THES MICHIGAN DAILY f rg oyle IWi llN Sport Satire ?n's from The Other Coleges (contii~uned from )Pa;e.o 0110 ties, All th~o latent. fir, e Zi lUl flW10fl° Ololy n2; i'm1?1 lof heMayalemper - ruent ilhre in th i a1d (1 f. i n iScnil - ;' [SilgU L i 1 131)+~s, )- Si 1 10A- 1(id he (1 I d j)1) the r)11.i'll r- 1le (>effecti venessc i h ' :ip ft(%Ii,!colo:.- ing, 111)"(1 I", alhility to Orolueh required ymalurl)etoein rwhichl 1resl)ct he has !f^w "sflllel1'io7. fi pe:rformance nipl deser1vd the sl ArOs of ajlansvec Whic'h it i-cenived, al- t1o ug~h thlcacsl roputaltion cu-. a Con- to- of. l w11 iriz I l Cil tli'i l,]v (11(1I li a oe~n bet ten sintalillld h:'d *",e Ysamte cu- thu";iavsm 30 le ei )01tsyni'- the form. of (iliere's symphon_;1tic poem), "The Srn',Q.2.Ca ae t1 01?U S Isbemo ical fiLt m desc IA m yc ifis >tugty ; 'IVh iu 110 wsc rtai n o te crop cintry team rand winner of te Br- p aomTphyiiI; i '1o9. 'u: 'I Ti' I WJi",T ours, Cruises~ 'Q; Tecert o aor-AIc':h'iss vn Calitnli 43Jfore-)I,e'2vatio':i iV Jt14 IJ _.v"'' !1 1i"(' ot~1 h ~ . ' now iQinghung i11 the 'nareso thel d 1jl1.The corig-ial us c;:ll- ed for ile comfpletion of' the Ifa di (WI., with these gates and all ether fixtures (Oli)l)itCe beore til!Mni ~ngame caIise of the deulay. Th't. A S. JH i11d- man, w'iho w1as assistant inu charge dur- ing the construction of the stadium, hlas been secured i1)' the University of Pitt"'burt; to takef'charge of the build- ing of a similar stadium t here. iHe coillotd his cour-se inl the college of' .arfs in three a",d(a hIf rl, ears candI': \4as.> ':,duatcd \viistiefoil. Ilie is nol ," enrolled in tii' eo rt* ilaw and j eXpects 5tobe gi'a dull ed Fclromtthat i - lege in two Years. "T!he Sllndovn -r.; of the sa obi'nsh, hlas been o rgai'( iI. Only tmen whor h-lie "I ' unllnedl their way" one thous-E itind. miles by lanld or ,;elar e eligilIe toin lAthis Clb. ballI game between the deparitment of pysics and the department of IEng- lisli, J1. Forest Craig of the latter team, introdfuced ar, innovation biy shooting a for hiis opponents. A' delegia- t.ion fror iP he pI)Iysics epartnment has presenteca "him with a mil1k bottle of' posies labelled with the simlelOat- t ribute: "To our hero."' 'ra ig's only ,aterniit was to the effect that tie P-ever said hie knew anyting about' basketball. Kiiuyss-F-or the first time fin the history of the university, 1there' may bh) no junitor proin. The lfbeulty centers around a $240 dleflclt in the last year's sophloore pr'om. A. personal assess- ! mcent will prohithly be vti ( mptedi at a class incetis; todlaiy ofr omlorro xx. , , < ('Iuelt'o-ul~siibl'5who ihadil 11t t..rsc: s tud outs ailed to in alke lia.'suig' palid lor I.heir D'1v)alYMaroon CII pick ii'gra' o 1WrI f 1 their work last. upl thl:- papr aafevw (lays akgo, fout r. ~C~tC'0" tl1:hi )ilflier120. were} Iitof lnmes I) to-tnnnf idisliayed I_)f 'perIi ted t t or'cfIl l~ ' seconti Se- undetitsiltcapt ion, [en t'±IMaroon ,nest'r iorkwlr 103 eefll clid on Siibsciiers."''When only a frv,of' t probtimi. __ Cobedfair *~'~\l Neatly comnbed irs the rnou meg- N ~but vvl t tabout bitee 'clock is he afternoona {f j For wiry, unruly hair-for soft, fluffy hat =-x r .a.y kind of hiv that won't. stay combed all day us - Stacomb--then your' hair will ;;ay combed just as yeu want it. 1Ideal after weashaing your hair.. fl Leaves the hair -oft and lustrous. 1 Aska your barber for a Stacomb ca P taldrgis.('il & Irci LAST TIME TONIGHT Pretty i A and 5OMCH0AI':, ttile students resmonced, The subscrip- erf~ ues :~' M' 'to I-of the '19"22 c! I ' 'l . a d r ') ',: j tc 1.qt: ' cE : ~i '-':t ld' it117- £n i. I'?i'i lii <.?f d ' u0 i F ihe o'< e- a-. -. 0 .1 8 ' . " f ,4 6n. ' f a ' + tis k s t r " 1 _ , f - Fps '(~ ,'! " }1, '.C. ,. f d'r Ben I\mc \/iliir -_i' _. 4 , gP 7rce d Is nd 1+Y I- Pictured ~n yllw INl_;d (i1i 10 o lupon th % 8 t? 'o ~ eaf'-- tar. 7: %loi ' agi.:y' rld to {:" (,~ ,.!1 o'~; lzdo1 ti O''f s clmr" i oct 1 hO U tx'%:'lJ Ist'' 9 ,, 1'!. :.;1",; t c'.: ;'"' d ' by tile repeatd moleCIstin~g of Iiris and '~:~id ribitW cc 10' Ldjc ;01 ;' \orjellof the utnive sity and town. Mak~estAMefHair SPay Combed ' Iii "IC ,I' n a .ha ;O l'tto '1 oi 1' Ci''IA i ;odor c ll age ti, '?rapnr (0uio S"l W--John 1H. HallIs, blind since birth, xvith the aidl of°. his wire, is earning his way throuagihcollege. LAST TIME TODAY MARY -II; "LITTLE LORID FAUN'TL EROY" (''rel--Ths~ tudti8s were pi. MIize I for var no nfat111;c h syso ' yt"Jl n t i' f.(ilOgli'a t or . (pbj~ $ttI'e''-ln die Atstvhae- A lf's' e az s iy Ib L i lohesa( nye ' ~Mi' C c'-1 V y t #; ii~i a 1' t * Inqth awil full 'c i l ") "''S ion. s:eI l 'iv 1:1 }l'('s '. t. i), will. pz'I-,is e for'iraic'. in. ; i THE Vile iii' P.." Isf-1" i l' Y 1011). II e t?:l11iU,iv,' 01 - t I _ .i Rh J1 ' i ((Px CCCAR * SAMPLE Nr'naitnt on Dlsjdsay :At GUY WOLFOLK & CO. AunArbor} M ilhgan [I7 4 '} -f\11) i1 t.. 'J ;, :. ' F . , d t:.; .4; ti f, S- ". . ti ,i *" AP: K }7 y b- 6 l +- f 11 ' "''' I ,.., .e,. Q . i #4Y-; . .. "Y XJE)r 1 r j ..I 4 :'T ~ L~ ti. " Vi kM -, - _ ,I( ; WHITEH'OUSE & HARDY INEORYOPQ YtOr - BRlOADWAY AT 40"' STRE'ET 144 WEST 4" SIR£LET WMETOnOU1AS4 OPSIA LHausa EUI, KNCIICtOCK E UILGt:'G NEW YORK( Go sh le~s ashamed to look her sisters in thetc ~you 4 lAre the' Winner I Every time you drink a glass of our Pu re Iilk you gain not onlIy better lhealth, rosy cheeks, but ,°.)". aire assured of the (u,,lbtN and purity of:''cu~ OfSoUT PHONE 3117 FOR CL-EANING AND SUITS &OVER:- COATS ('LE AN D AN)PitESS~il) $1.25 We C'all For and 1elver SNOW WHITE CLEANERS '. AXnd m, '-J!soc.'.dld I bal sheW("uuld41s]wfter :ull ilsilt' ; oil i E very D~a yi n m F iery 1 "a y S"1lhe ('relv .W er .,fn W r e -- 'i 1 4}l x- lit x C(' Y, A ND ) (WT1'' 11'1.11 ALL M'ill: ) 1-'lWIh Il1;1E :VC A Oh! You Don t JKnow Mte fI1Ial f Of 11, gad . 11 , ' .r " W 5 ~ f . \ Z' . '-'. ¢ f r ... . Iui;'crsal I I' '1 -"._ , ,, f - ' ~ H rr ; . } }, s- _! .. N1Y m .... NOW -II " s / . ., N alesttc F Theii boy w hs io~lt~ii h e ilI v"'r~n ~.,ore'1)'atl .I oI't'edr iT' a. 2 F.I i y r #y "?, #'G E . .C1C' Y2l t i'aa a S Y y0. - )' ' rl YCc i "1 'QP r wknti 47 N, F at. :k rtt . r' i ' '.':. .... . v YL. k _ ° i'1'fji :?.°:I1.2 ,T x ro idb.": ':C6z ,. .fit4. ~ ...i 43 ..a.}+-': t~ ;, f3 . t ti gq artiA r f2 ;. 3°F[srj ,I" s [. A ., yv r .two 'i y.f :?f f E ' ! . . a 41. ti.7 7 r fie..: F" ;:. a ats , 'r F .. c v , c s *± ,fp$, R ,A tt"y i rt S ),.. Si dce '4 a.:: TH. Y.eAi F OU&sx .i T t= A E ,.L, $, cFH tn, ' Z>, 'j . .Zr j 4 MR AMP. IMPR iTH I AIIJP.UTCD e'rocess which renders our.Milk and Cream freefrom iall germs CALL 423 Jr . i '. . '. ii i '3 ft .d .:, i.'.j: 'r.~ ' Z77( \ 9 r' 5:'t 9 BIG0 REFILS YOU WON'T ICDRGET T"A i I,. DOROTHY GISf,-ll in ANN ARGOOTAIRY T4U' 11 C atllcrne Sts. ti~tirw onl afer oiM neo~atons--- v ant all MOTION PicTW ur I THROUGH CodNScioUS AUTO-SGETO ~ ,,,,, P.OE MARK REG. U.S. PAY. OFF. iE ORIGINAL wiDE . It-r Jck '44 Als R.ill n Fr"to Flt __ __ SARTING SUN AXWWM !1 I ;, i' 6 ?