SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE doubtless been given more space, for those ho run the Little Theaters, New York critics that Broadway twice he is an intensely interesting charac- such groups as the Washington Square intended to stage "The Hand of the ter. He appears in a subtly pathetic players, and the Provincetown Play- Potter" and then, with a wary eye to Wow to Freshen light, fighting for a recognition which ers, go to work with faithful rendi- box-office receipts, turned it down, not he never abhieves. Yet, up to the tions,' with all due tribute and cour- on the grounds of morality, but on the a last, he sings his warrior song as he tesy to the play creators, they are be- grounds that it wouldn't be profitable. a Wter Wardrobe dies of tuberculosis. set by the knaves who have forced I recall to these critics also that In the earlier part of the novel, one them into their revolt, by an inquiry I the play has been praised by Arthur A t Extremely slight suggestion is given that Glinden almost unparalleled. Hopkins-at least in days gone by- possibly attended the University of As for the venality of the press, it and to some extent, by such critics as Lov Prices Michigan. The author says something is too wide and too well known even Nathan and Mencken, far more by about the football bleachers "blossom- to discuss. An honest newspaper is Burton Rascoe and T. R. Smith, by ing with Maize and Blue." Regard- as rare as an honest political office Lewisohn, by Ralph Holmes, by Ed- less of what institution it was, Field- holder. There aren't ten of either in gar Lee Masters. Moreover, at the -ing Glinden didn't remain at college the country. time it was first published it was x long. The dean informed him that But back to ."The Hand of the Pot- lauded in "The Dial." And, tee hee! he had not worked in one of the ter" and the critics who accused it I find that the New York American courses which he, the dean, had con- of being immoral and debasing. I said at that time, that without "The ducted. have often heard it said of this play Hand of the Potter," American iitera-j "You didn't do any work," said the by Dreiser that it is pessimistic, ture would be "the poorer by what is dean. gloomy, even disagreeable. Well, so certainly one of the strongest plays "Is that so? Well, neither did you," is "Oedipus Rex," so is "Hamlet," so it has so far known." Praise (and was the answer And then Glinden is "Ghosts." I reply to the New York censure too, I freely admit) was belch- quitted the university. critics somewhat in kind, especially ed out by papers ffom coast to "Gold Shod" is, by the way, Fuessle's to Nellie Dawson of the Globe who coast. The Detroit News, in one re- second novel. In 71959 "The Flail" was on picket duty on MacDougall view, said, "It, has an artistic accomp- appeared but it enjoyed a small popu- street where the play was first given. lishment, in addition to its MORAL larity compared with "Gold Shod." Listen Nellie, what have you to say sincerity." The capitals are mine. The latter is not so well known as it of "Oedipus Rex," of "Hamlet," of Later, in the same paper, "a study of -- - deserves to be It may fall in the "Ghosts?" Weren't they, dear girl, one of the most revolting types of second rank, but it is far superior to terribly immoral? Why don't you read mental degeneracy." A medical mag- most of the "best sellers." them and tell your little playfellows azine of high repute praised the play COATS have been reduced so about them. Think what a deal of from ethical, pathological, and artistic low in price that one can buy "TIHE hAND OF THE POTTER" good you can do the world by having viewpoints. a complete outfit of coat, frock, AND CRITICIS9I all copies of them burned. If "The I think that I may safely say that and suit for the regular price Continued from Page 5) Hand of the Potter' is immoral, "Oedi- the extreme derogation was due to of the coat alone. $13.75 to tug the actors-though I think that pus Rex" is ten times worse. Puritanism. Indeed, I think that even $79,59, most of them are nothing but histri- I also call to the attention of theI (Continued on Page 8) onic polyps-but rather the execu j lives, the owners, and many of the playw rights. - They go further than this hog- wallowing carnality, however. They have destroyed art in whatever form they have found it. No masterpiece are celebrated for their bril- has been sacred to them; they have bent the finest things produced to lancy, perfect cutting, ex- their sordid money-making machine; they have enriched living artists and quisitely designed mount- then pave proceeded to break their heartby warping their works. 'In- ings, deed, it is the favorite peccability of the theatrical heads to buy a work ' IF YOU HAVE A SMALL DIAMOND WE renowned of title and author, and re- TAKE IT IN PART PAYMENT TOWARD write the work out of all recognition- A LARGER ONE. ASK .ABOUT OUR witness, for instance, "The Affairs of CLUB PLAN. Anatole," by Schnitzler, both on the Schlanderer & Seyfrped Jewelers legitimate stage and in the movies. It I FROCKS have undergone such is for this very reason that Bernard Famous for Diamonds m Shaw is so cantankerous about his Iarked reductions that once contracts with American producers. 113 E. Liberty St. U you see the extensive display And now, when such groups as ysou will welcome the oppor- tunity to buy two or three. ilillIIIIlltlll[1i1i1i11i;i1iunhilitl11 ull[IlWnIIn f[1iuiui11i1illi[inIttii[aniii1Illillillillilllvii[Iuli[ifii illilfilinin. $18.00 to $49.00. National Thrift Week-Jan. 17 to 23 Let's join forces with the thousands of r other cities throughout the nation and help make this week one of the real im- portance to all. Let's get in line. It will pay you--it will help the ton - SUITIS are priced at less than 1 Ip . a~..J-- half of their original markings. . With such variable weather a suit is a most convenient addi- One of the best evidence of thrift is a bank tion to any wardrobe. $14.75 account. We invite you to open one at *" The ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK RESOURCES - OVER $5,000,000.00 LIBERTY AT MAIN 51111111111[ lliflllllllllllilt Il1ii!ill{!1{IIIIIIIIIll if ll lIl1111111 ll ll Ill I llll ~ illlll i 11 Ill I IIIIIIlilt IlII Ill i lil if Ill llIll IlIlI I