j money nds for B. Jor- ag of Ann Ar- t 7 o'clock to- ecial business T society will meet at' ht in the Alpha Nu1 he University Girls' held at 4:30 o'clock Barbour gymnasium. versity league houses lty tea from 4 to 6 at Barbour gymnas- have a special meet- his afternoon in the ur gymnasium. All be present, and es- Dean Myra B. Jordan is confined to her bed with bronchitis and will not be at home to University women this afternoon. Games in the basketball color tourn- ament will be played this afternoon and evening as follows: Brown vs. orange,.and green vs. purple, at 4:15 o'clock; yellow vs. black, and red vs. gray, at 7:15 o'clock; blue vs. white, at 8 o'clock. All entering and sophomore women should register for gymnasium work at the office'of the director in Barbour gymnasium before 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Classes in rifle shooting will begin this week. The periods are: From 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoons, and from 7 to 9 o'clock Wednesday evenings. All girls who signed up for practice should report at the Arm- ory at one of these hours. All girls who wish to work in the booth in University hall are requested to sign up in the blue book which has been placed in the league room or to call Dorothy Jeffrey; '24, phone 398. at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon at the Delta Delta Delta house. The membership committee of the University of Michigan league will meet at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Alpha Phi house. "Lisa Thinks the Hop Great Fun," is a comic story that appears in this month's Chimes. It is from the pen of Don Coney.-Adv. Drawing Instruments-Bargains in second hand sets. Wahr's' University Bookstore.-Adv. The Black Sheep, Baas in the Peb- ruary Chimes.-Adv. Second hand Books bought and sold at Wahr's University Bookstore.--Adv. Ivory stopper In the stem stops all moisture Calkins Fletcher Drug Co. and the Cushing Drug Co. invite the inspection of T'RLEBO PRICE PIPES Drawing Instruments-Bargains in second hand sets. Wahr's University Bookstore.-Adv. ' RAE, TODAY-WEDNESDAY "APPEARANCES" It's a Paramount. Also Christy Comedy. This "AD" with i5 cents will admit you THURSDAY-FRIDAY THOMAS MEIGHAN in "THE CITY OF SILENT MEN" ' RAE Last RAO: I 1; Adv. ?gents for the United States and Canada GROSVENOR NICHOLAS & CO., Inc. 12 East 48th Street NewYork City second hand Books bought and sold at Wahr's University Bookstore.-Adv. "ACROSS TI HAROLD LLOYD 4 _, - .f I h ONE YHITN Ey NIGHT ONLY urs. Night, Feb. 16 A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y New the Big No. Cas, w> Comes the Supreme Outstanding Prize Attraction otthe Whole I Seasons Offerings.. IL ORDERS NOW zea Sa>l. Galler$y $1 Balcony $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Orchestra $3.00 -- Plus U. S. Tax The Broadway Smash' Afhur Hammerstein brings America's Chosen Comedian 0L 111111mm A&M M m I Katherine Mac .,.ald Her Soc aue A Pt' T NI ONL ATTRAL'TM Which shall be broken - a man's life or a iroman's heart? The 'story of a girl who found the value of a wedding ring was not social value Big Supporing Cast Including ROY STEWART LAST TIMES TODAY DEN TURPIN -In- "Lo 'sOutcast" The boy who sees twvice gets in- to and out of, some very tieklish positions. You are missing a world of fun if you fal to see this. -w and - IN A MUSIGIRL COMEDY 288 Times, Selwyn Theatre N. .Y- Greatest Attraction In America 40"WI NIN" OF TANTALIZING CHAR MS The fastest, the flashiest and the most uproarous, hurrah, dance-shept, musigir laughstorm that';. eber blolois into Ani Arbor ~ STARTING TOMORROW 4 Generalissimo!! 11 A Modern Knight -; Bold and Chivalrous ]l I- __I That's the role our new star takes in the roly poly, cheery devil-inay-care picture that 'A we liked so well we diately programmed four days. And FJUST DON'T MISS imme- it for Today Through Thursday A Picture That We Sponsor As One of the Finest Ever Made! THOS. H. INCE presentsx the Woman" T'OM mix \ 4 _ rl"" k t ". , < ., ,+r- 4 "The Rough I . ) D IA M OND" An optimistic picture whose very freshness and wholesome qualities fairly radiate superg' en- tertainment. ADDED FAST And FURIOUS Featuring AL ST. JOHN great funster with a barrel of new dtunts that will tickle you with laughter. I. a . SPECIAL NOTICE - WASHINGTON'S FESTIVAL IN CONJUNCTION WITH NATIONAL WEEK, FEBRUARY 19TH TO 25TH INCLUSIVE SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY I i VTHTIS)A V~I' AY-SATIh e V dorani Theodore Roberts it cast including: Theodore Roberts Florence Vidor ies Tully Marshall Gertrude Claire Madge Bellamy --ALSO- loyd (Ham) Hamilton. ROLLING STONES" CONSTANCE TALMADIIE I "POLLY Of The FOLL I ES" JOHN BARRYMOR "The Lotus Eat sA MARSHALL NEILAN PRODUCTIOT And BUSTER KEATON "'THE PLA YHO USE " This Year's Greatest Fuin Comedy in A Fable of Footlight Foibles and Limelight Lemons And Connie asCleopatra, Paging Mr. Tired Business Man! I No Increase in Price