hodI "The Cloister", was produced by be Kbmtied ibyfi0:30 orlek ofj Mimes for the third time last Satur-l th tday l..rfnre inid~estIon. . day night at Orchestra hal,' Detroit ___ This .was the first appearance of a; WEDNESDAY Mimes production with the :excepton of .the annual opera, outside of Ann 10:00--Conference of the Deans In the Arbor .and it was wecomed bya small Prsident's office.- but appreciative audience. i2r: !F-Hitory de it~rtmeft luncheon K'wenty-nlve men, under-the drec- in room 319, Union. a ion of E. Mortimer Shuter, made the12:WLtn noondy src a trip to Detroit Saturday afternoons iHrris hall chapel. ,lRv. Sidney S. '.*.*.. y returning late Saturday night. The Rbins speaks. cast Included- besides the regular 9 :°,05:30-Play et club tryots meet Q members of Mimes, a chorus of mem- in room 205, Mason hall. br of the, Glee club' who chanted. 4:00-Costume committee of the Jun;"s the Latin hymns. for Girls' play mueets in basement of ". z w< Carl Guskegrad., took the lieading Newberry residence. '.* role -and Thmnas Underwood, '23L. :'s- Romnjao'Club meets in room ... and °Lauren Stokesbury, '24 S of M 302, Un ion. Played, other' important parts. Al- 4 :00t-ll. O., T. C. hand mee s in Nw.' though the play was produced in Iur- berry Bll. ope previously, the Mimes were the o4 :1-Twllght organ rctal in Hills Ifirst organization in America to play: auditorium, o,.elgius:dcai. it publicly. fi: 0-Institute o eiiu dcto banquet'_________in Methodist church. I ,/re 1 cast Ch sen For6 :00-American Legon dinner hn:lhon j 1-1.1 d 1 L uPl commander of the American legion. Loneyr .-U U~y I:00-Studenrts' Press clb meets in! GenerlI. It. Iart -IJBarbour gymnasium. The long controversy between Gen- fPicked by tryout from the Coiny 7:0--Ynltkee club' meets in Watr- W. H. Hart, quartermaster generali clbi h c o heana lI man ,gymnasium. of the army, and the executive corn-I l~. 'm ase B"tob pth luli os ,o te 1reete analpayy7 :O0--Ftros 1" le club meets In read minte of the Quartermaster asso- "Mr inase y.t o rsne room, Union. I ciation, Comprised of 3,000 reserve Q. at the Whitney theatre April 4,' in- 7 :0-QuArterdeck club meets in rom M. officer, 800 regulars and 500 civil- I 'teatd of March 28, as was first plan- 04, Union. -iarh, has terminated in the commit- ned, includes. the names of eerai 7:0--Froh-Sonli dent :Smelter In. tee's demand for the general's resig- tpro well known in Michigan dra- room 318, -Union. 'Inaton as head of the, association. inatic. j77:3-Adanced Students of the School; They charge his actions Have beei P ortia Goaulder, '22, who will -play of Music recital in the School of domineering and arbitrary. the leading 'role, has for two years Music., Starred in plays "by Masques, women's 7:30-Dellolay meets In Harris hal. _________________ Idramatic. Organization. In 'the Cor- 7:30-Engneering society meets 1in edy club Play she will take the part o Natural Science auditorium. Le- Oivia, second wife of George Mar l iuro and 'moves. I Q DO Y ou K now den, 3.P. -Oyiia is a wel-poised 7 : 0-Research club Meets in IHsto- Ij lever woman, capable of meeting a- logical laboratory, Medical building.___________________ ~opt any stuation. She is 'of a calm 7? ilJ Forestry club meets nature: and possesses .an unusual de- 7 :30 -Nippon club meets in Lane hali The amount of money appropriated reof common sense, 1 7 ,0-Culmmber of Commerce meets in Ibyr the state legislature for the pros- ,'hr"Livingstone, '25, will play room 302, 'Union. et building program? opposite her as Lord Marden, an Eng; 8 00-AmerIcan Legon mnets In City What Mimes is and who is its presi- Itois country gentleman. He is nar- hall. dent? j row-minded and convential,. but with- 1 ti:W---Stephen Q. Hayes, .of the West. I How many University buildings arer 41 honest. Lvingstone, too, has been nghouse lectric company. of Pitts- I now under construction? protn1nent in dramatics, having taken! burg, speaks in' Natural Science au- Who Is the Dean of the Law school? part In setea previous Comedy club Idtori=4 on '"Elctrical Engineering Who is captain of this year's base- perforuancee. .In Japan." ball teame? C ,rblSh~t 2, eetyeet Answers to these questions wt a ddto oiedy-club, has been chosen THURSDAY new set of questions will be published as Dinuah, niece of LordMard en. Din- 0:10-Lenten omuninonx service 1n tomorrow. Ski 'IsaK pretty 19 year old girl, de-( Harris )cal chapel., ______ slrous of' marrying Brian Strange. :30--Les voyers met at room for Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. 4'ady ]harden, the lord's -prm old llhke o Whltrore Lanle.- aun "sillbe 'played by Maran Tay .10 :30-Con'roatolonat' Hill auditor- f or i4 . ium. Edwin F. Gay, of the New York SECOND SEMESTER James Dresbacb, '24, president Of' Evening Pst, speaks.1 'oey club and one, of the stars of 12:15-Dental faculty luncheon in Ln E thle Lnon opera this ear, and last. ion. damnned; futuristic painter chap", in nr at Union. love wth Dinah. Pim,an'old man who 7.00O-Glee club xuel s. in reainglF( is extremely forgetful, especially Ii" room, Union. regard to names, and the one on whom I8-W0-Sons of the Amnrian Revolutoi1G69E 2' S P LE the plot hinges, will be taken by El- i meet at thle, "Orchards," 2101 ENHiERSSU PLE wood C. Fayfleld, '25. Fayfield, also street. only recently. chosen as ,a member ojlM the organization, is 'director of the 'UNOTCES Players' club workshop Ruth G All Posters for the Tasty band poster1 verl elSer, '23, will coimplete Owt I contest must be turned in to Wil-{I c~t sAnne a maid. Ilam Graulich before today at noon. 'Prof, . 3. aleigh' Nelson, of the en-l Press club dinner and electonk of of. sineering 4nglish department, is di- fI cers will be held in Barbour gym- rector and selected the tryouts for nasum Wednesday evening, Feb. 22, 11f1f819111~~iiflll(Il~l~ the show. He, Will take active beginning at 6 o'clock. Tickets tol 'chargea ,of -Production beginning with dinner and entertainment follow- the frst rehearsal Tuesday. In add- ing business :meeting will be 75 tion' he w il design the settings and cents. Kennedy's Packard orchestral ota "wllfrihmsc o acn u ,; - ing remainder of evening, for whichI {lar'ad' professor :Emertius Dies an additional charge of 25 cents pero a Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 19-( By A.' person will be collected. Lades' es- P.--John Trowbridge, professor em- t orts not members may be admitted IN ap zl critus in llarva rd University died here by paying 50 cents.d yesterday. Hie was 80 years old. Prof. Twrdeotie th -fnsft'i LrhIIIthLGrpethe building of the Jefferson physicalI Prof. Emil A. Lorhi of the School I-= lab at Harvard, and for years was di-, of Architecture has been confined to 'rector of It. his home for the past three days with an attack of La GrippelHe fs e - When Napoleom L tost Something? Let a "Daily 4alass- j Peted to return to his classes within I nre tal bloadCe ea' fiedi ad find it for vu.-Ad. a few days, however. - Nvsapracerb Wax. £wpped~ and sateld to bring it to youa fresh and fult- flavored kD If people realized how much more goo their food would do them If }properly; masticated, and followed up with a bit of WRIGLEI'S to aissist the digestive process, we'd have far better ]health.r Deep teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen and diges- tion good with WRIGYLEY'S. WRIGLEY'S Is the perfect gunm, made of purest, materials, Most of us eat too hastily and do not chew our food enough. In modern, san factories. ~ The Flavor Mary r :ainuitS : ; ion will be. held oft l. ~day aftrs ooli fro. 2 to 5 in ,e of the Organ P~culty of the tnlvers Wy, School of Organ, RecitalI in 1mil Auditoriumn Wedneslay *fter- o'clock. CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary. The Great American ISweetmeat N 0 4:15. * ... d :'88 ls Recital:s ailvanced pupils' of the University School of Music 'will participate 'a, program at the School of Music, Wednesday evenin, Fb. 21, at CHUARLES A.. SINK, . ecretary. Februalry meeting of the Research Club'- will--b6 held in the His- ~boratory on Wednesday, 'Feb. 21, at R P, rin. The following pa- 1, ble presented: ge~lation of the Adrenal Glands to the Action of ;Certala Alka- IProfessor C. W. Edmunds. AMerican Intellect at the Turn of the Ninteenth~ Cenltury" by Pro-_ M Wenley, (ounoil will winset for a short. session at 7:45 p Mn t H. IDBI;T $.tNDT, Secretary. -rm Club: Out for The Mandarin Got and Two Crooks 'and a Loady will be fto]206 Mason Hjall from 3:30 to 6:86 this Afternoon, Feb. 21. GEORGE Ri. S'TEWART, JIR play to- have been given by members of the faculty of the' Frtnch ent will not be ;liven this week. The date will be announced later. ANTHONt\Y J. JOBIN. SClub: anlee Club meeting at the Union today, 'Wednesdy, Feb. 21, at ock, Rtoomn 302. ;rani: Patterson-'A review of. recent contriti tons by Mr. Van Roes- o Corneille literature. Rovillain- Lornelile anzd the Theory of Press. The irreligious rof his charakters. ' A. a. CA FIELD. jembers of the Faculty and Students: entrios for the All-Camnpus Handbaull Tournament must be signed i. 'today in the 'handball 'courts of; Waternman Gymnasium. The will then be drafted 'and- first round play ill commence accord- ; C.A.R14 E" . GEIt1,'C, '23 (Phone 1018-4). CLT OOKS IN LAB. OUTFITS, LOOSE. LEAF KLOTE BOOKS, Eic'. R 7 'UIVERSITY A MICHICAN INSTITUTIONI A . i I i I Announcing Opening ~ Packard Studio of Dancing Miss Ruth Hanlon and Mr. H-ary Eschel9 instructors K- CAST FOR PLAYS - The 'Ga",- laingi the part of Dan- fe. teir'thcas will be Adamns, S. 17. vtc,''23; 'Peggie, For- iave recently been chosen for i ne Nelson, 'Z5; Nur se , Helen Stag- ypl&a to be presented by the g5all,''26;:F'ainaris' Charles D: Liviug- slab March 7 i Sarah" Gsas'stone' '25; sind' C~ane, Lionel Orakeor, 6011l hall in 'the. first program gra." or$snIzatlon this semiester, an Englsh ~ Now Engtabnd (CoaMIca Bornud L1 '. Milnewill be directed by itn as, e."19 D ) U14~; '24, asaisted. by 'William oto,1..Fb.0(YA2) Jr., 84, while a more' serious '- -The N4ew England coast is nearly as iPlay, "The Goal", by A. II, icebound as it has been in many years. wll be offered, under :the sup- The cold spell of the last three days, nof R. L. Taylor, '24, and Vera' frose up 'harbors from M1ain1e to Rhode az'. ~inry Pr.ttie will Island and today the t. S. hydro>"a-i e leading role, as Crawashaw. phic. offICe sent a warning to marin- ,t will be taken by Selma Si- ert by radio that ice conditions wre' 1'23; Viola by Louise Graham,' becoming seritous and that aids to mar- erlton by William D. Roesseri igation might- be displaced. In Bos- d Clfton by H. E. Fnltche, '24. ton harbor conditions were the worst Wilsop will have the lea-doff in that they have been in Rive years. Exhltl.sm of Ballet and Pallroom Dancing Thursday, Feb-uairy 22, 1923 k: .. .. , t fi 4 him the use of his in, in England and thus c the inventor--anidlosi How many men endeavor have gained I mthe use of his in account provides?- z The Ann Resources $5,( I° - a ie Steamboa.,t n was helplessly' witnessing the crumbling of' his Conti--_ Luse of the sea power of Great Britain it is said that hea R.obert Fulton, then an unknown eccentric, who offered Zvention-the steamboat-to enable him to land troops' conquer his powerful enemy. Napoleon curtly dismissed. st an empire that exceeded the Roman Empire in size.w n of today arc losing all that patient labor and sincere a 1, for them by neglecting to provide for the future? Can nvention-the steamnboar-to. enable him -to land troops a iArbor Savinge,-s Bank - "The Bank of Friendly SerI'Ze" 8600,000 Two Offices Eating May Be a Habt! Make .your Lunches a pleasure by eating at Tuttles Lunch Room 338 Maynard St. South of Majestic U. Women's Lvaguer .eneft Taed Rhodes' Or-C hestra