PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAlt ilt . FPliRt liY 11,19 (1 ( b~rgOak00Perk, Il;Eiaeh iktn mra n.Vnta ld Ill.; Elizabeth111llllVieklllltenll11Smyrsellt111Nina i1111{nattalllllAflllollIll) M EHO GUSS eyvi an1sille. Int.; I~tl Tuttle,te-iloise Mattern, Whiting, In. 31 i t ________ _____int. -(-hapman, lDetroti; uth AMrsit 0 ti (Continued rout Page Five) 11oth11211 si Omega lesley;tDonna Essestyn, Ann A lr0borYour; .ILI TIN S No Margaret Giilies, Grand Ledge; Vi- (haperos Mrs .. M. Naylr, Ann ItHortense Dei.; Tsedo, .; eh i rt rutde =1. ginia Brodel, Detrtit; IHlen G. Wttte, Aitor; Ms. M. linnis, Anns Arbor. ,_rst eeGet nr e Detroit. __ Guests The Misses Rth NEla Cith , Rb cTldO Es Stugis Male.DevneDetoit EdaSchultz Deri;Mra oey n Booth 23-Delta Sigma. Delta Iugt;Mtleie Aereist b or; Natroit;MaiJorn eren = G ITtit TA IO ER MA. Peter-on, Gaesturg, 11.; BeatriceAhr alle Jtrls, ttr _e Chaperotns-Dr. and Mrs. F. Vedder, Springs Ann Arhor. Guests -The Misses Sanregret, LAnse; Rutht Eliaeth ad Georgia Kerr, Detroit; Dortthy Mc itts, Buhantan; Anne OConiell,! Botht 36-Trigont~N Kenzie, Dowagittt; Edith Catty, S uit Cicago, Ill.,1E0ttly Beute, Dttett; ClaPeroiis-Mr andt Mrs. F H. ILee =G e tn a U Ste Marie: Marion Kingstoni, Oetoit; nF l.iieStees randWRiidtsttt.; Iii ttM Mrart-'s . 1 lts ~ Strt Miargaret Skene Delroit; Paulit tt I teis tine tettMa-Ilests The Misses Isabe Ctttpei,=F OR A 1.1..)OC C ASI1(ON S Thotmpsotn, Lansintg ; toonties, Itt t isrit J tot Ott, GrandtIledge,ltorott-Blcetast Be..,Octatrite Victettt le - flu. Sg itta ; ItnincEttie Rcle, trtttttKentitBad, lttlAe; Foreite Mst isk,_ Bollh 24 Della Kalpa Kpili adt oFa_ eeKPoil S , ,etttrt . tDetrotitMargattret aeitt ci Bttle 0 DttttL17Nckl Acd Sigma Pi ttit- i Crte0, ID.l Costllo I.IRIngLILl-i1 Nickels Arcade Chaperton-MSrs. L V. I itstiti, Litt-) Bothtt. 1 li Kap a t i (otinud n aglS ve ) llltttiitt111111111iittteti11111111111totII111i111t111t111SevenI~lli ington. Guests--The Sisses Sarrali Chapertins Mr. antI Mrs. Janes FLi Bagshaw, Saginaw; Charlotte Red Prnis K nlw h Iteectan ,_ Prentist.,111111111111111111IllNeitliwortliIIII11111111IIIIIIIl.; Mr. anti1111111111111l11111111 Monroe; Helen Bell, Chicago, Il.; Mrs. B. F Toin, Jr-., Grosse Pointe. = Mildred Murriel, Lynchtburg, V.; Guests-Tre Misses Virgitia tBruer,-E Charlotte Wiley, Detroit;Estter Ed- Chicagto, 31.; EKathryn Ballartd, (hica moods, Detroit; Virginia Wison, go, Ill; teratline DuiniiC, hit eo Flint; Mary Lois 'MMullen, Evanston, Ill.; Majorie McGrath, Austii, III.; txr Ill.; Nancy Williias, El Pso, Tex.; Elizaetht tigail, Austin, Il.; Virginia ti Margaret Dewar, DetrotiC arot Hey- Careen, Keniwrth, Il.; Jane Ritge -_ sett, Ludingon; Marjorie West, Bl- way, tieveantd, 0.; Elaine L. MH I view, 0.; Doris MKeon, Grand Rap- roy, Cleveland, .; Marvel Wilson To- ids; Rosantonde tHopkins, St. Claire; ledo, 0.; Stela MNeriey, Ttledo . She is here in all her glory and Vivian Bargadon, Bay City; Alice Grace Patttinsoi, Maiistiqie; Ernes Powell, Detroit; Mary tLot Miller, Bay titeRotinhison, Detroit; Brara Dun splendor and we hid her wel- City; Joan Boltrook, Ann Artor. cnNwok sy Eeyi tttco e May the occasion be sher, Duuque, ta. Booth 21 Iiidependeits festive one and may her JOY Caperons-Mr. anid Mrs. Carl F. Booth 31 Chi Psi Bay, Anti Arhor. Guests-The Miss- hpriir.5 ~~(m now no bounds es Ardath C. Barnes, East Tao-as; go, 11. Guests-The Sisses Maty= Cornelia E.. Sheperd, tCehoygain; Harding, Chicago, I.; Mary Ilarrigan, Dorio A. Banister, Millrooik, N. .; Detroit; Mary itoe Colins, Detroit, Jtuti A. Dorothy- Camiphell, HighlandttPtak; et Deiikel, tDetrtoit; I te Thixtont, Louis- Josephine . Coiper, iDetroit;ior-yete.; itts itseLouiisv ie- thy H. Dtavis, DetroititDtotrothly J. Ky.;Peggy Foley, Houtgtontttii; My lady's visit in Ann Van Kuck, Los Aigees, tali. ;Cris- t; tst ii, lter City; SMairiointliek h ien Enkeitani, Anni Arhor;,Itsleh ai, Ili.; Virginia St rti o.utCiieagti Arbor will not bec Van Sickle, Ann Aror; Winifred . Illi; Ethel lutelYinistiu, Treiiitin, N .=Complete unless she Kirsehmnan, Battle Creek. Booth 32-Psi Upsilon visits the Booth 26-Sigmia Eu Caperonis-tDr. I. I. Ltrte and Ms. Perchance my lady is in need Chaperons--Br. and Msh. E. K. Loree, SMr. atid Mrs. N. S. Ptter lM.I=-o o ehn i h ie o Herdtotn, Ann Arhor. Guests -The tatd Srs. Fank TI.Corwevel, Antsr 1 Misses Ruth Booker, Vpsilainti; RthIor. (ests SMrs.7 t- doe Cladler - women's haberdashery. If so, 1i Murray, Detroit; Ruth tProbst, Aim! W a isigttn, I. C.;the Misses Hieleniteta H _ , Arbor; Edna Christeiiseii, Short Sils. Dnel, Phici-agi, Itt.; Ile Littoni Majtr, we have Justth things ta N. J.; Ruth Rumsey, Chicago, Ill.;(Louisville, Ey. Cristite Sttrkett -= will please her heart and make e Clyde, .; Elizabeth Burnis, Cicin- Grttid tRapids; Isabel Scott, Toledo , her happy nati, 0. Alice Campbell, Detroit;tHel 0O.; Gertrude Wiker, Toledo, 0.; Miss en Rioherts, Cleveland, (.; Aarion HelenKee Jcsn Booth 27-Sigma Phi Epsiloni Chatertits Mlr. aiid Mrs. Gerigeh zij s Chaperons-Mlr. aiid Mrs. Robert Etotter, Aitin eeArb o tests Tl= - IC ES A C D Louis iMeotle, Sotiac. (Guests- Tue ilisses Sitirett Mriy, itetit ; Lititee Misses SMildred Sephtenom tneti;;MSli-,Cuine, oisArtor; Ella vita Srecil= licenrt Wethewax, lei tl; Estier Luinttgtont Franes Stto, Diitrottt Iill, lietroit ; lartia.Thatyer, tlttt Jtcei-Mctiurtdy, Det roit ; Ms oiiia;-agrt Ckl, eri MrCreAnAb oEiaehSierttot 111111ll11111111l --MCI It. ; Hlen Lidltv, ititas Btooth 211-SigsatAlphaE Iltiiolti tlt Grtchlent Adelman, util~l~ti Chaperonts-ir. N. S. Haer, It.; Caoline A tetrimltiWheton"l~i Rochester, N. .; SMr. and SMr. Otto ;l11..; Adele ttidrit, Detroit; Olga Bans, Anso Arbor. Guests--TheSisses lilttisens. tietroit ; iiis. t. L. Van- Donna Lavrock, Dctrtoit ; Dorothty ntelr, .AnniArotr; Josephliieio So- .s{ C m l m Battlenreri; TekDorotti al ome ucsr.The Mvost Appropriate tte oek;Teplinient, or l-- Wayne, 1I11.; SHeleni O'Leary, lDetroit,: Booth 3I nd iependents Beriadette Cote, lietroit K atheieteChaeronis - Sll. andt lrs. L. P. of t e S a o sSwayze, Katamazoot; Gertrude Tito Joceyn, Ann Arhbor. Guests Tteof t e S a n i a menman, Jackson; Josephinie Blsl, Misses Sadye larwick, letroit Be- Indianapolis, tId.; Gladys Troew- niece Netwcomsb, Ypsianti; tGayla Pet- KODAK FINISHING Our prints are made on Velox. I f lcid ,S e tP a Materials that are Eastman made and meth- j and Lillies of the Valley ods that are Eastman approved, plus the ex- perience of our experts are guaranties of fin- - est quality finishing.I Bring us your films Phone 666 BluMaize Blossom Shop, Inc. - LfTA3LIYJztrJJ 1905