I [IUM AND LEAD STRIPS (1-in. x 5-In. x 1-16th-in.) 10c-PER PAIR-10c K-ndK Radio Supply Co. STANDARD APPARATUS npson ANN ARBOR - Phone 63.J re-Inventory Sale of NE FOOT 1 E11RKI MORTNI, YOUTHFUL ARTIST, WHO HAS BEEN CALLED BY SOME TIE GREATEST WOMAN VIOLINIST THAT EVER LIVED 11 Satin and Suede Party 'umps, values up to $10.00 now $6.65 7ahr's Shoe Store 108 SOUTH MAIN STREET ,., 1 111111111llillil1IlIIIU1111111111111111 ll & TheaterS '1111lI11111ti1ltll t111111 lI 1111;l lIlIllll1 MAJESTIC "Molly 0," starring Mabel Normand. is just the kind of a picture to enjoy after a blue book. It is light, appeal- ing and very much like "Mickey" in which Miss Normand made such a tremendous success. The star as Molly 0, who is a sort of Cinderella of the slums, displays that wistful- ness of character and impish mis- chievousness that makes her inter- pretation wholly enjoyable. ' "Molly 0," which is a Mack Sennett produc- tion, will be here the first five days of the week. Another masterful seta role falls to the lot of Hobart Bosworth in "The Sea Lion" which is here Friday and Saturday. Bosworth faithfully de- picts the Viking type and Bessie Love is- exceedingly attractive as the win- some daughter of the "sea lion."a "Peacock Alley," featuring Mae Murray is a picture of Parisian night life. This begins Feb. 5 and is con- sidered the best picture in which Mae Murray has ever appeared. ARCADE Genuine bits of the .London Lime- house -district are seen in the early scenes of "Three Live Ghosts" which' is the feature of the first three days of the week. The production has a novel plot ad is filled with dramatic episodes and mash good comedy. Anna Q. Nilsson and Norman Kerry are the featured players. MAT Strongheart, the Belgian police dog. has the leading part in "The Silent Call" which is here the remainder of the week.. Strongheart is- not a trick dog but his' remarkable performance Is the result of unusual canine intelli- ;ence plus the discipline to which, he has, previously been subjected. Throughout the dramatic incidents of the plot that involve the human char- acters of the story, runs the thread of the life of Strongheart, the cross pull between the wolf and dog natures in him and the ultimate master of the former. The Sierras of northern Cali- fornia form the background of the action: Prof. Andre Morize will deliver a 'ecture on Feb. 1 under the auspices of the Cerele, Francais in Natural Science auditorium on La Marseillaise. He will take up in the course of his talk the. history of this French an- them. as well as several interesting legends concerning it. Professor Morize, formerly of the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, ,grege es lettres of the University of Paris, is now a professor of French lit- erature at Harvard university. Dur- ing the war. Professor Morize taught military tactics at Harvard. The lec- ture will be illustrated. HEAD OF DETROIT BOARD OF COMMERCE TO SPEAK HERE PROF. MORIZE TO DELIVER LECTURE ON, MARSEILLAISE r r Y 1, 11 Car.. ain and Washington - John Russell, president of the De- troit Board of Commerce, will speak next Tuesday evening at the Cham- ber of Commerce banquet which will be held at the Armory. There will be special music and community singing .led by George Oscar Bowen, of the School of Music. Tickets for the banquet must be secured before Monday noon. Should Clear Snow From Mail Boxes Officials of the city Post Office re- quest that all mail boxes in Ann Arbor and especially in rural districts be kept clear from snow, thus elimi- nating much trouble for the mail car- riers. Capital $300,000 Surplus $30( esources $4,000,000 Reg. v. S. Pat. Off. Mate Savings A N D Y As easy to carry as a traveling bag You can take this new Victrola with you whe you go. Small, portable, exceptionally convenient, at the same time a perfected musical:instrument pla any Victor Record. The-hew Victrola No. 50, is an ideal traveling panion, ready at a moment's. notice and bringing no of pleasure to your.damping trip or your visit to fri Come in and let 'us demonstrate its compactness, venience and excellInce as an instrumenft. PRICE $50.00. OTHER STYLES FROM $21 J-Hop and St. Valentines Day Bring your guest to the Betsy Ross Shop for lunches. She will appre- ciate its distinctiveness COMING! A, BIG NEW SENSATION! I . , ,' ; ,' Schaeberle & Son Music 110 South Main Street E Sandwiches Pie a la 71ode ARCA D E THEA TRE The place to get the ,V r Rec . . y. BETSY ROSS SHOP Fraternities, A The Fountain " Room ahautiful Nickels Arcade , WUERTH All the satire and rolicking fun that made Mark Twain the prince of Amer- ican humorists, clever subtitles eom- osed of American s'ang, and con- 'rived absurdities that are delightfully whimsical make up William Fox's 'ictorial conception of Mark Twain's satire of royalty and aristocracy. "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's ourt" The cast seems to have been chosen with inspiration. Harry Myers is the slangy, capable, resourceful' Yankee to perfection, and Pauline Starek does a bit of superlative char- acter work as Sandy., "The Connec- ticut Yankee" will be here the first part of the week. Will Rogers and Sylvia Breamer are the featured players in "A Poor Rela- tion" which is here Friday and Sat- urday. The picture is the film version of the stage play by Edward E. Kid- der. Will Rogers makes an ideal poor relation" who as a quaint and shabby philosopher acts as father and mother to two orphans. Business Locals: "Go to C. A. May- -iard, the State Street grocer. for oil. oap, fruits, etc."-From Daily, Feb. 28 1892. tHOP'S" HOUSE GUESTS? Wi h our competent decorators and our complete line of Wall Paper, Paint, Calsomine, Varnish, Wax, et c., we can add greatly to the appearance of your house. We Wax Floors-and Can Furnish You with Every Kind of Wax Are the walls of your Living Rooms, Dining Room, Guest and Bath Rooms presentable for the LIGHTEN YOUR EXAM WEEKS BY SEEING Oswald A. Herz FRIDAY-SATURDAY, FEB. 3-4 WILL ROGERS, 112 West Washington Street I- .IN. - .. "A .POORRE LATION" SUNDAY-WEDNESDAY] FEB. 5-8 A ROBERTSON-COLE SPECIAL "SILENT YEARS" Robertson-Cole is conducting a Thousand-Dollar Prize Contest. Inquire for Details at Theatre. THURSDAY-SATURDAY, FEB. 9-11 ZANE GRE''S "THE MYSTERIOUS wool Blankets AUTO ROBES AND STEAMER RUGS right now is the time you need them and we have all kinds in wool only, the plain colored, large size, all wool Army Blankets, the patterned and fringed Robes and the plaid double bed blankets at prices to suit. 0. D. ARMY SHIRTS, with double elbow and lined at $3.35 Overcoats, Sheepskins, Mackinaws, Corduroy Reefers, Gloves, Hose, Shoes, etc., now at lowest prices Tom Wye Knit Coats, Vests and Sweaters of all kinds. Surplus Supply Store, 213 N. 4th Ave, "It pays to walk a few blocks"