THIE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESD Al, FEBRUARY 20, 1920~ OFFICIAL NEWSPAPE1R OF THlE VNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during 'tke Uuiversity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. ELIXIRS OF LIFE An interview with Dr. Sundwall published in last Sunday's Daily, on the subject of "vitamins" calls toE mind the unabated attempts which patent' medicine mann~acturers have madle to profit selfishly from the American habit of .believing what is ' TD s Tw LL [EDITORIAL COMMENT i I LAST EDITION OF 1)ROPPIED BY THlE WAY (P Of th n1° lUUnJ Member of Western Conference Editorial# ~Associationx. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all ntews dispatches credited 'to it or not other- wise credited. in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,t Michigan, as second class 'matter,. Subscription by carrier or mail, $350. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-{ Gard Street. Phones: JXditorial, 2414. and 176-M;i Busi- mes. 960. Communications not to exceed 3oo words If signed, the signature not necessarily to appear- in print., but as an evidence of faith, and notices of events will be published in T he Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if left at or' mailed to The Daily office. Uni-3 signed communications. will receive no Con-! sideration. No manuscript will be returned sinless the writer encloses postage. The Daily' doe% not necessarily endorse the sentiments expressed in the communiications. EDITORIAL 'STAFF Telephones W.114 and 176-H MANAGING EDITOR MARION B. STAHL News E ditor-----------------Paul Watzel Citv Editor--------------James B3. Young \A. st C .(ity lEditor..............bacon f ditoia l Board Chairman........ R. Meiss NighlI-Editors- lphl yers Harry Ibey f.. 1 1ershdorfe,- R. C. Moriarty H. A. Donahue J. E. Mack ;uorts Fditor--------------.. II. McPike Women's JEditor--------------.Marion Koch AlJa . "nc Itltor ..H.. A. IDonahue Pictorial Editor---------------Robert 'Parrj Music Editor....................EI. 11. Ailes ~read in advertisements. us Stiidesfotn Most advertising in this age is truth- sI' t a s1ininve ful, and the tendency to exaggerate is tle Rooseve rapidly disappearing. Nevertheless a$ I'm not a blossoming B.! on the gra ay personsar misled ~~ I'm just a common graIan r t tdbook, hrghpatent medicine advertise-OrenalotD ness ,I ments. The case of vitamins is a But look and listenr list of good example. Most people can think hereoyou back to their grammar school. days, And et joustwht good mn to tesuyo"physiology" (which - mean - ney. A embraced much good advice as to:! dred BE health habits and can remember hav-,Evrydahn eeL ing been told that vitamins are nec-? way, yo3u - betters 'sary to goad health, and must heI My life has been a dream., ure ofa consued infainI seldom study much a'tall, consue ifary generous quantd-; hardene The most I do is dance and eat, Bi 3ties. Patent medicine manuafcturers, tak- But get me right on this, you poso in' datg ftiscmo nw-IMy College life has been a treat. edge, insist that persons in general'No! a lngas1vansty1er do ot etenoghvitmin i thirAnd not get the homeward bounce,hav Just give me plenty room: you 1 food, andl recommend that they eat Anac esedm lwne not wh( special doses of it, which the manun-; Regii #.e of "w in facturers have for sale "in conven- * hardly lent form".Erolvdi Rusa ori less we These preparations which contain If Samzpso. iedi tasa"~ t or "just what is needed for renewed vig- hemihtbeabeuosary nog or, may not be especially harmful to mnytcbyacgahoundte.~ sett: the user of them. On the other haw- VI' I x~Il(r~Ox asham-ei Ihowever, persons needing vitamins I.' I A,1WT II0A. ; pockets shudbe encouraged to reform their Dea Si: nvels. shouldi: Iread in the "What', Go- t o hbits of eating so that they do se-:ig n vprmetlfsor apofh cure the necessary vitamin' or any-;inOndprm tofyu aeth!Orgi thig lsetht i nede i th ;following notice: "All studlents inter- Org thig ese ha isneeed n he rop Iestel in education are invited to at- ar,' er- natural form. Vitamins for in-r ed the stance, we are told by dietitians and ;tend the dance and party at Barbour fiction doctors, can be found in geerusgymnasium on Saturday." Just what ba~ geeosfbor untte nsuhfosasmlt-does this mean? Is this a slur, a No pc quanitis i suh fods s mlkto-ribald libel against this our greatti~ maoso siacinstitution of learning? Oh? the If everyone were privileged to at- that of tend health and hygiene lectures such tignstcn1oi.Tleoe i deal de 'S. are given in the University, it w 7helmning nerve of whoever it is thattanad !would be difficult for advertisers to inserted that there notice. And then, the mot is forced to wonder just watdeevinmtesofhahbulng Best L But as conditions now exist, thetknofduainne iheltre now all shrewd advertiser may exploit the: to expect at such a function.° Perhaps of me; public and secure tremendouspis it means a sort of elementary course mk for himself. The men with the cow-- iln the University of hard knocks (ifa hood or age nd he illngnes t cobatit's anything like the Union (lances; sucgimosorastheligesms th cmbt pehaps it will provide one with a "fake" remedy, deserve no end offudowhtisoeinskwna credit, for they attempt to safegau d worldly wisdom. Perhaps, I say. oneofthenaio's os pe~iusas But let us hope not. Anyway, I'm Desir sets-its health. not going, are you? Yours for a o e ______Bigc ger and a. Better Educated studen t humran. L iir1l' 'Arvurr Knr~,Lbody. helen.. . nearly TIiFSE bBESI BOOBS" Philadelphia Pub. Ledger) lie choosing, as of the mnaking;, ks there is no end-and this is ate. Doctor Elliot's famous, Foot Shelf" had a rival in; Telt's "Pigskin Library", taken kAfrican safari, and in his "Through the Brazilian Wilder- Roosevelt gives another short literature which appealed Io radioactive intelligence as tental rations for such a, jour-! A. list like that or the "Hun- est Books" prepared by Sir Lu'bbock contains, many titles suited to the deliberative leis-' a cabinet philosopher or a case-: ied bookworm. one man's meat, is another's' whe~n it comes to the selection nmoll assortment. Of the very lists suggested by certain pun-, ae suspects that the authors are oll1 innocent of the gentle art inow-dressing" and that they lilfe to confess to anything eighty than the classic inimor- )' tea:- of being deemed frivol- Buft the ablest senator Massa- ts sent to Washington was not ed of the fact that hie filled his :for the journey with (lie "Tom" Reted beguiled inter- fleisure with similar literature. -eat Philadelphia legal lumin- Ehn G. Johnson, when he cross-' Atlantic carried yellow-back which hie used to throw over- as fast as he had perused it. lose is more tiresome to main- yven when it is sincere -- than the highbrow. Even in that esert-islandl library it wvould be fled isolation to be forever on utntain height with the "World's Literature". "A little nonsense ndl then is relished by the best !n"-as well as b , thcr;e waio no claim either to super-man- r to ultra--intellectuality. UNFAIR .PJjlrjITy (Purdue Exponent) ie for publicitv ,May be, more as new in the history of the ipeople but it has become so universal that it' is taken for, MEICHIGsN GRAHAS" O' IEI IuIISTOR~ES3I1IInIIEIuuhu and unusual news but why not ohim- 1m iate that which may hurt a college !", or university? u twot I 'Nil DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor and Jackson TIME TABLE yip (Eastern Standard Time)', Detroit Limited and Express Cara- !! 6:oo am., y :no, 8 ;oo ajm., 9 :,- F andl hourly to 9:0S p.m. tai Jackson Express Cars (local stops an west of Ann Arbhot) -9 :47 a.m., and evety two h-)LrF to 9:47 P.M. ---- Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo a.'n. a.1id every two hours to 9:0oP. In., 1ii :oo p.m..To Ypsilanti o0ly--1:4i P.m., 1 :15 a.rni. To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Be-and--7:5o a.m, 12 :iTJD ?.111. To Jackson and Kalamazoo--Limn- ited cars 8:47, 1o0:47 aAn., 12:47, 2:47, 4:To Jackson and Lansing-LUmited at . 8:47 1p.1"1 1.123 'E1BRUAJIIT V 19235 11 12 103 1-151 16 17 18 1.) 20 21 22 23 24 We (10 all kinds of Cleaning j . andl fleblocking of hats at low prices for HIGH CLASS F ACTOR Y HAT STOR i 617PacardStreet Phone 1792 SA~C. ANDRn~ STEAM FITTING, ma U IN a wa o so rya 215 E. HURON PHONE 2 14-FlI SONG :-: A T BO.OTK Lowell Kerr Editorial Board 'Mau~rice Berman Eungene Carmichael Assistants Thelma Andrews- Stanley M. Baxter Dorothy Bennetts Sidney IBielfield R. A. Billington 1 lelen LBrow n 11, C. Clark A. B. Conll)e Bernadette Cote 1',velvn . Coughlinz. JosephlI Epstein john (;Glihnphse Walter S. Goodspeed Ronald Hlalgrirr ? Franklin 1) .Hiepburn Winona A. Hibbard Ldvvard J., Higgins 1, vi m-th C. IKel ar E:lizabetb Liebermnann John AlcGinnis Siamuel Moore 11. 11. Pryor WV. It.Rafferty Rtobert G. Rtamsay Campbell 'Robertson. Soil J. Schnitz Frederic G. Telmnos Bockminster -a Nettleton Shoe BUSINESS STAFF Telephone. 900, ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS Schedule in Effect October 1E. 1922 Cet-tral Time (Slow Tlime) D X X D N.M. ..IP .M T . M. 1:45 7:45 - Adrian- -. 72:45 8:45 j'. 1 8:15 T.- ecumseh -..12:15 8:i5 { :3a ) - 9:30 .Clinton ... 2- 1 oo 8 :oo 3 :ri;s):15 ..Saline . 11:13 7:15 :45 9:45 Air \nn Ar'borl,v. 10:45 6 :45 (Court tIose Square) A. . D--Daily, X-Daily except Sundays and I lolida vs. Vriday and Saturday special hits for sindewls leaves Adrian 1:45, . lVCS In stvlc, in fit and in length of life Nettletons are truly"Shoes of WVo ri" X,2 w Aould take pleasure in showing you how Nettletons differ f rom less carefully made 'shoes. . Wahr 's Shnoe Store BUSINESS MANAGER ALBERT J. PARKER' i Advertising ..----.-------John J. I an-el, Jr'. Advertising-------------Walter K." Scherer .A(1,ertising--------------awrence 1-. .1avro; Pulicationi............... Fd ward F. Conilini CoTyariting----------1 )a.'id J . 'l. lPark'sec '1I. \olfe Acco unts.............Beaumont.lPar'ks~ Assistants' Kenneth Seick Allan S. Morton George Rockwood Jamecs A.' Dryer Perry M. Hayden Eugene L. Dunne Writ. Graulich, Jr. John C. Hlaskin C. L. Putnam .I3, D. Arnantrout l1 r, ert W. Coope Wallace Flowver \Villiam311. Reid. htarold L. Hale %V- n n-C4^ \Vnil. IT. GoodI Clyde L. Hagerman Henry Freud H1erbert P. Bostick D. L. Pierce Clayton Purdy er j. B. Sanzenbacher Clifford Mitts jr. Ralph Lewright Philip Newal ''hlere is an inherent tendency 'in Ievery, human being to bear- a natural dislike towards any (duty which he is compelled to perform. This fact willI account for the indifferent attitude whichi the, average student' assume~s toward his "gym" work in which there1 is a definitely prescribed' course or athletic trainin~g. The fatult which the "green" freshman finds with the course is not in the content itself but in it compulsory nature. He goes{ to his first class with a desire to get away as soon as possible and when the time of the second meeting comes around, ho debates whether to attend 'H* * CHINESE VERSION W,~ gal namedl Moll had lamb, Fleas ; lle samee white snowv _Evly place Moll gal walkee Baa baa hoppe alnog too. IRISH VERSION Begorry mary' had a little shape And the wool was white entoil-ely And wherever Mary would turn her' granted. In fact it 'hp,;become al- most impossible-for any individual or enterprise to ,gain headway without calling attention of the public, to it, andl it is r.lso equally impossible for them. to accomplish anything unusual or- spectacular- and at the same time avoid publicity. So sooner or lat e r those individuals or those institutions th a} stand out from the ordinary, either worse or- better, are destined to come under the gaze, of the public- eye. Favorable publicity. is much to be (desir-e([,although some are so eager to claim the 'limelight that they are willing to let their name he (drag- god through the mire just to get their- name ont every tongue. At times the inedium foir publicity is prejudic:ed and unfalir publicity is give.. SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT EAT A I' 'lif CLB LUNCH 712 Ar-bor Street - lNear State and Packard Streets I). va Tcvn iov8 $outt 'tafi _; J.\AES 11, FI.T I OT'T, Proprietor Agent for Nettleton Men s Shoes--te World's Finest ti 111 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY4 20, 1923 . Nlight Editor -HOWARD A. DONAHUE ICE (CARNIVAL Michigan's first winter carnival! wvill occur at a' o'clock on the night of Washington's birthday at 'Weinberg's Coliseum. Students are invitedl to participate ini an attractive pzogram which ill embrace a hockey game he- , tweefh Michigan and Notre Dame,: western champions for the past two years, fancy skating given by somejI of the finest talent in the state, free- for-all-races, and skating for everyone after the entertainment. The band 'w ill furnish special music for the a t a llI.A The authorities mrust realize the unpopularity of thme work as it is now1 presented but apparently do not be- lieve in the desirability of makinrg it Imore attractive. Several other ui- versities have inaugur-ated' a systemi of elective athletics, thereby solving the difficulty adnmirably. By this plan the student is permitted to elect any one of a number of special fields in which to spend sever-al required houris of training each 'week. Conse-' quently all select the ;sport in which they are most interested and der-ive a real benefit from the wor-k. VANITY A recent feature in The Daily threw the light of discussion on van- ity am'ong college men. To the qtues- tion, "Are college. men vain,", three: i E t stumlps The young shape would 'follow h1er c-omp lately. ... FRENCH VERSION La, petite Marie had he jeune mut- tong Zee wool 'was blanched as the snow And ever-ywhere the belle Marie went Le jeune muttong was sure to go. G'ERMAN VERSION Dot Mary hof ein liddle schof Mit hair yust like some wo, Und all da. place that gal did went =Dot schof go likewise, also. POISON IVY. N ..r .%k. M. I There is nothing in Am-erica todayE that deserves to he brought before the prulic in a fair way more than its colleges and universities. The-, have proved to be a favorite and fruitful field for- the jokester, the short story writer, and even the yellow journalist, in which to find subjec-ta for their articles. It is easy to see, things on the college campus that will I'l ceasion. This event marks fichigan's first real the climax of, inter eat in wins- KU 'IIkE1(x~ furnish more or- less sensationjal news After rea(ding certain books of tray- if interpreted, in the wrong light. It is el ,one concludes that to write such; a trait of college students to make ir- a book, one needs only familiar-ize responsible statenments with radical himself with the, language of the! tendencies, rThey are decidedly open place hie wishes to write about and and frank, saying what they think. proceed in the following manner:- Such statements provoke little thought "Our, part4y wound slowly up tine I either upon the par-t of those utter- wide iT ablungli through the over; in g them or- upon the heareirs, but hanging' waminis and arrived finally when they appear in print they are re- at the putooli. Our native sinukai-as' garded in an entirely different H inh Were simply clad in a snapdlingue by the public. which caught up with the tail of al It is very common for metropolitan grumnpwungus. The revonda of the ;dailies of the pr1esenut time to run ar- plikniik rechoed over the minsiuga.r ticles relating to college affairs and Swahililand was Ginoptan~g or one thus give them publicity, but ar-e T z t C. I I ter sports. In m-any of the eastern' answered in the affirmative. Two oth- colleges winter sports have developed ers .replied, negatively but all were until a~t present they occupy a con- agreed that vanity was reprehensible~ ,cpicuous place in the, estimation of And now the question suggests it- ~followers of athletics. There appears self, what is vanity? Is it conceit? j to be no reason,. with the'-favorable Or is it a determined effor-t towardl in- Courtesy of . Ci. S. What chne have you got against, him?. IT was a cynic who said " Some men, go, to c'ollege. Other men study." 1k Slander! But yet there probably are college men whose bills for midnight oil are not large. And there are men who left school 'in the lower grades who, along with a hard days work, put in long hours of study -spurred on by a dream and a longing. Look out for them. 6w climatic conditions which prevail inl this section, why Michigan should not also advance herself in this line, an(! so bridge the gape that is felt in out- door sports during- the lull of niid-1 weinter, from,~the last blow~ of the ref-I eree'si whistle around' Thanksgiving time until 'the first pitched ball or1 'spring The 'taking- over , of Weinberg's coliseum mnarked' the first favorable; influence i,; the field of hockey. This! season's hockey recor-d, of 500 per" cent, a bieaking-even in gan-es won and lose, was a good one for a. sport in its inf at Mlichigan. But there is no reason 'w-hy shue should not also turn hem- attention to the other kindred 'winter spor-t of ;skee-ing, and1 arouse 'more int-est in the healthful recre- ation ,tobo gganig, both of, which I )lave come to be favorite diversions at other norther-n colleges. dividualism as contrasted With stand- ardization? Herbert Hooveis solu-! tion of the Glothes problem is a good. instance of the tendency towardj standardization. He wear-s identical- ly the same cut and fabric of suit, a dark blue serge, from one end of thec'1 year to the other. He also standardl- ized hat, shoes and neckties. Should we all follow Mr. Hoover's example? What whe call vanity is individual-!, ism in France. The Firench buy Fords and then put specially built bodies on them-just to be different.' Again, no true Frenchman would ever dream of wearing an item of apparel that remotely approached the patter-n andl shade of another's habilemnent;,. The Daily Iowan cites this story to, show that man is vain by nature and' that his vanity crops out perennially in 'the, formm of powdered wigs, gay- colored coats, silk tile hats, or golf socks, according to the age. The most adequate con clusion seems to be "Yes, manl is vain,- but the darn'. fool can't help it".3 i1"ight even say the location was like the isuand of Zoinikoobar that we last visited where the rafoliquodicag grew over- the raccogonda trees where' the natives lived in their szijomnes. .r TJ~e outsitandling feature of the strange land was the frequent sjifear-kosps that grow to great height and rivai the nearby would ogumps in b~eau ty. However- as the time of dlay gre-w late we had to enter- the smiall terriofop*- poes to partake of our afternoon hieal consisting of sakio, vidopunac, and etc., ect, tec back to etc." HOW COME? Advertisement on electric sign board of the Maj. "The Flirt by Booth Tark- ington alid Btull Montana.. TEARABLE. Ther-e are times when it is very pleasant to jour-ney homeward but when a forced vacation is taken it is not what might be called highly de- sirabl e. their write-ups always fair to the uni- versity i11m question? Is it typicail of the insytitution or- has the Writer SID- ; gled out a few of the muisguidedl str.- dents of the school and quoted them as repr-esenting the entir-e body? For example, in a recent issue of one of the countr-y's greatest dailies was a; smiall amticle on the front page headedG by the quotation of some muen stu- dents at the Universiity of Wisconsin) to the effect that college women *-ere unfit forw wives. What could be more unfair to the women of Wisconsin? It is more than a. safe bet that the men in. Wisconsin do0 not think that way. 'We are of the opinion that the male, students there ar'e as fond of the comr:pany of the opposite sex as they ar-e in other institultions and there is. no :general boycott of college women; as desir-able mlates in other plhaces. There may be a few there that think that the college graduate will make a. poor wife, but it by no mneans can be taken a~s typical of the whole school by the statement of a few. The ac ness sug, depend, studies,F But, gi still trice Published in Regulf the interest of .Elec. library ar an Institution that will contact be helped by what. --all the, ever helps the 71o081oftl Indutry.A big start mal ehiev'ements of non-college ~men in busi- ;gest an important fact, Success seems to -not so much on tihe place where a ,man as on the earnestness of the student. -ranting equal earnestness and ability, it is that the college man leas the advrantage. ar hours for study and lecture, the use of end laboratory, the guidance of professors, with inenl of the same age and aspirations use will count in his favor, if lhe makes the "if." Th1e new year is a good time to Lking it a reality. 'a i I Inlterestl in Outdoor activities has been snore pronounced this ynear than formerly, and this interest has me-E ,,tilied in the givii-- of the Ice Carni- val. The idea of a winter- carnival K %K 4 k 4 k Ti -As m II