PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 " every wish and command of their liege * G A - W 14 M0114ltBaelard. Simi Gets A V id, -1 Mirth and Merriment and Gayety Buti]o t From A P OFFICIAL IWSPAPER OF TEIll UN'I reign tonight. Care, worry and trouble'; u,/i / A.P. VERSITY OF IICIAN have been cast to the winds, studies Published every morning except Monday during the Inivesity year by the Board in are forgotten, examination are ended (By V. E.) Control of Student Publications. -all for that grand, glorious, festive, With breathless haste Mimi O'Graph, incomparable J-Hop. MFEMBER OF TIlE ASSOCIATED PRESS '25, scanned the story in The Daily The Associated Press is exclusively entitled announcing the reinstallment of the to tte use for republication of all news dis lop, skip and jump-hop through tt patches credited to it or not otherwise credited tthrough the night, skip breakfast and J-Hop, while her rhetoric professor in this paper and also the local news pubhshetd h herein. jump down to the house party. wteezed through the days assign- ment. Already Mitimi had visions oti tntered at the postoffice at Ann Arb,1 'iih I MATTEtS NOT terself floating about Waterman igat, as second class matter. gynshu with her adorable A. P. fhnes: Bnssorn ressditu i ig ". "Imatters not, si I've ft tieent old, tli, '2 ., aitait if h Vasit Where the body lies, when the heart t'iddtl-dc-witnks quintet. BrewsterI P. Campbel......Manag Ei grows cold." ''ttimmited her usual p in her Vernon F. iAnaier This bit of cowboy philosophy, is next class. A whole ieek of classes) againtly applicable to the attitude of without a wink of Sleep, in fact, and then--the telephone rang. With the campus on this night. As Jack bated breath she dashed madly down" London would put it, "Everything that the stairs and after all the girls had EDITOR ain't is, an' that which isn't oughter assembled, each in her place, hang- G. P. Overton be." ing over the bannister, she answer. ASSISTANTS So it is tonight. The dreamy bar- ed. What despair she experienced E. P. Lovejoy, Jr., Paul Watzel, Leo ninony conflicts with the complexioned when a sweet maidenly voice said, Hersbdorfer, E. R. Meiss, Thornton . '"What is our assignment in rhetoric?" Sargent, Jr., Elizabeth Vickery, Cecil high-lights. Ivory shoulders merge Once more the house took on its atti- R. Betron, R. C. Moriarty, M. E. Gor- with varigated decorations. A tense tude of silent waiting. den, air of hilarity permeates the atmos- Just for Luck phere. It is a sort of unreal night,- Otut of the quiet depths of the low- MANAGER a night incomparable, an epoc. er hall came a second jingling. "You Nathan W. Robertson The materialisms of actual life fade answer this time for hck," quoth and flow-into unseen distance. There Mini. Ant her poor utderdog of a ASSISTANTS exists another world, but it is infinite- room-mate who had the clothes but D. J. Park, H. W. Heidberger, M. L. lIy remote. never got acac owa hm b- Monle, L. B. Parks, J. A. Dryer, W. K. The play "For One Night Only" is be-ditystd oetneanter.oIt p is be-diently slid down the bannister It Galbraith, J. H. Prentiss, E. F. Conin, ing enacted at Michigan, now. tI is as for Mimi. The aggregation ag- Edw. Murane. neither tragedy nor drama-it is life. gregated in the upper hall even more May the future open as roseate as c. quicklythnbfr- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 the present now exists. T ha eoy "Pardon, I believe we is qesto," you o this is?" Mimi was afraid to respond ON WITH THE HOP -oanything but "You bet," for of course ON WITH THE hOP Winder if it wousld be correct to she latews list sweet veice ltelontged The J-Hop has tranferred Michigan. call the social "deb" a Grass Hopper? toeiknetrthanehebA.I'geve to no other than her A. P. even Libraries and study halls that but (lthough she had never heard him ex- yesterday were filled with students cept that evening at Christian En- eagerly engaged in the search for davor when he was introduced to knowledge are now barren and desert- , At the crucial moment Mimi w s-as ed, and their cries, "Come back, come heard to gulp back the lump in her back," grow fainter and fainter and Welcome! fhrsat and murnur, "Oh, 'ty I'd After it had faded out tra n nrir Ol h ' finally become a whisper. The stu- Adsimply adore going to the Hop withi For one unsocial year dent, garbed in the cloak of an Apollo, In which a grave official pout you. It's so lovely of you to ask 1me." takes his fair Diana or Minerva for a Gloomed on the function here, The conversation was ended almost spin in his fiery, gas-eating, dust-dis- The Junior Hop again is back imtediately by ts shrieks from tie upper hall and by the room-mate turbing chariot of red and mockingly With promise of no stops, fainting in a heap at Mimi's feet Provided that the guests attack fe answers the mournful cry of the study More of hop and les of hops. completely exhausted from ear strain. hall with a derisive honk of his horn, Jasmine Also Contributes "Honk, Honk! unk, BunkI"-and S I fest o-JsieAs otiue from q, ofkthe B oke- To North-, South-, East, or West- All hopes of study for that night from the quiet recesses of the boule- era were lost for there was much plan- J-Hop of nineteen twenty-two, ning and intriguing to be done. With B. C (Between Cemesters). Ermentrude's party dress, Gwen- The gay, dazzling wardrobe of the dolyn's slippers, Rosella's hose, Anna collegian has temporarily, at least, Heard on the Dance Mall Floor Cluthan's wrap, Jasmtne's ttten- been relegated to lne resn of the fur- "Why did you call that girl a Ve- tionables, and her own hair net, Mimi gotten and departed, and its stead nus?" decided that even the Chicago mil- appears the formal brand of thin so- calp lion, Gorvas ofranydc of thsoI-don't know, just a mere matter lioatire pork packer's daughter cial lion. Gowns of many colors, of would have nothing on her in the satin and silk, beautiful, resplendent____orm." clothes line. At 5 o'clock the next in their brilliancy appear as a rainbow Withdrew morning there was a lull in the chat- after a storm, a welcome relief from Ribbons green and pink and blue ter while the landlady suggested that the rather monotonous, yet ultra-com- Rtheboirre note ' t s fortable, daily college dress of the Frail and flimsy, oft askew, the girls go to bed. female of the species, on this night But what would those doop girlies do ii was staring vacantly into not more deadly than her male dancing If just one ribbon broke in two? space dreaming of her future splenl- _dd h e aidor as she galoshed to her 9 o'clock partner. sThe College Golfer elasse that mornitng, when behind her The campus has shed its post-exam- Thbeonze h oc ta a n inatiotion coat of somberness and has There was a young maid from Brynsr Mawr, tranced her the previous evening. Her keeping with the occasion. Gloom and Who made the ninth hole Yn Pawr; heart did a figure eight into her sorrow have no place here now-time It was such a surprise mouth and .back before she was able enough for them when the grades are That she blushed to her eyes, to turn and wait for her prince And she grinned till she couldn't Gryn charming. Using all her strength of given out. The Hop knows neither r mind and will pwrt epfo sadness nor tears, only laughter and Mawr,idad'-l power to keep front sflinging her arms about his Adam's joy-and to the waters of the River Wuxtra! Society List apple shs trembhngly "about-faced. Styx with all that would interfere Hehoydrpigslevnhd On with the Hop! The following names well known in Her honey dripping smile vanished our highest social circles were found into oblivion as she realized that she on the latest list of guests attending would go to the Hop, not with her All those who did not close their jtt enshrined A. P., but with the abomn- the Hop: eyes when the picture was taken will Fanny Bodyaskyoi. inable dumb-bell from Dexter who please report to the committee on at- Obadiah Doreyou. sat next to her in Botany and grinned tnedance and receive a medal for con- Minerva Swreck. from ear to ear every time she for- spicuous bravery. Frank Nopen. got and looked at him. Isabel Anecessityonabicycle. WELCOME, THE J-HOP Machiavelli Nicesuitfortwentyfive- MIMES 'UNION THEATRE TO dollars. OPEN NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT To the guests of Michigan' Wel- Hiawatha SensiblegirltillImetyou. - come. Michigan, her halls, her cam- Jemima Kissingyoulastnight. For the opening of the Mimes Un- pus, her traditions-all these are yours Ginger Yourselfintheaccident. ion theatre, two performances of the on this occasion, on this Night of '1922 Union opera, "Shake It For Two" Eights. A cup sweeter than nectar has To Turn to Deeper Fields tave been scheduled for next Friday The collapsible double-decker is and Saturday nights, Feb. 17 and 18. been prepared for you, a cup filled with hereby awarded to the philospohy stu- The first performance will be open the bonteous gifts of the gods. Of dent who thinks that Plato is a new only to men, while on the second night Happiness there is plenty, and also brand of chinaware. women as well as men will be ad- Joy, Pleasure-and Love. Itmitted. Michigan has long been awaiting I A Color Study Construction work which was start- Darts of fiery red ed last summer on the old Union this great event. Last year there was Drawn on cupid's bow, building to the rear of the Union is no Hop, so that this year it is twice j May pierce a heart, provided finished, and the new plant is as com- blessed, for its absence and for its The paint work doesn't show. plete a theatre as is found anywhere. return. Tonight the prodigal has re- The capacity of the house is 500 peo- turned. Music and a joyous populace Famous Closing Lines ple. Ticket sales for the performances welcome him home, handsome youths "A-niche in the gymnasium," whis- twhich will be given regularly by and beautiful maidens strew his path pered someone laughingly as the danc- Mimes, Union honorary dramatic or- with the choicest roses, and anxious ing youth stopped to scratch it. ganization, this spring will be con- subjects wait patiently to fulfill the -REM, ieRM lducted in the theatre's box office. PHONE 445 HURON STREET TAXI DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE RATES 25c I- i 1 f Exclusive designs in Party Gowns and Afternoon Frocks Mrs. Grace Van Schoick 230 Nickels Arcade Phone 795 -W Flowers that might have come from the Garden of Eden. You will want some of them at your house party this week- end. Order from- 225 Liberty St. Phone 1321 ...... ... ................................ .......... ........................................ Most clothes are an expense. Wagner clothes are an investment. WAGN E R & COMPANY For Men Since 1848 STATE STREET AT LIBERTY