THE MICHIGAN DAILY tLi', A Y 20, 132"l _ _ ; r , - - .0 tV4 . 1- ..,. .- , .- - , I I I .., . 1. . " . . I'll I I I Vafomen Belgian Crown Prince To Wed Rome ,Princess' AT THI THIIATRUS - -.-- , Sc rien --Today Qceondc hand 1)ookcs may lie bough1t. QV exchanged h letweii:t11 ari tI o'tlock andl 3 and 4 o'clock, ill tbe leagule i'oinin ijuiversil y haIL. llou aes wishifng to s ell-c'andy for l h(. ~Woil eni'tilo a--:110are rvwliito f)('i w~ ld4o'o tII Sli lleogue rm in n iversity hall. The c lass tin layg} will moot for ihw first tiiniat 2 o'(,I()Cl( timov'row in flarb-our' yfli~ur. Arcadie -- Dillie -Dovo and Lon. Cluaney ill "raAl the Blrother., Avoer ValIirrft ;"' comedy, sport Uevi('w~. ()rpheurn-i- iary Pick fordi in "Lit- tl ori' Faiml lei'ov; ' eronletly sl Uci cews. t1rc arh - 7 io'renrce \'ider ill "Tlhe Roanl Ad venrireo ; 8n ib I o- Liard ii -W-i1'v.' [II F. ive onacd pas to bc, given at. izat itm ,0-1"r tize sE~ac. tr:At I MOM- i~1T; of the cliii) yc, teila, J'4 eirnkk~i1n 'ol' Nv11it' w ill to ke owlr the product~fon r: f il( fI.thse phlyM.. ""Th' io yA ',yhkhwi1l be 'i'ton ' oni:t~ Alrebii I ,s ths first of' the plays 'to he gi vei tllinf s ufdet thle (li'ectioni 0o" Rut h We zkheiser, '231. The second gtolf nd{l' Ithe -' direction -cof hea 111ihtck,'2 1,: m~ilt^give "iy Ladty FT!"i im " t t thE e. eague ilr1Y i~n Marchl Wt. 'iAhs 's; a nd tte LnfW-, a-U 811011 I Irish comedy, and "'Ttie Persons im t'he ('1a ir"' are ito 1w putt on Apr1i 24,. 'Uhfv4 " '0l6l3R lt'e to he d iirece b "Iw hocdosia Burton and Velina Leigh Carter, '24. ; lu>,mni Annunce fEmgagemu~t mocracy, will sped: before the U1 The last play of the scries and one thut ja'nnoun'cemnent hasi been ma~de of oral club YFriday eveun; at Ntu is somewhat more Coll'plicalerl is "The itlte engagenrent of 1Elizabeth Phil- Science auditorium . llis sulije0 w Wii U' the Wisp" -to be riven Mity 1 l lps, '22, to H'raiford Colcord, '22. NNWss be "SOeiA ForCes Since the Wr" unrker the supervision bf Catherine Phdlip is a minnnt of1'the Kappareuh.'3 :p-a liotrrit.(lom suI ,,, yc '& .'s iK.p ,a SiTla orrt. .c tiiaIOhSlWemabu +tyfudH It vas decided at them meeting Yes ~ _jOdStsensa~u eayth day tMat. senior nme's of the rcw - ___________ neglecled johbs of Ann arbor re-aidei- ization by ir~on llol" Iheir' failiairity 1 JIMAdtdrevy f Ibet1 44h i~ ~ay and 1the ftuidings and (GMond d with tile WOI'kinig5s0of the c1Ub rshould .Ikurry XW. Aaidlhor, -nntihP' theo iuK-partmient, vii;., i'lan OHf tht,~i imictto suggetst'the pln~Y which pies orl'he Lea:gue of:Intrial Do- ' walks. _ :. l t tttc i. shall' nt~r~tr 'e as Uh0anul l- plAU orl1inet y-m'* r4 f 1ia- (CHARLES MARSHALL, I *etif I--'IN A RU.BINSTEIN, YVjolII S1I A [)lS'1'IN(tI 11;I7 l)AlTIS'I' FIRNEST SCI--ELLING,. Piahjjs A iN\NN)vii'r-o - - Il II N RI SCOTT', Bass-Barilane 1.A 1 1 O..'010,211E I lAl Tl 0 )b[T'AN O1t'E ;,tiA . 'P NY ('I. J\R]"NCE WHITIILL.i Brilofte Al F','i' lt) P0) r.1'l'A N 0 IM : A 0,0011':1AN 1 -ORGANIZATIONS THE IUNIVE.RSIT'Y CH ORAtl UNION THE CHILDREN'S CHORUS (5w0 VOICES) - TI-HE- CHICAGO SYMPHONY° ORCH ESTRA (7(0 P'IAYfRS) COND UC.1O RS CARL VINCENT MOORE GEORGE OSCAR BOWEN FRED ERICK .STOC(Ky AND' IGU Tr AVTOS hi liig'ui hed coinposer-eon oh uctor Avhv)will -Cni 'froamT;gi es -pecia ll to conduct the Amlericall premierre "of his "'I-yni'iiof: .Jes us" whic'h will be sung by the, Choral U'nion at Mh_ Thutsday Evening) COURSE TICKETS $5, $5.501, $6, $7__ f11: "'cst i4.'a I 'oil peon" from ('horal Utnionl IA'reta urued, diedu ct:. 3.00) ('' iuoi-el, s :I ir )Jrf .')Imiiaie iox ' " + ) rA -t m ; ' - ' t -' S'luany Jim Pox 'froi 'MA~Y foimn, Yo4n-4let' ifNei O1'J4a t-P ?leant A F4 I've IUef'n-l '(Nrot.4l- ~~~~~~d~~~~~ <_ ,~ii'sAe~omt J'ri ~d -- Oiial Af~I eflpli is Vivo :lj 1 ai i i7-;iie tr4hl4tI'a 44i".. 'Saw114i'Isatli HIis -Orcetra l.. tit rillh',s.0 ;m, '0414i's-4 ra l-ii lywood It.h1ant 4'ire-he"'tr'a I J"-~ti .y '1w~zy itI-- Iox 'fioi - - Pm Trll'h $retd.u-arlu'Tet4o l'1) 1'lt 1 Did You --j~ol .After All --Fox Trvot 'ki h iss-i 1 h'1 w l ; ("'1)rau { llri; cu; }.-1i"lf~ M-4., - Fox4luh Trotd-ar'lia lnw--)o To hosre ithe io 4nran-7T"'1,14 f-ASa All Ifd J ed :S1---- o 'ri t - $waY"mlee $mnle- Pax rot I Isl seM Ool: itxco' 4 H-vhe":l ra ls NiiurIs m"l-I11-itS (lrri lmesi I" !?o \ 11 df - .1 1 - o - - - - . - V r ri Fo~x 'l'r4 @-- Erftimi) " - i al t Uj-Sitelo, s~ ili' t'hesl r d. 3 1 .Y i - ' - Roy Royi) ('chits' 10 r<"fe ls Ir .J~.sallliiels :11141 Illk 01,01d. - 0m'lg' n;al .fiiE4mn plio - 1'i';ia 1-iA~y '{'441ilN' {Irvlw-'iP'. U Spring Showing ICGregor Caps, (Showerpraofed) II 1,a el ., s'11I tfii'u ( lMnltlc 'i-ox -Irtevnet =j-F1 'ir ot Pack Up It'. our S s '("Mu1sic Ito:. 1fi'0) --FoIx Trot 'Coot, 'l'~ o oTo l -- ox 1'c t Two liiie )Woode'n shoes-Fox Trot - Voceal IVh rts---ArltihaIN f'{ 't - 1). dlr-9)rue--1Fox Trot -- on()I c1 x Trol-Vocal .(' a tra - . I t hur I-.d IA)ViI' s ail1--- Fox 'trot CtrOiliw'I'II 1-he MordiE-4Fo TI~ t My . 0111 I'I; mnl ion Iloaiue-V-ox't'rot C'OW ells-Foy Trot <..onou3' tl.«cttaczii : l e i('- tu''e 441-Ole'; IY.I il Mai0,i('Danhce'lOr(1"Iva Il Hi,,1 s 1.I)a l-('(*Orchw41a I Roy 'ci i ' O-'ch 1ta' llly . ntei d - ae010 t r Blroadw'ay M3tiddY.- Alnker. a Iade in Great Biritain Come twd 7 ear the new f 'galsf Neu Ivaterials New Shapes - -Atl Gooldveca r dIft :11 . , 11