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February 15, 1922 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-02-15

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Number 95


ons or nominations for the Soils Prize should be in my hands
n Feb. 18. .. ALFRED H. LLOYD.
11 be a conference of the Deans at 10 o'clock this morning in
's office. M. L. BURTON.
Michigan Research Club:
lar meeting of the Club for February will be held in the His-
oratory Wednesday evening, Feb. 15, at 8 (Council meeting at

The progrpm will be a symposium on the research in progress based on
papyrus cllections of the University. Professors Kelsey, Bonner, Sand-
Boak, Karpinski and Robbins will participate. Arrangements have been
e'for the members of the Club to adjourn to the Library to inspect the
'rus collections. H. H. BARTLETT, Secretary.
Whgan History Magazine, Volume 2, Number 1, January, 1918":
The Library of Harvard University has applied to the General Library
ie University of Michigan for this number, which we cannot supply, and
:h is out of print. If any member of the University has a cpy to spare,
Gxeneral Library will be glad to forward it to Cambridge. .
W. W. BISHOP,Librarian..
[ight Organ Series:
Mr. L. L. Renwick, of Detroit, gudst soloist, will give the following pro-
a in Hill Auditorium, Thursday afternoon of this week at 4:15 o'clock:
uie in D minor (Bach); Prayer (Guilmant); Sonata in A minor
ulkes); Evening Song, Marche Humoresque (Renwick); Toccata (Fifth
phony) (Widor). The program will begin on time and the doors will
losed during the performance of the numbers. Children will not be ad-
ed.( Complimentary. CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary.
LWts, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Beginning Thursday, Feb. 16, and ending Tuesday, Feb. 21, I shall be
le to keep my afternoon consultation hours.
W. R. HUMPHREYS, Assistant Dean. '
It is requested that all students who have changed their address since
last semseter call at the office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, Univer-
Hall, and fill out a Change of Address card.
J. A. BURSLEY, Dean of Students.
ents' Rectal:
The fllowing students wil appear in a complimentary public recital
he University School of Music Wednesday evening of this week at 7:30
ck: Miss Elizabeth Schwier Miss Evelyn Pace, Miss Marian Bland and
Max Ewing, Pianists; Miss Thelma Stealey and Mrs. Frances Cran-
sopranos; Mary Louise Maxwell, accompanist.
CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary.
or Students of Electrical Engineering:
You can secure, in my office, interview blanks of the Westinghouse
tric & Mg. Company, similar to those recently sent on by the General
tric Company. I advise that unless you have definite plans for em-
ment in June each of you fill in one of these interview blanks immedi-
~erslty Bagid:
The University band will meet .this evening at 7 o'clock in University
;oric 12-Book Rev&aws:
Tho 10 and 11 o'clock sections will meet Wednesday and thereafter in
auditorium of Newberry Hall. H. S. MALLORY.-
n dat S.
rhe following students in German 4 will report to Professor Scholl at
Thursday, Room 301 Library: J. A. Dryer, W. J. McCarthy, J. W.
ienthal Chas. F. Frankman, W. M. Swager, S. L. Lewandorf, R. D. Ran-
7. Mack Bailey, Tsunago Tanaka.
omies lE, Engineer's Course:
The quiz sections will meet as follows: .
, Tu. and Th. Room 312 Engineering building.
9, Tu. and Th., Room 5' (basement) Econmics "building.
11, M. aud W., Room 340 Engineering building.
Lectures will be held Monday at 9 in Room 348 Engineering building.
ance Club:
The regular meeting of the Romance Club will be held today (Wednes-
Feb. (,) at 4:15 at the Michigan Union.
omics Ua Labor Problems:.
[he class will meet today (Wednesday) at 4 in Room 104 Economics
ing to decide upon an hour for the regular weekly meeting.
>y Journal Club:
The Journal Club of- the Zoology Department will meet Thursday, Feb.
t 7:30 p. m. Review of the work of Nachtsheim on sex determination
inophilus. Tests of musical ability by means of phonograph records,
he outlook for a knowledge of the inheritance of musical ability.
hlcal Archaeology 6, Mythology:
this course, scheduled for 108 Tappan Hall, will meet hereafter in the
Lwest room, first floor, Alumni Memorial Hall, at the hours announced.
ish Department:
the English Department will meet at the Union for luncheon at 12:10,
sday, Feb. 16. W. R. HUMPHREYS.
ral Hygiene I:'
he non-medical students in General Hygiene will meet in the Physiol-
Lmphitheater instead of the Amphitlpater in the Medical building.' The
Cal Students in General Hygiene will meet in the Medical Amnphithea-
It has been necessary to make this change owing to the large regis-
mn of: medical students. J. SUND WALL.

oniies 1:
'he first meeting of this course for all students wil be veld in Natural
ce Auditorium at 2 p. m. Wednesday. F. M. TAYLOR.

News of the Day
Dublin, Feb. 14.-The Sinn Fein con-
vention has been definitely fixed for
Feb. 21. Estimates of the voting bas-
ed on the election of delegates is a
majority to the three staters. To alter
the constitution from strict republi-
canism which Eamonn De Valera de-
sired to maintain, however, will re-
quire a two-thirds majority and it is
considered doubtful whether this can
be obtained.
Boston, Feb. 14.-What the Repub-
lican party has accomplished in con-
gress since it came .into power, and
what it has done in international af-
fairs through the armament confer-
ence were discussed in an address by
Senator Henry Cabot Lodge to the
Republican members of the Massa-
chusetts legislature at a dinner to-
The three great objects of the
United States in the armament con-
ference were the limitation of arma-
ment, the termination of the Anglo-
Japanese alliance, and the attainment
of "all we could for the benefit of
China, in which the dominant feature!
was the return of the province of1
Shantung." "In all three of these
objects we were successful," he said.
Washington, Feb. 14. - Henry C.
Wallace, secretary of agriculture,
looks with favor on' Henry Ford's
offer for purchase and lease of the
government nitrate project at Mus-
cle Shoals "ifits terms are sufll-
ciently definite and binding to make
sure the plan will be operated con-
tinally for the manufacture of fer-
Starting next Tuesday, sophomore
medics will report' to Waterman gym-
nasium once a week for exercise. The
work will be of a practical nature, and
will take the place of the regular
hygiene lecture given by Dr. Forsythe.

The change is in line with the general
movement to induce every student to
indulge in some form of, physical ex-
ercise. ** * - .
The'gymnasium work will be under
the direction of Dr. George A. May,
who will give the men instruction in
shadow boxing, wrestling, and gener-
al exercise.
Prof. Canfield Again on Duty
Prof. Arthur G. Canfield, of the,
French department, is again on duty
after an illness of nearly two weeks.
Chimes Editorial
I All sophomores wishing to try-
Iout for editorial assistants on
Chimes will please report at the
Ieditorial office, third floor of the
Union, between 4 and 6 o'clock 1
any afternoon this week.
Chimes Business
Freshmen wishing to try out
for the business staff of Chimes
report between 2 and "5 o'clock
this afternoon in the Press build-
Gargoyle Business .
All freshmen wishing to try
out for the business staff of the
Gargoyle report at 5 o'clock
this afternoon in the Press build-



A program of vaudeville, including
the Michigan Union Jazz band, the
popular Oriental dance from "Make It
For Two," exhibitions of modern
dancing by the Halseys, and five other
acts will be given Friday evening in
Hill auditorium to raise $4,000 for the
Boy Scouts' activities this year. The
program is under the direction of the
Conopus, Kiwanis, and Rotary clubs.

Prof. Evans Holbrook, of

the Law


any scout, or at either Graht
W ahr's bookstores.
Drawing Instruments-Barg
second hand sets. Wahr's U:
Second hand Books bought a
at Wahr's University Bookstor
Dance at C. of C. Inn. We
and Sat. nights. General adm

Big Band

Fancy and Acrobatic Skating


Something Worth Seeing at,
Weinberg's Coliseum
February Fifteenth
7:30 to 10:30 35c With Season Tickets l0c

,, ,i





New and Second Hand




9:30-Highway engineers meet in
room 348 of Engineering building.
Subject, "Gravel Roads."
11.:00-Freshman engineers' assembly
addressed by Col H. W. Mille. Subs
ject, "The ,German Long Range
12:05-Rotary club meets at Chamber
of Commerce Inn.
2:00-Highway engineers meet in room
348tof Engineering building. Sub-
ject, "Drainage and Snow Removal."
3:30-Matinee Musicale concert at Un-
4:00-J-Iop committee meets at Un-
6:00-Executve committee of Graduate
Eglish club meets in room 301 of
5:00-Gargoyle business staff and try-
outs meet at Press building.
5:00-Boosters, numbers 1 to 12_ in-
clusive, meet in Coach Yost's office
at Press building.
5:00-Wayfarers meet in room 304 of
the Union.
6:15-Senior engineers report at gym.
nasium for basketball practice.
7:00-Varsity band practice in Univer-
sity Hall.
7:15-Freshman Glee club practice In
reading room of Union.
7:30-Pi Delta Epsilon meets in room
306 of Union.
7 :30-Circulo Italiano meets in Cercle
Francais room.
7:30-Pennsylvania club meets i in
room 205 of Mason hall.
7:30-Order of Deffolay meets at Har-
ris hall.
7:30-Coneil of Research club meets
in histological laboratory.,
8:00-Research club meets in histo-
logical ,laboratory.
8:00-Dr. John-Sundwall speaks to
Parent-Teachers' association in Pat-
tengill auditorium. Subject, "Mental
9:30-Road commissioners meet in
room 348 of Engineering building.
2:30-Roard commissioners hold see-
ond meeting in room 348. of Engi-
neering building.
4:15-Organ recital at Hill auditorium.
6:00-Michigan road commissioners'
and engineers' dinner in assembly
room of Union.
7:00--Tarsity Glee club rehearsal at
7:00-Choral Union rehearsal at Un-
7:00-Trogean club meets In room 302
of Union.
7 :i-Freshman Union orchestra meets
in room 308 of Union.
7 :00-.0, O. T.' C. band practice at
Newberry hall.
7:30-Fellowship of Reconciliation
addressed by Bishop- Paul Jones
at Lane hall.
8:00-Christian Science society meets
at Lane hail.
8:00-Oratorical association lecture by
Harry A. Franck at Hill auditorium.
Second hand Books bpught and sold
at4 UWali'c TTnirituy Rc4+nn nrQArlUw

Special Pri es on all Northland Sk
Electric Lamps for the Study Table.
Shades, Silk and Cotton covered.
Electric Cord. Electric Fixtures of all kinds.
Starrett Tools. Dobson Molder's Tool
Yale Padlocks Shuredge PocketEZe Cutler
All the Tools Required For
Course No.1 and 2 in the Engineering Shop
M ArPROME 610 310 . TAT TREP/P




Knickers and
Knicker Suits

We are headquarters for Sport, Hiking and Riding Tc
Ladies and Men and have them in a large assortment in s
materials as Serge, Tweed, Corduroy,,Jersey, Whipcord,
etc. Also Sport Hose, Leather and Wrap Puttees, Hig
Shoes, Pack Shu, etc.
Sweaters, Knit Coats and Vests in every style at lowest prices.
Regulation O.D. Wool Army Shirts, Dress Shirts, Underwear,
Gloves, Wool Blankets and Robes.
Leather Brief and Music Cases and Boston Bags



e foremost engineer-
zines in the United
all parts of the coun-
here Feb. 27 and 28
i problems when the
.g College Magazines
mes. The meeting
y editors from such

sin Engineer, Illinois Technograph,
Tech Engineering News, Cornell Civil
Engineer, Iowa Engineer, Michigan
Technic, Arkansas Engineer, Nebraska
Blueprint, Minnesota Techno Log, and
the Kansas State Engineer.
Drawing Instruments-Bargains in
second hand sets. Wahr's University
Second hand Books bought and sold'
at Wahir's UTniversitv fBooks~tore.-Adv.

Surplus Supplies Store, 213 No
"It pdays vo walk a few blocks"

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