and Authors "SECOND APRIL" finds expression in "Eel-Grass," "Low- (A Review by L. E. W.) Tide," "Inland," "Burial" and "Exiled." There are but two poems in the vol- In "Second April" (Mitchell Ken- ume which fall below the level of nerley), Edna St. Vincent Millay music and intelligible 'beauty. These achieves that high distinction which are "The Little Hill," which is streaked Sunday-School sentiment, and was promised by her earlier colle- "Weeds," which carries the pathetic tions of poems, "Renascence" and "A fallacy to absurdity. "The Bean- Few Figs From Thistles." Here we Stalk" is a delightful example of Miss have a true poet, an imaginative think- Milay's animated fancy, the nimble er, gifted with insight and ardor, who meter keeping pace with the rapidity of the action. But to name all the writes with all the intensity of pas- other poems of interest would be to sion, yet with the beautiful restraint repeat the index. of a fine self-consciousness. "Second April" is filled with dia- Miss Millay is faithful to the tra- monds of verse, exquisitely cut, clear dition of English song in that most and sparkling. Now that Miss Millay's of her work is rimed and metrical, but power, quickened by rapture and in- she is successful also when she de- tensified by suffering, has come to ma- pends entirely upon the cadences of turity, she has produced a volume of free verse. Although she handles the genuine poetry. 'Second April" is a sonnet-and she prefers the Italian book worth keeping. type-with complete ease and famili- arity, the best medium for her peculiar - SEA AND SARDINIA genius is the lyric The plasticity of D. H. Lawrence this verse form enables her to adapt it perfectly to her subject matter yet (A Review by R. D. S.) to keep that characteristic directness A unique figure in contemporary which might be lost in the subtle pat- English letters is D. H. Lawrence. terns of free verse. Sometimes she Frank Harris calls him a genius. H. is content to use the old ballad meters; L. Mencken regards him as a nonenti- again the tunes are individual. No ty. Of course, he is very likely neither matter which she chooses she stamps of these. But certainly his eighteen them with the mark of her charming volumes contain sufficient literary personality. Even when she mentions value to entitle him to a pretty fair Camelot, Pieria, Demeter, or Perse- bid for a position in the middle-ground. phone, or when she writes of Beauty Just where this position is to be re- and Silence and Death, the poems are mains yet to be definitely decided. none the less original and her %wn, The gist of Lawrence is to be found for she brings fresh vision and new- in "The Rainbow" and "Women in minted phrases which distinguish Love," those two strange books of her work from that of other singers. It has been noted that color is lav- ishly used in much of modern verse. Color sense, so little apparent in anci- -ent poetry, seems almost over-de- veloped in recent times. Miss Millay, however, has put away the palette. When she does use a tint it is notc so much in order to paint a picture as to emphasize a mood. She is pri- marily the poet of gesture. Her verses are extraordinary full of movement. 'The following stanza from "Alms" is typical of her favorite manner. "I light the lamp and lay the cloth, I blow the coals to blaze again; But it is winter with your love, The frost is thick upon the pane." l c Few Figs From Thistles" was one of frank gracelessness and flippant cyni- cism. In "Second April" her emotions JUST IM AG. have deepened. The very titles of the two books are indicative of the change that has taken place. It is exceedingly difficult to single TH E FROST out for comment any of the fifty poems 1 -.F which compose "Second April," but the "Memorial to, D. C. (Vassar Col- . SUCCULE-NT lege, 1911)" cannot be passed without mention. The memorial is a group of TO THE six lyrics, full of exquisite tenderness and poignant grief. The "Epitaph"e- and "Elegy" are especially beautiful, The * os and the "Prayer to Persephone" is perhaps the most appealing lyric Miss on Millay has written; "PEAYER 'TO PERSEPHONE. .A CHOCOLAf Be to her, Persephone, All the things I might not be; Take her head upon your knee. She that was so proud and wild, Flippant, arrogant and free, She that had no need of me, Is a little lonely child Lost in Hell,-Persephone, Take her head upon your knee; Say to her, 'My dear, my dear, It is not so dreadful here."'" The title-poem "Song ofda Second 416 4TH STREET April," might be caled a dirge. In- deed, sorrow and weariness and un- rest are recurrent throughout the volume. Her intense love of the sea "dark splendor." These represent prob- in the net of this European civilisa- ably as well as any the ecstatic mysti- tion, but it isn't landed yet. And the cism that marks his work, a weird net is getting old and tattered. A good compound of psychoanalysis, the oc- many fish are slipping through the cult, and the psychology of love, with net of the old European civilization. an added dash of the pathological. Like the great whale of Russia. And The personality of the author who probably even Sardinia. Sardinia writes these books cannot bit be int- then. Let it be Sardinia." eresting, and it is for the revealing So Sardinia it is. And Mr. Lawrence flashes of Lawrence himself, as much finds a country that alternately pleases as for the delightful vignettes and and displeases him. What impresses descriptive passages, that his new him most is the self-consciousness of book, "Sea and Sardinia" (Seltzer), is the people. They take life as a very to be recommended. In this brief per- necessary but matter-of-fact process. sonal record of the man Lawrence, we Their existence consists of giving can catch a fleeting glimpse of his themselves whole-heartedly to the curious personality. Here is the dis- matter at hand, whether it be prepar- cerning observer of life, never mixing ing a meal or indulging-in the riot of in, always standing a bit aloof, but a street masque. They seem to live ever sensitive to the people and the entirely iri the present tense. For shifting scenes about him, the most part, Mr. Lawrence finds this Primarily he is an individualist, and, naivete most refreshing. Only oc- more strongly than anything else, does casionally does the frankness of the he resent the fact that, wherever he natives disgust him, goes, it is not he himself who is recog- Lawrence and the q-b-short for nized but simply an abstraction, an queen-bee, as he calls his wife-travel Englishman. "I must insist," he says, via boat, train and bus. The people "that I am a single human being, an and events they encounter are describ- individual, not a mere chip of 1' Ing- ed in quaint vignettes. He has a man- hilterra or la Germanie. I am not a ner of throwing in a paragraph or a chip of any nasty old block. I am page which gives .a most lifelike flash myself." of some ordinary. event. Here, for It is this strong individualistic instance, is a lively little paragraph; strain, Drobably, that made him choose "There is an altercation because a Sardinia as his destination. He dis- man wants to get into the bus with poses of half a dozen possible places two little black pigs, each of which is and then decides on this island, "Sar- wrapped in a little sack, with its face dinia, which is like nowhere. Sardinia, and ears appearing like a flower from which has no history, no date, no a wrapped bouquet. He is told that race, no offering. Let it be Sardinia. he must pay the fare, for each pig as They say neither Romans nor Phoen- if it were a. Christian. Cristo del icians, Greeks or Arabs ever subdued Mondo! A pig, a little pig, and paid Sardinia. It lies outside; outside the for as if it were a Christian. He dang- circuit of civilization. . .Sure enough, les the pig-bouquets, one from each it is Italian now, with its railways and hand, and the little pigs open their its motor omnibuses. But there is an black mouths and squeal with self- uncaptured Sardinia still. It lies with- (Continued on Page 8) COPYRIGHTED 1921 DLAR ECLAIR :h of Frozen J y INE EATING ICE-CREAM OUT OF YOUR HAND! -BITE HAS A DELICIOUS AND FFLAVOR WHICH APPEALS TRUE LOVER OF SWEETS t Delectable Confection the Market Today TE - COATED ICE - CREAM BRICK. MANUFACTURED BY' ,6 it" E C RE A PHONE 1427