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February 21, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-21

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j~their task,.. the books ~.will be judged,
and one chosen to be produced as the
union opera. Those who have con-FE L
OFICALNWSAPROF THE tributed their talents in writing the A T D R L
IJ1EST O rCIA book will receive due recognition, and /fir, f GO) P
rublishetd every morning except Mondayj the one mran contributing the most II)L.(0 i
ring the University year by the Board in Will be given credit for his share and
mtrl f Sd_t Publications. _____ will accompany the production on its I D E

Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-.
titled to the use for republication of all
news dispatches credited to it or not other-
wise credited in this paper and the local,
news published therein.
Entered at the postoffie at Ann Arbor,
.Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail. $3. 5o.
Offices: Anni Arbor Press Building, kay-
nard Street.--

Christmas trip.
Whether or not the new plan under-
taken by Mimes will produce more ef-
fective operas than Michigan has had
in the past depends upon, the interest
jwith which writers on the campus

Seated Thursday nite at the "movies",
Distracted and ill at ease,
I rested my head on my elbows,
And oh, how I wanted to sneeze!
But hating to call attention
Of all the assembhled throng;
I gurgled and gargled to suppress it,
And that sneeze was bottled forI

E'ditor, The ~,IicliPgan Daily:
Mediocrityioh1 Mediocrity, you-are
the curse of our civiization. We find
you everywhere, oh Mediocrity, in the
streets, yes, in our homes, even in the
fields artistic you raise your ugly
head. Mediocrity, wse arise to sa le o




Phones; 2editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
ss, o6o.
Commzunications not, to exceed po wordsI
signed, the signature not necessarily to
ppear in print, but as an evidenice of faith,
ad notices of events 'will be 'published it.
'e Daily at. the ,discretioni of the tEditor,;if
At at or mailed to The Daily, office. LUn
igned communications will receive no +aou
ideration. No manuscript will be returned
nless the writer encloses postage. The Daily


lend their talents to the work. Un-
doubtedly,. if .enough men turn out
for the competition, the finished
product of their efforts9 will possess a
versatility. and a high standard of
workmanship which can be gained
only by taking the best that a num-
ber of able writers have to give.



Students seem to be incre~tsinglY
fond of trying their abilities in fields

expressed in the communications. other than, sch~olastic work Itself. The
number of then turning out for ac-
EDITORIAL STAFF tivities in general is increasing. Stu-
Telephone .211 and 17641 dents, however, are not turning out in '
~ the requisite numbers' to try out for
MANAGING EDITOR the position of assistant baseball man-{
MARION, B. STAHL aiger and similar positions onl the
track and basketball teams.
News Editor........ ... ...Paul Watacl
'CitA dtr.......aAsB Young These positions offer real comlpen-{
1 'ist ant (' y ?dit >r.......... . J. A. 'coui sation to thoue fortunate enough to
t ditor ial Poard Chairman.......l13. R. Meiss1
~night E"ditors-' obtain them. Much valuable practi-
Ralph Jlyers H~arryr Ibey cal experience is to be obtained, and i
i.. 1. Jlershdorfer R. C. Mvoriarty
It. A. Donahue J. la, Mack executive training is furnished to the
Srorts ,T"ditor............F. H. McPike I holders of the,3e offices. This practi-4
~Womnen's Editor-;..........Marion Koch
~ , ' 1 n sine Editor. ... 1. A. D~onahue cal experience should prove especial-
Pictorial Editor............Robert 'Tara yvlal otecleesuetwo
,Music I~d tor,..................I;. H. Ailes l aual otecleesuetwo
Editdril Boardas is frequently pointed out, is tooF
Lowell Kerr Maurice Berman often living in a world of theory, and
Eugene Carmichael does not attempt to cope With prob-
ThlaAdeAssistants laemm is of a practical nature.
Thlm Adrws Ronald agrr The trips which these )managersI
-4rofli Franklin DU.Hepburn,
Atanley M. Baxter Winona A. Hibbard1 take are not only a source of enjoy-
Dorothy Bennett* cdward J. Higgins laett hmbtas oreo n
Sidney Bielfield 1'' r: 1 c I' .etat' un ote u loasuc fe-
R, A. Billington lhlizabetl1 Leberm'iann lightenmeirt and education. The mate-
lIclen Brown john McGinnis

At last the film scene was changing I
A railroad just caine into view
And a~s 'round the big curve came theeniec
I let go an awful kerchoo!;t
So that no one there noticedI the ac-
Or surmised it to be out of joint l
They just thought it part of the pi'o-
That the engine should so sound at
that point!

vou? As an integral part of our so-
ciu 5 you are omnipresent.
All of which takes us back to the
last concert of the Detroit Symphony.
orchestra in pill auditorium. Tast
why a lot of heedless children had to
be admitted to ruin Ia perfec(tly good
program for sincere music;-lovers is
phe question. just why tlhe well-
trained musicians of the D~et roit.ot--
('lestra, artists every one of tiem, not
to mention their scholarly con ductor
and the French pianist, hadl to 1)e laid
open to the abuse or a largelyire
iresponsible audlience, we would lie to
'I'lue childlreln are not to blare.:
Theiisr',-as. as theirs always i'>. in
Such css an act perfctly" tin inora 1.
This ide a.\s so obvious as to waive
necessity for developmien t. B31,t. lhe
ones who are to blame and ought to
be taken severely to task ,a~re 'the lot
of people in charge. Quite contrary
to the dictates of good taste and all
sense of proportion, thiey at once saw
an opportunity to fill a lot of emp~ty
seats and to spIonsor their' own , tiv-
iis. All other considerations were
waved aside. The artist,, were neverI
thought of, nor the pl~el who bought
their tickets in good' faith, nor were
the children thfemselves considered.
Who could have expected 'the young-
sters to s it quietly through a. long
symp~hony program?
Such errers as this are as gr'oss as
they are* inexcusable. Being truly
representative of the mediocre in
charge those responsible s.houald be
properly squelched and directed by a
higher, more competent authority to
avoidl similar recurrences.


I Arn A~hor and Jackson
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8:47 ,10.


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portia Gourlder

Samuel Moore
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Robert G. Ramsay
Campbcll 'Robertson
3. -W'. Ruwitch 1
IFrederic G, Telmos

Advertising .. ........ Jo :lin J. THamel, Jr.
Advertising..,.... alter K. Scherer
:1d\vertising .............. Law-rence 11. lFavrot
(pyri'g.. "......... ..)aid 3. A. Park
t'irc'jisatin ........... .. 'owosnd 11. Nvolfe
^..c ;::<... .... .... .. il > ai oiut Paris
Kenneeth Seick Allan S. Morton
Georgce Rockwood Janes A. Dryer
Perry M, h lavden Will. If. Good
F'ugene T,. Dunne Clyde L. Ilagerman
Wmn. Graulich, Jr. Henry Fr eud
John C. Ilaskin Hierbert P. Blostiek
C. T- Putnam ~ D. L. Pierce
R. D. Arniantrout, Clayton Purdy
TUerbert W. Cooper I. B. Sanzenbacher,
Wallace Flower Clifford Mitts
1'iian-i IFf.IReidl. Jr. Ralph Lewright
Harold L.. Bale Philip Newall
Wmn. D. Roesser
Night Editor--RALPH N. BYERS
At ten-thirty o'clock tomorrow morn-
inig the student body and faculty of
the University will have the opportu-
nity to participate in services coin-
memorating the birthday of George
Washington. In an interesting~ pro-
grama, the most attractive feature will
be an' address by Dr. Edwin F. Gay,
a graduiate of the, University, and
piresident of the New York Evening
D'e. Gay will -have a message on "Our
Nationial Policies" which his position
d urin~g' the war years and since that
time imakes on(- of 'authority anfld me-
nlenL, To miss this adldress would
bhe to neglect an advantage which
T&ligill:an mnay not s~on have again.
Ini reverence to the mnemory of
Ceorge Washington the nation is ob-
serving a holiday tomorrow, and ac-
-cordingply all University classes will
be. suspended. It is only fitting, then,
.that students at Michigan pay their
Trib~ute to the mnan 'who is termed the
"father of our country" by joining in
11he' convocation which has been call-
ed( for that purpose.

rial rewards in the formi of letters are
also prizes worth striving for. Soph-
Ioniores, in particular, are encouraged
to come out for these positions, since
they have the opportunity of workingj
upto the highest managerial posi-
Entrants .into this field of work find
their compensation double. First,
there is the satisfaction gained in
serving the University in its athletics.
Isecond, there are' the material re-
wards and the opportunity for the de-
velopmeht of personal ability. If these
advantages were; fully understood
there would-doubtlegs be more try-'
outs for athletic mnanagerships.

I was reading in, the
Paper that a butcher was
Locked in his ice box
And left there to freeze
While the robbers took; the
Money. But because of his
Temper hie did not freeze.
FHe got hot under the coihir.
C'ontribumtions~, contribuljoils.
EDear Sir:
1I love the co-eds; specially whlen
they bob up and down and their flufi'y
hair flops, so I will give 'emn a lblot'
.for their old Junior Play.
Why not adapt Will Shakespeaire
pl1ay? I found it in the wlhrary Oincst.
and read it, and I think with a little
doctoring it would be real good. And
nobody would recognize what it was
cause nobody reads that stuff no
more. It was about a co-ed that
dressed up in men's clothes and wan-
dered about the forest of Arden and
had an awful time.
Act'I. Instead of the Forest of Ar'-
den, have some co-eds, hantin'
around a sorority house. Some could
wear knickers, and golf socks. (I
prefer silk socks, but you know the
Deam). One" of the Janes, the pret-

I s3

x C)

-;i' ?8







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F .........

. ,
,. "'C, ,

Daily Iowan)

Work in which your
college career counts

-- ,

SLOW DOWN ;tiest one in knickers, gets a. telegram
Why are Ann Arbor sidewalk inter-I that her old manl has lost all his jack
sections so often. the scene of short- in Wall street, and she faints. -A big
cut pathways, why are lawns and °Studebaker painted all Maize and(Ii
other open places made to suffer the Blue drawNs up in front just than and
ignomniny of being used as the hypot- a big blonk Viking that looks likeI
enuse of pedestrian-formed triangles?; Goedel jumps from the machine anal I
Strangers in our midst often ask this4 catches her as she falls.
of the native, and well they may, for Act II. Scene in the parlor of the
in normal cities wires are not. so om- sorority house. Goedel sitting beside;
nipreseutly needed to guide hiuman the .pretty jane 011 the sofa. She Ns
} beings in the proper and conventionalI now dressed in calico. Goedel, "Will",
channels, you marry me, ec."Ja.n'e, "Yes,,-etc."
But this is not an article purport- They kiss onest. ,.(More are vulgar.)
in,g to restrain the damaging of Ann# Act III. Rural scene.. Cottage'
Arbor and camrpus lawns, rather the built for two, or three,, or, four, or;
'short-cut instance is given as an ex-I more. Jassemine and roses and -hon-
ample of the nervous hurry which i ysuckle and daisies everywhere. Gee-
characterizesi the average college stu- del and Jane cote out and sing, "My
dent. Time objection might be raised. Michigan Baby" as follows:
that laziness lies at the base of this1

particular example, but tha~t can be'
dismissed from the start, for laziness'
implies following the mnost natural
course, which in this case, through
habit, would be staying on the side-
The answer is that college students
are, for the majority, continually ina,
hurry. Fromn hurryin~g to an early
morning class after a, procrastinated
rising, hurrying from one class to ain-
other, hurrying at noon-time acceler-
-ated by the thought of food, the stu-
dent's intense state of being is exem-I
plified in an habitual speed of walk-
ing which is startling to visitors. It
Swell befits the throbbing character of
modern education as set off against
the contemplative nature of the ideal
educative procesj-.
Being continually on-the-go keys up
the nervous system tea state which is i
inconducive to any quiet speculative
thought. It is this intense character

A pretty little, balby
Came to cif one morn
I-Ir eyes are blue; like heaven
Butt her hair~'s line yellow corn. ,
So Maize andi Blue, my hearties,
Are the colors that she'll wear. 1
We'll send her up to Michigan.
She'll be a- Lultl there.
Curtain. {
Now, I don't think that nobody will1
no0 that this is- Shakespeare's play. :It'
yAu think that there is any dlanger
tho, I will be. willing to paty the roy-1
alty so that the girls won't have no;
lawsuit on their hands.
0 0 *YofBok
Solace I sought among the bowoks
A night that promised fair to bej
Like one plassed all alone in nooks
Apart from all humanity.

"American colleges need, not1 stori'
students, hut better students,''r,.ire-
cent editorial_ in the Chbicago American
declared. The writer in his bigotry
stated that many piersons now ini eol-
lege will. not get enough benefit from
-their educations to repay them for the
sacrifice of time and money. I-Ic be-
gnby saying that some people al-
ways have been farmers, a-nd always
will be farmers, and that a college
education for them 'is a waste of
This writer (draws a sharp line of
distinction between a college and a.
hiigh - school education. He sems to)
view a college as a p~lace to special-
ize in certain things only. He over-
looks the fact that a lib~eral arty~
course is :broader and nmore inclusive
than a high school course, although
it is only general, andl not specializ-
ed. The value of a, college education
varies with different persons, buS
everyone gets benefits that outiveigi
the time ,spent. A farmher, as 1hfis
writer applies the t erm, gets mVor'e
good. froth such a.('011 ise thban any
othier class of mnu. It broadens his
views, and mtakes him capable of com-
plete self-realization. Thce scientific
knowledgo and the broadened otutlook.
help him to become, nlot. I coautry
rustic, lbut a country,' gentleman, anid
to raise the cultural stage of huis pro-
A roan w~ho staruts out in1 busliess,
today without a college edulcation, is]
starting out, usually, at an immatual-c
age, anud is trtying to 'oy pet e in his
youth wvith colleg~e t rainedl men wha,
understand methods better, and who
have scienti ic knowledge behind the]).
Surely this writer would not dispuf o
the practical advantage of such su
j ie as chemistry, botany, geology,
phillosqphy, Engli sh, mtathematics. a c-
comntig. boo0k-keeping, andI similar
work!. The mere fact that the _man
{who has mastered thern.goes i'ronm
jcollege to' a farm doe-; not meanth lat
his education is wasted. In the Irat
few years tarin g and such Indus-
tries have been p~ractically revoin -1
f ioniized b-y means of scientific knowl--
edge, appliedh by college educated
Imen. If a, higher educ(ation hadl been
dIeniedl them, much of this advance-

We 41I I'For- and Deiver
Fine tisl 0111Tailor~ing
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30:i 8 :30 ecee .. 12:5.-5j:o.:4 Clinton . -... 12mio 8:oo
:19 9:15 . Saline , " 1:F5 7:15
5:5 9 :45 Ar 'inn "rborf~v. 10 45 $):45
(Couirt tlo,,.ae S(Juare) A. M.
D -- Daily. X--Daily except Sundays

21( Ini 'ljbaxs. Fridlav and Saturday sp~ecial
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CO-OPERATIVE OPERAS ofthte imodern college student's life thtat Unheard, unSeen, I walked abeut
This afternoon a mneeting, will be asdn uht naetaqi n And gaily chatted with mny friends-
heldin te Unon o'thoenstdent concentration on.. his part! Unheard, unseen, I say, no doubt
inteestd i wrtin fo net yarIwell-nigh ,an impossibility to him, and! A fifth to four no interest lends.
opera. Those who attend the meeting ,cneunl h ra rtcs ep
Awill no0t necessarily be able to write: ed on modern college educatfion is that When two of four are damsels fair,
dlialoguadcntutpoadcc the .students never do any real think-! Andl two ar'e ardent, hopeful boy,
ate situation; but they will have fa- ing. The answer is to slow down, and, The whole world stops for aught the
c ility in doing one of these phases of give mental activity a chaince to make care-
opera composing. its appearance in the realm of liv-; A voice, save theirs, their thongh
This maarks the opening Work undei' I ig.{ annoys.


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te new method adopted by Mimes in
order to .gaini a combination in the
opera of the" best writing efforts on
the campus together, with the versa-
tility afforded by co-operation of a
mnmber of writers.
Next year's opera will' probably not
be the work of only one mian, or even
t wo. Under the "new system, a, group
of competing writers will submit set-j
tings and plots for the show. From

After witnessing a wrestling match,
a Northwestern professor was heard'
to remark that wrestling was nothing
better than a "pink tea" Whly notI
puft him up against Zybsko?
The Daily could spendi several dozen
issues razzing the "Gary~ without. re-'
peating itself. But why waste space?

Solace I found among the books,
But 'twas not p~rinted word or pap,
But, -shyly sweet, with elfin looks,
Adamsel-eyes like pi'airie sage.
Forgotten, then, the other four';
Forgotten books, e'en, what
;My sole aim was to read the lore
{Within those eyes which kola

lit' cmint wouldinoet have come.
A iman or woman. who goes through.
the regular foui'-year college course,
g~raduates at the age of 21 or 22 us-
wc ally, the proper age to begin fight-
ing one's own battles, completely
equipped. This fouir year period has
not been wasted, for it is a part of
his growing-up, his preparation fol,
I standing alone. And it makes no dif-
ference what a man intends to do, heis
college education amply repays its
i'e purchase price. The man who imlag-

;; ,

gatng S oa cs nd Breechesn

. a ''


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