have their the Juni given March and gownr 5. TODAY Screen 11 ne- work i Arcade-Wallace Reid in "Rent F:ee." Majestic-Richard Bartelmess in "Tol'able David." Wuierth-Marie Prevost in "A Parisian Scandal." get a supply of 3 from the booth last over the ex- e the booth will Orpheum-Alice Lake chartered Seas." In s"Un- Rae-"The Sheik," with Rudolph Valentino. Shave money collected iUniversity hail should orothy Jeffreys, '24, by sh to work in the bootpa hall next semester, or ig there now and must chedules, should notify 's, '24. P Masques will be held his afternoon in the >our gymnasium. It is every member who in- ue the work be there or to the secretary. A. cabinet picture will 12:30 o'clock this he Dey studio. CATCHY CHORUSES Music and lyrics for the Junior Girls' play were chosen at a reeent meeting of the committee in charge. The music has a catchy swing which' will quicken the step of the choruses and promises to appeal to the audi- ence. Josephine Connable, music chair- man, and Helene Torrey, lyric chair- man, have made an effort to obtain music which will surpass that of former Junior Girls' plays. The songs are being printed and will be ready when rehearsals continue at the be- ginning of tle new semester. The committee requests that the cast and choruses watch closely for notices of practices to be held next semester. CORRECTION Due to typographical errors the amounts credited to sororities and wo- men's .houses in yesterady's Daily as donations to the University of Michigan league were wrong. The correct list is as follows. Alpha Phi, spring formal. $100; , Al- pha Chi Omega, spring formal.' $75 Alpha Omicron Pi, March. informal. $50; Betsy Barbour house, December informal, $80; Chi Omega, informal. $77 50: Cheever house, informal, $20; Delta Delta Delta, informal. $70; Del- la gamma, spring formal, $90: Gamma Phi Beta,, spring formal, $75; Helen [Newberry residence, informal. '$70; Tordan house, informal, $20; Kent res- idence, informal, $20. Kappa Delta, in- frmal. $60; Kappa Kappa Gamma, in- formal. $50; Martha Cook building,, formal, $200; and Theta Phi Alpha, in- formal. $50. v i i I 'ENSIAN PHOTOS Group photographs of campus organizations and classes for the 1922 Michiganensian must be taken during ,the month of Jan- uary. Sittings should be ar- ranged at once. I DANCING' Orchestra Music for Dinner Dance from 6 t. 7:30. Edison Music from 8 to 13. NO CH ARGE See managementfor open dates for fraternity and sorority banquets, party dances after noon dansants, etc. I 4 BROCK PEMBERTON, Presents Arthur Hopkins will Zona Gale's Comedy Success Lionel Barr3 Miss with Carroll in Henri Bernsteins Gr Lull Bett Mc Comas "The Claw" with Irene and Original N. Y. Company and Unaltered New Y4 THIS WEEK Stage Garrick (Detroit)-Lionel Barry- more in "The Claw." Shubert Michigan (Detroit) - "Miss Lulu Bett," with Carroll McComas-. , Color Tournament Results Announced In the series of basketball color tournament played on Tuesday after- noon and evening brown defeated red, purple defeated yellow, green defeated white, orange defeated blue, and black iefeated gray. No more games will be played in the tournament until next semester. Y. W. CHINESE GARDENS YOU, MR. STUDENT should have use for a typewriter. You * can rent one from us frthree months for $7.50 up. Or you can rent with privi- lege ~of .buying. ,At. any time up to six *"months we will allow all, rent; you', .have paid to count against sale price of machine. There is nodobli- gation to buy. This offer is mrade to save you money iftyou find you want to own a machine after first renting. Your Choice of Makes State your choice: Underwood, Rem. ington, L. C. Smith, etc. Every machine is perfect-rebuilt by the famous "Young Process." This process is our own. It is recognized the country over. It is back of our iron-clad guarantee which makes you judge and jury. We grant to days' free -trial on all our machines. You run no risk. Get Our -Prices We save you so per cent and up on type- writers. All makes and models to select from--the. largest selected stock of mna- chines- in America. Send for catalo be- fore you- rent or buy anywhere. Write today!l YOUNG TYPEWRITER COMPANY 2s W. Lake St., Dept. 234, Chicago Phone. Central 46 t ACONNECTIC 'The Wuerth Theatre %s proud, to present { YANKEE., mm~~ 9) There will be no Women's league arty Friady afternoon, Jan. 27. At ie regular Friday afternoon party, eb. 17, Mummers will present a play. The usual meeting of the Girls' Man- lin club will not be held this evening. Practices for the Junior Girls' play 3,st will be he'd at 4 o'clock on Thurs- ay, Feb. 9, and at 9:30 o'clock Friday, eb. 10. No basketball games will be played' Nis afternoonor evening in the color "urnament. There are still many freshmen and >phomores who have not taken their >sture examinations. These must be ,ken before tomorrow. Miss Mabel R Stone, national relit- us education secretary of the Y. W. A. will talk to the Girls' Reserve aders training corps at 4:45 o'clock onday, Jan. 30, in Newberry hall. Miss :one will sneak on "Telling and ramatizing of Bible Stories." Read Mic'higan Daily Ads and yoi Ill buy wisely.-Adv. ' DING ARTUR :S ~BCOURT TH E R.AENOW PLAYING YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE StartingSUNDA'Y I ~1 1 V. . "The, Sheik" 'a WITH / ,LLLLLL li R AE RUDOLPH VALENTINO and AGN ES AYR ES SPECIAL MUSIC WITH MAX STERNLEIB'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION lOc and 30c I _ - I aA ar Headquarters for i anCe and anq u e r ogram De Luxe t S New Lines in aper, Leatht r, Wood and Celluloid 7The Mayer-Schairer Company. 2 South Main Street ! lf ll fillii1t ii ill lfif[IIllI IIIIIIlilililfllill I111t1if iff ii1111i1U 1i 11i 11f1 _ r 1w _ :is just what you make it. So it stands Sto reason that the more pleasant the rU r Shome can be furnished -the more congenial will be your home life. This S is ot a mystery or a fairy tale but sim- -ply cold, hard facts which everybody knows. L ~et usshow you some new fur-niture to Sbrighten up your home. We have aE large stock for you to choose from and- THE PRICES ARE RIGH T --- AT THE --, CHAS. WUER TH CO. 113 EAST WASHINGTON ST. -w r - - STARTING TODAY STAR ADDED TO OUR ALP'EADY IMPC ANOTHER GREAT Here's THE Big Event! Dick Barthelmess, now a star in his own right, heading his own company, makes his firit picture. And what of mountain tain men? And of a manhood in a picture-an epie mothers and moun- loy who leaps to life's greatest test! p -' ONE OF THE THREE BIG- GEST DRAMAS OF THE YEAR - AND THAT'S THE PLAIN, UNVARNISHED TRUTH? I ' d NLESS YOU HBAT. 'E MODERN WAY IUCH OF YOUR HEAT PILL GO.. STR F all of the heat that was wasted in this world was ar- rested and locked up 6n a arge of vagrancy and there- er properly distributed to vering souls who needed t a of suffering would be abat- Don't waste fuel. Let us' tall the proper heating equip- ent. 3eranek- k'Martin r w 2 r- THE COMEDY Ii Presented by Inspiration Pictures, Inc. Directed by Henry King. Adapted from Joseph Hergesheimer's famous Saturday Evening Post story OTHER GREAT FEATURES CCOMING BY WHICH OTHERS WILL BE JUDGED! "MOLLY-0 with MA BEL NORMAND BIGGER AND BETTER. THAN "ICKEY" MAIN