rs of There will be a meeting of the Wo- of "A men's Athletic association board at 5I who are in the ca ma Delta Phi will meet at 4 k this afternoon at Martha Cook ay >r The Y. W. C. A. cabinet will meet r- at 3 o'clock this afternoon at New-1 berry all.I -3. Cup of Tea" will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoqn in the parlors of Bar- bour gymnasium and at 3 o'clock to- morrow afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The entire cast and choruses for the Junior Girls' play will meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon in, SarahrCas- well Angell hall. Those who are not present will be dropped from the play. All girls finding it necessary to change their gymnasium hour because of change of schedule should report this to the office of the director before o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Bar- bliur gymnasium. ague houses rom 4 to 6 gymnasium. Mortarboard will hold its regular monthly meeting at 7:30 o'clock tomor- row evening at the Delta Delta Delta house. The Girls' Mandolin club will hold a meeting at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow evening at Newberry hall.. An important meeting of the business committee for the Junior Girls' play will be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow aft- ernoon in the middle parlor of Bar- bour gymnasium. Drawing Instruments-Bargains in second hand sets. Wahr's University Bookstore.-Adv. Loose leaf note books-"The Stand- ,rd" at Wahr's University Bookstore. Just before the Sand man came last night the children in the Homoeopathic hospital were entertained at a Valen-1 tine party. Strings of hearts and red *repe paper decorated the table and; the sun parlor in which the children were gathered. From the biggest to the smallest child there, no one. was forgotten. Every one had a Valentine and those who were too ill to get out 1 Something for sale? A C Ad in The Daily will find a Adv. Second hand Books bought a at Wahr's University Bookstor Patronize Daily Advertisers, R iiuiaolm 1, low ophomore women gymnasium workJ rector in Barbour) 6 o'clock this ooting will begin is are: From 1:30 eday afternoons, clock Wednesday rho signed tip for >rt at the, Arm- ours. tomorrow noon. -Adv. T4 / vho wish to work in the versity hall are requested . the blue book which has in the league room or to Jeffrey, '24, phone 398. j Today and Thursday A Picture That We Sponsor As ( of the Finest Ever Made! THOS. H. INCE presents Hali the Woman rship committee of the Michigan league will o'clock this afternoon Phi house. I. 4 klpha 1 nners' dancing class will be Girls are asked to sign up by Thursday, Feb. 16, on the bul- rd in Barbour gymnasium, ieir preference for one of the hours: 1:30 o'clock Monday In. Medicine- 0 THE THEATERS TODAY EN you get out into the medical world, you'll find young doctors are judged by something more than diagnostic ability and knowledge of their subject. The at- mosphere of success plays its part-the evidence that you have "arrived." And among the little details that indicate success, there's the habit of preferring The One Cigarette Sold the World Over" S., Arcade-Tom Mix in "The Roujh Diamond." Majestic-"Hail the Woman," a Thomas Ince production. Wuerth-"The Flower of the North," by James Oliver Cur- wood. Orpheum William Steel Heart." Rae-"Appearances," mount feature. Duncan in a Para- THIS WEEK N . stage Rorence~idoranj Theodore Roberts With a great cast including: Theodore Roberts 'Florence Vi Lloyd Hughes Tully Marshall Gertrude Claire Madge Bella -ALSO- Lloyd (Ham) Hamilton "R OLL ING STONES" arrick (Detroit)-Leo Ditrich- stein in "The Great Lover." hubert' Michigan (Detroit) - Margaret Anglin in "The Wom- Enlarged Orohestra - No Increase in Pri 7, Feb. 16)- | i "Tickle Me." } its-Bargains in rahr's University - - 5)C to $2.50 Sat. Mats. goc to $a Anglin in Bronze" of the Season Wed.-Sat. goc to 2.00 to - 50c to 2.5 tor-Playwright .. - r.. .. TEIN Wednesday *-Thursday - Friday -MATINEE 2-3:30 EVENING 7-8:40 --- - -Adults 20c Adults 30c Kiddies 10c =All Aboard. Spoi 00100 for My vrtlo 51$ s. Laff Land An If Inheritance, Bored You Should You Disgu 'kseGhosts lack Cats 'Everything tAE TIME TOO. t Feature filled with Thrills IRISTY PHUNNY ovith 15 cents will admit you ow - Tom Meighan i Y OF SILENT MEN" RAE sted and -Thursday Were Willed - A House' Somewhere In the Country" With the Promise Of a Larger Treat theRelatives The Way You ought to Treat 'Em. And Said Relatives .Irritated You Until i 4