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February 11, 1922 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-02-11

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V1 STY Od ICzrn Dait\
tbith1(151e"lOmtrning l~t;?Moat
duigte[n~esily yeartbyte -Boadin
Controtl of SOudent Publicios.AIl)110
TheluAssocited 'ross is exlusively entitled
pachs re itd o, it t t 'I, cedte
in t ' I1, .is ae n lo h oa e s Id ihc

every shltantd comtmand of their liege ~ , r,~.A f*,
lttrd. .MimlGets 7. I-I
Mitrth and Merriment tntl Gayety llutN l~t From A P '
reign tottigltt. Rare, worry antd troubtle P
have tteen east to the windsstutdies
are forgtttten, examntaions are ended (By Y. F.)I
sallffor[tat granid, gloriotus, festire, With breathtless ihaste Mimi OGraph,
incotttaratsle2 Ilop '25, scantted thlsotry itt The Daily
IHopt, skip and jumsp-hop throttghanotrtgIerinalsettf[h
thtrotght the ttight, skip btreakfast and , JRHp, whlile hter rhetoric professor!
jumpt~ dowtt to the hotuse party., {weezoed Itrough thse day's assitgn-
w_________tent. Already iihadttt visittns of
IT {1Af'fiR Nt'l herself'flttitng abotttttWaterman
ITMA~lS OT igyttttasittts with hter ttdtrabtle A. P'.
"It tmatt etrsttttl, sottsr of1tlbeent totl, 1OlIt, '2 :Ed., captain ttf Itte VarsityI
Alterete bt'lotdylies, tihte i'heart'litdtle-tie-stittks tttintt
Tis litttf t'totbhty ltilttsttphcisnextclatss. A wot~le tseelk of 'tastes
gtitly apitlicahle totthle attitttte of w ithttttt attitt I of sleept, itt fatI, tttt
thent---teItelephtotte rattg. With
shecattpa tttelis tiltt A Jakbated hreath shte dashetd itadly down
London swould pot it, "Everything that. hes~ tai dt,' m-, allt,,,



a mmm dd

EIlTOR ain't io, an' tlsat which isn't oughter assenmhled, each itt her place, hantg-
G. P. Overtonthe." ittng aver the haitnister, shte answer,
ASSISTlANTlS Sa it io tonight. The dreamy har- ed. What tdespair she experienced
E. P. Lovejoy, Jr., Pauld Walt(el, Leo moony conflicts with the complexioned when a sweet mtaidenly vttice satid,
Jlershdorfer, E. R. )leiss, Tihornton IV.! "Whtat is oar assignenett in rhetttric?"
Sargent, Jr., Elizabth Vickery, Ceil highs-lightn. Ivory shouldertsnterge tOnte mttre thte touse ttttk on its atti-
It. Betron. i. (' loriarty, 31. 1. ter-! witht varigated decorationo. A tense [odle of silettt wailing.
doii, ~~~air of hilarity pertmeates thte atmos-JstfrLc
sher, Itia sor of nrel niht, Otit of the quiet depths of the low-
U tANAGEiRanthtntmaaeaepc er hall caine a secand jittgling. "You
Nathan W. IRobertsoni The moaterialism, of actual life fade answer this timte far lilck,"qot
tttd flaw-intto unseen distance, There itfm As e srutedgo a
ASSISTANI'S exists another world, hot it is infinite-rMimi-ndervhooadutherclohesfhu
D. J. Park., H. AW. iet iherger, I. lIly remate. ee o hne owa hnse
Hioule, L. B. Parks, J. A. D~ryer, W. K., The play "Far One Nigltt Only" is be e o hnet erteoe
Glibraithi, J. H. Prentiss, E. F. Contlini, ing entacted at Micligan, nov', tI is'detysi ontlehinseI
tewas far Mimi. The tggregatittn ag-I
EIdw. ')turaiie. neithter tragedy nor drama-it it life.gratdttteuprhlevnme
Slay the futttre open as roseate asqti gt'ky t~tnhefoppr l ee m
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 lte preseitt nttw exists.Touickythtane ottytukto-.h
"Pardon, I believe w's - " ltis is?" iitwas afraid to respoitd
OH WITHI 'IHEIIOR ase fi otl errett anythiitg but "You lt," fttr of tourse
'5',, s~a,~,ins5,,,, t~'c~t51,'heat 'ttl Ier ifttci wou"deh" a rrc t torshe kntew'thtat sweet etticetseloitged

Exclusive designs
Party Gowns
Afternoon Frocks
Mrs. Grace 230 Nickels Arcade
Van Schoick Phone 795 -W


1.llC J-.L7.Vj1 it [;La 4l cittLCtLCIa lvltl 111 att. j <<+,. Ua.,. , ..,v .au u . . w ui u" .i ivii ii .,,f .

Libraries and study ltlls thtt ta
yesterday were filled witht students
eagerly engaged in the search far T lescop Le
knowledge are now barren aitd desert-
ed, and their cries, "Caome back, cause
back," graoe faitter and fainter and Welcome!.
fiitally became a whtisper. Thte ti- fter it htad faded ot
Far one unsocial year
dent, garbed in the cloak of ait Apollo, In which a grave official psut
takes his fair Diana sr Minerva far a Glootmed on thte fttnctioit here,
spin it his fiery, gas-eating, dust-dis- The Junisr Mop again is back
ttirbing chsariot of red and mackingly! With promise of us stops,
Prttvided that the guests attacki
answers thte itournfttl cry of thte study ilr fht n eso os
hall wih a derisive hank of htis htorn, Moefhpanlssfhp.
"Hlonk, Moult!Duttk, Doisk!"-and So '232f o- offers to ou-EsoWet
from the quiet recesses of the bttule- TtNrl-,SuI- ass et
vard rouses the echo, "'onk 'unk era,
~J-Hlop of niueteein tweinty-tw o,
The gay, dazzling wardrobte af the BU. (Beseen t',eisesters),
ctollegitnt has teitporarily, at least, er 0 h 'ae ai lo
bseeit relegtttetlto thse reatlmttth e fttr- "Wetyditon tiettancetHa l aloe
gotten antI departetd, aitdintitus stett Whi dd tis?"thtgil e
apptears Ite ftoritttlbraittlotfte so-
rial lioit. Gowisa of itstit tctlotsif "I dttitfkinttw, tist a itere mtatt'rj
satint aintlsilk, beatifttliresplentttittffrt.
itt thteir ltrillitatcy tptpeai as at trtttbowt i Witihdrew
ttfter a staris, It welcomettei ef ftrtit
thte rathser ittotnous, yet tltra-t m_ ibboua, greeit and pintk ands bltue,
fortable, daily college tdtess at the 'I'Frail aitd flintsy, oft askeew,
tensale of thte species, on thts nightt'tittswhat 'aould thtose doop girlies da
not mtore deadly thtan her male danlcing If just one ribbait broke in tswo?
Tile camtpus has shled its post-examul The College Golfer
tuatiatian coat of soiuberness stud115a 'Tere was a young msaid froms Bryn
taken on art air of mterritment, all in: Mawr,
keepiing ssithth le occasito. Gloan smd Whto itade [lhe nithlstoe Yn Pasvr;
sorrow have its place here nosy-tine It wras sttcht a surprise
ensuglt far them whsen the grades are Thlat shle blushed to her eyes,
given out. Th~elisp knowts neither Antd she gtinned till she couldn't Gry n
sadness nor tears, only laughlter and Mawr,
jtoy-and to the waters of the River
Styx withs all that woauld interfere. Wuxtira! Society List
Oit with the Mop! Thle following names wvell known in
_________________ str highest social circles were fotund

tton i tIther thant her A. I'. even
thloughI shte[tad inever heartd Iint ex-
r ept thtat evetting at Christian En-
deavor when he was intraduced to
At the crucial momant Mimi was
heard to gulp back the lumsp inI her
throtat aind iturnmur, "Ott, why Itt
sintply atdore gointg IstotheDoltsitht
you. It's so lovely of yttu to ask me."
The conversation was ended almtost
immiediately ity the shrieks from thle
upper halt aild by the raoos-mate
faintting in a, heap Itt Mimti's feet,
completely exhtausted froil ear strain.
Jasmine Also Contribmutes
All hopes of study far thtat nlight
s'ere lost for there wcas muuh plan-
nintg and intrigiig to be donte. With
Ertteiltrode's pai'ty dress, Uses-
dlolyin's slipplers, Rosetta's httse. LAina
t'olthan's strap, Jasinle's tunmteit
tioaiIbles. andti Ier' Is-Itltaii'net, Mihmi
dlecitdetdthat eentifthetChit-ago ml-
lioniaire potrk pacthker's datughter
wos l htliIave nohtling on hettr ill thle
t'lttes lute. At,35tt'clotck thte next
Ihmornhing t(tete wals t lull inl the 111,11
ter ewhile the landtlatt sutggestedth [at
the girls go tt bed.
Mimi stas stariitg vacatly itot
space dreamng of her future splen-
dar as shte galoshted tt her 9 a'clockh
class thtat mnI~ing, svhen behtind tei
she recagnizetd the voice that had en-
traitced 11er the previous evetting. Her
heart did a figure eightt itt her
outh antd back before she swas able
to turtt and swait fat her Itrine
chtarmtiug. Using all her strength of
mtind aild sill poser to keep fromt
flingisg her armts about his Adamt's
apple otho tremblingly "about-faced.'
Her [tansy dripping smile vanished
into oblivion as ase realized that she
s-ould go to Ite Halt, not s-ith her
enshtriised A, P., but s-ills the abomt-
inable dumb-bell from Dexter s-ho
sat next to her it Botany and grinnedI
from ear to ear every tite she for-
gttt and tasked at bins,
jFar thsealtening of ite Itlitses Un-
isis Iseatre, tsvtt performtances of thte
1922 U'iini opera, "Haktte It Far Tao"j
[have heeit sch~edtuled far next Friday'
'The first Iperformtance swill be aopen
toslytothe1n1, ssw[ileoas thse secondtl iighst
womsens as well as mtenI ssill be adl-'
,Construtctions sork wshichs sas start-
ed last tisu ser on the old Vision
building to thse rear of thse Usion is
finiosed, antsthle isess-plantt is as cans-
plete a thseatre as is fotund anyshere.
'fTse ecapacity of thte hsotse is 50t pea-
pie. Tiecet tales for tise performtaisces
whc wtetsill be gisven reguslarly by
Mtiites, Unhionihoitorary driamtatic at'-
gaizattion, thsis sptrintg still be so-sit
tdtttetd isn1111'theatre's bttx office,.

i:'. =c

Flowers that might have come from the
Garden of Eden. You will want some
of them at your house party this week-
end. Order from-

225 Liberty St.

Phone 1321


All toseewho ditd iot
eyes s-hen the picture was
please report to thte commttis
tnedattce antd receise st ued;
spictmous bravery,
WEt'LC'tME, ''IE J-1
Totthle ettests ttf isichit
catte. Mtichtigan, Iter halsh
pus, hter tratditios-all thsest
otnt thisoccasioit, Intttis
bightts,. Achip swreeter thanti
bteen prepasretd fttryou, tatcup
te bonsteous gifts of te
Ihapttitess tete is plety
Joy, Plesustre-sttttlLove.
Mtichigait has tang [tees
this great esetst. Last year
ito Itttottsothat thslssyear
itlessed, far us absensce i
return.,'ITnight thse prodtig
turnted. Mutsic aait jotyotts
swelcomue int haome, lsatsst
and beautiful maidens strev
with thse chottcest roses, san

oil the latest list of guests attending
close tlheir the Hop:
takets sill. Fanisy Dodyaskyou.
ttee an at-: Obadiaht Dareyo,.
at fttr can- ' Minerva Ssvreck.
Frankt eNopen.
Isabel Aneressitytoabicycle.
110I' Machtiasvelli Eicesuitfartssentyflve-
;ans- D1el I iassattha Sensiblegirltillmuetyoo.
h Ier cats- JemtinsaKisssigyotlastnsigtt
stare ?yours Ginger Yourselfimtheaccident.
-Nighst at
nectttrIlls: To Turn to Deeper Fields
Thle collapsible double-decker is
filletd tSitht'herebty aswarded to thse ph~ilospostuot-
gttts. Ofsdent st-Itsthintks that Pltottis aisesw
an ahlItls[bratntdof ctittawsare.
lawsaitinsg A Color Stuidy
Darts of fiery red
thsere swas.;Orawvntositcupid's baaw.
it is twice 11119 pierce a heart, provided
lidt fo~r its 'ele paint s-ark doesn't sow.
at Ills ye-__i__
stpotulace Famious Closing Lines
tte yothss "A-nichse intshte gymnsisumu," sw'his-
w his pathsis" eredt somteotne latghigltty as the tianc-
td atnxittus itte youtthtstttppedto tscratcht it.
futlfill hlt'-ERM.


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