ULLET.I N AY, FEBRUARY 14, 1922 Number 94 ture in Shops 3 and 4: The class rooms for Shops 3 and 4 Lectures are as given below; Class Room 445, Tuesday, 8 and 1 o'clock, Shop 3. Class Room 445, Thursday, 8 and 1 o'clock, Shop 3.r Class Room 445, Saturday, 8 o'clock, Shop 3. Class Room 432, Wednesday, 1 o'oclock, Shop 3. Class' Room 445, Tuesday, 11 o'clock, Shop 4. Class Room 240, Tuesday, 2 o'clock, Shop 4. Class Room 246, Saturday, 8 o'clock, Shop 4. Get the inside dope on Ohic from Mike Bowerman, '23, in h ference Contemporaries article month's Chimes.-Adv. After the Hop number of Chi hale tomorrow.-Adv. A quarter sends the J-Hop g this ns for the Board of Regents: meeting of the Board of Regents will be held Friday, Feb. 24. >ns for the Regents, in order to be presented at that time, ved at the President's Office before 5 p. m. Th'ursday, Feb. 16. ations received later than this time will be presented. M. L. BURTON. sory Committee: 11 be a meeting of the Committee this afternoon at 4 in Dean :e. PERKiNS BULL, Secretary. 7y: I be no meeting of the Dental Faculty Thursday, Feb. 15. RUSSELL W. BUNTING, Secretary. ation, Literary Collegie: just registering in the College of Literature, Science, and the se who were in this College last semester but failed to file elec- ek, may find the committee in the iRegistrar's office Tuesday, 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. This does NOT apply to changes in elec- handed in; the days for making changes will be announced mes on! girl the Dance at C. of C. It and Sat. nights. Gener Adv. Drawing Instruments second hand sets Wa Bookstore.-Adv. 1e1'AT 0. W. BOSTON.' F~ebruary Chilmes.-Adv.' late. elections is one dollar. ARTHUR G. HALL. rsty of Mibigau Research Club: he regular meeting of'the Club for February will be held in the His- cal Laboratory Wednesday evening, Feb. 15, at 8 (Council meeting at he program will be a symposium on the research in progress based on pyrus colleitons of the University. Professors Kelsey, Bonner, Sand- oak, Karpinski and Robbins will participate. Arrangements have been for the members of the Club to'adjourn to the Library to inspect the us collections. H. H. BARTLETT, Secretary. oels Prize: pplications or nominations for the Solis Prize should be in my hands ter than Feb. 18. ALFRED H. LLOYD, Woodrow Wilson Foundation: ubscriptions .to the Foundation from members of the Faculties, from nts and from others in Ann Arbor wishing to subscribe are being re- d at University Hall 9. There has been and will be no "drive", but all sted, who have not yet subscribed, are asked to make their subscrip- without delay, if pssible, before Feb. 18. LFE yo. ' ALFRED H. LLOYD. gy Courses of Professor Brouwer: he course in Geology 29, the Geology of the Dutch East Indies, by ssor H. A. Brouwer, Exchange Professor from Holland, will be given om 321G in the Science building on Tuesday and Thursday at 2 o'clock. frst meeting will be on Tuesday, Feb. 14, at 2 o'clock. The course will ven for two hours credit but three hours credit may be obtained by ii arrangement. The course is primarily intended for students of geol- rho have had the introductory courses but all who are interested will lcome to attend the lectures. . course of more popular lectures by Professor Brouwer upon the nat- 'eatures and the people of the Dutch East Indies will be given in tie rsity Lecture-series. Full alnouncement of these lectures will be made . x E. C. CASE. Igan History Magazine, Volume 2, Number 1, January, 1918": he Library of Harvard University has applied to the General Library University of Michigan for this number, which we cannot supply, and . is out of print. If any member of the University has a copy to spare, neral Library will be glad to forward it to Cambridge. W. W. BISHOP,Librarian. r Students in Electrical Engineering: . C. Bergvall of the Class of 1921 will be in Ann Arbor from the 17th b, to the 22nd of Feb., inclusive. He will make his headquarters in lice. I advise that you talk with Mr. Bergvall, getting first hand im- ons of professional employment possibilities with the Westinghouse o c & Mfg. Company. JOHN C. PARKER. r Students of Electrical Engineering:, on can secure, in my .office, interview blanks of the Westinghouse ric & Mfg. Company, similar to those recently sent on by the Gpneral ic Company. I advise that unless you have definite plans for employ- in June each of you fill in one of these intervie blanks immediately. JOHN C. PARKER. man Engineers:. 'is feryimportant that every Freshman attend the Assembly on Wed- y, at 41 a. m, Feb. 15, 1922. Col. H. W. Miller of the Drawing Depart- will address the Freshmen on "The German Long Range Guns" that d Paris during the late World War. C. E. WILSON, Head Mentor Freshman Engineers. mics lE, Engineer's Course: Lhe quiz sections will meet as follows: , Tu. and Th., Room 312 Engineering building. I, Tu. and Th., Room 5 (basement) Economics building. ., U. and W., Room 340 Engineering building. octures will be held Monday at 9 in Room 348 Engineering building. ISADOR LUBIN. ology Courses: sychology 25a will meet in Room 214 N. S., M., W., F., at 11. sychology 45 will meet Wednesday, Feb. 15, in Room P 251 N. S. at o arrange hours. sychology 46 will meet in Room P 476 N. S., Tu., Th., at 11. sychology 25s will meet in Newberry Hall Auditorium Tuesday and day at 11. HENRY F. ADAMS. latics 76: ;udents electing Mathematics 75, Advanced Calculus, meet in Room 6, ngineering building, Tuesday at 7 p. m. to arrange hours. L. . ROUSE. h 19: irst meeting at 4'p. m. today (Tuesday), Library 303, for purpose- of ing a class hour. J. . HANFORD. ;h,2: r. Fries' section in English Literature 2 scheduled to meet in Room H. at 10 o'clock Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will meet in the Room in Newberry Hall. C. C. FRIES. eape Design 2, Civic Improoekent and City Planning: ill meet Tuesday and Thursdays at 11 in the Upper West Gallery of ii Me orial Hall. H. 0. WHITTEMORE. ntical Engineering: Uidents enrolled in these courses will come to Room 336, Engineering ig, Feb. 14, at 4 p. m. to arrange the hours. F. W. PAWLOWSKI. ry 24: more elections in this course will be accepted, as the capacity of the as been reached. L. 3. YOUNG. Mathematieal Club: A regular meeting will 'be held this evening, at 8, in Room 401 Mason Hall. Mr. D. K. Kazarinoff will pre- sent "Some Focal Properties of Con- ics and Quadrics." Members of the Faculty and graduate students are in- vited. W. W. DENTON, Secretary. Graduate English Club: The Graduate English Club will meet Friday, Feb. 17, in Helen New- berry Residence at 8 p. in. sharp. Pro- fessor Hanford will talk to the club at .this time on "The Beginnings of Vagabond Literature". The Executive Committee will meet 'Wednesday, Feb. 15, in Room 301 Li- brary at 5 p. m. Names of under- graduates eligible for membership should be given to the committee so that .they can be considered at this time. NEIL E. COOK, President. Romance Qlub: The regular meeting of the Romance Club will be held Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 4:15 at the Michigan Union. A. G. CANFIELD. Phi Sigma: There will be a regular meeting of the Phi Sigma Society in Room Z 231, Natural Science building, at 7:30 p. in. on Tuesday evening, Feb. 14. Program: "The Evolution of Medicine"; by Dr. Coller. C. W. CREASER, Secretary Handball Tournament: The doubles event of the All-Cam- pus Handball Tournament will start on Monday, Feb. 27. Entry sheets are now posted on the north, door of the handball courts in Waterman Gymna- sium and all entries must be signed no later than Saturday evening, Feb. 25. Carr, Rosenman, pelly, Guen- ther, Woods, Berman, Blauner, Se- gal, Swartz, Scarnechia, Bowers, Swager, Morse, Smith, W. Gehring, Seymour, Potter, Joyce, Coleman, Cas- ey, Heilbrunn and others interested take notice. A silver cup will be awarded to each of the doubles cham- pions. C. E. GEHRING, '23 (508-J). Economics 1: For all new students beginning the study of Economics the first meeting of the course will be on Wednesday at 2 p. m. in the Natural Science Aud- itorium. Note that 'this is a change from the day (Tuesday) printed in the annual announcement. F. M. TAYLOR. NOTICE Anyone having actioh pictures Iof last year's track or baseball teams is requested to get in I touch with Phillip Ringer, 1519. These pictures are desired for use in the Michiganensian. Second hand Books bought and sold at Wahr's University Bookstore.-Adv. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. SECOND TEIXT BOOK !' New and ,Secon4t Hand. ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES LAB OUTFITS, Etc. WAH R'S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORI SEFIESTEP I 4 The Most Appropriate Complment of the Season is a I, of Orchids, Sweet ,Peas and Liliesof the Valley / a' .. Phone 666 " BluMaize Blossom Shop, Inc. .1 r ,_ 1 ... i r + .r THEATER MATINEE 2-3:30 Adults 20c EVENING T-8:40 Adults 30o Kiddies loc JAMES OLIVER EXCEPTIONAL PHOTOPLAYS COMING SOON CUR WOOD'S "FLQWER OF THE "At the Sign of the Jack O'Lantern" Gerge Arliss in "Disraeli" Priscilla Dean in "Conflict" Harold Lloyd in "A Sailor Made' NORTH" ,1 v A COMEDY RIOT- LEE MORAN 43 will meet in Professor Smith's of- ng at 1 p. M., Feb. 14. in "P. D. Q.""