THE. MICHIGAN DAILY PA l 169N HOCKE Y ICTPoRY DME6 A pMNNS Bar 5 Siihiied 1W-Ith gtSbio~~j.t c~rc ( epuck to I he ,14,.'ian ter- By 1olveriiies in 1Third Ice it Iy.< r c""(1 i"l lthe :f"4e(.; "itory. pCyt " ~~amo) f 4t e squad rtand wasall over PLYN~EI ~EFB 2 Ithe l . u" (l, grat ork in lhelp- IN INL A~E O ~AS)Nink (or;(r oe Anderion's loss, as PC- W\hen Michigan's Varsity h cRey":,vrngtevertp,.edwt ftr out b- team, being overshadlowed by th1ree tnigh8h x sWce i to ti re pjrevious defe ats at the hlandls of 1 o h ielhcs luiu eci'\ nesota and on th7e short end (Of a 2 1 'l mi Cf li te ieW's" hle ii- to 0 Score, c,,,e from hbiiiuti in thclxw' ;' - OLA]ib~.~di last ten nminultes Of pla1y 'alndscores y hsusegoI g t- n *. three gas wnig h ilt, hley 'ac- h ~ ~ ~ r compiie(,1a h"at tha:t (rte('VV i ll 01f I the credit tlmat cn e ienhe.m hoa C SM11inesota 11ad0won theI(,previous To ttV1icant esn of ";rue of the two gm eisadwr f(oa tgalemc Doniald, 1l 1i1ne So1iahock ~iy nentor(;l, YE'- - clc1t::e'ettgoa lude hihCon- Coph(rs had come, to Ann Arbor ex-:rif1;t ing lne psiiI2nfor II?- pecting t0 win both of'the scheoduled (ldidt !f cl ci : :1 i 2 1iY~e1 l i anc - (~iren let ileTiail i3 of YearrI llt 'ilrrl;v (by the way I"liroke s Ithe11 ordof Coa c h ' ,as betlerse fP '1 p .5 Wol vrino,- dclsplayed lthe h1eqt form. 'M ore o 'tO', i. 1 a ~'r"beena _ a iotblnldtaw ,and getett h Iilia cr fIt I Ixme-t 1,i,' t of f'h' :'.':3!on whon 1 he' siae (t oltx e is O a ( dv ti )'r t tli~lmte sillyr at the bands (...4 '. I!;i 1 !t , h l t. 18.. r .' -1 s- i:8 e ia y ts tt Li t 1 be_. [1 . I,".( i1 . jI 'I play1ing 1ftogethe)r for te 1s w -s ax i)a !, '1 t i ke 110112 . . iii' (, t'.l' Ik i t '. l5- 'OI (OI II I-l~ (+,(I Y.ed Iith the J Llr t(' and is II') 1...-?tli(, 133' cs. 5 t i~ i - f; 1 ag -I' i;c< t .- ,,','otI es !,' c s r." r a'i°, '.8 2 -1 } im stii char~ 'ge fosr ' day*Gyr;. N 51 8 -o a et perlword per day if5 'a -5.5 25 Wite sier(Aar-2 2'&_i'1 of bcile pto' &i't o 8 I Ca-mi'obsxgdny>o Lu _mvugponB I CLOSES th Michigan defense on all occa- C -dI c!) ,s Iand the latter's uncanny ability 1 n a at lifting the puck from the ice on his!V raietlt t Vac Michigan goal tender. lss anigh1;.t at the coliseumn and intends! to continue to do so in ordIer to have ;ne Wolverines in toga form for the ;itre Mamse game, which will be held at Weinberg's coliseum Thursday.L Notre Dame adIministered a stinging * "- 8to 2 defeat to the W olverines on the irecent western jaunt andx it still'f ran is ini the mindsa of those that " sua were , in the game, so no effort will ae! sparedl to perfect teamwork and Mtick~ wAork for th is encounter. With Paul C;' 'trNotre D [)an efootbaull star , Ow ht U1leupfor the opposi-t ,41 1the Caltholics wil be.'dolbly daangerouls as t ie flive! bac}.;isinoted as a hiockey daysarl has Worlds of speed. It !,' f{ ht Ithat was displayed ill110n I" he)?aEa~o Sst~n l h 1111 ;2 S'ri E ng enizctr, Coach Pars. fee t at I ?5 5: 1.rc lie Not 'rilncs Will .4ring h(uoella the Intramural Items SSigma Nu will play Lambhda Clhi Al- pha in the seind -linalis of the inter- fraternity basketbiall tournament atl 9::i0 o'ciock tonight. Following are the msen who are to report for t~he trials in t .eo individlualI f'oul shooting contest at 9c3O0o'clockc tonight: Storz, Dreyfus, F e isinger, Neilelman, Moore and l Mose.j Pratctice will be held for all thue ttZ . ,2-e5 5:; 8 v as- ,", 1 i ... AI t?:-- ii-r'se- i 2'-, ,i.' 2C' iii - sf5 i!:. .1 . - -- - ..isi,';Il, 2l: - E,-I t - : -. i S' COMMON AND F'ACE BRICK office --Cormnxvell Bloc!. ....IS.F , S /!! -'1° 5 L 7 L _j Isxd. h . - , , . . I.-a + n+,a .. s .«^as .^+nn.,.,,.-"w a...^.,.,."v.^vnaa ..n. .rv=+. o>..«u.+w ^.nw w., w + r~«.,ne*,aw.,,wu '. E A 1C i ~Os;. 5'.Ct1 ~lug? A cas. .di a id Aill sell At for you-(----Adv. y~s en''Idx a~sl'--A ~ ii~ltl~hilh~,.lll~l '~'jj - ~ ~ )1 IS ljj - I .9 .J .n1, i aCR" ALN7A'i il IM1 Y MISCELANE~OUS~ BilI FiS,, OrPOR~iTITNiI 0141 Ol stablished "Chicago bond house -,c wil employ men to sell hi-gbi grade -investment bonds in Chicago. K~now- lodge of bond business not nce-- :jry kit' selling experience praefer- rod Only young nien wvith good c ;ideation, neat appearance, anibi- ftooi, and - substantial fai-1-ily ties vitll e conside red. Addre ss(-A.." I li~iia 33k11 l: LOT-- ~Iiv ~ s b-li' reslttd ivory ln')prxl 1 art'?of i toulera riw alls(31{.[i- H %V;1,,1 it' r(At5I''tl t 1o V)201 Till or p~hoii(' C29. 141-:-i black leatliher uo it:''rc){i i l 11 outhi street eC,1. £ill(lO5 retut-li 15t) '8 ' reenxxld sex d 'b}{+Itain 18W1 rd.l'L 1(00-2 LOST Pal ttir c(I t i; r°i o c g , oshcsalf t~yeriluside, in xV"1its' inkt. Finder call 2570. lJt00-2 LOS.T-- Phli Delta Chii fIt--ity !)illl inlitiasit-iillL il on back . Phlou1 2 1th71, 00-2l f. STI- ill Pers)on wvho took Ladies galoshes :at VnIon Friday c eii2nl;g LOST!-0n Church fit. Its-i t8' of 01C('iik Jilt fountain h~en. ('all 1121- It. 1hail.allttached, on S I1.a to stroet.(all 2~90, LI ot; itr 1 Price. al{3 LOST-I. st"g, !gold ce snagll, 1hctwos? 1008l11111antd 70 SIrtavca. lFilldle call 1? S-:I. 100-2 t'd li t i o 1s - s e s o f i t u r {)R - . ,{3 11 FOR A i E i 111 t Th 51 ;- S' . AV5 'os s-t!l k'o _ "_f Imo,, _, e in';t \i __ ,..~i~e 'Ivp 'x ss---.' Iiti'iil . NFld I . A t yC'q1 1, H f ALN lo The SasPricefor ne N'lIcnigan 17aily je"tp.,w ° °° rest 11 o f the, scnool year as Al* $20 TO NOThIING a fenodo- -,penadiag on your abliyan gg;- 'Idin's Wag Box". If you #tre..a work- or "Write for full particulars on our n uf(tcaturig Co., Stamf ord. Cna s Et 'l T , wSC) I-h) f I h;EN , i?;ig ~tie io 's, Ac., Share t;,loud <«ortlt'i'and mnsaovem1); , s-ashand, work a ated hn 1}i {.L RI 1VI 0U0 ti xs t.Y. a i 4 i H0. 't, " ; J, 1; - Cal9 60 or 9, 1 ~ eckv tO v ' . m.ail your "is 'ch ~il "'-I "" Fa ' , '-'A1 - ' atthe Press I g.s ?!'sH L!i --Ssex ti aaoy (>i Oe- : z- - s~ M~n 5'.. k'" PC)l~ ENT-Single room. Verysu nyv and plFat our blocks fromi therao ps.Phone 2100-M, 529 W'alnut. 9'9-t2 d r ss Y. cr, Morrlb . 100-. 21' _,a 2r -5an page. Mart.- gENT -- Steamx heated suite or rol).tWo blacks from campus. Cheap. G0)2 iast Liberty. Call 870-1 e [_ 1 F C 5 i tl v. dik T,,..aay I'