.l To Users rary :e results from the appeal to users of the open reference )f the Library that was issued xnan W. W. Bishop two weeks reported by the official cata- of the building. The growing reference privileges by a few marked chiefly by careless- -eturning books to the shelves; e report of the Librarian ne- niber of books have already turned, some of which had y been decided upon as lost. r the reading rooms, but also )partments 'of the Library re- ilar returns, so. that a large on of the missing books can eentered on the records. shows clearly," was the corn- the Librarian, "that the only .or the losses is carelessness students, The policy of main- open shelves for reference ite advantages to the student a whole, and it certainly e continued at a financial sac- the University. The co-opera- students and a number of rho,_ appreciated the difficulty Lry authorities, however, has the continuation of the plan jtime." :udent Advisory committee as- the proposed plan by sending ,s to all fraternities, sororitis, w clubs, asking them to warn mbe~s and co-operate with the es. :LESS TO SEND 'HONY CONCER'T -_a corps men of the local R. 0. ,n to continue the radiophone and will send out the music Detroit Symphony orchestra Feb. 20, and all future con- d in Hilk auditorium. ;s telephone apparatus is lo- the R. 0. T. C. building, and .smitter, which records the ond balcony of Hill auditorium,. The{ last two concerts have been sent out by the radiophone and since then, the men interested have been working to improve the apparatus. The radio- phone in use now, has a comparatively small range, and it Is hoped by the Signal corps officals to have instru- ments in the near future that will cover greater territory. HARRIS 'OOE, rROMINEN{T DETROIT BUSINESS 1WL& DIES William Hackett Harris, 'OGE, of De- troit, prominent in industrial, fi1nan- cial, and social activities in Detroit during the last 25 years, died at, the age of 53 at the Ford hospital early Sunday morning of acute appendicitis. After his graduation from the Uni- versi~ty, Mr. Harris was connected with the Michigan Central railroad as a civil engineer, and later with the Wolverine Manufacturing company. Mrs. Charles Mills Gayley, of Berkeley, Cal., wife of the author of "The Yellow and Blue," is 'a sister of Mr. Harris. he said. "They used to laugh when I camped on their doorsteps, and say that black-facers were a 'frost' in pidtures and for mie to be on my Nays And they 'Were right; the expression- less cast a face -takes ,under the burnt cork kills it' for pictures. Al Jolson, McIntyre and Heath, and Bert Wil- liams are all funny men, but the film men don't bother them any more than they did, me. Blackf ace success is purely at msatter of material and voices; there is no pantomime in :it." ._. ... Is L IM in, '': SPECIAL NOTICE it m To Chop Sucy CHINESE AND AMERICAN RESTAURANT Quang Tung Lo. 61I3 E. Liberty oc l a d J u e'" ... An old professor with a cynical but kindly droop to his mouth watched a laughing group pour out of a building. 'Mly God! the pity of' it!'I I heard him say. Then he added, If I weren't such a damned coward I'd shoot myself."' HI 11 The above is taken from a brilliant and searching article on the M The Whitney University of )Ylih19a APpearing in the March Number of The clamor for more film comedies has risen to such heights' that the big producing companies are, fighting hard to lure they leading' stage comedians into their ranks. Whereupon no less than three' film producers are dicker- ing with. "'white-face" F'rank Tinney, who, in "Tickle Me," will be seen at the Whitney theater tonight. When the droll wit took off his traditional burnt cork and appeared "straight" after the first act, as he does now for the first time n1 "Tickle Me," the shrewd film men began buy- ing seats. 'They wanted to see, if the famous humor had disappeared 'with the soot. Their current offers are the, result of their investivation. Aned as' for Tinney, he is elated. "It's my first bid. for the 'flitties',"1 SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT 711 Arbor Strt Near Statead Packard Stre to 27ke SMART SET A Mtagazine of Literature and Criticsm Now, on Sale All Newvstands t : ti#li#il#Eltlli#1##iti11##1#ftt#ti1x11#tt#illtil##t#hi#1#111EH[11#11 w l Ilt i ww i w .' fflimu uer, w rw w .,_.... .... Here This Week~ I AN EXHIBIT I )F IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CLOTHING " SHOES' FURNISHINGS' -N a r ri x r r . ; .. wr i / i E i IIt E r r r r - r I r R E i w s " s r. f it i r r t 's r - r r r w i i E \ !i r s " ' n i ' r e i. r s w r i :1% For, College Men,, 310 So. State St. (2nd. Floor) BY CHICAGO ~ ..e4 .+! w OF III' A ' k i is 1 0 t ', * ' i. k' N ~.. mx.7rf 'fr"ryr + '" s.. * I r l//tJr j' r ::.., i.' s ' = I " iiramptrrteA . H ./ 00O ~4.44~ ,eti I t !.9 f 1 Matinee 2-3:30 4 Evening 7-8:40 Adults 200 Adults 30c ' Kiddies lo 102/ U erth THURSUAY' - FRIDAY- SATURDAYi iMIgjS,% enc Film Compan /)resentls 4~1 Ir * XVHEN ,Harlan Carr and his bride inherited ' i:IztIthe "jack o 'lantern-' house they were ready M~ 1i'ngwg to believe that every. cloud has a silver, ltiing. 5L VrL f iJ AYRTI y E WHITNEYONE WHITNEYONLY Thurs. Night, Feb. l16, I A-B-S-O'L- U-T-E-LY Now Th No. - 10 Cast id Nw CmestheSupreme Outstanding Prize Attraction ott ae Whole Seasons Offerings. fAIL OIRDERS NOW *;lt A.!i =I.lS Balcony $1.0,$2.00, $2.50 ra $3.00 .. P1660U. $. Tax The Broadway Smash Athur Hammerstein brings America's Choson.Cornodian IN A MLJSIGIRL COMEDY ECEILE ME 288 Times, Selwyn Theatre N. .Y- Greatest Attraction in America 'lsts, hefasiet40"WIMKIN",OF TANTALIZING CHARMS c fastet, theaU4shlsdIle most ,proarous. hurrah, dance-skvept, musigiri laugh storm thats 'eber blokesito Ann Arbor REED B ut al "ot from the start their existence in the house was made unbearable. Grim reminders of the ipast tooks form in the shape of a huge black cat. pictures that rattled, against the w'allIs. and doers that, opened ;and closed without human effort. And then to cp. the 'climax" a hord of unwelcome- relatves settled upon theme for the s=-mme r. You'll enjoy this picture. It's oru of the strangest mm.~ interest dramas ever filmed. t 4 t \ r aJ r v ' j^ 4 t f ECIN rr ;TT 7 .ets at PACKA RDl D A N C ESAT. EVENIN( rah's, Graham 's and Admission $1,C for °Kennedy's Orchestra mom*