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October 05, 1921 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-10-05

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AY; OCTOBER 5, 1921'

Number 9

The Daily Official Bulletin' is a means established for communication
ween members of the University. The responsibility lies with all mem-
s of the University to read the Bulletin each day, and it is understood
t notices given in it are sufficient and are binding upon all whom they
cern. Items for insertion should be left with the Assistant to the Pres-
nt before 3:30 p. m. for tho week-day issues, and before 11:30 a. m.
urday for the Sunday issue. FRANK E. ROBBINS.
Assistant to the President.
n. Dallas M. Boudeman
Of the Kalamazoo bar will given a course of ten lectures on Michigan
tute Law daily except Saturdays at 5 p. m. in room C in the Law build-
. The first lecture of the series occurred on Monday, Oct. 3. This course
open to all law students and others directly interested and especially
uld be attended by all intending to take the bar examinations in this
te. HENRY M. BATES, Dean.
the Members of the University:
In accordance with their custom, the President and Mrs. Burton will be
tome to menbers of the University on the second and fourth Wednesdays,
each month from 3:30 to 5:30 beginning Oct. 12 and ending April 26.
the Deans:
There will be a conference of the Deans at 10 o'clock today.
ate Council:
The regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held in the Presi-
t's office Monday, Oct. 10, at 4:15 p. im
R. W. BUNTING, Secretary.
shmanDental Students:
All Freshman dental students are requested to file with the secretary
he Dental College a copy of their schedule, together with correct ad-
ss and telephone number. MARCUS L. WARD.
the Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts:
It is requested that the faculty, directory blanks, which will be found
he Dean's messenger boxes, be filled out and returned to the Dean's
:e not laterthan Oct. 8. Additional blanks may be secured if needed.
iulty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
All instructors are requested to return to the Registrar's office any
s cards delivered to them by mistake.
ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar.
light Organ Recital:'
Earl V. Moore, Head of the Organ Department of the University School
MIusic and University Organist, will give the following program in the
t of the series of weekly Twilight Organ Recitals in Hill Auditorium,
rsday, Oct. 6, at 4:15: Christus Resurrexit (Ravanello); Air (Gluck);
rmezzo (Callaerts); Solemn Prelude (Noble); Andantino (Lemare);
cata (Boellman). There will be no admission charge.
CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary.
shmen Engineers:
Coach Fielding H. Yost will speak to the Freshmen Engineers on
inesday, Oct. 5, 1921, at 11:15 a .m. in room 348 Engineering building.
ry Freshman Engineer must be ptesent or secure from Dean Butts an
se for his absence. .C.- E. WILSON,
Head Mentor Freshmen Engineers.
'ersity Club:
President Marion L. Burton will speak at the first meeting of the year,
lay, Oct..?7, at 8 p.m. The meeting is for members of the Club, who are
ed to bring asFtheir guests new members of the faculties.
FRANK E. ROBBINS, Secretary.

Mr. Puriell, French 3, in 301, S. W., instead # 206, U. H.
Mr. Eddy, Spanish 1, in 304, U. H., instead of 301, S. W.
Mr. Antonio, French 1, in 206, U. H., instead of 301, U. H.
3 o'clock -
Mr. Michaud, Spanish 2, in 205, S. W., instead of 303, U. H.
Mr. Gracia, Spanish 1, in 303, U. H., instead of 205, S. W.
Maclime Shop Practice:
The lecture Wednesday at 2 p. m. will be held in room 229 Engineering
building. O. W. BOSTON.
j Wednesday and Friday 8 o'clock section .meets in room 214, Natural
Science building; Wednesday 9 o'clock section meets in room 108, Masofr
Economics 34 a:
Economics 34a meets in room 106, General Library.

The Players Club:
Plans to present Sheridan's comedy, "The School for a
Nov. 29 and 30. Members of the Players Club who wish to be co
parts in this play may consult with me on Oct. 5, 6, or 7 at 4 o
offlce at the south end of the stage in the Auditorium of Uni'
Gun and Blade Club:
All Federal Board men, whether they are members of the
and Blade club or not, are most cordially invited to the "I
meeting" Thursday evening, Oct. 6, in the Reading room of t
Union at 7:30. This is not a business meeting but an opportuni
to get acquainted. WILFRID HOCKING, P


IyArtistic Picture Framing 'a
ty at De Fries Art Store.

special- Frances Caspari,
223 So. culture. Studio, Cc
terms, Phone 638.-.



o.,..... ......

We are headquarters for Sport, Hiking and Riding Togs
for Ladies and Men, also Riding Habits for Ladies. A large
assortment to select from in Khaki, Whipcord, Corduroy,
Serge, etc. Sport Hose, Leather and Wrap Puttees.
Hunting Coats, Breeches,
,High -Top Shoes
Munson Army and Dress Shoes, Rubber Boots in Slicker,,
Knee, Sport and Hip styles. Moleskin cloth,.O'Coats, Crav-
enetts and Rain Coats. Reg. 0. D. Wool Army Shirts, Dress
Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Auto Robes and Gloves, Army
Blankets, etc.

Broken lenses replaced the same day you leave thei
Gold and Shell Frames Repaired.
A New Res'taurant
And where you will ENJOY eatin
Here you get quantity, but not at 1
expense of quality

Tom Wye Coats
and Sweaters'

It will pay you to, Walk! down town and visit


It will pay you tq get our prices

Surplus Supply Store



213 N. Fourth Ave.


., 7


ct r






Auspices of the University Oratorical Associati

by I:
uss ion sections meet as.follows:
M. 11, A-L..............Room110,, Library.
M. 11, M-Z ......2.........H....0,LU.ry
M. 1 .. .....:.301 M. H.
M. 3 ........................110 Library
Tu. 9.... .................110 Library
Tu. 10 ....................110 Library
Tu. 1................ ......110 Library
W. ..........................301M.H.
Th. ...................110 Library
Th. 10 ...........110 Library
~Th. 1.............110 Library
Th. 2.... . .. ......110 Library
F. 9 ........ ..... ..........,110 Library
F. 10 ......................110 Library.
,F. 11.......................110 Library
F.1........................301M. H.
Wk. M. TRAP.

OCT. 28-JOHN SPARGO, author, journalist, lecturer. Subject: "T h e
Struggle Between Bolshevism and Democracy in Russia."
NOV. 18-CHARLES RANN KENNEDY, playwright, actor, and EDITH
WYNNE MATTHISON (Mrs. Kennedy), leading lady with
"Henry Irving. Scenes together from the drama.
NOV. 26-THEODORE E.. BURTON, ex-senator, now congressman, Ohio.
Subject: "Our Foreign Policy" (with a discussion of the Confer'
ence for the Limitation of Armaments).
DEC. 1-PROF. S. H. CLARK, University of Chicago. Reading of John
Drinkwater's-play, "Abraham Lincoln."
I)EC. 9-EX-GOV. CHARLES S. WHITMAN, of New York. Subject: "Ad-
ministration of Criminal Justice."
JAN. 7-JUDGE BEN LINDSEY, of Denver. Subject: "Why Kids, Lie."
AN. 28-SIR PHILLIP GIBBS, of London,, author, journalist. Subject:
"The Social Revolution in England."


rtment of Romance Languages, College of Literature, Science, and the.
Arts - Changes 'in the Assignment of Rooms:
n and after Thursday, Oct. 6, the sections designated below will meet
oms different from those now used by them, as follows:
Jr. Hootkins, Spanish 1, in 403, S. W., instead of 304, U. H.
Jr. Eddy, Spanish 2, in 304, U. H., instead of 403, S. W.
clock -
Ir. Pargment, French 1, in 102, S. W., instead of 203, M. H.
Ir. Clavel, French 6, in 303, U. H., instead of 202, S. W.
Ir. Hootkins, French 3, in 202, S. W., instead of Newberry Hall.
4r. Bement, French 1, in 401, S. W., instead of 102, S. W.
[r. DeFilippis, French 3, in Newberry Hall, instead of 304, U. H.
2r. Rey, Spanish 1, in 203, M. H., instead of 401, S. W.
fr. DesMarals, French 4, in 304, U. H.,instead of 303, U. H.
lock -
[r. Lincoln, Spanish 3, in 205, U. H., instead of'404, M. H.
[r. Hootkins, Spanish 2, in 102, S. W., instead of 216, N. S.
[r. Patterson, French 3, in 301, U. H., instead of 102, S. W.
r. Herman, French 1, in 404, M. H., instead of 205, U. H.
[r. Herrera, Spanish 1, in 216, N. S., instead of 301, U. H.

FEB. 16-HARRY FRANCK, author, traveler. Subject: "Oriental
America." (illustrated.)


FEB. 24-IRVIN S. COBB, humorist, 'journalist, author. Subject: "Ho
The last date is to be filled by some distinguished public man. Maximilian Harden, the prominent German e
who opposed war with the Allies; J. J. Jusserand, French Ambassador to the United States; Herbert Hoover, Secr
of Commferce, and Gen. John J. Pershing are among the possibilities.
Tickets at Graham's (both stores), Wahr's (both stores), Slaters, Thursday, October 13th. General season ticket, $
Reserved section (Main Floor and first 8 rows in Balcony) $3.00.

[athieu, French 4, in 302, S. W., instead of "301, U. H.
atterson, French 4, in 301, U. H., instead of 302, S. W.
eFilippis, French 4, in 401, S. W., instead of 306, VM. H.
ey, Spanish 2, in 306,"M. H., instead of 401, S. ,W.
ager, French 1, in 203, M. H., instead of Newberry Hall.

of 304, U.


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