' i er S PORTS;I?. ; ' °. F ' Y' . '', : .i 99 the boys at the boarding to baseball games through the columns Lost something? A Classified Ad in d to challenge each other of The Daily. The Daily will find it for you.-Adv. . ........... Wolverine Swimming Hopes Are" Brightened By The Propect Of Securing Service Of Ilait tann r 1 mu~Lh I Fr TUXEDO SUITS } j { .; -:, . - ' , ;: _ -_. ; ; ,r ff :.: :? ;< Tailored to Your Individual Measurements by Kahn of Indianapolis With the announcement that at- tempts are being made to secure a coach for the informal swimming team the hopes of that aggregation for a successful season have been consider- ably brightened. Fielding H. Yost, di- rector of intercollegiate athletics, has sanctioned the securing of an aquatic mentor provided a satisfactory man can be obtained. Matt Mann May Coach The first choice of the swimmers is Matt Mann, internationally famous coach of the Detroit Athletic club, and it is the hope of the tank men that Coach Mann may be secured for two afternoons a week from the opening of the second semester until the con- clusion of the aquatic season. To this end negotiations are now under way, and definite word as to their result may be expected in the near future. Plan Pitt Meet No definite word has, as yet, been received from athletic authorities at the University of Pittsburgh relative to the proposed dual meet at Pitts- burgh on March 10. A letter from the Pitt swimming manager, however,l states that the outlook for schedul- ing the event is bright. The difficulty lies in the size of the guarantee re- $68 to $95 or Ready-to-Wear $45 to $60 Detroit Central Alumni Dance, day, February 3. Hotel Statler. formal.-Adv. Fri- In- quired by the Wolveriens, for the ac- I commodations for spectators at the Pittsburgh pool are too limited to furnish a sufficient financial return. The Panthers, however, are more than anxious to meet the Maize and Blue, and they are, therefore, endeavoring to secure the use of the Pittsburgh Athletic club pool for the meet. In the event 4hat they are successful the' encounter will be staged on March 10 as planned. Open at M. A. C. The Wolverines are hard at work for the first meet on the schedule, to be against M. A. C. in the big pool at East Lansing. Coach Flynn, of the Aggies, has rounded an excellent squad into shape and is optimistic over the outcome of the event. The coming of the meet viill mean a new athletic relation between the two institutions and will serve to increase the great rivalry now existing, as well as to further the amicable relations. Be- tween 9 and 12 men are to journey to East Lansing for the opening meet, and several men seem sure, even at this time, to be among the chosen number. Kearns and Koch in the plunge for distance have far exceeded all other candidates, and are looked upon as fixtures. In the free style events Val- entine, Hubbard, and Ullman seem to have insured places for themselves,- the remaining place on the relay quar- tet being a toss-up between several promising candidates. However, the appearance of ex-Captain Hyde in the near future is expected to complete the number, with Valentine, and the former leader swimming the dashes and -Ullman and Hubbard the distanc- es. Valentine, Hubbard, and Ullman are all good men in the back stroke. Smith is another man to be heard from in the free style. A member of last year's crack squad, he has been unable to report for practice as yet. Event Strengthened In the breast stroke Captain Bab- cock and Frost have the edge on the field, but the appearance of Hanson, who will report at the opening of the second semester,. should leave the fight for second aman between the two -first mentioned. Mildner and White appear to have strangle holds on the team in the fancy diving events. All in all, the tank aggregation does not lhok as formidable as last year's, but should the services of, .Coach Mann or some other good mentor be securedrthe strength of the team will take a decided upward bound. Something for sale? A Classified Ad in The Daily will find a buyer.-- BASKETBALLPRACTCE CALLE OFF AMS WILL START AGAIN' ON TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK; OHIO MET ON FEB. 11 Although regular practice of the I basketball squad was discontinued by Coach Mather last Tuesday, the men are working out whenever they find time in order that they will keep into -dondition all during exams. Coach Mather is spending most of his time at the gymnasium and whenever any one on the squad nhasta chance to drop in for a few minutes he is given some individual coaching. No scrimmages are being held and regular practice will not start until a week from Tuesday. This will give Mather only three days to again get I the squad lined up for the Big Ten TtNKER & COMPANY S. State Street, at William St. DRESS SUITS FOR RENTAL /I//OWNS II YYOIYw Y i ,, 1 BBB PIPES Standard of the world and always the favorite with A Michigan Men. Wp have been Ann Arbor distributors for sixteen yers. * Class Pipes and Pipe re- 4 pairs a specialty. - -- * ~~" C9 s 6 's T 0 1: r~I3LLTARDS CIGATRS CDIES ' --I3EF LUN~rCHES SODTA6 we try to treat you right'' .. n . . . ; Finge Cafeteria at 322 Siath State Street COACH E. J. MATHER WHO IS PRE- PARING FOR A COMEBACK WHEN SEASON'S PLAY IS RESUMED NEXT SEMESTER. contests, as Michigan leaves on Fri- day of that week for a two game trip with Ohio State at Columbus and In- diana at Lafayette. Kipke Improving Kipke, who was taken from the last game with a dislocated'shoulder and injuries to his hand, is improving quite rapidly and will be in shape by the time that the squad takes to the floor again. With Kipke back in and Rea, Ely and Cappon going well Mather should start the next lap of the Conference race with a team which should make all the Big Ten fives sit upland take notice. While the Wolverines are resting most of the other Conference teams keep right on with their games. To- night the, fast going gophers will meet a worthy foe in the Windy City Ma- roons. Chicago has a fast aggrega- tion' and should put up a ' nice fight against Minnesota. Iowa plays Purdue tonight in what should be an easy win for the Boilermakers as they already have one victory to their credit against that team. Monday night the Hawkeyes stack up against Indiana with a win in line for either team. Both teams have lost to the Gophers by about the same score and unless one team has improved to some extent the chances for a *victory appear equally bright. Easy for Gophers Minnesota has another easy game! in store for Feb. 4 when the Hoosiers invade their, camp. The Gophers sl- ready have one victory to their credit over Indiana and should have no trouble in annexing a second. On the same night the Illini swing into action against Chicago on the latter's floor. This game will be of some importance (Continued on Page Five) will serve daily at noon (Sunday excepted) a special Boosters' Luncheon .:JIUfIIUI III I11111111 1i11111111111ff1111111f1 U 11E1 111111 111111 i IIfEIII II llIiI ll IilfIHin L 0 Immediate Interest to Women and Misses -20 New Spring Hats - PUYEAR and HINTZ 328 South Main Street_ : I: ll IlIIIIIIIfIIili n11111111 iii lIIIgIIgI11111ll flllill f 111 llllli fIIIIIIIIII V00.ting busmnss by lowering prices at the very low price i 1 35c I Notice to Policy Holders I have purchased the entire insurance business of the late John Baumgardner and am pre- pared to give his former clients every possible service. Signed W. H. BUTLER PHONE 401-M 209 1ST NAT'L BANK BLDG. y,.#. COMING! ~I.'a. A BIG NEW SENSATION ARCADE Choice of Three Meats Choice of Potatoes Choice of Three Vegetables Coffee, Tea, Milk THEATRE THEATRE Soup, 5c ektra, Detroit Central day, February 3. formal.-Adv. Alumni Dance, Fri- Hotel Statler. In- I formal.-Adv. i g . 1 111 How to Get It for 31 1-2c A $10 meal book saVes 10%, making the above special lunch-J eon cost only 31!/2c., Figure it out. See how little a week's -- meals will cost you. - Specials! AT THE ARCADE,' THE- MICHIGAN, FINGERLE'S Home Baked Beans.......1Oc Delicious Custard Macaroni 12c Fruit Salad ..............15c Shrimp Salad ..... ......15c III Bankrutcy Sal Exceptional Bargains in Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs. Made up of highest quality materials in the latest styles., OUR USUAL GUARANTEE HOLDS AT THIS SALE i. Established 1904 ZWEDERLING'S 2,17 ., L iberqty° I LADIES' TAILORING and FUR SHOP I 1u II