I a IWARMER11 AY! e ftrit an U DAY AND XIG' SITR ) 98 ANN ARBOR, ICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1922 PRION BOL T A ER\UPHOLDS BEEADINIDu ELIIBILITYO AYSFOR HOUS VARSITY 'M MEN FORDNEY MAKES DECLARATION x'{ DECLARES OFFICIALS KNOW OF IN DEFIANCE OF HOUSE NO INSTANCES OF PRO- DEMORATSFESSIONALISM REPUBLICANS EXPECT CASE OF BASEBALL NOT TO COMPLETE PASSAGE SIMILAR TO FOOTBALL Presidet. rHarding Stil Holds to Isf Vres of a si Reenueds HsStates That University Does Not Try Sales Tfix to Bring Athletes Here by ,t Underhand Methods (By Associated Press) ..: Washington, Feb. 11. - The out- "I know of no man on the Michigan standing development today in the SEN G. F. PEARCE, NOTED AUS- teams who is ineligible or about bonus legislation situation was an un- tralian, who speaks tonight in Hill whom there is any reason for suspic- expected announcement in the house auditorium. ion," said Prof. Ralph / W. Aigler, by Chairman Fordney, of the ways and "_chairman. of theBoard ofControl of means committee, that the bonus bill Athletics, yesterday, regarding the would be ready for presentation to "a N T A S R LA athletic situation at Michigan in view caucus of housea Republicans within of the recent sensational discussions, the next 10 days. URpbcn-th charges and statements regarding Discunssed WidelyConference athletes. The discussion .sWhile there was no other yreference was brought about by the eruption in to the bonuson the floor, bous talk Notre Dame athletics caused by the swirled through the corridorsand for discovery of a number of professionals the time being discussion of plans for on the lege teams. cutting the army and navy appropri- "Our Common Interests in the Pacific" Officials Blameless ation bill was forgotten. Republicon Subject of Senator Pearce's "I am equally sure, however," Pro- members of the ways ad means com- Lecture fessor Aigler continued, "that there mittee, meeting morning and after- are men here as well as in all the noon went over details of the pro- HAS HELD MANY IMPORTANT other Conference schools who are posed bill, without giving any informa- playing in athletics in defiance of the tion as to the exact form as to the OFFICES UNDER GOVERNMENT rulings regarding professionalism, but measure to be reported. that all the members of the various "There is no power in the house to "Our Common Interests in the Pacif- athletic teams are eligible as far as head off the soldier bonus now," said ic' Is the subject of the lecture which the knowledge of the responsible A. Republican leader, which seemed Sen. G. F. Pearce, pf Australia, will heads goes, I also believe." to be the view of most members insist- deliver at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill au- Statements in Chicago and other pa ing on its early passage. ditorium under the auspices of Uni- pers who have been carrying discus- Democrats Object versity Oratorical association. ' sions of the situation brought to the Democrats opposing the measure in- Senator Pearce has had an unbroken fore by Notre Dame, have said and in- sisted, on the other hand, that objec- careersin Australian politics since the ferred things regarding college ath- tion to the sales taxwas so strong in incekption of the commonwealth in letics which are not true, it is the be- some quarters that Xif the plan of 1901. He secured nomination for one lief of officials throughout the Con- meeting soldier 'payments were pre- ofthe six senate seats in the common- ference. One of them stated that the sented squarely it might be defeated. wealth parliament, for western Austra- responsibility for hiring and paying President Harding it was declared, la, and has retained his seat contin- of athletes rests on the shoulders of believes that a productive sales tax is uously to date, having been successful those in charge of athletics at the the simplest form whih could be in four elections. various colleges, and Professor Aigler worked out. This would avoid, it was Responsible for Australian Army disproves this statement, among 'oth- said, the problem of exemptions which He entered the ministry in 1908 as ers. would clash a rise in case any contin- minister of defense. This government Tactics Above Board ual retail sales tax was decided in.' took the first step towards the estab- "I have made it my business," he lishment of -the Australian navy. said, "to learn of the circumstances Et [iWhile Senator Pearce was minister in under which every "M" man on the M111MESWILL BE HU~I that cabinet, universal military train- campus came to this school. I am ing was instituted. During the late convinced that there is no doubt what- war, Pearce was practically responsi ever regarding the propriety of the I ITiliTICble for the administration of the Aus- way in which these men were brought. tralian army. here. It is possible that in a few in- TRACK- MNWL In the 21 years of the existence of stances, influences may have contrib- BASKETBALL MEN WILL federated Australia, he has held the uted to the securing of employment, BE GIVEN DINNER portfolio of minister of defense for but if there are any jobs in Ann Ar- TONIGHT more than 10 years. A reconstruction bo open to students in which the of the commonwealth cabinet recently compensation is out of keeping with Mimes, the Union honorary dramatic took place, under which Senator services actually rendered, I have yet organization, will be host for the eve- Pearce was offered and accepted the to find them. The boys who are per- ning to visiting athletic teams from portfolio of minister for home and ter- suaded to enter college purely as ath- the University of Chicago and the ritorie letes almost certainly never become University of Wisconsin at a banquet Acted as Prime Minister eligible in the better type of school. tonight in the main dining room of During the absence of his chief, Mr. The requi @ments of one year of pass- the Union. The spirit of friendly com- W. H. Hughes, in England In 1916, he ifig college work almost automatical- petition will be the keynote of the acted as prme minister of the com- ly weed out these undesirables." evening, fostered by speeches of the monwealth and in 1919 he visited Great In addition to stating emphatically coaches and entertainment by campus Britain to take control of the demobil- his belief in the innocence of the ath- musicians. /chaso h Cneec col The track team from Chicago, cm- ization of the Australian troops letic heads of the Conference schools Tpetn thchgan ino heaftero- President Mfarion L. Buston will in- regarding professionals on their teams P r e sige nttM a ri onig a nB unt oh ew illei n - d u c e $ne sit hkMi c htga n i net hu ra fe- a n d th e h ir in g o f a th le te s , P r o f e s s o r *noon, and Wisconsin's basketball troduce ythe speaker at the lecture to- , n s st night.Aigler mentioned the ,ruling forbid- squad, which plays Michigan tonight, ni ding summer baseball. together with the ,University's track Individuals holding season ticketsdigsmebabl. and basketball teams and all officials will present entire tickets at thedoor "Baseball Different" , at botcontests will be the honor for admission. "Baseball is different from foot- guests. A similar entertainment was ball," he said, "in that the temptation given last spring to the track squad of to play baseball comes in the sum- Cornell and did much to foster the IUNJT IS' NNUNbLU mer months, and also in that the rela- friendly feeling that now exists be- tions between professional baseball tween the universities. -n nORnOin nrTinu TIE and football are different from those Prof. William Arayer, of the his-sVt .of the college games. Professional ory 'department, a member of the football depends almost entirely on Board in.Control of Athletics, wilbe college ~ football, while professional the toastmaster of the evening. Coach "'INTERNATIONAL E N T A N G L E. baseball would' never miss 'college Fieldilng H. Yost, athletic director at MENTS" WILL BE DOCTOR baseball if it were to drop from ex- principal FINLEY'S TOPIC istence. This difference in the rela- Michigan, w ge Universi ty'sh retI' Ctionship between the professional and and Coach Alonzo Stag'g, director of amateur sports accounts in part, at athletics at Chicago, will reply for the "International Entanglements" will least, for the attitude of the public visitors, be the subject of the address by John which condones the playing of base- Special entertainment will be given H. Finley, commissioner of education ball by college athletes in the sum- by Rhodes' orchestra, W. A. Busse, of the state of Newt York, at the Uni- mer. Fully 75 per cent of the people '24L, in a singing act, and the Mimes' versity convocation at 10 o'clock not only disagree with the rule but quartette. The dress for the evening next Wednesday morning, Washing- think it positively absurd. When will be tuxedos for students and street ton's birthday, in Hill auditorium. there is a continuous lack of public clothes for the guests. Washington's birthday will be de- support it is not surprising that there A few tickets remain unsold and clared a holiday according to the us- is such difficulty in enforcing the may be purchased today in the lobby ual custom. The program -for the rule."-. of the Union. Attendance will be convocation will incilude selections limited to 200, consisting of 65 ath- by the Varsity Glee club, among PROF. RENE TALA-1LON WILL letes and 135 students. - The commit- which will be, Gounod's "Soldiers' CONDUCT TOUR OF FRANCE tee *in charge of the affair is compose Chorus," from "Tannhauser." Earl V. C ed of M. R-.Norcrop, '23L, chairman;. Moore, University organist, will ren- D. H Van Horn, '22, assistant chair- der an organ prelude and postlude; department, Ti to be n charge of an man; ad Gerge Barnes '24 the audience will .sing "America."r , is to be _anchorgBans,.'4 ____n____g ____,_. President Marion L. Burton, will in- extensive tour of France this sum- GRADUATE CLUB TO HA'T'E troduce Dr. Finley. 0 mer. Although the trip is primarily PATFLGRADUATE CLU TO AVEfor the study of the French language 'ARYY FOR A"L ARADUATES and customs, there will be opportu- - 'YGM ALION" CAST TAKESnities to visit many points of par- The Graduate club will have an in- TRIP TO ST. CLAIR COUNTY ticular interest to Americans, such as formal dancing and card party at 8 'Versailles, Fontainebleau and Amiens. o'clock this evening in Barbour gym- "Pygmalion," which was played last Provisions have also been made for nasium. Refreshments will be pro- month at the Whitney theater by the a visit to Oberammergeu, the scene vided. All graduate students are in- Comedy club, appeared in Port Huron of the' Passion Play, which is to be vited, as it is the object of the club last night,.and will play in Mt. Clem- revived after a lapse of .t2 years. to bring the graduate students of all ens tonight. The entire original cast The. party will sail from Montreal epartments together at this event. is on the trip on June 21; and return Sept. 9. Undergraduate Ar Scorns Sillyo U Ridicules -Local (By Agnes Holmquist) Protest of faculty control is the key-note in the survey of the Univer- sity, written by G. D. Eaton,'23, and published in the Marich issue of the Smart Set. To his credit he has mark- ed several faults hitherto either not seen because of mental laziness, or un- commented on through fear of ridicule and universal disapproval. The loss of independence in thought and actions at the University, the in- troduction of prep-school methods 'of discipline would be laughable if they were not so aggrevating to one still under the rule. His stand is to be ad- mired but when it passes over into rid- icule the article weakens. Instances of attempts to regulate the private life of the students are cited by Eaton and justly ridiculed. An erroneous idea has sprung up that the whole of a STRAUSS TO HEAD New Dramatics Supervisors Will Have Charge Over Productions Hereafter PROFS. 0. J. CAMPBELL AND If. A. KENYON ALSO NAMED Prof. L. A. Strauss, of the English department, has been named chairman of the committee on student dramat- ics, it was anounced yesterday from the office of the Dean pf Students. Professor Strauss will have as co- workers on this committee, Prof. 0. 3. Campbell, of the English depart. ment, and Prof. H. A. Kenyon, of the French and Spanish departments. This is an entirely new committee and was named as a sub-committee of the committee on -student affairs, working in co-operation with the lat- ter. It will be the aim of this new com- mittee to help and assist the various dramatic organizations of the Univer- sity, to see that one organization is given equal chances with the others to stage its productions and to, see that all productions staged by the several dramatic, organizations and societies of the campus will be worthy of the University. "Our purpose will be to encourage everything that is in the interest of the students' better 'dramatic ideals," said Professor Strauss, 'in comment- ing on the work of the new commit- tee. SPEAKER RECOGNIZED, ) 11S UTILITIES LEADER1 ALEX DOW RECEIVED HONORARY DEGREE FROM UNIVERSITY IN 1911 Alex Dow, president and general manager of the Detroit Edison com- pany, who will speak upon "Opportu- nities in Public Utilities," at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the Union as- sembly room, has been recognized for years as a national leader in his 'field. He received the honorary degree of Master of Engineering from the Uni- versity in 1911, in recognition of his services in utilities work. Among the public utilities works in which Mr. Dow has been active are the Detroit Edison company, of which he has been general manager for more than 25 ears; the Detroit Unit- ed Railway lines, of which he is a former director; and the Connor's creek power plant,, the design and construction of which he directed. Hans Kindler To BeHere Jtonday Hans Kindler, the famous 'cellist who is to appear as soloist with the Detroit Symphony orchestra in their concert Monday evening in Hill audi- torium, has had a varied career, ac- cording to Samuel Pierson -Lockwood, of the School of Music. Kindler, born of musical parents in Rotterdam 30 years ago, began the study of both piano and 'cello at the age of 8. At 13 he won first prize for both at the Rotterdam conservatory. In 1914, after numerous highly suc- cessful appearances in Europe, hel came to America to visit relatives, They were invalidated by the war, and as a consequence the young musician remained in this country. Numerous composers have written works for his 'cello, among them Ornstein, Bloch (Continued on Page Eight) fide In Smarr Set niversity laculty,U; Idiots And Idiocies FRT T KM student's life is the subject for re- view and control. Oberlin was on the road to fame when her faculty got the same idea. Now her name is the signal for a smile. WOLVERINES PICKED Ti On the other hand Eaton speaks of BUT SCORE MAY BI the professors as "for the most part CLOSE silly and idealistic, men who know - only too little of their own fields." Unfortunately the majority of the stu- SIMMONS, VAN ORDI dent body has not arrived at the point WILL NOT BE FW TT of intellectual development where they know more than the professors. In all Competition in Events Will 1 fairness to the professors, it must be with New RecrdProba remembered that they spend all of T w o etirdf arei , theIr time out of class rooms reading, , in Two Mile Run, in a serious attempt to keep up with the students. If they fall in a few in- Michigan's Varsity track t stances they must be excused. In his waiting for the crack of the attack on thA faculty Eaton overlooks .gun which will set it into a greater fault,-such great absorption against the Chicago .Maroon in outside study that classes are not opening meet of. the 122tr only incidental but annoying, son at Waterian gymnasium Over-organization of the campus this afternoon. into various clubs, and fraternities- is The Maroons come here wi also touched on by Eaton. This is a medioc're team. Although bo long recignized evil and yet each year several individual stars, in 1 sees the appearance of new clubs- sons of the Brckman brothei This, however, is only an indication of and Redmon, the Chicago squ a deeper difficulty not discussed by the necessary balance whioh Eaton-namely, the higher value plac- make up a powerful trick ed on social activity as compared tion. LastSaturday the atlile with intellectual achievement. Some the Windy City dropped a clo of the time spent in palm-singing tested meet to the somewhat might be spent in an attempt to ver- ed Purdue track squad by ti come this attitude-nor will a ew of 45 1-2'to 40 1-2 at Lafayette set of rules do it. , present indications point to The Union is condemned as "hotel- more favorable than another < like" and the Library as "factory- at the hands of the Wolverit like." These conditions are unfortun- Expect Miehigan Wi ate necessary evils arising out of the Michigan strangely seems size of the University. Reserving cer- jinx for Chicago track tem tain books at the Library can only ap- after year Steve Farrell's pear childish as Eaton calls it. We are have trampled up'on the allowed to read Defoe's "Moll Fland- tracksters, winning last y 'er'" or Fielding's "Tom Jones" but door meet by the one-sided such books as those of Havelock Ellis 64 to '31. Coach Farrell fee' are forbidden. , dent of victory this afternu Characteristically, Eaton approves predicts that at least on the Gargoyle when it satirizes "local sum .record, the two 'mile r (Continued on Page Eight) - be broken in the course triumph. However, he exp " e meet to be more than a. m J'fenckenite Finds, away. The loss of Van Ord (, , , . doubtedly the best shotputtei VSmart Set t/t Conference, and Martin, thr< ' eligibility, and the absence of ln Feb. GargaoyleSimmons, the star dash ma weaken the Wolverine squad extent of making things int (By Gee Dee Eeee) Start with 0 Yard Da Of late, due to the. skulduggery of The 50 yard dash shoul things off with a rush. Ke the campus publications, I have not re- Burke, the two best bets for I ceived half the attention and public- verines in this event, resp ity that is my due. In all 'modesty, I will findsome keen competitic therefore present the following ex- two Maroon flashes, .Pyott cerpts from the Preface department Sargent should win both of the February Gargoyle, which yard low and high hurdles wi makes its monthly appearance on the' undue amount of trouble 1 campus next Tuesday, which issue, as Brickman, the most adept of I ssroon hurdlers. Last year I have said, contains the worst humor showed himself to be about written since the death of Mark Twain. hurdler in the Conference, The art work is a little better. For copped first place In the ch instance , (I quote myself), " 'Simle ship meets. Cuts for Simple People,' will likely The 440 yar ;dash should- b have the approval of our fine arts and thriller. Siemons has been aesthetic departments. As for me, I up exceptionally well in, prac can see nothing in it. It is easily the with the aid of Joyner and worst example of Greek frieze stuff should make things more tha since Plutarch did his 'Lives' for Per- esting for the Maroon hotfo< ile's Sun Parlor." Brickman and Masek. The reading matter, as I said before, The 880 yard run is one o is abominable. I quote again myself, gan's weak spots.. Farrell has concerning a particular story in the ed Douglas, a good mil r, ove Gargayle, which I am convinced is .,.e. ak s op.Atobolstering of all the Puritanistic rot ... the worst weak spot. Aithough ioug since Botticelhi wrote 'The Three made pretty fair 'tlme ti i Graces.' . mie, he can look forward to "'Paging the Health Service,' is (Continued on Page Eig' however, the best dithyrombic critic- ism since Mencken's 'Prejudices, Sec- JOURNAL S*rT TEL ond *Series.' The Gargoyle writer has HIS EXPEERlE not Mencken's epispastic style, but he has a touch of the keen, analytical Mencken mind, Mencken's caustic way, Recounting his experience Mencken's eyebrows, Mencken's com- parts of the world, Junius B bative chin, Mencken's . . . Mencken's '00, talked before an inform .... etc. ' ence at 11 o'clock, in Univers 'Your Senior Year' is a burst of and at the luncheon of the E lyric poetry. I compare it favorably Press club at the Union at no to Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels' for its terday. touching epicedic emotion, and with The lecture in University hF Gorgione's 'Concert Champetre,' for o'clock was an informal talk the exquisite way in which the-figures about the recent Arms confer -of-spelech-have been softly drap- Washington which Mr. Wood ed. I know of nothing better in the for the Chicago Daily News. way of literature unless it be Quentin cussed the manner in which r Mesys' 'Moon Calf'." who were at the Conference w Well, the above are just samples of en the news. He told how t my prefaces. It is, in brief, good stuff. was given out from the cc I have never done anything better. meetings by means of comm The wllole business is, in fact, the best and how the reporters could review ever written. The February on these by interviews with n Gargoyle will show, by virtue of run- were at the sitting. ning this review of :mine, a vast im- At the Press club meeti provement over any previous issue of Wood told more of his exp the Gargoyle-in short a literary treat abroad. The work with the awaits those fortunate enough to get can forces in France and ti hold of a copy of the Gargoyle next lutionary factions in China w Tuesday. phasized. Tu____y._At the noon luncheon -of tl club the officers for the presen Roth Speaks in South. ter were elected as follows: p Prof. Filibert' Roth, of the forestry James A. Gallery, '22; vice-p department, gave two talks to - the Virginia V. Tryon, '23; secret Southern Forestry congress at Jack- nona A. Hibbard, '24; and ti son, Miss., last week, Sidney B. Coates, '32.