±RkTTHEtMIiCHIAN rDAILY SU'N9Y, FRJARY - I 923 t; -4, EIGHT 7 ,/ A m rica tions simnilar to the Klan- problem. replace conspiracy with co-operation, /"l .i Lf X f/ I Now in 'regard to the latter, many f forget minor differences, expell all VV~a G IlKlansmen are business men ana p6ii-l hatred, if we wsh to make America Ala i g A m e i a S f ticians They are derendent upon the-!! and the world safe for Americans and V / ( ' spportof the people, and in many; preserve our civilizeaon. Our rel-. or instances the Klansmen would be boy-I gions must be put down into our sub- cotted4 if the people knew of their; conscience. (Continued from Page Three) I There are those who think the lead .affiiation with the organization. It amog mmbes o th Kln wo ~illers of th1e Klan are interested in theI is merely business strategyao keep] ~IUZ swear that this situation exists. They organization-just in proportion as they. behind the hood.___ accuse the Catholics of placing the are financially rewarded for their Now let us look at the value and the interests of their religion. above the ;work. If ,this be true they have suc- !u {;f hsogaiain. Wa Continued from Page Seven) interests of the state. The ;Klans- Jceeded in'devising a, scheme which has1 excuse is there for men to hide them- fit is exceedingly .regrettable that :a men of the oth are especially voluble! served to extract ten dollars from a selves behind masks-and prowl in thei better vehicle was not provided for rIi on this latter subject. If a political considerable number of people. They1 night? What proeaete ev this star ho is damaging her repua boss should ever wish to turn the haeas ucee i.prsuading ing? There Is no excuse. They are'tion by taking this production around. "Solid South" solid Republican just them that America is in danger of a bringing about a situation that is the country. Taking the part of. a o tisters~t~~i to note with what have the Democrats nominate a Cath- . great peril, for I feel :sure that the vastly more dangerous than any or all lttle boy. she was on the verge of natural and apparent enjoymentcu- olccandidate to run: against a Repub- vast majority of Kanismen are earn- th oppose. They have forgotten that! beingrdclu n lhuhsetr d ercns take tYteatwrksI; lican who is Protestant. I guarrantee! estly but foolishly trying to hInake a people must oe -led and cannot be succeded it was far from a brilliant. of the :Russians. Thispenmno narc results. "America. afe for Americans". Ialso driven, that friendship and not hatred triumph. MissMitzi has amused the itself is most paradoxical and inexpli- to 0g As to the 7:lan's stand against the feel sure that -the greater number or amalganates a nation. If they ,haveI public for a good many years, but she cable., Here we have to peoples,- yes, Ing Jews, there is little need of explana- Klansmen are in the organization for honorable motives they have foolish is not too old to quit the show business two races, totally dissociated from one pres tion, it is an old story. I am sorry oeo if fte-raosta I methods. The white race cannot har- e.Hwvr oke onsewl another in pints of environment and e to say the adversity is not confined have pointed out. As to the motive, bor grudges nor fuss 'among them- have to have better productions and heredity, and yet the one seems quite ten, to the Klan; but many who would notI that prompted the leaders, I am not selves. What assurance have,we, the! she must not be miscast able to comprehend the other in such mnev certain.____ ~i con,ider joining the hoodmen are ! etan white race of the supremacy of the: an abstract entity as s art. Indeed. i guilty of hatred for the Jews. Some ! There' are'-two questions that one world? What does it mean to civiliza- Tl abe I rnhSoc h etwrkoGholvi rit i dh one has said, "So long as the Jewish{ often hears: first, "Why doesn't the tion if we lose it? We have Just Richard Walton Tully, after a four a ready appreciation in America'Goh people prefer to remain apart as a! federal government put down t h e! killed 10,000,000 of. the flower of our months' visit to Europe, arrived in when it is often 'misunderstood at TI distinct entity in-'American life and Klaus" and second, "Why dothe lans- population, and as I write this article New York this week and expressed home. This is no doubt due to the fact Fin t not merging in a social way by inter- men conceal their membership?" ! one of our American generals is pre- himself as delighted with the accom that very considerable portions of ourI tion mnarri2ge with the Gentles, Just so For the- first it is sufficient to say dicitmg that we will be killing each plishments ohisjurabad "Icounty possess pyia and climatic mon logwl rjdc otneadgo htte oesof the government other again within ten days.I have stolen for-the United States the conditions not unlike those of Russia. jIa even worse". The Klanstm~n looks at were delegated to it by the states, Turkey dares to march her army !;prettiest and most gifted actress in Furthermore, the American mind ac-: ten the condition in Europe brought about and, excepting -emergencies,' it was back Into Europe; Japan fears noFprance," he said. The actress- in ques- customed instinctively to the larger Iso " by anti-Semitism, he thinks o the not given power to deal with sta- white nation. We must hasten to tion is Andre Lafayette. forms, the vaster expanses and incre'ori n m e ofJ w in Am rc.an th nc pii u mod of nt r ,i welhe paints in his mind- a picture of the I IlIilIgtI!IIIitIIlI1lII1llII1II1lIIIIllIH lflhHItll1l -tillI'.prepared to sympathize with annna future of his country, blood-stained. = derstand the Slav. fr unhappy, and in chaos. It is not so many years ago the Rus- ,i In the South, today, you will find a - .san art was a phenomenon non-exist-j most peculiar ! sitaation existing = ? entL The growth of their national con- A While one element is proposing that = . sciousness probably dates back to -the IRu aammoral e biltto he emoy o ______________the___memory_____________time___when____the.____savag______C-atmeahenthesavgeeCauasinsaereai the "negro !Mammy" who so loyally, A fnaly subdued and the Czar became'ceag bravely, and heroically stood guard at Czar of all the Russias in deed as well c the door during the war, and dared ethe, " - " - as in tame.' Puzshkin, fist of all-their RCZ Yankee soldier to. come near; the other - great. authors, ;gives us a touch of the1a group Is stealing ghost-like through - condthin~s. existent in' the Russian i und the night trying to keep the same -,, Cucsus, during the early n~neteenth For brave soul in what it considers "e -cenury, whe, he tells of the exploits bora place". of the terrible Cossack, Pougatcheff, r The South does have a race pro- --e adwihw arciy he edoutSe lem,that no one will deny. The Negro j -- _ -aansnetgvrnetatMstw u refuses to stay. pt in "his -place", - - Iut withthe unifcation'f thleRusslas-ll Vi- and I am glad he. does. He is educat- = -=-under- 'one-cfnalywt-tearemovalnoft angd for =ing himself, gaining wealth, and over- -i" _nntt ergad usa athd1e ejoming.'every penalty the white man C jmett Ptora-Rusa athd= e a-. its birth and Pushkin became an idol - has placed on him in hopes of keep-- -_ whose work countless others strove to'^^ tig him from the ballot. He has just L_ >=. -..- started; but to-morrow . see him in = emulate. :possession of the ballot; I see him ; - With the- receding tide of muscal' conrolig or thn nesttein- supremacy In Germany the music of ch otln ; moreethoe stte ian J-= =- teiSothnd;Isethght mn= .the Russian semes to have 'takena emigrating to the North -and Wes; The lvery essence of the - Not only Fashion's lat- position of complete ascendency. Gin- and then I see the South exclusively = fetwr,-~-k, htmsclcneprr spirt o pin gmer, seemshions.Pus hatin si elcalledntepfathry of populated by the Negro. I assure you 5,,.advance ward and each Pskn swelcleSh fte f ^ the Klan is not unmindful of this'= to be refltected in the new = Russian music, and he achieved solely B~ -~dress, suit and cape a in the fields of song and opera. His po situation.# spring apparel. There isS"i omi it i'togeeswrkRulaan1udth -Now let us consider for a moment S r-J ' Sprng pm-nis own _twgraetoks"RsinndL -}h the lan and the foreign -horn, in = Spring i the lavish se right Individuality in la" and "The Life of the Czar,"me' some staesincudig Mihign,!8. ~ =made a distinctefurore at that time. Ifits s estts inldn Mihg, of Color,, in,- the amazing - i every one, handp c'ked as for musicalRussia was completely un- st aliens: can. vote, and after becoming'-s =sa it were, with the same- der the heel of Italian opera. So firm- Ifro naturalized they may, excepting the lovlness.. of- light-hearted =l a h atretece htteB Presidency, aspire to any office in the _ careful consideration .a - = l waws thltte inrsnhe tash gito h mrcn epe h;, ;prsfrocks,. . I - tttSYouthful Tcakwky tlsu ewscyR gito h mrcnpol. Tes~~t anysis- fashionably dressed wvorn-- brought up to believe only in the Ital- inAerieanofradifoinr,unschfuloled- and wind-blown capes and -an gives .- her personal: _-ia aseswh hogtMethvntto inAhe ric aidtrdibtons, vinmlondfl of = and Mendel ssohn rendered most ex fI teprice pai o ietoefoig wraps.- wardrobe. - cellent service In, putting one to sep th with all the isms of Europe, having a,-Nvrhls hssaeTcakwk b haend in administering our government l= 5eetees hssmT-hfosyCo is sffiien ~in~a~e he tpe f A- == -- -soon came to be considered. the "fu- TIM his boots. He is. absolutely sure that -fed fmsclcetoh and r it takes more than one gentleman for j ilsofmsclceain =eand#da an aiento ecom Amricnize. Bt. ~ -for himself the much envied- position ine an -aofegretesteofmal Russianncmposers. e there are still other objections. The ofgraetfalRusncmpes. I et this calls to mind a distinct ara- al foregneris ikel tobe aCathlicor l_ do. During the later years of his life heral a Jew, and for this reason. the.Klan he 1-he oudFket loeheic' oltcl and Rubinstein found themselves in! son. dour ldleforceAmrc'poiia violent opposition frinr to a group of strict- was door toall oregnes fo al tims. -~ y nationalistic composers who, bind-;sort The New Republic, January 7, 1923 17- - - - - for $Shring have raduated fo7h rIl; o p~ i--' --- l-ing themselves ogeter in defiace of Ihota has eryconcsel sumed p th f - I8 -- -the more cosmopolian tendencies of swi situation in the following words:"tihe -" to that delightful realit, crowding the Shops' ith loviness and- stirring -h frer-ale tesev- -th eai KUKu lnhlsta hedaet-tesu.wt desire.r "True Russian .School." This group l She values in American life are Protestant- I opie iik-oskfMus e ismi, White supremacy in America and ; e- or sky, Borodin and Glauznoff, while; they the world, Anglo-Saxon legal institu-5 I- others rsympathizing with their cauise the tionl3 and the system of free private S- IFrock-' C ,'zvie r 1 Fna inndr hil were such men s Cui, Balakreff, Ar- I _F enterprise or capitalism. - F~a e J ~ sy~ensky, and Liadoff. MFs "s-compared with, the old Pro- ::: I_ Yet .the joke was distinctly on these{ in a teitant part of the population,_ Jews = Frocks are- essentially Springlike, Zaffifetas in bouffant styles, beruff led latter men, for Tschaikowsky and Ru- I dra and Catholics, seilythe latter ae ~ --adfild-cip-n c- areepes' f-teSrn od- Uuul- -werles - indester M k yIhe steadily gaining by natural increase. :eles-. ' e 6_ ooussorgsy was no her Both are advancing- in economic' _ - I colorings mark thefiat crepes,the'cantons, :and: the satin faiced ,cepe:frceks. -" -_ doubt the greatest individual 'genius Guai e with h ive vent- Bof a "pe sed. In well to re ,that em per found sky-Kars committe ounot" a sa unique he techn i, but wro y much ian, Umbi and othe that muc ~inality i smug a s must h etting th the wake evement. nucleus sian mus uzonoff, A sed Scrial y. The paratvel hmaninof1 eirte i c the othe said that in music abine: W h as :the ures !whi -seem to. themsey empgloyed lbby Bu ww. Al e shadow awent a s. Ruth rung poi m- art asey h in the F ,gave d s, at firs her frien Danas=- rles Dan ies, was' t intellec ld _have ;wing-roon age alon twas 'ft ns, that way to a e five or "touring; ts giving] 4*~ ;freqii m.. He o .by thes told him n some y' seemed zest wer 'inally i ,s Draper a conscloi wfrng-roorn rws At a 'wildly, - Ibert. to-' power, the Jew especially, bth are -o h ru.H ne odta h!tr caly - While the, taffetas gain tihei effectiveness,. through sauciness thre crepes ot c' - - inspiration which frst drov i o "-Wit rceine-er nswllreai _gibbering of the village idiot pleading Iipso unchallenged, the yellow race is takl - their coloring-soft green, old blue, tars and silver:grep. =his hopeless love Eo the. ocal, bee. :as - -aaiad h-erorc' o-3 Furthermoreone of the striking- arias cou ngt Hakfwaad toeanInegroracie - t- rom the third act of'his' mota!wI . 1nm or- Boris Godounoff" is--thatwdutr rt :tod of poitica-I exlusio." I - -ttr- -it red Fu rop tol. Fin y. before facto, I assured, ntry, and- "3 enlitr cs.