Y22, 1922 THEMICHICA-M-DAVY - PAGE THE MICHICAN DAILY PAGI~ j.... ,._ . ._. , p , __ . Burton Writes Article lDicussing lien jal Traits Of JYen And Women SHOW PENCIL DRAWINGS BY, RAHN AND WENZELL HERE Pencil drawings by Albert Kahn and Herbert GI. Wenzell,' and photographs of somie of the more important parts of the Trocadero' collection; Paris, are on exhibit in the architectural corri- dor of the Engineering building. Mr. Kahn_'s sketches show Interest- ing g ood and iron work from the South Kensington museum, London, a dout may get the spirit of such ma- drawing of Charles cathedral, and one teiail byt a careful drawing to scale of the portal of Saint Gilles. The mu- o~ the framework and ornament. seurn sketches are particularly sugges- f Mr. Wenzell's drawings are travel tive as to how the architect and stu- 1 note; from France and Italy. In an artlc'.e entitled "Are Men Su- f perior to Women," in the February number of the American magazine, President Marion L. Burton sets forth his observations on the much-discussed question of the so-called mental dif-l ferences between men and women. At the very first the reader is- as-t sured that the degree of intelligence varies according to individuals, not sex. President Burton further states that he believes that what is called a difference in intelligence or mental power is re~lly only a difference in interest or motive power. For in-1 stance women are known to excel in h the study of languages, whie men are generally supposed to have keener minds in the study of mathematics. This does. not mean that women are incapable of becom ng mathemattici~~ns 1 or that men are subnormal in the mat-, ter of acquiring proficiency in the study of languages-it is merely that each sex pursues closely only the1 studies in which it is most deeply and ; sincerely interested. Difference Ts In Training President Burton also goes on tot say that many anparent differ'ences in spo'rtsmansbin, idea's of conduct. sen- timent, and humor are due more to differences of trninine than to fl°+fer- enees in inherent mental capacity. 1 Part of the discussion is based Canon the recent ehart of thP comnarnt1ve stapwiin~vs of fratcrritie-,. sororities, and house clulbs. whi+h exli-t i na l ed sunorinritv of wrnmpn in the eon- parative t'rades. the Ino','st gnrsafn~rl the N-nvn'Ct erounns being bisher than the 44ghe-'t avpre p or the r---'q grolm-,. This h'ow~ver. is explained by Presdent Piirton in the i: '+ +t at iTh i--e"' itfvwnm en Pro mnre of a "pick- I ed class" than are Uitrergfv n'r ; tlhet is, the alrer-p Hrluwho comes here is more eonseihn+Aoullin jr+_ ed in -twiv than, is the nvorq~e man. sin-'e the 8irl wl n n%-urIv "-weants to go ew-v to s~hool" for a year or so is not likely to s~'elft ai'~ Women are. mrneover.,7Yrrpnrniid. and more sensilfize to critscisni than are metf. sA 1t-v,.efore seek more carefully to avoid it. R~l'tions Clwrnge An interesting fact was brol'wht ont in .a sta~eme'nt that. wbilb eirls are adnitte'ily more clever than boys in; hie~h school, the, disparity "grows le-s with each suceed~ne Year. ('rpdnate school men students t-lke th'e l'cd oe the women in most cases. This is ex- plained by the fact that very few womnen plirsuie education spr-*ously be- yond gradu~tion fromn coP oe'e. In conclusion. P-c~ie-t Drmon soys, "The Pible says, 'Male and female cre- ated He thorn' IR se~ms to mal that. many of the thngs which people have a habit of ss-'rne ahorit men and wo- men. the arbitrary distinction-, drawn between them, are apocryphal addrn- da, written into the original text. But Just because a lot of John Smiths and Bill Browns say,. 'Male and female, mentally :superior and mentally in- ferior, created He them,' that. doesn't make it so--not the interpolated part. In the opinion of the° people who have the widest experience, it isn't so." SCHOOLS 'TEACH STREE~T SAFETY A safety education department has been: formed in Detroit schools.' The purpose of this new department is; to study and ana yze the. causes of. street acc'idents -and to prepare methods for irovei~ting- such accidents. In the lower grades -games are used t ) teaczh the pupils the right way to cross the street: and to give thema working knowledge of the rules'of the road. The pupils take thoepart .of traffic policemen and pedestrians and. street markings -are,. chalked on" the- floor to enable the pupils -to-,correctly follow traffic rules as used by the city.. rTuring the first twelve months-after the introduction of safety education in the Detroit public schools, there w2 s a reduction of 50 per. cent inv the" number of traffic accidents occurring ..mong school children. Prof.- Scott Giues Lecture Prof. Fred N. Scott, of the rhetoric .epartment, delivered the seconld of his series of lectures° on -the genesis of speech, the past week in Natural Science auditorium. I FRESHMAN NOTICE All freshmen who have not Ipaid their dues are asked to Imail them to the. class treasurer, 1Don Johnson, 431 East Univer- sity._________ ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUB ItF IUSlA VES (CORNER OFMUAIN & llt'IION STREETS [INSTEAD OF ALL[ENEL HOTEL Read Down Central Standlard 1'tne 't. P.M P.M. A&PI' -hy DalyDaily Dai'= ,1 z -4 s I, Adrian AzI w7:00 ta.4 54 !0 rr'cuwsgei; 6:25 h* 1S 110n .1 t ,04 4 r ki t ii 4*.be, ?,,s V0 (0-1 K~ . P.M P.M. A&P)' Read Ur SUTNDAYS AND ROLIDAYS - -- Oh, the bonnie, bonnie lassies like the Original M- Chocolates Made *40 O0lffiWC I^ SJ S~ Use them at the f-Hop and house parties. They demote the best t~s 4:25 < :4 Lv Adrian .,At Tecumsebh,. . . Clinton... Saline ... Ax Ann Arbor Tv. P.W " :ag 6:41 Fi.. Price Reduction on VIl RE CT 0 R 4-6r US tell YOU Abow A 'Building. and Loan Assn. gives you a safe plan for investment of your surplus funds, and helps your city by helping to finance a home for your neighbor. Remember the joy of your own home. Join a Building' and Loan today ! The Aga Arbor Building & Loan' The Huron Valley Building & Loan What Your Own Home Will1 Mean _to0-You When, in time, you open the door of the Home of your own, you enter on a new existenc. Then, as never before, you will learn th-e full !off of lving ~Each day will bring new pleasures tip;". plant. 'The p ride and pleasure of possession will a-4ca o'e:a fw c..crgr, will arouse new efforts. To the wife or sweetheart, the Horn e Dream is Inherent - for she is the Home Makcr. 3. erc she is co rcign -- there shie is to exercise the feminine nirts tba tMans ormi a house into _a Home-there she is to rear her c~idwren and mould their character. But to man Homne ownership is mo e imaterial --independ' ence--a badge of citizenship-a sound in-Nt~rxmcnt-a safe, guard against old age ort disastr-a protcu.ioa for loved ones left alone. A garden, a lawn of your own, trees; flowers, shrubs-for Home is a place you love to make beautliful t euuse it is yours.' The happy voices of- children at play --t}he real t, spitality of Home for your friends and theirs--a pla~ce of resr-- a haven from strife and worry-Your Home wvill iilca a a thi's and amore--but never less. C 0 RIDS taking effect immediately Victor 10-inch double records 85c, now 75c. Victor 12-inch double records $1.35, now $1.25. These new prices, together with the lower prices on Victor Red Seal records (made some time ago) and the improved methods of recording make Vic- tor Records the most economical to buy, as well as the most accurate recordings of the world's greatest artists BUY VICTOR RECORDS FOR THE SAKE OF IQUALITY, DURABILITY AND ECONOMY. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF VICTOR RECORDS AND VICTROLAS. TRY US FOR QUICK AND E EFFICIENT SERVICE SCIIAEBERLE & SON MUSN IC HOd"USE 110 South Main Street TALK WITH ANY OF THESE BUSINESS MEN ABOUT A BUILDING AND LOAN TODAY ANN ARBOR HOME BUILDERS ASSN. ANN ARBOR REALTY CO. LOUIS C. ANDREWS CHARLES L. BROOKS ELMER P. BROOKS W. H. BUTLER L D. CARR GEO. H. FISCHER GORTON REALTY AGENCY JAMES E. HARKINS & SON F. ROY HOLMES HURON FARMS CO. POTTER & ALLSHOUSE WHALEY REAL ESTATE AGENCY THE ANN ARBOR BLDG. & LOAN ASSN. THE HURON VALLEY BLDG. & LOAN ASSN. OR-- THE HOME SAVINGS CLUB AT fTHE- ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE SAVINGS BANK LUICK BROS. & CO.--Lumber. C. A. SAUER CO.--Lumiber WASHTENAW LUMBER CO.-Lumber W. H. L. ROHDE--Building Supplies LOUIS L. WENZEL-Paints & Decorating OSWALD HERZ-Paints and Decorating C. H. MAJOR & CO.-Paints and Decorating WASHTENAW GAS CO. DETROIT EDISON ANN ARBOR TIMES NEWS A. R. COLE-=Builder and Contractor SEITZ BROS.-Home Builders DR. W. S. MILLS-Pres. Ann Arbor Bldg. & Loan JOHN C. KOCH & 00.-Builder ANN ARBOR TILE & FIREPLACE CO. SCHLENKER'S HARDWARE-Hardware HOLLAND FURNACE C0.-Warm Friends BLUE LIGHT ELECTRIC-Electric Supplies WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP -- Electric Supplies- CANNON ELECTRIC SERVICE CORP.-Elec- tric Supplies C. W. GILL LUMBuER 00.-Lumber WM. HOCHREIN-P~lumibing HUTZEL & CO.--Plumbing SCH UMACHER & BACK US-Plumbing JOHN C. FISCHER-Hardware MUEHLIG & SCHMD-Hardware SCHUMACHER HARDWARE-Hardware For Electrical Jah n w Repair Call the Electric Shop Telephone 273 AIN & 200 E. Washington