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February 11, 1922 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-02-11

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flflHOP niirnn b tale l ark t lz )ehAl-tnSiyna ia ntaAe Ill Eliattle MItt ViiIIIIi,]IIIIittIifStttyt1] ittII 1Nice Vacaila,11 Aledc111111IIIllU
e, lIvansve, Id, Iel. Tui titlie e utse MalttnWhiting, Ind.;Malran=
M un iurooth < 29 -I i Oiega lsly;Dna, I rei::y , A rsh A c G e tY ou r VALE NTINE S Now
(Cniudfrom i'age Fivte) t
Matgaret Silie, Granid Ledge; Vie- laieretts Mrs. ..Al. Naylor, An t orietse GiltToledo, .; Gorrd ii rdeDto;HlnG.hi, Arr; RMnisAnAbr.folckDtoi;ea Ghigrodey- -
Detroit. ..........Gusts-'The Mises Rth F. Gillanto its; Rutty Dii, 'Toledlo, 0.; F st
Scooltz2D3-DttaAtarimaJoreltnGtttt BOXVSTATIOVNERYDX
Iliciti 22Deltti Siga Della erson,1Galesitig, DdiarittIcIte Arbr; Ntalie Jrdcon, Berreein ~ J T B I. ~ iii j~~
Chaperons-Dr.littitMrs Fb, ie ti At egeotIAlslitir , ll.; Det rit .
AntiArbior. Gusts thliii C _lse rtlAtt oh Fiael piie -an~d--
Georgia Kerr, Detroit;, Dorothy AMe 1ins, Pttittttinttn;Atnte DtOitite1, loitoh 36 -Trigoni
Reoi, itiittttt; d ti s -1 j Chlago, ill.; tls- tiyIetitler, Delrnit;, ltterttsMrai-n.F i Greeting Cards
;Ste Mtarie ;Mattiontini tgslton litroitt cnerunt Dtewar, Windsor, (Ot.,tDtun utand r. ittitAlec,. . A. 1Howell, eltrot
Margret Shiene, liitroiti tauline i.'i'iiC ttt htt Gu;Ma ieste Tthc MiseseeItstbel Coiper, QOR A 1L C 0CCAS IO0N S
'T'tiiipaot, tLattsitg; Ito Jttnes 1 nt jI ie in tto, Gi rattdtLtedge; ,lio iBefat l Ae.: i-eAt ie Vincenti,De
Hurotn; AntiActhraede1iti Milotte shy WarniDIovter; Edna It Witittlee it ; tianetStitilt, tiosigiac ; lsabel 1
i -lSaginaitt , li h ,eisite,, tie n Hut mtiihu ailAte; Florecre l isrlet 'o- _ -___ _
(toth24 t-Delti. Kapatt7i tst itti Indldo ,1.1a, i lenk. 'rufanu t, I ert Diitit; Mrgar et Aaclhtlre, tattle= - 0 D. IVIRRILL17NcesA ad
l'taperuutu Ar. L. VA.lI itonii ,tul ilitoti30 -Piii s Pu(Cotinta I. i u editt ont ttPage Sveti 41111111IIIl1111111111111111111111111illl11111111111
ington.Guests-he 'i'i c l t haerns-Mr. AteanitiAr.JJamert I.
Dagshaw, Saginaw; Chatlotte teed r enItcitiss, Reiilseueti, II; M , a dIIIl1 11il111111111[l 1111Ill.;] Mr and111111111111111111111111111I1II~tl111111111
Monroe; Helen Bllt, Chtcagt, Il.;AtMs. D. F'obin, Jr., Grouse Potinte. =
Mildred Miteriet, Lytnchhburg, 17a.; ;GtuessThelsses Virgitia Iraer
Charlotte Wiley, IDetroit; Ether Nu- Chicatgo, Ill.; Khathyn Ballard, Chica-
tmnds, lDetroit; Virginia A ikotn, 1tili.; Geraldine Daune, Chic ago, _
Flint; Mary LotisMcMullenEvnsteon, ill.;Martjoiee MGath, Austin, Ill
Il.; NattyAWilliam, 1T1 Paso, Tex.; Flizabet Pigal, Austin, Ill ; Virgitual= The Queen of Hearts-
Margaret of ewar, :Detroit, tarot hley- Currean, Kenilwotht Ill.; Jane Ridge-=ti
sett, Ludingtoin; Marjorie West, 3let a, Piev elanti, hi. Elaine L. Mil<-
stew, 0.; Doris AMcieon, Grand Map- roy, Clevelanid, D.,Marvel Wilsoin, Tie_
ids; Moanionde IHopkins, St. Cirle; fLedo, .; Sells MNercey, 'roledo, 0. She is here in all her glory and
Vivian Itargadon, BayCtiy; AticiGace Patinsio, MAltistique; Nrnes .slno n ebdhrw l
Powell, lDetroit; AMary LouttiAtlet, Daiy'Itie Roinlitson, Dtroil;lBarbara Dun1=plno ad webdhr e-
City; JotataHloruok, Attn Aettote ctnt New York City, Evelyn Lot-= come. May the occasion be a
-sher Duthoque, Ia._
Dootht 2 Indttlenuudenth - festive one and may her joy
Ciaierons--Mr atid AMrs. Ctin F.' ooth 31 Chi .Psi
Baty, Anti Arbor. Guests 'hue Meiss aieti l .F .LitlCio know no bounds=
es Ardathi C. Barso, Nasht 'awas; hit11. Guests-rito MisesoMary=i
Coritelia E. Shteperd, Chietboygant;I larditig, Chicago, Il.,AMary Iluterigan,
Doris A. Macier, Milihecit, N.; 1Dero1t;AMary Jite tollis, Dietroit, Juli-
A. Dorothy Camnpibell, Higlanid Pirk;pch teitel,DIetriitt ile't'lixtiin, Littis
Josephine R. Cooper, Detrit;ll ohntsll,',y.,Loutiselldhthsey, t Iiiisihl
thy 1.4Davis, letroil tiuorouhttJ.1.iwy Peggy Foley. Iititghiti Jatne =My lady's visit in An =
Vati Kluck, Los Anigeles, C(allt., ('hri- uee i at, i, i 'i t a A arionL tt tel, (Chii1
iatt Ittieitaitt, AnntiArborutI, taiti sg, Ill. l irgittia SItutugictago =Arbor will not be E
VanicSlei, AtntiArbr; Wlt.ini(d. 1ll.; F il ttl utison, Tirentoun,.N.7 j Complete unless she
Kirschotan, Batle Creek. - -
Booth 322-Psi Upsilont visits the
Boclii 21-sigmta Nit CitapuernusID. I. 1D. oree atidAMrs. Perchance my lady is in need
C'haperons-lDt, and AMr. 1. K., Iore. Ar. atnti Ars N. S. Poller, Mr.
Ilerdin, Atnn Arbor. Guests The td Ars. Frank .('tunisell, itt Ar- of something in the line of
Misses lRutht lwet', YpsilantiIRuintibot. Guetsl Ars.iheodorec Chasndlher,i= omen's haberdashery. If so, I
AturruayDehtoit; Rutlh Ptrobst Attit XWashingtonlt, ID.CIe.;ittAsecs Helent e:
Action;;IEdna Christetusent Short hulls, Detuel, Chicago. Ill, Ida tLiitt Major, !we have just the things that
N. J.; Ruth.iltunsey. CliiagotIll.I tituisville,Ny;tisiieAukeilhr an U
JetsMelila, etoi. atetJuce tu'iiuooua.Keyu.; rFlr eceoultwllplease hrheart admakei i le o
JentM,0.;llic eatuptolletneieti lid hIA'teuoi. Tuen lkreeio . lias _
Clyde, .; Elizabeth BRurs ins utttCu uud Rapids; Isabel. Scott, Toledo, herhapp
en Roberts, Clevelantd h. ali outHlenutReece, Jackson. h o p s_
Ktnapp, Detroit. 1~
Dcclii 27-Sigmua Phi FEpsilotn ChaleronsAir. anth Als. Gesrge i
Chaperotus-Mr. atud Alts.Ituobertt ushie. Ant Arbor Guests-'T'e'e 4-8 NICKELS ARCADE
Louis Metle, Pontiac. Liiests Tie AMisees MAldruedt Aarhy, Dtoit;Llouise'__
Misses Mildredl Sicte, Romteo;til Camptihi.AnntArborr,;FtEll itonSiteikeit,
licett Aeathierwta, Dctriit;i Ishlen Luduigitu,; hrntiets Sutt , lDtrit;
11111, Detroit;MartTh ayer . , P n u.i l'uuhy , Detrotit ; Alrs. G(tutn
- - tute, IDi.; lHueu len ili. Twas
Bothiti281 SigmtuaiAlithtt Epsutiion ily; Grtnu Ihu-u . luuau, F'isttthlit.
Chapieronts-Ars. NA Al linttus, .Fa.; harolinuteWatermnWaXttottu
Rlocestet, N. Y.; Ate-. ats.e>Ottoit1i1.; Adelei' iuuhit hi,1ernu;ll g at
Hans, Antn Arbor. Guests-Tfhe AMissese Illitseuts, Detroit ;Alts. A. tL. an-
Donna Lavrock, Detroits, Dorothy' icter, Attn Abor; Josehinlue Huhotu
OCtrinotr lot;, Dorottty trahue. nututumber. ,tu'ssui T he Mvost A ppropriate 'C om plim ent
Btattle Creeke; 'i'eeisa Weru'thuii, lFori-
AWaynie, lcd.; IlelentO'Leans, Detroit; hituBoott 4---Iepentde'nts
ernauette Cole, Detroit; KathieCIliperuits rate. dutMAls. L P. o h e s n i
Swayze, Kalamuazoot; ertitude Nuts-'Joelyni, AntiArbour. Guests-The;
mueuman, Jacksonu; Josephinue Plzh,AMisss Sauty' Matik, Detit;, e-;
Indianapolis,hInd.; Gladys Arows'nince Newcombt, Apsilatiayla hen-

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