TH4E MICHIGAN DAIL TUEFSD7AY', Fi3RVARY M-....a, I LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I :,Wbication In tMe Bulletin is constructive notice to ho university. Cony -ae'4vf~d ir1 2°;00 D.ntm (11'10 'olume 3 TUESDAY, FE9BRUARY 20~ 19-03 all mnember 'Numbe, r of i ras A T h~t~~ o m tefrle ,C le eo leai ee oa te A tsrt meeting o the Attendaae Committee for Men.'Kill be held, on Tuesday lFeb. 27~; later jneetfh'g on the same days and at the same hours ors during the frst semester. W@. R .HJMPHRETS. Postp~loeet otLetre: Professor 7 . Jennings, who was to ~ava lecnrd ocdtVad Tue. day, Feb. 19 and 20, has been forced by illnes to pstpote thee addesee5 w ihich also constitute part of Course 44 in Zoloy. A. F.. SHULL~. I. hope to bre able to meet- my classes this~ week, beginning with His- $Oiy2a, "The Renassahie".Tuesday. the 20th at l. E. W. DOW. 1y section 'of English will meet hereafter in Newberry Ball, Room A. W. HR HUMPREYS. GElolgy 1: The supplementary eFinal Fxaminaton in (;clony 1 will. bog;ert zaC urday, F-o. 4, fror. 2-5 in Roomn 437. 1 ,S IOT T. Geology I18: The supplementary Final Examination in geology '13 will be given Saturday, Feb. 24, -from 2- in Room 437. ,R. 4C. RVSSEY. Vto"~ian Literture, English 8: Thin class will meet on Wednesday in R6om 26, Tappan Hall. W. 0. RAYMOND Oor 4, (Hstor!lal German Syntax): Will meet In the Library Room 303, Thursdays, 4-6. On account of *ist~gto 's birthday, we meet this week on Wednesday, 4-6. T. DIEKHOFF. To All Sophomore and Junior Engineers: It hos been bserved that a large number of sopomor and junior on- .ineers who 'should have reg'stred in Drawing 3 this year knavailed to do ea, This subect will be given during both semetes of next year and twill than be 'discontinued.: All engineers who fal to take this subjct dur- ing either semester of net year will be able to satisfy their requirement i Draiwng threafter,only by taking the three-hour course in Drawing 1. This wrning Is iwsued thus far In advance in. order that all "concerned may 1 ae e*- potnt opa hi ceue rpry H. W. MILLER. %Ordnlance Advoneed our s itaed course men in the Ordnt eFni t e 0. . C. are re - queted to meet , a 0 T. C. ofie at a p. 'm. Wednesday. All other rd- n anee en o expect to go to camp 'tliIa simer"" are 'also requested to ttend., -RIIR'' ARTHIL t. r'!dwk of the University Memaiber of C~mmerce are requested to spp es Rat om :42 ".Natural Science bn ldng this week on any day be- twee f "titours otf:2and 5 o~cloc in the afternoon to otantheir member- ship> ,A rd~ and to register with toeme~ployment comittee. R. I.' 3SITH. l aince 014 meeting at the U1nion Wednesday, Feb. 21. at 410,Room ."r. Pttrao-A review of recent contrbitions by Mir. an Roes- broe ck to Crne $lla literature. ; lr: Rovllan-Cornetlle and the Theory of Progress. The irreligious feeu ch !f his char"cater 8+ A. (G. CAN IL. Jathemtt~zle alClub:; Regi bar meeting will be held In Room 401 Mason Hall thn evening at 8 ~olk. Professor V. C. Poor will present "The Huygens Governor". Mr. :N. H. Antig wll preset "A Chinese Puzzle. Graduate students sad Vcrnebrs of the Faculty are invited. W. W. DBWXON, Secretary. P~uysca~ ofloql~ui "Tpicatl Stellar Spectra" by Professor W. Carl Rufus, and "The Spec- Lum of Sili1con't b+y Professor R. A. Sawyer, on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 410 p. cs ii° oib 1c 202 Physlal Laboratory. All interested are cordially invited ,t attetidt. H. M. RANDALL. Acoytg ill. be the guests of Quadrcl e at a joint meeting to be hd Tuesday erening. Peb. 20, at 8 o'clock In room r36 of the M"icga n Unon. l+ r. T kneth Lindsey will spak on "Impressions of Anriea". .. HOWARD 1). 1108DOPS, Arch-Acolte. RNGL N~' flO~P G To carry this number of passengers 4- R~o ,Nr B,00517 G 193, flights were made. ,t TOLANFJ TRAW~ In spite of this increase in business, Ithe airplane companies have not yet I~roidon, Feb. 16.-Tbe popularity of found flying a paying ntrnrise Th' dying as a mode of commnerial travel; government, which is desirous of oX- nay be judged by the fact that 1282 ending airplane travel, is allowing 3asengrs rriedanddeprte t'rnsubsidies which cover all losses in- :be Croydon aerodrome du ring 1'022 curreo. Air transportatiM 1 w'II Or,- __________________________be encourarged by the erection of a per- manent gliding station at Itford Hill OPTICAL GOODS by the Air Ministry. The Ministry har REPAIRED" also recently decreed that all planes AND) flying over England at night shall car- ~ry hiteligts o eac wig ti an LENSESGRUND hielgt o ahwngtpad Ui on the tail. One Hour Service Carl F. Bay Go,4 rory( O (h O r,?nt A4 Pi?yv ia; m) ARCANE JEWELRY SHOP flied 'ad will fine a roomer. '.-Aiiv W WHAT'S GOING ON I NODTIE- -Copp for this column should be submitted by 6:30 o',lock of the play before publication. } TUESDAY 12:15i-31edcal administradTiveboard luncheon in Union. 12:1i--Baarrlsters luncheon in room 318, Union. 2 :00--Applcations for tickets for Soph Prom are given out at the booth in the Union. 2:30-Underclass conduct, committee meets in room 316, Union. 3:09L-Players' club meets in room 205, Mason hall. 5:0---Chimes business staff d try- outs meet. 6:09---Alumni dinner In roost 321, Una ion. 7:00-Varsity Glee club meets In as. sembly hall, Union. 7.:00-CGlei'eland club smoker In room 318. Union. 7 :00--Rouud-Up clumb bulginess meet. club meets In reading r'oomn, Union. .0) mceet" In Union. ~' ! rlIc students smoker in the new auditorium in St. Josenli's Pan- itarium. Bishop Gallagher speaks. l: a--Alpha Kappa Psi meets in room 106, Union. 7: 30--Big five meet's In room 302, Un. Rion: 8s:00-Quadrangle club meets in room 17 :30--Clbanher of Commerce meets In:_ os of deciding questions of social I304, Union. room 302, Union. activities. 18 :00-Acolytcs meet In room 106, Ma. S :001-American Legion meets in City'All student Masons and particuliarly son hall. hail.thmebrofteCasenfte 8:00--Zoology lecture in natural Sci. 8 :00--Stephen Q. Hayes, of the West 1h eneso heCatmno h !ence. auditorium. Prof. H. S. Jen- inghouse Electric company of Pitts-' University are invited to attend a n rings of Sohns Hopkins university burg, speaks in Natural Science au- special Masonic service to be giver jspeaks on "Can We Observe Evolu- ditorium on "Electrical Engineering at 4 o'clock today at the Congre- tion in Progress?" in Japan." gational church. The services are S :6*--Mimes spotlight in Hill auditor-' i given by Rev. Herbert dump, and lum. TTi" T(T4 they will he observanes of Wash- 8:"0-Knights of Columbus home on Catherine and DIN 'WEDNESDAY 12 :00--History department in room 319, Union. 2 :0-Players' club mceesIi meeton atF To~lay is the last day firat sophiomores may obtain applications for the Prom. They will be given out from 2 to 5 o'clock today in the Union. lunekeont It will be possible to pay class due s then. room 2141, ARl posters for the TarsIty band poster ington's birthday. Press club dtinner and election of of- ficers will be held iR Barbour ,gym- nasium Wednesday evening, Feb. 21, beginning at 6 oWalock. Tickets to dinner and entertainment f~lloW- ing business meeting will be 75 cents. Kennedy's Packard orchestra will furnish music for dancing dur- lnz ; remainder of evening, for which an additional charge of 25 cents per person will be collected. Ladies' es- Icorts not members may be admitted by paying 50 cents. Engineer to Speak THere "Electrical Enginieering in] JapaW'- wI iill be discussed by Stephen Q. 1Ia:'rq of t e Westing shouse Electric company in his lecture at 8 o'clock tomorrOw_ night in Naitural Science auditorium. His talk will be based on twoyer engineering experience in Japan and .Australia. The lecture is being; sponi- sorodl by the Thigineering society. STRICTLY HOME COOKING HEPLER'S'TD N LUNCH 409 EAST JEFFERSON ST . Mason hall.:' contest must be turned in to Wil- I :0--Romance club meets in room'. lam Graulich before Wednesday at 302, Union. noon: 4:00-B. 0. T. C. band meets in New. Oral; ona for the Northern League Or. berry hall. atorical contest may be turned in' 4:15 --Twltight organ recital in Hill from 8 until 6 o'clock today in room auditorium. 302, Mason hall. 5 :30--Institute of Religious Education Prof. H. iiM Randall. of the physzf s banquet in Methodist church. 4 deiiartment, who has been ill for 6:00-Students' Press club meets in three weeks, expects to meet his Barbour gymnasium. clas. es today.1 7 :00-Frost Glee club meets 1n react- The Saminarw cluh wIill meet at 7 :30 inn room, Union. 7:00-uarterdeck club meets In room 304, Union. 7:110-4-rosh-Soph dent smoker in room 318, Union. 7 :30-EnglneerIng s(*iety meet,,; i Natural Science auditorium. Lee- turc and movies. 7 :30-Research club meets in Miao-' logical laboratory, Medical building. 7 :30--Forestry club meets,1 7 :30--Nippon club meets In Lune hall. o'clock this evening in the reading' room of the 'Union. Norman K. Tracekett, '23L, president of the clubs is holding the meeting for the pur-' Try Our Business M.en's Lunch 1I~0~:00. -65C JOE PARKER'S SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Renned 's Orchestra 11:30--4:0 Cornwell Coal Bldgr. In Her Original Character Sketches WHITNEY THEATRE FEB. 23rd at 8:15 P. M Tickets $2.00 --1.50 -1.00 Tax Exempt Order by Mail, from Mrs. W. D. Henderson, 1001 Forest Avenue Please inclose stamped, self-addressed envelope. i. i; i 0 OW: D.0, 11'' You F,,o',rn e . fig, This is the night o f the mas~t Royal Entertainmzent that has, been offered in Ann I- i n r ri-,fe" tha'n a coon's age. To miss It world be just like havingyor,r ihuncle forget you in. his will and to see it is like having Hienry Ford give you the righAt of his main, factory--We',re talking about t he much talked of wng * UAM I In nion N No It 's a Zip-and rearin' to go! Seven Aets in the Program } y l x s J. .: }ri . '.. y' , 1 NSF . . J . v1iK: .': k: cfWT Ye ;,. ,,,. §' '. C taw :i J ' f ' . :y{ . L 1 : . ;r'.E ' v , 1. "Mike" Ames will entertain you with some New Songs atnd Dances. Those of you who thought he was good in the Opera will think he is tremendous now. 2. Crosby Reese and Company, will give, a comedy sketch. Don't ask us what it is about.. It's just funny-that's all--in fact, it's awful funny. 2. Milt Green will give a monologue. You know "Milt."-W-ell you should hear the monologue-impersonation of Win. Rogers. 4. Gale Barton and Donald Ephlin & burlesque. There is nothnig bad does sound shady. [ Company will about this act present even if a it 5. "Jes Gossip"-directed by E. R. Meiss-ilf you ever knew anyone who liked to gossip,, then you should see this act. . 6 and 7. Two brilliant acts featuring Novelty Music and New Dances. A fitting close-for a great entertainment. EVERYBODY COME!! ENT OR BUY A TYPEWR2ITERt S TANDARD AHNS, OF QUALITY AMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE STATE AND WILLIAM STREETS. I H~l am 0'Io CLEANING AND PRESSING Hill u itrim Ord.inary words-but they have on extraordinary meaning when backed by the service offered by 5 1t 11