PRIOBAB3LY ,SXOW VOGL. XIII. N lo. 101. EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGx AN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1923 EIGHT PAGES EMNOFCASPress Club Will Cgngress Probe DELGAESDickey Is Slated Gargoyle Satires fl[K S l U LGive Dance Tonight 0®f Croukhite's AtOMNI [ITI For Cabinet Post Hit Publications!U L lv I~y 0 . P N ,R mor Bristling with criticisz, (delving i- clock this eeigi Barbour gm to scathing comment, glorifying in "! BYFEC CI narium. Dinner will be served, fob FRERA IZTO ofartheYpua- c owed by a businie&s meeting which Puof h' cia n Gar-,th wiall include the eletion pf officers for goy le that is coiing out this morning the present semester. Following the pae before the students an entirely p ETE1LMfNE' TO -RID RIIIXELAND I iusiness meeting a miser wtill be held. IL sTATE Gl L STO FFftT! admirable and somewhat justifiable SiENAT'O O OIL IG( TROUBLE Twolewtfeture havebeen ddedIN'EUn JAI01 view of the magazines here publish- LEA MIAK}ERS of!vudeile atsfo OF 11IEMBFRS .* . . ed. They are as the Gargoyle would ~to the program ovadvleatfr,.;.. wish them, for all are thus printed HIOSTILE MEASURE ACTS thie evening. Wendell anslman, '23, ....... 75 REPRESENTATIVES ..~ in this issue, and the chips fal far JUSTIF A~I O S E O C U Eand Ruth Werkheiser, '25, will pre-[G T E I N A O _ _. ._ad id.. .. OU ATTEND THE WASHINGTON DAY CON VOCATION PRICE~ FIVE CEN'T O cRATS BLOCK P SUBSIDnY Bl AI STIEPPARI) OF TEXA kDS~ ATTACK; SPEAKS 10: HOURS. F IA BLE ON TWO rTS SAYS WILLIAM! J:. fFormation Of or cniforiii orkin '^44x u ' :1 ;' QS vfi i".rr.4 oy Purlwsof 1 terdayls ,>r., >1 ': 1 ~Organization of dgtthe county alumni 4 a~~ssocia,t ions "throughout file state ws .'"5.:1I7 4' > well startedl by the representatives8 of .. the [.assoc ia ! r s nt a h et .yJ 4 : l.g" held y esterdiay at - the" Union. .. ,"": Seventy..five eleatsatne te conference. ;..The. purpuose of: calling the fah mni Wle'S ~ee boistogether was to effeof a closer ;W alter S. Dickey, of Kansas Cityf, -an'i more'uniform worlrg body thani tMajGr (en. .Adellierf, trontklilte w .s possilble *'ith' the single state newspaper owner and friend of Presi- Officers and enlisted mren of the $Ohboy Tesieofte ttebdyhI dent liarding, is prominently mnention- division of the A. E. F. have demand- pered effective word, Through the - ed for a, position in Hardling's cabinet ed that congress probe the enforced neiraiain oa lmicusn connection with , vacancies which are epce oocri h erfi retiremetit of Major Gen. Adelbert! will be' formed whlich ,by intercommu- toelocetocurnthnarf- Cronhit, frme comaner.nication will keep their, members bet- ' ter informed on University activities ICE ~~~~~anfi will work in unison for 'the e-(RT_ M S ICE CA VA #O i fare of the University..e FAE T DRS The delegates met at 9:30 (o'clock: HI jflj~' N , yesterday morning. This meeting was M IO II D IH H C111[I8llATIfl given over- to the discussion of plans . . M TOIT O I w_ ~forth new orgenlzation and all the' NkO tRE IA," OPOSES OPP VA R< SITYt ers~atvswr:i ao :fti AQ{T WL PN WE' I diLAST HOCK>EY (#~AAE pa peetd In heatenon EETJM4OF RELIGOOS OFSASNthey were taken about the 'camp an shown the new buildings thiat a re now___ Furthr arangeents are eingunder constru~ction, and. locations of; rf ila .Faeo tehs Furtbrarrngemnts ae beng jproposed structures. Po.Wlin .Faeo iels iade by. the Athletic association for he. dlgtsdie W heUintry department, will give an ad- the ice carnival tomorrow night in last night as, the: closing, meeting of; dress on "Religious . Education and Weinberg's' coliseum. The plan of the the conference., Presideat Marion- L. Public "Affairs" at. a :banquet to be, association is' to make it an affair in?. Burton Nwas. the sp~a.ker 'of the eve- held at 3:30 o'clock tonight at the which all 'students in the University n g at~~deeae e Methodist church to' which all, stu- can celebrate the Washington's birth-- eddth nin ptihta Hl 1'auditoriumi, and the majority. of then+ dents. are . ivited. This baniquet will day holday, left Ann "Arbor last night.; serve as, the introductory meeting to The hockey game with Notre Dame t ______- thie Institute oxf,.Religious Education will be the main University event of rri ; ri~a which begins its -discussion groups the evening, This wrill be the las A l Kr L~ U RR f4T next week. game tha~t the Varsity team will play lbrt ln hv enmd o this year. The program for the eve- 11111 lufliiu IIIhavebeen'mdeuta ning includles fancy skating, races,]~~ D~l A n~ IU the gathering 'tonight which: wtill be novelty features,' music and general! short:-but full of speeches and enter- skating 'for everybody. SAYS WASHiJNiGTOv WAS '\ FROZ.' tainmenxt. Profesvor Frayer will make Miss Mary Bercola, of D~etroit, who; E;4 STATU;E; HAD INCON- !temi adeso heeeig i recently won all the prizes offered in QJIAL PBTtemi drs fteeeig i tliAk~~hn,'.ainhentn rpREaB SII 4, 1, tallr will concno the Dreetical ncs military tribunal has passed sentences 'Following the, explanation of :1r. ranging from 10 to 60 days imprison- 'Gay"s-abilities by President Marion L.t nient on many railway officials for' Burton, Prof. D. E. Day, head of the disobedience in inciting the railwa.y I eonto isdertmnlt, 'adds th employees to strike,.egto i esnlkoldet A Gelsenkirchen dispatch says the promises that have been made for i v that the employees of the' Reichsdank MVr". Gay. c struck today in protest against the "Intellectual power,. eminent schol-"d arrest of their director. arship, personal forcefulness and ex- --traordinary capacity for 'leadlership Deln e.2 - yAP.--Fomrare rarely combined in. a single in-v Chajhcei1ar. Avirth has told a meeting iviu"PoesrDydcae of Centre party members at Ulm that yesterday. "Yet thley appear in a sti-g the' resistance in the Ruhr is aimed at' perlative degree in one of Michigan's it bringing about negotiations, the Vos- ,awn sons, Edwin. F. Gay, president E sische Zeltung says. The government, of the New York Evening Post.n he added, must be watchful so as not "It has .been my good fortune," as- ! to miss the moment when negotia- ~re rfso a,"ohv nw ioswill be possible. 1Mr 'Gay for' miany years and to haver 1associated with him in mnany different1t Mimes will inaugurate a new plan in Opera book-writing, in a meeting *scheduled for 4:30 o'clock this after- noon in the office' of the president of the Unioni, at which every writer on the campus, interested in playwriting,I Is requested to be present. The plan, it is believed, will bring out the best talent on the campus, 'and will result in a wealth of mater- ial being turned in from which the book will be built. In previous years scarcely a half 'dozen writers entered. competition, and only, about one half; kof the original group actually submit- ted books." The inen who turn out at today's ~meeting will first be asked to submit plots, and sketches of the 'characters in their stories. These plots will be judged by Mr. Shuter and a commit- tee, with the possibility that two or more situations from different plots or two or more plots will be combin- ' d. The writing of the book, then,' :can easily be the combined work of Tie ~Lling 51ngieL toAle UL L'tLIZ.e it t llC WALL, l:V11LG1. 11 L o'w jl/ Ae"ko .1 ¢. {;Ines of work. He is a never failing arnival, has been engaged to give an Delrn!htGereWsigo sity of god riniples and orals two or more writers, all of whom willI shd n o n i ource of information 'to all who come! exhibition of fancy skating. Other pro-' ecain ha.eog Wsintn . i receive credit for their work.I S tuden t u clin lcontact with him. H'e is an out- fessonals have also agreed to take ,, hdbe rze no asateo~onaio oteprtc to n any eMim eees a dotedtthispwplnbe ToA e tTonight standing man among men, part in tecneldvru"adta twsIpbi ciiy as tbee ht thergrmwritingThmpg of j "No mn o ourtims i beter sonandThopor a ncludingcThomp- the greatest crime ~~intth a iorahersf Prof. C TJohnston director of theI a muscal comed, demnded a wealth Resolutions favoring the All-Univer- qualified to analyze the problems off Tickets for the affair will be' on had Contrdr George . Fuller, + ai engineering cam p. will be the! of v ersatiity which could be sup- sity convocation tot be held. tomorrow our political and economic life", con- sale at 9 o'clock this morning at the '0 executive secretary of the State toastmaster for the affair. osApidmr asl ytecmie in111adt(u- r ieyt etinued Profesor Day. "He has been Athletic association ticket office for Historical Commission, opwdhsa-M~rad '3 n '.C ofaorA k of two or more men. :. Mor- Plill udito unt ar likel to be' opend his dhutcerlandirector IIofCMimesmndrf- passed at the meeting of the Student I onspicuously successful as a urniver- 50 cents each. These tickets include (dress on "The Unfreezing of Wtashing- 'o eoe h AnAbrHg the Studet Christian association, will i rSuedrco fMmsda council tonight at the Union. The 'aity scholar, academic administrator everything on the program, with the tn eoe te AnAbrHg both speak and the latter will n matics, believes that the new plan council has favored such meetings in ,and war executive. Hie has added rhockey game and general skating Scol yesterday morning, nunce the courses to be offered in wil rsum i tes prabo v the paost and will in all probability of- orreetyterc epeenswhhwilom athe nd fte "The unfreezing of Washington hau the' Institute. Instructors in the r The quality which must be stressed fer, its support ito this gathering, and unusual opportunities for obser- special program. Seating accomumoda- set in," Dr.. Fuller aserted. "Washing- courses will also say a few words, and E . h praboi ta fgo Events, which the council will spoi ,ration enjoyed by the iup-builder of a' dons iwill be made for everyoneo a ra nuhwtotadn r.Kneh'etra ilsn e-cm teedy susta ined thogoth duf theresent eeter will great metropolitan daily. To the an-icmd utied truhu h sor p alysiseesCl "' of public policy, he now ;brings nni any fiction. His unconquerable spit-Feral solos. Tickets for the affair are !play, according to Mr. Shuter. Full te date.uofn theduvar isaciviihe ost unusual was the trute greatness of hint, ! on sale at the main desk in ane all details of the plan will be explained' the dratneupio . hedueioformciving h otuu~ night. btfllCIEW OLSbUL u oy'nghim up through injustice,' for .50 cents each.I Tirenecssay dta ri1 proabl be. M. Gy des nt mucewors. Mimes representatives at the meet - Th eesr aawl bby'e ideas never lack vigor. Hle has the ___ privation and deeat." The regular classes in the course ! g this afternoon. Those who have comtpltedby tonright's meeting so courage of his convictions. It will it l 0 Enlarging upon the actual and noti will begin next, Tuesday. Groups will ?reported previously need not attend' that the .chodule can be pliblshed. be a rare privilege to hrear himt speak j eilih 0(Y A1.) A nms- ;the mythical virtues of the first pes-;meet every Tuesday night until Mlarcha this meeting. Plans will be ,discussed for Gap in these confused times on the sub- sage to Lloyds says the crew of the; ident, D. Fuller said that ,Washing-127, the classes' lasting from 7:15 un- Night and the date set. Secretary ofjet of our "National Policies". German steamship Otto Fischer from !ton, were he living today, would be, til 8:45, o'clock. These classes ors the Navy Edwin ;Denby will be asked I'abr oBeosArshsbe big enough to meet present day prob- icsingop ilalb e y,~n tosek i ht cain.Telemns as well as he' did those of Unierit fauly emersan oh toI spa n ta cain h BIG SIX' BUYS BRAVA'S Irescued by Norwegian and Japanese iown day. He closed his address wi!Uieht aulymmesadohr pigGmsbeweUUHohmr (semr f h nrhetcato SpigGmsbtentespooesemr f h otws os fI unselected for this wor: There s and freshman lasses will also be San an appeal for righteousness in inter- e I Sparta, ~national relations and the ' .'sior no charge to take these courses and Los Angeles, Feb. 20-(By A.P.)- time.h rip for discussion at this Boston, Feb. 20-(Dy A. 1P.-Thp An earlier report said the ship had I o faith that emriaWi prla e yon e a ne. brough Boston National League club was! setot S. 0. S. calls and was sink-alysb ayoemyntr.rhyctEosefigte a f The noew 'organization of the Stu- sold today' by George Washington u t true to her destiny in champonngth Coihan:ctclb fSn tecause' of liberty under law wheth- PLAN COMBINED MEET teCrnha ah lbo a dent council. will- also' come before Grant to a syndicate headed by Chris- -T '----~ rwti h nto rwtn ht.___ Francisco is helpless in the grip of the body. Members of the council ty Mathewson, former pitcher of the; rough seas 10 miles of tthe coast of- wh rewrin n h omite nNe or int.Asoite -SKATER BREAKS RECORD larger body that maes up the social''.CMs. Fb 0 h woaewrigothcomteonNwYr Gins Asoitdwith uiiy f' *ambridge Mass.,' Feb.t20.worlThelower California ac :?ing to ailo investigation will present the work Mathewson are Janmerq, MacDnougb, 'D.Fler 'comled hi dctr international intercollegiate trak'esae received here today. of the conmmittee as far as it has pro- and. Emil Fuchs, both of New York. Monton, Feb. 20 (y A ' ) dgreuller Pcompleted1Is do Torslmetbtwe messagavad !1itottes _ hredy teE ctedled. Appointments of members to The price paid was not announced. Charles Jewtraw, of Lake I la~id, N.! d ter iseounder ttrtt. iI.Va Yalu meetbdtwenforCmbig ed Hrard,: ithosutmafueloteendas dteng head the dfferent divisionis of the Mr. Grant said that it was. stipulated Y., International amateur sating' I toward the rockly coast near Ensn- council's work will probably be made in the deal that Fred=Mitchell continue championt, sprinted to a new world's will be hield July 21 in the stadium'aa h n igs ttd ton gamt, as manager of the raves, record of 12 4-5 seconds for 10 yards O I AFO N G ITatebynrLodthHrad The yacht Seaward F. 14, ead in an exhibition race here today. Jew- a --, athletic "association announced to-habenodrdtteasianef . traw clipped a full second off the i Chicago, Feb., 20--(Dy A.P. .-W il- nigh. . the Eloise and the tug Salt left Ls Sp tlgh L ckS Finished A-ir- former record held bay John Baker of bur Glen' -iclva,' overseer ;of Zion,' The Amrican team has eniggend 'Angeles late today on the same er- New ork. was found guilty by a jury at his passage on the steamship American,' and. The Eloise carried a snmal ,T___ oe Moore, of New York, was d-"ril ody o a hareo ci i ' alfo NwYr uenumber of passengers. Union Stlight vaudeville was prej Two of these acts were comedy skits, ' daed winner of the Maritime skating libelling Rtev. aThoas' e sonn, finoi~yj '. seated last night Oefore a large audi-l'he other two, nionoldgues. carnival this afternoon, having amass- Im3ery, a member of thle' cult. Bovi!,I IL SU A A O U Once in hill auditorium. Seldom has I "Jes' Gossip", one of the one actf ed A total of 45 points. HeI received it was testified,' hadt alled the Rev. Sagnaw Clb Will Give Dlan e WL SU A A O U a show had betterimaterial with whichI comtediO3s, produced under the direc- a god cup. Nlo ae fe h atrhdb- At a meeting of the Saginaw club ,o sat[4fy, but appearances lead to the iton of Edwin Miss, 123, in which Sohn'- - -- come the ' l:ad of ten indep ndnt hl t730ocok lateeig Text editions of the University ge- belief that the material was not miade) C. Clark, '25,' Richard Travis, '254,1 VioatS Anti-Cigarettes Law chtrch of Zion City. in the Union,- tentative plans were dis-oa aaou il eotwti use of to the full extent. and Lauren Stokesberry, '24, played, Salt Lake City, Feb. 20- (13YAP)-a cussed for the annual University of motccrigto'gsmarAhu "Kiddi' ", an impersonation o wa s somewhat slow in action. The Carnets Bamberger, republican nation- D 1a Michigan Sprout given in Saginaw Frances White, musical comedy and act sC~nneee to lack purpose. "Don al committeeman for Utah, Edgar New- E PHANTS ,during Spring vacation. The dance turned to the printers. vaudeville star, by Lionel Ames. '24, 1 phlin and company" the other one house, general manager of the Amer- X ~ naou he this year will 1)e held on April1.Tisiseoftecaaou"i oi was in nearly all respects the hit of, act comedy, was unique in plot, and ican smelting 'and refining conmpany mnholcpblffbig aI asdcdda hs ui ogv lthewthdetewexcpin fteaae the evening. Throughout four songs, I had the interest aroused in the first amd J. C. Lynch, local capitalist were amtnednei h no al ftesuet hc peri h trie. cm h al.btJ' oo n M a,, rch 3. Th club hs ben back of tie complete edition. It is fi Amles displayed ca delightful technique few minutes of the act been main-I and a professional poise which held tamned, the result of the attempt 'well the attentioni of hs audience. would 'be more favorable. with twining eyes in an atmosphere1 The two iionologues, one by Cirosby of vivaciousness, amid youth, Ames Reese. '25, entitled "A Novelty Mono- suicceeded in gaining familiarity withn1 logue", amid the other by Milton I p}la3ced under arrest in a restaurant to- ., <.., tion of the state anti-cigarette law mbi s not stunmped yet. Thru which prohibits smroking in public; an African wgent hie will hlave lace .. the elephant on- hand. Mascots T hen men who were smoking cigars,' are in order. Many organiza- }were ta-ken to the city hall amnd a con- ; tionls seek thema. What have yon Charges Irregiularities Andlrea .on Talks to Alplia Kappa Psi 'Hns Andreaso n ofthe Miohi an