., . ...
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s , ,. ' :rt: ,',
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'q ,1 7'oweR
Glenn Warner, Pitt sburg's pride, Is l
being earnestly sought by Leland
Stanford. If these changes .take place
football prospects at Penal State.
Pittsburg and Notre Dame will re-
ceive a severe jolt.
Court Race Tie Tlfh
Six i; Ten gamnes are on the card MINIATURE RELAY CARNIVAL TODAY'
for ti w~eel end but of these ther e isjMxr
i rite universiLt f vJ
its team wi'l have as t1
season William T. Ti.
world's champion tennis
cording to a statemeait
of P. athletic anthorti
a graduate of the unive:
former intercollegiatec
supervision should bec
aid to the Penn racket
he is a master of every
The Kamper-McCleod
T)oration of Detroit anni
s prepared to plan. bui
homes and fraternity hoi
plans. Lowest net cost
t; On. Moderate interesi
.crms. For particulars
fer with WMarren W. Floc
Ave. Phone 377-M.--AdN
NilI1111111111li 11111111111111111111111111111111t#ttllttil# 1111 1111111111I 1111111t1#I11111111
SWhite and Tan, Poplin and Oxford O
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Usual Price $3.50-
$1.50 and $2.00o TILS 95C each
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Mi d-Wi
... :w...T w A fI 11
iir coach this only one of importance. This is the Farrell Plans Four Runs While Hahn Coaches Farrell and Hahn would
ilden, second Mnnesota -Wisconsin clash -it Madisonj Will Put Freslimtei Through like to have a large crowd on hand to
s lae, c-Cton- ht, and wl result in the breaking I faces witness the program this afternoon.'
Lmade by U. of tie tie for first place which is held___ As a matter of fact they urge all stu-
es. Tilden is jointly by these two teams. EVENTS SCHEDULED TO START dents who can possibly look In at
rslty and was! Two games were played last night PROMPTLY AT TWO O'CLOCK Waterman gymnasium for the events
hampion. is; Indiana paying 0. S. U. at Colum- to do so. If some cannot get there in
of ivalublebus nd orthestrn tkin an hi- Everything is in readiness for the time for the freshman tryouts, It it
t ile s ago.scn Vasttrc crivloth hoped that they will find a means of
+twedr s Two further games are to be played scn ast rc anvlo h attending the Varsity relay carnival
srkintotonight. Purdue will play her secondseonPofptya3ocokthsf- at 3 o'clock. The coaches individually
Conference game of the season against ernoon the starter's gun will be fired vouch to make things interesting to
the strong Hawkeyes at Iowa City. adtefrto h eas h i a the gallery.
Building Cor- ircwl aobgn h e r
)ucsta tIThe other game is the important con- rae=ilhv-egn h e r __________
d and finance rest for top honors between the Badg-kedupfrtem tanaeray
to be in the midst of things. I ta u a tm
usnes. Modern ern and Gophers. SIntramuelay Itemst
t of constru,"'- The final two gamnes of the week A snionedp reily,,tF ixla
1 rage. Easy end ,are on Monday night when Indiana reas mllent ertevslte sixhebakebllslaplefo Mn
splease con- will take on the fast going Minnesotarea wilbth fisevnofhe Te aktalscdueorM -
rer, 910 Oliviaf five. Indiana has not been going very afternoon. The two. best dash men day is as follows: 9:30 o'cock-Meth-
sofrad h otetsol on the squad, Captain Simmons and Eicplo or ;Mc-
-_____ s trong s a n.tecnetsol odist vs Eicplo or ;Mc-
result in an easy victory for the Goph- Sargent, will each lead a team chosen
crs.Theothe gae i at vantonfrom the pick of the "speed merchants" igan Union vs. Interstate club on court
whereTote Northwesterni meets the Boiler-n and according to the old proverbial 2; Skull and Bones vs. D. J. C. on court
where otr track saying, "They're going to ann- 3. The officials are Kerley, Brun-
[ley ~makers. As Northwestern hasnoconagminteBgTnhssa- hilate time and cancel space." sting, and Shatter.
vona ameinth Bi Tn hisses- The next event, the twelve lap re- For Tuesday the following games,
P, brd ontst t nt loke fo bylay, should be a battle from start to are scheduled: 6:15 o'clock-Kappa'
IDI Purdue. finish. Lewis, the crack quarter miler Beta Psi vs. Phi Sigma Delta on court
WRANTof last season, will captain a team 2; Sigma Nu vs. Phi Gamma Delta on
LRATYost on Eastern frip against the men chosen to run under court 3. At 7 o'clock-Kappa Sigma
gL®. Coach Yost is in the East, where he the leadership of Joyner aso a veter- %s. Phi Delta Theta on court 1; Phi
wi'l attend a banquet given by the an of last season. Quite a few pro- Kappa Psi vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon
,flyNew York alumni. While there he mising looking quarter milers have on court 2; Theta Chi vs. Phi Kappa
will also look into the possibility of appeared to fill the agap left by the Sigma on ,court 3; Xi Psi Phi vs. Pi
getting the I. C. A. A. A. A. meet here graduation of ex-Captain Butler and Omega on court 4 At 9:30 o'cok-
this year. Wheeler, and the loss of Wetzel, and Acacia vs. Chi Psi on court 1; Alpha
have turned in some pleasing races Delta Phi vs. Beta Theta P on court
~ in practice. From all looks of things 20 Delta Chi vs. Zeta Beta Ta on court
this race will be worth while seeing. 3 Delta Kappa Epsilon vs.Theta Del-
W A . H R 'SLong Relay Feature , ta Chi on court 4.
W AR SNext in the order of events is the The difflcials will be: At 6:15 o'clock
two mile relay. The half milers who -R. W. Smith. At 7 o'clock-R. W.
t have been trying out for this event Smith, Cooper. Shater, and Brunsting. -
lat 1 SH O E ,hitherto have not made the time that At 9:30 oclock-Cooper, Shafter,
[n ejH I SA L E would warant Coach Farrell's eneer- Brunsting, andLade
ing tem inthe Illinois carnvial. and
their showing this afternoon will large- Results of the Church and Society
ly determine whatever definite action league games of Thursday night are
ir Complete Stock is taken in this regard. With so much as flos
to work for the half milers entered Metodst 2 rawa ehds
- OF _ n this event can be depended upon 2.
to run a race. which, if nothing e se. Episcopal 14, Presbyterian 9.
'should be a pucky exhibition of real Interstate 19, Craftsmen 10.
"vas one of the redeeming features of Architectural Society 11, Upstaters $.
the two mile relay last week, will Skull and Bones 16, Bayonne club 11.
lead a tcam against the half milers fo- D. J. C. club 25, Good Eats club 7.
FRENCH[ lowing Pohamus as their captain.
JUNIOR & The. four mile relay, probably the Michigan School of Mines deeated-
m B IiY banner race of the afternoon, will thenMihgnsocesxtteTuda
-LOU ,Irs b stunderway. Coach Farepan night by a 2-1 score at Houghton,
h LSto try his best miers in this run and,HEL ltohheadntrinlyfgud Michigan.
ipon L E ' I T Ri hsetering a four mile relay team
Ll E ' X TN E in the Illinis carnival, such an entry Hearing Again Postponed
T jn will bhe made if this race pans out ac- Preliminary hearing before Judge
25 per cent off OXFORDS cording to advance done. Some fast John D. Thomas' city court of George
timeformilers is expected In this re- Gerghos, now held In jail here on the
lay and competition will be at its keen- charge of manslaughter in connection
9 S to reest. Bowen and VandeVisse will each with the death of Raymond Fletcher,
s S hr o e ~e captain a. team. GtPse was postponed until this afternoon.
Winners e ss This is the third time that the first,
SOUTH MAIN STREET This for the different events. Mem- hearing has been postponed, the first
bers of the winning teams will be two being made In request of Gorghos'
awarded psses to the Majestic the- attorney, the third as a result of the
' mter through the kindness of its man- lack of a court stenographer.
),ger, a man who has taken no little____-
intrest in Michigan athetics. I
The Varsity relay carnival wil be I 'EWSiTAW PHOTOSI
PREJAPIR-FDhas Grouip phonoraphs of campus
he Hahn. coach of the yearlings, has rrAniizatiann and classes for the
decided upon this means of determi- 1422 Mlhirannsiao must be
ing just which men are worthy of the taken dirin¢ the month of Jan-
z +~1e am and incidentally figure out pre- i uarv Sgttins should be 11r-
cisely what can be expected of his ragdtoce
' sonad. There will be tryouts in all the
various track events and a large num-
ber of freshmen will compete for hon-
.i Pors. The freshman tryouts will start DANCE- Packard Academy tonight.
at 2 o'clock. Kennedy FIVE Orchestra. $1.00 -Adv.
CALL 2650J- United c igar Store.-
ITS AND PARTY GOWNS = They are a Mild and Smooth Smoke, packed
TO_ in Boxes of 10, 25 and 50. Prices: 25c, $1.00,
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